The DCR’s on Vacation Fenix3 Giveaway!


It’s giveaway time!  Partly because it’s been a while, partly because it’s Friday and it seems fitting, and partly just cause I’m on vacation and this seemed a whole lot easier than writing an in-depth review.

This time I’m giving away a Garmin Fenix3 multisport watch, sponsored by Clever Training.  It’s the only watch I brought with me on vacation (yes, I know, only one watch – incredible!)

So how do you enter?

Simple: All you need to do is write a comment below with what type of training (or I suppose racing) you typically do on vacation.  Do you cut back, or press on as per the schedule?  Or does all training just simply shift to eating ice cream and chocolate bonbons?

The winner will get to choose any Fenix3 variant from Clever Training.  This could be the base grey one (seen middle in photo above), or the more swanky Sapphire unit with the metal link strap.  And then you can get it with or without the HR strap.  Totally your choice!

As usual, Clever Training is sponsoring the giveaway.  Remember you can save 10% off anything they sell through either the coupon code or the DCR/CT VIP program, plus of course free US shipping for goods over $75US.

Thanks for reading!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, April 27th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming in stock.


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  1. Steve

    I try and fit in a few early morning runs when it’s a bit cooler, and if there’s a beach I might try and get a swim in occasionally too. Living in the UK where most vacations involve flying, I don’t usually get the chance to take my bike.

    But it is meant to be a vacation, so I’m not going to worry too much about my training plan.

  2. Katja P.

    I do my usual training at the local gym.

  3. skijeti

    I rehydrate myself with local beer :)

  4. Alfie

    Usually try to squeeze in one run wherever we are as it is nice to have a change of scenery.

  5. Gareth Whelan

    much more time to train when on holiday so lots of long runs

  6. Fabrizio

    Usually I try to go running every second day to compensate for ice cream and Pizza.
    Still trying to find a way to mount the roof box plus a bike stand but it’s a too large box…

  7. Człowieniu

    During vacation I run, cycling and try to visit a lot of new places – day by day

  8. chris

    Well, normally I go out to train a littlebit more since on vacation it’s just easier to shedule a training. But, icecream, uuuuhaaa, when I go to Italy for training or racing, there is alot of first class ice cream and awesome coffee as well =)

  9. nick keen

    The spirit is willing but the flesh just wants to take it easy wit a cheeky beer or two.

  10. Joe


    we usually use the hotel gym to keep our regular routine

  11. Amy Nickolas

    i love to run on vacation, it gives you the chance to go exploring, especially early in the mornings!

  12. Stacey

    Bike rides along the beach!

  13. Liauzun Philippe

    Morning run, trying to find back those beautiful “chocolate tabs” i’ve lost many years ago….

  14. Ikihiutale

    Swim, bike, run…

  15. Maria

    I focus on hiking or nordic walking.

  16. Miguel

    A lot of biking and swimming.

  17. erwanM

    I generally try to go out for longer runs, generally early in the morning.

  18. Mark

    Running a new trail with my my seven year old daughter and 2 year old in the stroller followed by a swim the icecream for all :-)

  19. Max

    Try to do some relaxing and have good food and drink. Then try to work that off by walking everywhere.

  20. Jilly Bean

    i usually try to keep up with the plan. I’m off my training cycle due to an injury now, so I was more of a slug while recently at Disney. Lots of walking with the kiddo hopefully offset the food.

  21. Thomas Cameron

    Mostly walking with a stroller.

  22. Scott

    Toned down, with a light run and weight training depending where and availability of a gym at a hotel or not.
    If the guilts settle in after too much drinking / eating than I most likely go for a longer run.

  23. jm1

    Running and cycling (and some wine-tasting)

  24. Petr Kovar

    Training during holidays is very limited. Holidays = time with family and energy recharging.. So no training unless I am close to some important race

  25. Richard B

    Full speed ahead! No rest for the wicked.

  26. Piotr

    Usually I do few starts per summer time, 1/8 and 1/5 ironman. Also there is quite a few run and bike events that I take part in.

  27. Peter

    Cycling, my next vacation includes some mountainbiking..

  28. Peter

    During vacation I preferably go running in the woods, no pressure on time, just enjoying the scenery!

  29. Eirik Eikeberg

    I usually train more the on a regular basis. I get to do one sesssion pr. day whereas normally i get 2-5 a week
    As i live in norway, my vacatiopns are usually to wormer coutryes and i do a lot of swimming.

