The DCR’s on Vacation Fenix3 Giveaway!


It’s giveaway time!  Partly because it’s been a while, partly because it’s Friday and it seems fitting, and partly just cause I’m on vacation and this seemed a whole lot easier than writing an in-depth review.

This time I’m giving away a Garmin Fenix3 multisport watch, sponsored by Clever Training.  It’s the only watch I brought with me on vacation (yes, I know, only one watch – incredible!)

So how do you enter?

Simple: All you need to do is write a comment below with what type of training (or I suppose racing) you typically do on vacation.  Do you cut back, or press on as per the schedule?  Or does all training just simply shift to eating ice cream and chocolate bonbons?

The winner will get to choose any Fenix3 variant from Clever Training.  This could be the base grey one (seen middle in photo above), or the more swanky Sapphire unit with the metal link strap.  And then you can get it with or without the HR strap.  Totally your choice!

As usual, Clever Training is sponsoring the giveaway.  Remember you can save 10% off anything they sell through either the coupon code or the DCR/CT VIP program, plus of course free US shipping for goods over $75US.

Thanks for reading!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, April 27th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming in stock.


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  1. rick nelson

    i generally cut back to just a bit of cycling or running depending on what works with the family schedule. they put up with my “training” enough during our regular lives, they don’t need to on vacation as well!

  2. Dave Dupuis

    More training on vacation since I’m less tired than on work days !

  3. Andrew

    come on random number generator!!
    I try to do some running, because it’s fun to add to the Strava heat map

  4. Lukas

    I tend to go on cycling holidays as I find it’s the best way to explore a country, so my trusty Cube Cross Race Disc Pro comes with me on every vacation.

  5. fink

    morning runs and gym sessions.

  6. Kaupo

    Long & slow runs, 20+ km in new places, does not matter whether in cities, villages or trail. Just explore slowly, and get this wonderful relaxing sensation. Sweet!

  7. Ben W

    Mostly running unless the vacation involves a triathlon.

  8. We just took a little vacation to St Paul this weekend, and spent all day Saturday biking the city. I wouldn’t call it training, just a great time.

  9. Albert T

    When on vacation, I typically stick with the training prescribed for the upcoming race as I have more time to do a casual run or speedwork.

  10. Gabriel

    Simply shifts to icecream and eating all day long :)

  11. Doug Hopkins

    Long distance mountain biking through the valleys every now and then, and running training for the next races I’ll be doing.

  12. Arthur L

    Do more in the summer to find new courses and lakes. Do mostly running cycling and swimming. Want is start sea swimming because living in Swansea.

  13. Ryan

    Usually end up running and try to get some pool time when possible. Take it easy for the most part and fit things in around family plans.

  14. Greg Park

    I do long distance running and cycling in Texas. Adding more swim time so I can improve my triathlons!

  15. Spencer Jones

    If there is a gym, I try to work out. More likely it is a bike ride with the kids in a trailer. It’s kind of bike resistance training…

  16. stephane dechaux

    Vacation is the perfect time to get longer miles on the bike, as well as long runs, for fall races prep. Also great time for the pool, which can be a little hard to get to during the winter (motivation-wise).

  17. Burgess Eberhardt

    Since I am retired, I am always on vacation! Training therefore does not change at all.

  18. Fab

    Hi Ray,

    During vacations I love to have some endurance run while discovering aera


  19. pooleje

    Stick with the schedule.

  20. Bob

    When on vacation I actually enjoy doing a little more then what was planned, well my plan involves vacation training so I guess it really isn’t more then. So what I’m saying is a stay consistent

  21. gabe

    Great question. I’m taking off for church camp and was told no swimming in the lake with a life jacket. But they are good by to allow me to swim after 10:00 so the kids will be in bed for curfew!

  22. Jonathan

    Vacation training is usually whatever running sounds fun that day/week. No hard speed work and as many woodsy trails as I can locate.

  23. Mike

    I’ve had some great experiences with runs to explore new cities.

  24. Thomas

    eat & drink :-)

  25. Eduardo

    Do you know what is a great vacation workout?

    Doing laps while navigating the sea on the top deck of the ship… I love it!

  26. Alex Whyte

    Training on vacation usually consists of segment hunting. AND ice cream.

