Giveaway Extravaganza: GoPro Hero4 Silver & GoPro 3-Way Pole


So…are you ready to rumble?  Or perhaps at least fake it for the camera? Well then – I’ve got the giveaway for you: The GoPro Hero4 Silver.  It’s now my go-to action cam that I grab anytime I’m looking to capture action-packed moments like walking down the street in the rain, or painting a room a slightly newer shade of beige.  This unit can not only capture it all, but let you watch it all go down on the back of the display.  It’s like watching TV, except you’re in it.

But just because I’m cool I’m going to add my favorite mount – the three-way.  As one might expect in any three-way situation, it calls for versatility, and this little guy delivers.  He can bend over twist and bend over backwards to meet any need, while also being able to plant his tripod straight into the ground for extra stability.  Wait – I’m talking about the GoPro mount, where’s your mind?  Geez!

Giveaway Opens: 12:00AM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 2:00AM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: GoPro Hero4 Silver In-Depth Review Here

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (virtually everything I review is available there), plus for orders over $75 shipping is free within the US. Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item.

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Gopro foshow dohhh!!!

  2. Michael


  3. Johan

    DC Rainmaker is sooooo kind!

  4. James VanHuis

    Woohoo! Hope I win!

  5. Wayne Schaap

    Made the first draw – How is my luck?

  6. Keiths

    Pick me, pick me. :)
    Feel that will become a bit of a mantra for the next 24 hours

  7. Jac

    Deal me in! Thanks for doing this, to both you and Clever Training!!

  8. Gary R

    Let the Giveaway Games begin! Thanks for doing this, Ray! It’s my favorite time of year! Who needs sleep?

  9. Markus

    Yeah, let the games begin.

  10. Zuzana

    I’m in!

  11. Samuel Khoo

    Wow it’s so crowded here, love it!

  12. Jason Malvuccio

    This is going to be a long night :)

  13. JF

    With such a prize, I’d have to go back on a long bike trip to make a good use of it!

  14. Nadine

    Please come home, little GoPro

  15. Mixuli

    gopro please

  16. Niki

    What a way to kick off the fun!

  17. Cody

    Extremely slim chance of winning this amazing camera, but here goes nothing! *crosses fingers*

  18. Broward

    Giveaway! The only way I get a GoPro for my boys and I to play with without getting killed by my wife!

  19. John

    Thanks Ray!

  20. Jonathan

    My first extravaganza. Sweet. 1 please.

  21. RV

    winner winner chicken dinner

  22. Barry Cartwright

    Would love a GoPro.

  23. Mike

    Comment. Time for a few hours of sleep.

  24. David Colahan

    Winner winner chicken dinner

  25. Seah Eu Hen

    I wanna win!!!

  26. Harish Moorthy

    Randomness in the universe, pick me!!

  27. Tim

    Live view gopro. About time :)

  28. Paul

    Yes please!

  29. Dwayne

    I love the 3 way

  30. Tom

    Lucky that the last thing I do before bed is reading this website, now I can wake up to a GoPro tomorrow :-)

  31. Randall

    Just leave a comment? Will this do?

    But really, GoPro Hero ftw!

  32. Liz S.

    Huzzah! It’s Christmas in July August!

  33. morey000

    I’ve always wanted a 3 way

  34. Mike Richie

    I wanna be a movie star!

  35. Wahoo what a kickr…yay

  36. Adam C

    GoPro or GoHome!

  37. Pat Smith


  38. Martin M Syvertsen

    Sweet :)

  39. Ben

    The extravaganza begins :)

  40. Andre

    Looking forward to replacing my old GoPro Hero.

  41. William

    Yes please, it’s mine I can feel it!

  42. Ashley

    Would be awesome – would love a new gadget

  43. Chris

    I’ll take it ;O)

  44. Taylor Haack


  45. Sak

    Go pro rule

  46. Moobert J. Cowerton


  47. Marcel

    I never fake it when the camera is on – and I don’t have to, here, as I really love this GoPro. Could it be MY Hero?

  48. Hammer

    Glad I woke up early GMT!

  49. Mike

    Fingers crossed

  50. Tanis

    GoPro Me (please)!

  51. NaoDesiste

    let’s do it!

  52. Randy

    And here we go

  53. Mike


  54. Have never tried a GoPro, before.

    I bet it would be very useful.

  55. Boa

    Wow…. I definitely need it!!!!!!

  56. Talia

    Always wanted one of those.

  57. Maksim

    Ray, you are really cool!

  58. Joe

    Thumbs up

  59. Matt

    Throwing my name in the pile

  60. Will S

    I’ll take it!

  61. Brendan Pierce

    Can’t decide on this vs the sessions or the cheap hero.

  62. Rachel G


  63. Aaron Gray

    Almost forgot

  64. Michael Elstrøm

    It is amazing! How many people alreday have been here ?

  65. laura


  66. Darren

    I have been looking at either the silver of gopro session. you could make my decision easier by gifting me one :D

  67. Nathan

    Not much sleep tonight

  68. Zoé

    I’m in!

  69. Terry Steer

    Always wanted a gopro but am too cheap to buy one!

  70. Michael W

    This would be quite nice to look back on crazy mountain bike trails!

  71. Adrian Andrews

    Always wanted to try one of these!

  72. Dinesh

    Thanks Ray!!

  73. Luke P

    Yay!!! thanks for doing this Ray and Clever Training!!

  74. Law H

    Fun fun!

  75. AndreJo

    Nice, need to replace my old one!

  76. Steve

    It’s early…

  77. Jon Hilliger

    awesome little camera …. i want one! :)

  78. AmyZ

    My husband told me to enter.

  79. Mike Thayer


  80. Hannah Frith

    Yes please!

  81. Will Campbell

    Rad, fingers crossed!

  82. Matthew

    1 down, 11 to go

  83. Glenn Gervais

    Go Pro!

  84. jamie


  85. Letty

    We’ve been looking at these…it’s on my list of need to get! :)

  86. Teemu N


  87. Kevin Christenson


  88. Paul D


  89. SS Commuter

    I’m in.

  90. Lori R.

    Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

  91. Pierre-Luc

    I am in for this one!

  92. AntonioSc

    DC thanks for all!

  93. James

    I want one :)

  94. Danelia


  95. Dennis Uy

    i’m in! :)

  96. Don Kiely

    Thanks for doing this again, Ray! And what a prize to start with!!!

  97. Brent R

    Free stuff!!!