The DCR’s on Vacation Fenix3 Giveaway!


It’s giveaway time!  Partly because it’s been a while, partly because it’s Friday and it seems fitting, and partly just cause I’m on vacation and this seemed a whole lot easier than writing an in-depth review.

This time I’m giving away a Garmin Fenix3 multisport watch, sponsored by Clever Training.  It’s the only watch I brought with me on vacation (yes, I know, only one watch – incredible!)

So how do you enter?

Simple: All you need to do is write a comment below with what type of training (or I suppose racing) you typically do on vacation.  Do you cut back, or press on as per the schedule?  Or does all training just simply shift to eating ice cream and chocolate bonbons?

The winner will get to choose any Fenix3 variant from Clever Training.  This could be the base grey one (seen middle in photo above), or the more swanky Sapphire unit with the metal link strap.  And then you can get it with or without the HR strap.  Totally your choice!

As usual, Clever Training is sponsoring the giveaway.  Remember you can save 10% off anything they sell through either the coupon code or the DCR/CT VIP program, plus of course free US shipping for goods over $75US.

Thanks for reading!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, April 27th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming in stock.


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  1. Alex A.

    I tend to just pull back and do some easy workouts when on vacation. Most of my vacations are pretty active to begin with. I’m not a lay on the beach kind of guy.

  2. Ward

    Vacation = catching up on the training schedule to finish the sessions I postponed while working. I train at least once a day, taking the most out of running in the morning and in broad day light. Two things that are quite difficult during the week while working and travelling.

    On top of that, the prospect of a training session in the near future is a good motivation not to eat or drink too much. So, training during vacation is both limiting the calorie intake and burning loads of calories. Win-win.

    Come to think of it… I need a vacation! :-)

  3. Marshall Hunt

    Vacation is sleeping time.

  4. Reagan E

    What is a vacation? Usually just a light run 2-3 times through the week to keep some sort of fitness while the wife is still sleeping.

  5. Just broke my little toe before a trail ultramarathon, so all I’m going to do on vacation is rest, eats cookies and drink beer.

  6. David

    I normally just do easy runs in the morning while on vacation.

  7. Ryan

    I’ll run on vacation and will swim if there is ocean. Don’t care enough to swim laps. Usually no biking.

  8. iztok

    Swim or run.

  9. sovy

    Trial run and hike.

  10. mo

    I usually try to have active vacations so I can mentally take a vacation from training too.

  11. Doy

    Nothing serious, just a relaxing run or a low swim if I’m at a beach.

  12. Nicolas Tyhurst

    no change on vacation.

  13. Kevin Randall

    I usually go for a couple of easy runs as a way of exploring areas I wouldn’t normally get to.

  14. Thounee

    Vacations usually are family activities, meaning basically skiing(downhill mostly but some cross country once in a while) and swimming(and here mostly meaning playing in the pools or aquaparks). Other than that it pretty much relaxing and eating too much! ;)

  15. Chad W

    I love running while on vacation. Especially with large time-zone differences, an early morning run can get you going before a long day of being a tourist or lazing on the beach. My favorites have been running the golden gate bridge while visiting San Fran which inspired me to run the Paris Marathon as a destination marathon vacation trip. There’s the saying: have shoes, will travel. I like: have shoes, will run.

  16. Darren Curzon

    Typically, i’m not fortunate enough to get away on vacations very often, other than perhaps a weekend away with the family. Fortunately (?) i’m the early riser, so i can usually get something done first thing in the morning before anyone else is awake! As the majority of luggage tends to be child entertainment, i take just 2 ‘exercise’ items. Firstly, running shoes. A nice early morning run is a great wake up, and a way to explore the new surroundings. Plus, with it logged on Garmin, it adds another memory. The second item is a simple skipping rope. You can squeeze in a great cardio session with some ropework.

  17. Petar

    Just following the training plan no matter if it is vacation or not.

  18. marc van der linden

    Because i’m from The Netherlands. I try To get als much altitude als possible in my training endeavours when im on holiday in a mountainous Region. Other

  19. Mikerl S

    Walk and site see, Walk and site see….all day long.

  20. I might get a run or bike in, but it’s typically walks or hikes with the fam.

  21. Michael

    I enjoy early morning runs, followed by nothing but relaxation. Depending on location, that can include some great hikes.

  22. Renee

    It really depends on the type of vacation. I usually ‘plan’ to do formal training, but despite my best intentions, I am usually too tired before or after a full day of cross training to get to the gym. My last vacation was in February; during our week away, we went alpine skiing, nordic skiing, fat biking, snow shoeing, skating, swimming & spent one relaxing day at the spa.

  23. Florian S

    I do early morning runs and explore the area. Feels great to be back before the family is up. Bike and swim usually have to take a back seat during family holidays.

  24. Pieter

    Riding on my bike and fitness.

  25. Greg K

    I’ve been hitting some trail runs. Could use the Fenix 3.

  26. Alexey

    Easy morning runs

  27. Kristin K

    Lots of walking with the dog for future 5K.

