Giveaway Extravaganza: PowerTap P1 Power Meter Pedals


Well then, that escalated quickly. From $250 GPS watch to $1,200 power meter…all in the span of one minute. Boom!

You saw my review on these puppies yesterday, and it’s definitely all good.  Now you can not only ride around with legit pedals on your bike – but you’ll have ‘the powers’ too!  It’s like electricity in a bottle, only, you have to do work for it.  Namely, pedaling.  But don’t let that deter you, as long as it shows you’ve got triple-digit wattage numbers that’s all that matters, right?

Giveaway Opens: 10:00AM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 12:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: PowerTap P1 Power Meter Pedals In-Depth Review

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (virtually everything I review is available there), plus for orders over $75 shipping is free within the US. Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item.

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. janet

    love this!

  2. Pedro

    oh my… !!!!! that is my first choice for a powermeter, I really need to start training with one, and better sooner than latter! fingers crossed!

  3. Richard

    Yes please

  4. Adam


  5. Mikkel If

    Omg!!! Yes!

  6. David Lima

    today is my lucy day

  7. Martin

    Don’t mind if I do

  8. Dave

    Pick me!

  9. A Sieges

    mmm power

  10. Olivier

    Great blog, Ray!

  11. Nina

    I want these so bad!!!!

  12. Dick

    O yes, please.

  13. Bob Pankratz

    Who have more power Godzilla or DCRainmaker

  14. Michael

    Wow this is awesome, I really need a power meter.


  15. Arthur


  16. Michael

    Super feets.

  17. Ben Hudson

    Wheee!!! First post on DCR!

  18. Mark

    Great priZe

  19. Antonis

    Let it escalate.

  20. Vaggelis


  21. Steve Hardy

    I need these for IM TX!!

  22. Mark

    So much POWA!!!

  23. Michael

    Hopefully this is a winning comment.

  24. aimee

    OOOOOooooooooo nice

  25. Jonathan Cushing

    Might need to upgrade the bike to cope with these

  26. Michelle gibb

    Please, please, please

  27. Mike Gendron

    Very interesting prize! Nice!

  28. Jonathan

    Nice prize

  29. Simon

    Cracking idea this!

  30. Richard

    I’m in – “You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.”

  31. Alex

    I’d powerTap that!

  32. Bjorn

    Yes please.

  33. Kevin Tan


  34. Sara

    Want, want, want!!!

  35. Osbert

    I’d really like to have these

  36. Patricia Bishop

    Power me up!

  37. BillB

    Count me in on this one for sure!

  38. Eric

    I’m in!

  39. Kevin B


  40. Gary

    PLEASE! :) Though I might buy them even if I don’t win.

  41. Martin

    Would be awesome

  42. Lisa

    Please pick me.

  43. Praveen

    I want one for my TREK!

  44. Sam M

    That would be great!

  45. Daniel Leopold

    Please please please. I am still using an old power tap hub.

  46. Martyn Thomas


  47. Lyn

    Hello Ray, this is a pretty cool giveaway!

  48. Richard Elgar

    They would be a perfect addition!

  49. Matthijs de Groot

    Lets do this!!!

  50. Oscar

    O awesome benevolent masters of the Giveaway Extravaganza, I heed your call to look favorably upon my entry.

  51. Mike

    yes please

  52. Barry Kerr


  53. Hannah King

    Please Please Please

  54. bhmt


  55. Kevin McMahon

    Now we are cooking with gas!

  56. Casey Savage

    gimme the power.

  57. taylor p

    I choose you, Pikachu!

  58. Gary

    Cool product!

  59. Mike McMillen


  60. Noah

    Just read the review very cool

  61. Neil H.

    power up

  62. Wheeler24

    Hell yis please!!!

  63. Mike Shotwell

    Thank you

  64. vito

    I would love these so I can throw the Vector out of the window(it WAS a good product until the last firmware).

  65. Mike

    The Powers!

  66. sbyrstall

    I never win anything….so why even try?

  67. Nick ward

    wow – what a giveaway this is turning out to be…

  68. Mathew

    Wowow Thank you!

  69. Shawn Bohrer

    Nice! I’d love some power meter pedals.

  70. Olli

    Now we are talking!

  71. Andrew T


  72. Matthias

    oooooh yes, definetely something I want on my bike :)

  73. Stephen Thomas

    Nice deal.

  74. ukexpat

    Now *that’s* a giveaway!

  75. Joe Cutcher

    I just don’t want it, I need that power meter!

  76. Berend Slagter

    I have been pedaling without power measurement for far, far, faaar too long. Would love these bad boys!

  77. Dennis

    can i have this?

  78. Chris Barber

    Really crossing fingers this time!

  79. Pedro

    Powerful giveaway!

  80. RickZilla

    More Power!

  81. CharlieO

    What a great give away.

  82. Josh

    Nice review. These look great!

  83. Steve Martin

    Wow, would love these!

  84. Aitor

    In love with power data

  85. This is a definite entry, though interested to know if there is a solution to the Garmin 1000 issue. Thanks again.

  86. Vamshidhar Srikantapuram

    me me me.

  87. BMart

    Yes! Racecar!!

  88. Seba

    Extravaganza indeed!

  89. Talia

    Finally, a power meter that will fit my Barbie bike!

  90. Jason DuBray

    Yes Please!

  91. Hammer

    It would be brilliant if the downward price trend of powermeters continues.

  92. Eric Boyd

    Go Seahawks!!

  93. Harriet

    I would LOVE

  94. Adam Dryden


  95. Op E

    Let’s go!

  96. chris Aldrich

    These P1 pedals can take me to P1 in the race!!!

  97. Michael S

    Awesome blog, may the luck be with me :)