  30. Lee Bourgoin

    On vacation, I’ll still do Swim, Bike and Run per schedule but I will indulge in some chocolate or other treats! So I do cut back a little on strict nutrition plan ;)

  31. Mark

    I like to go for a good hard hike with my Fenix 2, which I just did at Big Bend Nat’l Park!

  32. Bach

    Mostly jogging, and gym workouts when it’s available at the hotel.

  33. Julien Chenelat

    Morning runs are great to wake up

  34. Malte Hillebrand

    My training on vacation is improved because only then I am able to relax and enjoy running and swimming.

  35. baelrati

    Most of my vacation trips have cycling as purpose … but otherwise it depends on the nature, location, timeschedule, etc. But I will fit in at least some runs if at all possible.

  36. Martin

    Running in the evening and enjoying the sun for the rest of the day.

  37. Matt M

    Mostly kicking back, but may fit in a few “feel good” runs to keep from feeling too lazy.

  38. Alfiniess

    Running in the woods :-)

  39. Eric

    I prefer to sleep-in, eat a brunch, then do a long slow run. Afterwards I can stat the drinking.

  40. Olov

    Taking by road bike for a ride

  41. Vito

    Usually I give up on cycling, to avoid troubles with bike packing.
    So just running and, if possible, swimming.

    Not to aggressively….it’s supposed to be a vacation!:)

  42. Elke W

    hiking, running in the woods & enjoy my family!

  43. K

    The best training on vacation is to do running tours, the miles just add up, plus it enforces slow running due to enjoying the scenic routes.

  44. tri-uese

    I always run, no matter where I am. If it has a pool or beach I swim sometimes. But I don’t follow my training plan, just for fun.

  45. Dylan

    when its 95 degrees run barefoot on sand for 8-10 kms

  46. Trail running/hiking :)

  47. JSN

    Many of my ‘vacations’ are planned specifically for mountain biking or hiking.

  48. Rodolphe

    Switch from road to trail, alpine hikes !!

  49. Keith

    Normally do no training – although on my last vacation I ran every couple of days!

  50. Matt field

    Try to fit in a few runs, hopefully around some iconic sites if in the area. Running around Central Park was a highlight of mine

  51. Steven DeArment

    I do never-ending repeat swim workouts while on vacation…provided there is a swim-up bar!

  52. Barry Hobson

    Take the trainers every holiday, with good intentions, and the good intentions never make it past the first bar and mojito.

  53. Johan Barenfeld

    I like the summer mornings or evnings on the empty tracks.

  54. Max

    I usually take a bike on vacation (even long-haul) and ride that. My hand luggage is almost all essential riding gear.

  55. Jon H

    Pack the running gear and press on, making the most of the opportunity to explore new trails. Great to look back over runs in foreign places as another memory trigger, similar to photos or journal entries.

  56. Harrison Zucker

    I usually just run and lift, I dont have much more time to ride since I am in college…

  57. Rita

    I prefer walking or hiking and swim if there is a possibility.

  58. Larry

    Muchos beer and wine, with a few runs thrown in!

  59. Joe

    Stick with my schedule, but all the runs get done early mornings when it’s not so hot in France….

  60. Matthew Pull

    If there’s a beach and sea, I’ll try and do some swimming, otherwise if on a city break I’ll do my best not to get lost on a street run.

  61. Sean Logue

    Since being stationed in Italy most of my vacations have included days upon days of walking tours aorund the city. But the wife and I try to get one run in just to say I ran there.

  62. Lukasz

    Since I started running, I have been only one on vacation and unfortunately had an injury, so couldn’t really do any workouts. But I can only imagine that the early mornings or late evenings when the sun set’s must be really nice to do some easy running, but just a bit to not fall out of shape ;) Let’s hope this works out during next vacation.

  63. Rene A

    While on vacation, I still try to get my training runs and will opt for a couple of sets of the 7-min workout variations to still get exercise in.

  64. Ryan

    low intensity, longer duration on my vacations.

  65. Stefan T.

    while on vacation – relaxed trail-running with my daughter (10yrs old), 8 to 13 kilometers > perfect to get to know the surroundings

  66. B Bloch

    I generally travel west, so the jetlag has me up early every day leading to more running than usual.
    Of course, a local race is always a great bonus!

  67. Jim Shepherd

    On vacation, I will typically go for longer, slower runs to take in as much scenery as possible. Sometimes the runs serve as a scouting trip before taking the family to see a nearby attraction.

