Giveaway Extravaganza: PowerTap P1 Power Meter Pedals


Well then, that escalated quickly. From $250 GPS watch to $1,200 power meter…all in the span of one minute. Boom!

You saw my review on these puppies yesterday, and it’s definitely all good.  Now you can not only ride around with legit pedals on your bike – but you’ll have ‘the powers’ too!  It’s like electricity in a bottle, only, you have to do work for it.  Namely, pedaling.  But don’t let that deter you, as long as it shows you’ve got triple-digit wattage numbers that’s all that matters, right?

Giveaway Opens: 10:00AM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 12:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: PowerTap P1 Power Meter Pedals In-Depth Review

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (virtually everything I review is available there), plus for orders over $75 shipping is free within the US. Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item.

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Zac

    Make it rain :)

  2. Stefan

    This. Would. Be. Awesome!

  3. Ryan Menze

    I recommend your site to anything sports technology related! Keep up the EXCELLENT work!

  4. Mark

    Excellent stuff for a bike

  5. David

    Je pourrais vous utilizer certains outils electriques.

  6. Jeffrey


  7. peter p

    like those

  8. Jaime

    This one is good

  9. Marcelo

    lets see that power!

  10. Magnus Rölin

    Wow, those would really be nice to win.

  11. Iya want this please

  12. Stephan Postmus

    could always use a power meter

  13. Sakis K

    thanx on advance

  14. Alex

    This would be amazing.

  15. Roelof

    Worth waiting for!

  16. Glen

    Cheers Ray.

  17. Pete

    Yes Please.

  18. Christopher Smith

    Whoa! Heck yes!

  19. Pierre-Luc

    I want it BAD!

  20. Reinhard


  21. Matthew Clemente

    Time to start biking! I’m in.

  22. Karl Marsh

    I would love to win these!

  23. Rachell Sinex

    Would love these!

  24. OK – these would be perfect for my ongoing #projectfemur rehab!

  25. Chris

    Yes please this would be amazing

  26. James Gould

    I would like

  27. Iker

    I really want these puppies!

  28. Chan

    Oh man, I’d switch from wheel based to pedal based with these.

  29. Nikola Lazarevic

    Pick me!!!

  30. Niklas

    Yes please!

  31. Eric Ericson

    Woohoo! Free stuff!

  32. Eric

    Yes please.

  33. Mark

    Yes please

  34. Jeremy Trentham

    Watch out! Comment tidal wave coming! Great giveaway…

  35. John S.

    Now this is something I really want!

  36. Grzesiek

    Need those badly!

  37. Jingzi

    Need more power!

  38. joe p.

    Wouldn’t it be nice..

  39. Sergey

    Here we go!

  40. Matt Mills

    Training would be a dream using these bad boys, data data data!!

  41. Justin


  42. Jeroen Peters

    Cool, can I have it?

  43. Vincent Kendziora

    The name of the game is POWER.

  44. Monica Lopez


  45. Dave V

    I was hoping this would be in the contest.

  46. Andreas


  47. Sarah R.

    I understand math so I realize statistically I won’t win these – but I sure can hope! :)

  48. Daryl

    Well, after reading the review, I’m thinking I’d enjoy a pair!

  49. Sebastian S.

    Definitely my favourite, cheers Ray

  50. James

    Yikes. Upping the stakes with this one!

  51. Michal

    Go Huskies!

  52. Flo Loferer


  53. Lorcan

    This would be amazing for my training!

  54. Matej

    Thanks for giveaways Ray and thanks to Clever Training too.

  55. Ari G

    With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

  56. Adam Shaw

    Yes please!

  57. Jim C

    Thanks once again.

  58. Blandford

    Thanks Ray. I’m in. I’d love a power meter for my tri bike.

  59. Christopher H

    Oh yes please :)

  60. Zach

    This is awesome! I would love one of these!!!

  61. Peter R


  62. MarcoL

    Nice ?

  63. Jeffrey Welch

    Power Meter??? :-)

  64. Yes!! Power meter!

  65. Bill N

    Thanks Ray for all the great info.

  66. Wim Schelfaut

    Thank you

  67. Ron Green

    I would love a power meter

  68. Eli Selzer

    Back from my run, getting ready to bike to work. I ride Speedplays, but I’d switch to Look for a set of these bad boys!

  69. Valerio Dutto

    Here again :)

  70. Jason D


  71. Michiel

    not sure if they can handle my insane power output, but I would be happy to test that out!!!

  72. Eric

    Great product!

  73. Stephanie

    I’d love these!

  74. Maddy

    Want these beauties, please!

  75. Neil

    I’m in!

  76. Anatoly

    I would like to cycle with them!

  77. Doug

    Give me the power please!

    Thanks Ray

  78. Trenchdog

    Power to the plebs!

  79. Rico

    I’m in!!

  80. Fernando Pitarello

    Great, thanks a lot!

  81. Ruben

    Would make nice comparison to Vector 1!

  82. Jan

    Let my power be shown to the world! :)

  83. Neil Brodsky

    This is a very cool giveaway!

  84. alan

    train with power yeah

  85. Gabe

    I’ll take em!

  86. Mark

    I would love these!

  87. Kyle Newton

    Come on Ray, Pick me!!

  88. Avishai Moscovich

    I can totally used this one!
    Thank you Ray!

  89. Sanjay Jhawar

    Great review, great website, greatly needed for my training….

  90. Joe Horn

    Let’s do this!

  91. Lucia

    I need it

  92. Gerhard

    my bike is eagerly awaiting those!

  93. Eduardo Fiallos

    yes, please.

  94. Jorja

    This is the best i have seen so far, to expensive to buy but a more than perfect gift.

  95. Josh


  96. EricM

    These look so nice!

  97. Kathleen Jung


  98. Geoffrey Tan Wern-Jyan


  99. Stuart

    will these make me faster for free?