  28. Guy

    I try to schedule some runs when the children take there nap.

  29. Simon C

    50 laps around the cruise ship “jogging track” dodging all kings of impediments.

  30. Lucas

    Early morning runs, afternoon swims. Nice hikes and free diving always welcome.

  31. Mike G

    Usually one or two runs will take place (or more depending on length of the vacation) but they take a backseat to everything else. Vacations usually involve lots of walking around so that usually is my default “training.”

  32. Henry Wang

    On vacation, I run. It’s simple and I get to take in the sights!

  33. Jon Griffiths

    Usually I dont do much apart from walking to and from the bar. Unfortunately this year I had a lapse of judgment and signed up for a Tough Mudder in the UK. so guess I will spend the vacation running, swimming and trawling through as much mud as possible

  34. Marcus

    I typically do variations of the 7 minute work out, jump rope and a bit of TRX. Typically work out in a hotel room, and it is nice to keep it simple.

  35. Laura

    mainly hiking, swimming, and some early morning run, but sunbathing while eating ice creams takes quite some time too…

  36. Grant

    With kids and all, their is just enough space in the baggage for running kit. So normally a short run in the morning while the family still asleep.

  37. hf

    I mostly relax, on vacation.
    Light jog in the morning + swimming afternoon…

  38. Jorge D.

    Slow runs and some gym work, for me there is no use in overdoing it since I should be on vacation.

  39. James Leone

    Training on vacation is usually going for a run with easy swim planned in the middle. If the motivation even strikes…

  40. scott jones

    I think that vacations are a time to dial it back a little..unless there’s a scheduled event coming up. If that’s the case, I train as usual albeit earlier in the day so I can enjoy the rest of the hours in the day.

  41. Lasse Helstrup

    I try to run a couple of times every week, but find it difficuelt as it often requires that you get up early in the morning which is not my favorite thing when I am on vacation

  42. Pete Dougherty

    Vacation usually get more training in as usual time constraints arent there!

  43. Dan

    I like to do an orientation run of a new city or place. If I am in a city I like to find a point to point route using public transit.

  44. Dave

    I don’t pay much attention to training while on vacation

  45. I love to run when I’m on vacation because generally I’m exploring a new city or a city I’ve not run in before. I generally up my miles because I’m just so much better rested and get that sense of urgency about life that one gets with a change of perspective.

  46. Snews

    Road and mountain biking, some open water swimming and hiking!

  47. Alan

    Training on vacation depends on where I go: runs in urban areas, hiking or biking on rented bikes in more rural areas.

  48. Joshua Schiffman

    I try to maintain my running schedule whenever I’m on vacation. I usually plan (at least tentatively) my running routes ahead of time, and have just “graduated” to that phase in life where I no longer pick the least expensive hotel possible in order to save money and instead select a hotel that offers good access to what look like nice running routes. If I can’t run or be outside, I’ll usually find a local gym, including the one time I accidentally snuck into fairly upscale fitness facility. (I’ll tell you the rest of that story if I win!)

  49. Ken Leach

    I just got back from a vacation in San Diego where I did the following:
    Ran on the beach in Del Mar.
    Ran through Torrey Pines, golf course and state park.
    Ran around Miramar Air Base.
    Ran La Jolla Village.
    Swam San Enjilo state beach.
    Swam La Jolla Cove.
    Swam at Magdelena Ecke YMCA, what a pool!
    A few gym workouts and swims.
    Walked a lot. Zoo, downtown, gaslamp.

    So to answer,
    I usually don’t take my bike. I prefer running, swimming and walking.
    I usually get a true workout done early while family still sleeping and waking.
    We tend to do a lot of miles as a family, usually walking or swimming.

    In total, I end up with 2 workouts a day, 1 good workout plus another if I can fit it in, or family activities. So in total, I am probably short miles, but more intense as I trade bike for run and swim.

  50. Alanna

    I like to try something local when I’m in a new place. Maybe nothing crazy new, but runs around the lake/ocean or kayaking/trail running, whatever is around to take advantage of the new place. I tend to loosen up on the training schedule but still stay active

  51. Eric Lewis

    I hope I win! I usually start off a vacation with an easy run around the hotel so I have some reference to where my wife and I can walk. Most of the rest of the vacation is walking places instead of driving, so having the pedometer would be nice.

  52. Amy

    i’m still a minor so when my family goes on vacation, workouts are limited to hotel gyms

  53. Jon

    If there’s a race, why not sign up? Otherwise, find local trails or paths and carve out the miles. I don’t try to cut back, because generally there’s always a good eating spot to hit during vacation. Everything in moderation I suppose? :)

  54. Brian Faure

    I bring my running shoes and burn off the beer….so that I can drink some more…

  55. Running on the beach is my #1 vacation workout!

  56. JP

    I run almost everywhere I travel. If I am driving and will have time, I might take my bike.

  57. marco

    take my doughters to the park…

  58. Markus

    Do some easy jogging in the morning while the family sleeps.