  68. Alvaro Lobo Costa

    Running by the seaside!!!

  69. Nelson B

    On vacation i’ll walk for the most part and go for a swim.

  70. Mark Visser

    After doing the first half marathon of the year (i hate ankle injuries !) we’re getting back to what we like to do running. Today’s program: 3 km easy run followed by several 400 meter sprints ending with a 3 km easy run again. Nothing too shabby, just fun.

  71. pascal lantaigne

    like too bike racer mtb and running thanks for info review keep moving yes

  72. norge

    On vacation I usuly do runnin everey 2-3 days in the morning.

  73. Mike

    Runs and beer on vacation!

  74. ncd91

    Triple wet : swim, bike and run under the rain… While singing of course.

  75. Nicola Zandonà

    Run (only because of hot sand :D )

  76. Marc

    Run in the morning with my fiance and then lots of walking allover during the day.
    Diet kinda goes out the window though with new food options.

  77. Francisco Moreira

    I actually started running on january, instantly got hooked and participated in some 10K races. I have a solid background in swimming and cycling so my goal is racing a 70.3 within one year. I’ve always loved triathlons and watched them on TV and stuff, so my actual vacations will be training hard than ever.. running, swimming and cycling because my goal of 70.3 will not get out of my head otherwise!

  78. Matt Z.

    In season I like to combine my vacation with a race. This week I fly out to Utah for the St. George Ironman 70.3. My week will consist of a nice taper, race, recovery workouts (Swim, Bike, and Run), and some hiking in Bryce Canyon/Zion National Park!

  79. aigi_nr1

    I spend my vocation only in the Alps. Skiing in winter or MTB/road cycling in summer.

  80. Can’t usually bring the bike, so my vacation training is usually limited to running and some basic strength training. And ok…maybe some ice cream.

  81. Matthew Clemente

    I try to schedule my longer / less intense runs for vacations, as an opportunity to see new places. Early morning runs in new cities provide a totally different perspective than you can get anywhere/anytime else. And they leave the rest of the day for relaxing, eating, and being with friends and family.

  82. Thomas

    I normally go to France or Italy, meaning nice weather and good circumstances to run more frequently and longer!

  83. RunAwayWard

    Vacation is a family event, and with 4 kiddos it’s difficult to get any real training in. I try to run when I can, but mostly play.

  84. Jim

    I would have to say the training usually becomes more like cross training. My fitbit usually records as much or more steps on vacation as compared to normal training routine.

  85. Steve

    Since I’m training for my first triathlon and I’m deadly afraid of the swim part of the race, I press on even when on vacation. At least I enjoy running/biking/swimming so it’s not a chore.

  86. John L

    I squeeze it in whenever I can…as many miles as possible.

  87. Martin

    only a bit of light running and maybe swimming…

  88. Jean-Philippe Beaulieu-Savard

    I got two options: I plan for a big race at the beginning of the vacation or no race at all and in both cases, I cut down on training to be full time with the kids!

  89. Nigel

    Mountain biking vacations and hikes with my kids!

  90. Stephen Cooper

    The bike stays at home, the running shoes come along. The workout often consists of equal parts gym work, running and 12 oz. curls.

  91. When in vacation, if it’s not a vacation around a special racing event, I tend to do other sports than the usual ones (skiing, surfing, cycling, hiking, …) or I go on runs in special locations to discover more than to train. For example, I won’t go running on a track just to have my quota of kilometers.

  92. Mathieu Tourangeau

    Run 5 days a week even in vacation.

  93. Jeff

    I was actually on vacation at Cape Henlopen State Park this past weekend. Training was definitely relaxed but ditching the car for cycling everywhere ends up being a good amount of mileage by the end of the weekend.

  94. Effi

    What’s a vacation if you’re not active?

  95. Matt Seeds

    No training on vacation. I just spend time with the family.

  96. jamie pennell

    When on vacation….We go on family walks/runs together!!!! We find new trails to explore! That is our favorite part! Then after we get back from our run/walk we go have dinner….and desert!! ;) It is vacation afterall!! :)

  97. Toomas

    Easy jogs because they can be done almost anywhere and swims where possible.

  98. Zagi

    I lay back, take it easy, maybe go for a short run, and of course eat alot of ice cream ;)

  99. Niko

    I use my vacation for packed bike touring with my girlfriend and my friends… greetz Niko

  100. C Y

    Swimming in hotel pool before breakfast and 40 minutes run in the gym post dinner to keep up with training