  27. Mehmet Bayram

    I give a short break to my daily cycling routine with short, fun rides. And add up open sea swimming :D

  28. Meghan

    Vacation typically = even more training because I actually have more time and flexibility.

  29. Janus

    Often great chance for a swim.

  30. errol viquez

    just easy run… hopefully, in front of a beautiful costa rican beach!!!

  31. Faja

    Cycling all the time :)

  32. wim

    I’m planning my vacation after my main race… recovery time

  33. Scott Bradbury

    I love running on vacation – great to get out and run in new places.

  34. stan

    training on vacation consists of a brick workout drink-walk-drink…70.3 drinks

  35. DavidH

    Haven’t had a vacation in about 7 years where I haven’t taken my bike and running / swim gear.
    Much to the annoyance of my family.

  36. Cam

    I like to try and get a few more workouts in than usually. I’m just finishing up my masters degree in engineering while working part time for the company I will eventually transition to full time. The student\work mix sometimes takes precedent over a workout so vacation I have a blank page to mix it up.

  37. Cameron McLeod

    I wish I could say that I train just as hard as normal…. But that would be a lie! I love my relaxing vacations!

  38. Broward Maryan

    Vacation training consists of moving workouts closer to the middle of the day and getting more than 6 hours of sleep! Plus, I get to do more multi-discipline workouts in a day vice my usual routing of a run or bike and gym workout daily if my schedule permits!

  39. Sara

    I usually prepare some routes in the city. I do a quick run in the spot, where I will be visiting later with the family.

  40. Double down baby!!

  41. Zeb

    Find as much mountain biking as I can…

  42. scottmacs

    If I’m training for something and I go on vacation, then I cut back on training but sill try to remain active.

  43. Victor Lessa

    morning runs and noon swim sessions….

  44. hey c’mon on vacation it’s always a great time to have some downtime and relax but it’s also a great opportunity to explore what’s around you and not just slob on a beach lounger or by the pool.

    Whether it be biking, kayaking or running I you get to see the world from a different perspective. For me I am off to the volcanic island of Lanzarote in the summer and cannot wait to run some volcanic trails to see the sunrise.

  45. I wake up early for a first easy run and at mid afternoon I do some bodyweight exercises… prepared for the ice cream :D

  46. Andreas

    do an early morning ride on my roadbike and be right back for breakfast

  47. Matt

    when i’m on vacation, i try to find a local 10k-HM race to hop into. If a 10k, i’ll race it hard, for a HM, it depends where i’m at in my training cycle.

  48. Tim Caputo

    I usually add more running to make up for my lack of a bike comute

  49. Francis Jago

    Holiday is exactly that, family and holiday time. Bring on the ice cream…

  50. Trikev77

    With more time and new places tend to go further with less intensity

  51. Honza

    Hiking with my girlfriend:)

  52. John

    Running with new scenery to help refill the motivation tank

  53. Jessie

    I don’t have a training schedule on vacation. I get exercise in by walking all over and call that good enough. Maybe if I had more serious races scheduled that would change. Thanks for the contest!

  54. davefromva

    Ha. I usually find it easier to train on vacation. Early mornings while everyone else is sleeping in. Then I grin all morning because I’ve done more than they will all day ;)

  55. Scott

    usually scale back

  56. I always pack a pair of running shoes, a pair of shorts and two shirts for a day trip or extended vacation. You never know what opportunities you have while you’re away from home!

  57. Matt O'Brien

    Just running and swimming for me, the better half won’t let me take the bike!

  58. Chris L

    Try to still get a morning run in to feel better about being lazy the rest of the day.

  59. Matt H

    Couple 45 minute runs and thats it

  60. Jeff

    I try to survive on hotel gyms for a ~day…then end up going off the wagon. :(

  61. Owen

    At the very minimum I’ll get running in. Biking and swimming if at all possible, but usually ends up being just running.

  62. Caferey

    I try to get in the runs where possible, outside or on the hotel TM. If I´m marathon training I load the week before and after so while I´m away it´s a cutback week.

  63. Chris Banting

    My Vacation training will usually be a light version of the run training that I am on at that time. And MAYBE a small amount of swimming.