  59. Don

    On my “staycations” — because having a vacation with my growing family can be a bit challenging — I like to keep running, late night, as a way to calm the mind and let the events of the day drift away.

  60. Andy

    Just a few short runs, vacation should be relaxing!

  61. Steven

    Cut back… I can’t convince my girlfriend to let me train as usual when we are supposed to be “relaxing”

  62. Zach

    A few morning runs to help justify the gluttony later in the day

  63. Evan

    if true vacation, then i’m running on some slow jogs just to see the city/beach. if surrounding a race, then obviously tuning up, and then gettin’ out there!

  64. Raphael

    I typically cut back on vacation…

  65. Zach

    Vacation normally means getting more workouts in the way of “doing something fun outside”. Snorkeling, Climbing, Hiking, etc.

  66. Jason

    Depends on where I am at, everything from the in Hotel Gym to a run or open-water swim! With business travel I tend to have a little more time on my hands and sometimes I train a little more than what I do at home.

  67. Blair

    As a cyclist, the only running I do is out of necessity, that is when on vacation. Minimalist, and a great way to explore.

  68. Mark

    I cut back a bit, but usually keep pretty active on vacations anyway.

  69. Athina Kollia

    Swimming only

  70. Jeff

    I try to stay active and follow my training plans, but give vacation opportunities a reasonable chance – a moderation approach, I reckon.

  71. Doug Gardiner

    I keep my workouts about the same and use my runs as a chance to explore.

  72. Katya

    Oh, I always struggle to work out on vacation! Usually I just do easy runs (20-30 min) once or twice a week, and try to get plenty of sleep and drink a lot of water. On the bright side, I mostly go to visit my parents or my boyfriends’ parents, who live in big cities, so I get plenty of walk!

    By coming back home to my routine is always a great feeling :-)

  73. Guillermo

    I do easy runs to get to know better the place I’m vacationing in.

  74. SH

    Cut back…
    …to the pub.

  75. Michael O

    Try to locate local trails and run, hike them.

  76. Diogo

    Ice cream for me!

  77. Karen K

    Treadmill in the hotel

  78. Andy Du

    I’m a runner, cycler and soccer player ))

  79. I prefer reducing the workout schedule and replace it with relaxing and eating.
    However, after a few days I get restless and I usually start running short distances and/or swim lanes in the pool.

  80. Valentine

    Depends on vacation place.
    Ocean – swim, kite.
    Mountains – run, bike, hike, ski.
    City – walk my self to death through the sightseeings counts as a workout?

  81. Krzysztof R

    It depends where I am on vacations, if close to a see I love running on a beach every morning if in the mountains I love hiking.

  82. Ted

    I train on when on vacation.

  83. Andrew

    I always go for a run. It helps me explore the area and unwind.

  84. When on vacation at the coast, then definitely as many runs along the water and open water swims as possible.

  85. George Skoubis

    Most of my vacations i bring my bike and ride for a workout. Otherwise I use it for a rest period and workout when i return home.

  86. Alex Chavez

    I love to train when I’m on vacation, running kind of allows you to explore the area that you’re visiting, and swimming in a speedo in the hotel pool always gets some funny looks! Although, sometimes just eating and relaxing is the best thing to do!

  87. Chris

    Going for runs to explore. Then recreational hiking, biking or whatever active vacationing I can get in depending on the location. Someday’s though you just have to do nothing training related at all.

  88. Kyle Smith

    I try to run each day and use it to explore different areas.

  89. Sojka

    I love the vacation and I spend it almost always outdoors, in the nature. There, I like to apappreciate it by hard and demanding training or just relaxing.
    And doing anything out there, utit is always good to know what is the time ane where you are :-)

  90. Gabriel

    know the city riding a bike and if is possible swin in lake or sea

  91. Marcopolox78

    L’idée est de faire tout ce qu’il n’est pas possible de faire les reste de l’année !
    Donc un mélange de randonnées, de footing et de vélo de course afin de découvrir la région.
    Cette période de vacances se prépare à l’avance pour trouver les meilleurs sites pour ces activités de plein air.

  92. Bob B

    We will vacation at friend’s cottage this summer near Parry Sound. Our training/activities will include swimming, hiking, cycling the Seguin trail. Of course vacationing includes frequent recovery activities involving cold beverages and barbequing on the deck.

  93. Josh S

    I usually combine a run with exploration to check out a new city or area on foot

  94. Fran

    run and surf as much as the kids allow!

  95. Lorcan

    Can’t beat sunrise runs along a sandy beach!

  96. Fabian Salazar

    I bring along my running shoes and try to plan a good scenic early morning run before every one wakes up!

  97. Walker McSwain

    Vacation = more time on dirt!

  98. LaFred Garderes

    Stay on the plan schedule most often for my runs…now Body Pump classes don’t follow me…

  99. Mike C

    Training is much more fun while on vacation! New sights and sounds keep it interesting…

  100. Ming Lam

    I usually wake up early and look up running routes close to the hotel that I stay in.