Giveaway Extravaganza: Tacx Vortex Smart Trainer + Satori Smart for a friend


There are few training tasks worse than riding alone on a trainer in a dark basement or within sketchy closet.  It’s just you, your bike, and the wall ahead of you with 4 paint marks that you still haven’t fixed two seasons later.  So I thought – what if I fix that?

What if I give you an excuse to ride with a friend (either in or outside of your closet), and even the opportunity to ride remotely with said friend by giving them a new trainer too!  Just in case you’ve got no real-life friends nearby.  That’s because both of these trainers support transmitting via ANT+ your power data to apps like Zwift, so you can trash talk your friend from anywhere in the world.  Of course, given you’re still riding in a basement closet – you probably ought to keep that in mind when trash talking.

Giveaway Opens: 12:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 2:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: First look at Tacx Vortex Smart & Satori Smart Trainers

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (virtually everything I review is available there), plus for orders over $75 shipping is free within the US. Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item.

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Ian


  2. Kjetil Raknerud

    Great stuff – looking for a new trainee before winter!

  3. Jon Hancock

    Would love one of these!

  4. Chris Cooper

    Winning these trainers would be great! I’m still stuck in the dark ages. Thanks, Ray and Clever Training for giving us this opportunity!

  5. Working like mad but getting nowhere…

  6. Tim Sargent

    That would be nice.

  7. Adam C

    WOW! Generous!

  8. BC

    I like closets

  9. seboricor

    Why not !

  10. Olivier Caza-Lapointe

    What about orange birds? Wildlife eh!?

  11. Andy

    I’d like to win but I may buy one. Didn’t even know such a thing exists.

  12. Justin

    I want!

  13. Lil Liza

    want this for my husband… will save me monies!

  14. nayli

    come on

  15. Stephaine C

    I would love to have that

  16. Josh S

    Nothing’s better than a trainer ride!

  17. Rusty G

    What an awesome training tool this would be!

  18. qanic

    The winter is coming! by Stark

  19. Tony

    Yes please!

  20. mwighton

    This would go great with a bicycle

  21. jennie

    would love it!

  22. Peter North

    Count me in, cheers!

  23. Marije

    Not just ideal for a friend, also very handy for couples with a baby. Ideal for a training during napping time!

  24. Jack Barile

    I need one :)

  25. Brian Guidroz

    Looks good

  26. Sebs


  27. Nick

    Yes pleassssse!

  28. Bob

    yes please

  29. Dan Lipsher

    I may not have any friends now, but I’m pretty sure I’d make new pals if I’m selected.

  30. Steve G

    Okay, this is gettin’ good.

  31. Matt


  32. Alec

    Great for the winter.

  33. Osman

    Try try again

  34. Hugues Tremblay


  35. Pascal

    Cold winters, welcome

  36. Pedro

    You know you want me to have it

  37. Debbie Sapper

    A Tacx for the taxman via fax! Next a bike Racks?

  38. Angeliki

    pic me!!!

  39. Rachel G


  40. jens

    you da man!

  41. Jason

    Pick me please

  42. Øystein


  43. Tjerk

    Another fantastic price. Perfect for controlled training in bad weather and during the winter.

  44. Lucia


  45. Erik V

    Yeah, I want that

  46. Javier Blanco


  47. Asaf

    Too good to be true…

  48. Isaac

    This is Awesome!! I was talking with a few buddies of mine recently and I’m training to qualify for Kona. This piece of kit would help.

  49. jason

    So cool!

  50. Daniël van Vliet

    It rains so much in the Netherlands… I need that Tacx.

  51. Benjamin

    Would go well with the pedals!

  52. oriane17

    For my winter training

  53. Adam Richter

    a new trainer!

  54. Peter

    Very cool

  55. Patrick

    Pretty pretty please.

  56. Nicole

    I want

  57. Joe


  58. Tony Marcus

    Riding on the road during winter sucks

  59. Stephen McCartney

    Hit me!

  60. David H.

    Long winter coming up…

  61. Jon D


  62. Michael


  63. Sheri E

    Thank you.

  64. Alicia

    Winter is coming, John Snow.

  65. J stephens


  66. Russ

    Would love to upgrade my trainer!

  67. Ken Pakula


  68. Jason Whelan

    Another awesome prize!

  69. Jason Davidson

    Anything in the quest to make riding on a trainer suck less!

  70. Richard

    Spin, spin….

  71. Joel Kolling


  72. Kaspars

    Let’s tray, i’m in

  73. Mark Donnelly

    Crossing my fingers as I type (a difficult task I might add!)

  74. James Gill

    The extravaganza just doesn’t stop!

  75. Xavier


  76. sak

    good one

  77. cuki

    thumbs up

  78. Jonathan Burchmore


  79. EB

    Strawberry jam

  80. Omar A

    This would totally improve my winters.

  81. Arnold Johansson

    Great! Then me and jr can ride together!

  82. Tom

    Keep upping the ante, you’re doing great!

  83. Eddie

    Trainer I need for winter :)

  84. TuomasO

    It’s a good thing I still have extra room in our spare bedroom :D

  85. Melvin Keppel

    Sweeeet this one i coups really use.

  86. Erika

    Count me in

  87. Pablo Ortega

    just wanna have fun

  88. JuhaN

    I’m ready for training!

  89. Ying Sun

    Hoping to win!

  90. Andy

    A huge upgrade from the boring rides on the trainer alone.

  91. Mihai

    Very cool !

  92. Panos

    thanks for the giveaway!

  93. RQE


  94. Rob Beuthling

    Yes, please.

  95. Tania L.

    This looks great. Would love to try this! Crossing my fingers. :)

  96. Michael Love

    Would love one of these. My wife gave birth to our first son yesterday, so I need a way to train at home.

  97. Brian

    Would be perfect for Colorado winters.

  98. Lasse Helstrup

    What i great gift!!!

  99. jerome

    maybe this time it will be me !

  100. Dave B

    I’m in – thanks!