  64. SpacemanFry

    Usually tend to stay away from any “planned” training or exercise during vacations. Unplanned hikes, swims, etc bring them on. Though usually chocolate (or other local sweet delicacies) abound :)

  65. Sanja

    On my vacation i mostly eat, drink and relax! :)

  66. Ryan

    Always love some light exercise while on vacation. Nothing too intense though!

  67. Mick Collins

    Make a list of all the places that i would like to see whilst there and either ride a bike or walk around to see them all, R&R is the key so keeping it easy (not hard in my case) is paramount

  68. More or less the same but without pressure.

  69. Tom Gell

    I usually do a triathlon of eating, drinking and having a relaxing time.

  70. Mike

    I use my run as a well to tour the city I am visiting. Usually ends up being a shorter run, but lots more pictures!

  71. Clas

    If I have vacation I usually try to do nothing but it happens I fail with that. But I am very active anyway, I dont like lying on the beach.

  72. Jeff Kauppila

    Press on with the morning runs, or move them to the evening depending on schedule. A lot of my vacations consist of hiking, so those runs are usually reduced a bit or eliminated if I’m hitting a long or steep hike.

  73. Joe

    Always go with the best intentions but never do any exercise apart from my beer arm.

  74. Jim Bartling

    Light running and try with all of my will power not to gain too much weight.

  75. Ann-Marie Delahunty

    I always stick with my run training, not so much swim or bike!

  76. James

    Stealth training!!! Whatever training I can hide/camouflage as “recreation” from my SO. Most normal people (non triathletes) think training during your vacation is crazy. Really, they do!

  77. Ben

    Early runs + some pushups.

  78. Rich

    I tend to do more hiking/exploring rather than running. I do try and sneak a few runs in though.

  79. Ryan

    I do more hiking, and exercise my eating muscles.

  80. Clair Stewart

    I find that on vacation I try to increase my workouts out doors to take advantage of the new surroundings and see our vacation spot as much as possible.

  81. Maren

    Runs and family hikes!

  82. Jeff Nicoson

    Run the hills near my family’s house. Where I live is flat, my folks live in rolling hills, so visiting them is a great time to work on running uphill and downhill, working on form, and then sprinting up a steep climb just before I get back. Makes other hills seem small.

  83. Most recent vacations have been to training camps, so the training’s been ramped up there! Albeit with a bit of extra beer, wine and sampling local foods…

  84. Stephen Smith

    Need this for the comrades marathon. My FR620 wont last.

  85. Paul

    Short runs to decompress after a day of sightseeing is the best. Smelling running clothes are the worst.

  86. Patrick C.

    Training on vacay = no training.

  87. Jay Kammerzell

    Most of my running is usually on the road. On vacations I look for interesting trail runs. Just read “America’s Best Places to Run” by Jeff Galloway. I need to get out more!

  88. Smash

    Enjoy to chill and doing diiferent sports I normally not do

  89. Neil

    I’ll usually keep up with running and core exercises. If I’m somewhere that I can swim then I’ll do that too. I find I can do a little more volume than usual, as I have more time.

  90. brandon F

    Going to the beach and plan to do some casual beach running and then business as usual with heart rate training!

    RUN so then I can eat!!

  91. Nate page

    i basically just cut back to base training to counteract the extra food I pack down my gullet

  92. Anders

    Vacation training is usually some early running, walking/hiking for discovery of the vacation place. Otherwise ther is a need for some sort of activity that isn’t training specific.

  93. Scott Carnie

    I like early morning runs both as a means of exercise and also a great way to explore your holiday destination.

  94. Justin

    I cut back and try to arrange my training so that the trip coincides with my low volume/recovery week. I’ll try to get some runs in if weather permits.

  95. Sara Davidson

    I only bring my running gear if we’re going to a friend’s beach house. If we’re going somewhere new we usually spend so much time walking, biking and exploring that I don’t need to worry about working out.

  96. jazy

    Stop training, yoga instead!

  97. Jesse Marcus

    Usually an early morning run and calisthenics. Then whatever the fay brings

  98. jay

    It’s of course a long ride with road bike. :)

  99. Bill

    Overseas holidays = running, great way to explore
    UK holidays = cycling, including cycling to get there (with wife in car with luggage and dog)

  100. vojta

    I usually avoid running, swimming or cycling and devote my vacation to activities I dont have time for during the year, mainly due to the training itself. Its usually physically challenging anyway, so it makes up for the lost training…