Giveaway Extravaganza: PowerTap P1 Power Meter Pedals


Well then, that escalated quickly. From $250 GPS watch to $1,200 power meter…all in the span of one minute. Boom!

You saw my review on these puppies yesterday, and it’s definitely all good.  Now you can not only ride around with legit pedals on your bike – but you’ll have ‘the powers’ too!  It’s like electricity in a bottle, only, you have to do work for it.  Namely, pedaling.  But don’t let that deter you, as long as it shows you’ve got triple-digit wattage numbers that’s all that matters, right?

Giveaway Opens: 10:00AM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 12:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: PowerTap P1 Power Meter Pedals In-Depth Review

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (virtually everything I review is available there), plus for orders over $75 shipping is free within the US. Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item.

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Bertrand

    Woooh I’d love these… Please please pleeeeeaaaaase

  2. AntonioSc

    Need it !

  3. Adam

    just finished reading the reivew… they look pretty awesome!

    (well now as America woke up, chances are getting even smaller :-/, I guess we will soon hit 5k+ comments)

  4. Ken

    Yumm, these look very nice (to have) ;)

  5. Stephan

    power tap pedals

  6. Eyal

    Amazing extravaganza, thank you so much

  7. Switchy

    Yes, please!

  8. Thanasis Kats


  9. Jesus Gonzalez

    Feel the power! Are you feeling it? I’m feeling it!

  10. Jordy Vercauteren

    count me in ;-)

  11. Steve Wootton

    Love the website and podcast.

  12. vince

    Danoontje powerrr!

  13. Stephen gibson

    Please be me

  14. Mike N

    Those would look soooo good on my brand new bike.

  15. Lexa


  16. Cate Welch

    I would love this!!!

  17. Jipe

    Always dreamed of having a pedals with power measurement.

  18. Andrew

    Ray, you ‘da best!

  19. Nat

    I would like to win this prize.

  20. Chris

    Here’s a deal Ray- you just let me win these, and I’ll recuse myself from all of the other giveaways!

  21. Fredrik


  22. James Spooner

    Yes please!

  23. Jacob

    I soooooooo want this one!

  24. NoShow

    Oh yes please!

  25. Ian Darling


  26. Néstor

    Hi, hello, hola and thanks.

  27. James


  28. Dejun

    And when you see this. You know… That deep inside. Inside me. Far away. In a small island. Me. Pick me. Haha!

  29. Rioghna


  30. Ana

    I’m in

  31. Matt g


  32. Asher

    I’ll take two thanks!

  33. Ian G

    Ooh, yes, please.

  34. PeterE

    Great review of an easy to use/maintain power unit.

  35. Daniel

    Brick killed a guy.

  36. Andrey

    Great site! Great reviews! Cool stuff. Good luck to everybody.

  37. Nick

    Power to the people!

  38. Elena

    It’s a nice gift

  39. Jeff

    Yes please

  40. Jens

    Those would be great, I could finally post tremendously inflated ftps on the social media (Is it possible to manully assign an offset?)

  41. arron hampton

    this guy nees moar POWER! #please

  42. Devi

    Oh man, that would be awesome!!!

  43. Becky


  44. Eric

    That did escalate quickly! Awesomeness!

  45. Kathy Laughlin

    Not sure how much use I could give it! It is interesting though.

  46. Jeff Swanson

    Things just got (more) interesting!

  47. Chris

    Yes please!

  48. Billy C

    If your not training with power, your not training ;)

  49. ailsa

    like those

  50. Michael

    Me please!

  51. Pete C

    Lovely jubbly

  52. Jeff K

    Yes, please

  53. Wayne

    Yes please

  54. David Faria

    Halfway through and an incredible giveaway. Everything crossed this time!

  55. Mikkel

    Wow – would be great

  56. Brett Erickson


  57. Jose ramon

    Please please!! Guau

  58. Matt

    These would triple the value of my bike.

  59. Sandy D

    These look awesome! I am in!

  60. James Koelzer

    Me please!!

  61. Nigel

    Moi, s’il te plait!

  62. What a wonderful addition to my underpowered bicycle…. power pedals! Go gadget, go!

  63. Niklas

    Give me the power!

  64. Christi Landaeta

    Here we are again.

  65. Paco Anton

    Power up!!!

  66. BabsMI

    please take me

  67. Luke P

    yes pleeeeease

  68. I really need a power meter.

  69. Paul

    Entering. Thanks!

  70. Jörg Gutowski

    I think now it will happen …

  71. Gina

    I so want these!

  72. Lis

    Yes please!

  73. Fred C

    It’s what I need !!

  74. Mark Shier

    That is quite a jump, but I’d be happy with a watch or a power meter:)

  75. Micha

    oh year please me!

  76. Steve Allison

    Count me in you legend!

  77. Chris

    Count me in!

  78. Asha Giri

    Lets bike..

  79. Ken

    Tired of waiting for the Powerbeat and free is better!!

  80. Jennifer M

    Hope it’s me!

  81. Mikael Hilton

    Oh wow! Yes please! :D

  82. Stephen g

    By the power of grey skull!

  83. Ricardo

    I’d love to bike with power!

  84. Judith Ormston

    Would love these!

  85. Justin H

    Very nice give-away!

  86. Jonathan


  87. Seth

    Man I want these!

  88. Ruth

    This is awesome, yes please

  89. Jason W

    Feel the power!

  90. Benedict

    More important than a carbon frame.

  91. Louise

    That would be brilliant!!

  92. Jimbo

    Would be very nice

  93. Andy Siu


  94. GO

    This one is too expensive!

  95. Helen Sansome

    just keeps getting better

  96. Nooh

    I want the power.

  97. Kim

    Oh this would be perfect for my husband’s anniversary gift !

  98. Luke dear

    Yes please

  99. Andy Neumann

    My Doctor, Chris Tucker said that these are to used during all rides at all times

  100. Kim Boyd

    Do these make me peddle faster?