The DCR’s on Vacation Fenix3 Giveaway!


It’s giveaway time!  Partly because it’s been a while, partly because it’s Friday and it seems fitting, and partly just cause I’m on vacation and this seemed a whole lot easier than writing an in-depth review.

This time I’m giving away a Garmin Fenix3 multisport watch, sponsored by Clever Training.  It’s the only watch I brought with me on vacation (yes, I know, only one watch – incredible!)

So how do you enter?

Simple: All you need to do is write a comment below with what type of training (or I suppose racing) you typically do on vacation.  Do you cut back, or press on as per the schedule?  Or does all training just simply shift to eating ice cream and chocolate bonbons?

The winner will get to choose any Fenix3 variant from Clever Training.  This could be the base grey one (seen middle in photo above), or the more swanky Sapphire unit with the metal link strap.  And then you can get it with or without the HR strap.  Totally your choice!

As usual, Clever Training is sponsoring the giveaway.  Remember you can save 10% off anything they sell through either the coupon code or the DCR/CT VIP program, plus of course free US shipping for goods over $75US.

Thanks for reading!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, April 27th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming in stock.


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  1. Hock Yeoh

    No let up on training. Just new routes to try.

  2. Francisco Migoya

    Normally my vacations are race related and when not I usually do a light run 40 or 50min.

  3. sarah

    It depends on the type of vacation. I’m getting ready to spend a week in CO camping, so I will be hiking and riding bikes every day. When I go to the beach, I runrun.

  4. Brien

    I usually dial it back with any type of long mileage but sometimes ran up the intensity so it feels like I’m doing a lot. It is vacation right?

  5. Mike

    Running mainly

  6. Adam

    I usually holiday at the beach so I do a block of openwater swimming and running on the beach.

  7. Angelo Bryant Licup

    I usually bring my bike with me during vacation and just do exploratory rides. No sense in hammering and not see the surroundings be it good or bad.

  8. Mariana

    I have a travel pattern very similar to yours (which means helluva lot!). When I’m on a true vacation, I do double sessions of strength and running to take advantage of the extra free time.

  9. Luke

    It would probably become my everyday watch, going everywhere with me.

  10. Some laps of swimming will always be in my schedule. Although i admit, BBQ sessions at night by the beach is also too irresistible to resist. That’s why my early morning swims would cover up. It’s like doing a sin at night time, and working out the next day to stay fit.

  11. As many of our vacations are multipurpose events like link to and or half / full marathons and fun – I train up to the event and then move into full on chill mode. . . Libations and Lounging. . . Battery Recharging. . .

  12. Dylan

    Running, maybe some swimming, maybe some biking depending on destination. Volume-wise usually cut down, and more recreation oriented.

  13. tom s.

    Hope you had a nice vacation.
    I like to ski on vacation. Or in the summer do some paddle boarding.


  14. Acwna

    I keep on riding, try not to drop the training at all. In fact given the right location its an opportunity for more.

    Love the site.
    Have a great holiday!

  15. I just keep on keeping on. When I travel, I typically enjoy running around the new terrain and environment, so I end up running more!

  16. Anthony

    Training??? What’s that? It’s a holiday

  17. Matt Reier

    It depends where the vacation is in the training cycle. I usually try to get vacation to line up with a recovery week.

  18. Robert Lee

    Keep right on with the running aspects of my training

  19. Jason

    During vacation I try to keep on the same training regimen however it never works out that way. Usually I have good intentions but always take the rest and relaxation route.

  20. erica

    I cut back a bit, but try to route my runs through interesting areas so I am doing a bit of sightseeing while running.

  21. Alejandra Ruiz Bernal

    I try to keep pace with my trainnings depending on the next race

  22. Shaun Gill

    Between the pace of work and personal life, getting to exercise without distraction on vacation is the vacation.

  23. Bethany

    For me it depends on the location of my vacation. Most of the time I will keep training, but in some places I have to cut back because of lack of access to swim/bike/run opportunities.

  24. Paul

    I usually try to take it a bit easy on vacation. I’ll get a few morning runs in, especially if the hotel had a gym but I let myself catch up on my rest if I don’t feel like running.

  25. Happy Runner

    Workouts of opportunity. Try to stay on schedule as much as possible.

  26. Gary Roberts

    I sadly haven’t had a vacation since I started running. I am actually looking forward to the chance to see new places by running through them. I know it would have changed some of my past vacations for the better

  27. Jeff Gibson

    I try to stay on my training schedule as much as I can.

  28. Lionel Lau

    I pause from my training during vacation and train harder after returning to catch up.

  29. Sergio

    running, taking it easier, but really nice to sightsee!

  30. Iva

    We walk and hike all day on our vacations, so that leaves little time for running.

  31. Stephen

    Vacation is time to put up your feet, grab a drink and enjoy the sun on your face! There’s always another day to train!

  32. Matthew

    Run Run In the Sun!

  33. Kris

    I prefer to get out and explore by running or cycling and then later take the family out to places I have found.

  34. Fabian

    I love to turn vacation into a training: trekking somewhere nice for example. Also had a great week once with a good friend in a Thai Boxing Camp in Thailand.

    Other than that: barfeet runs at the beach?

  35. Timo

    Can’t cut off training completely so even though cycling is the thing for me, I pack my running shoes with me. A great way to get to know the destination, too.

  36. DAn

    Rent any bike available (sometimes heavy kiosk bikes) & explore unknown cities and roads at sunrise

  37. Yanick

    I go out for some run and hiking and ride what ever is possible to do.

  38. David

    Crank up the distance because work time constraints aren’t there. Also try and make runs more scenic and also add some trail runs/hikes.

  39. J. T.

    I take it a little easier (i.e. no speed work), but not cut it to zero either. I start getting fidgety if I take too many days off.

  40. Andrew

    If Im at the beach on vacation I go running along the beach… watch out for chafing though – sand in the crotch is painful when running :)

  41. Seth Frankel

    I’ll do one session, to avoid feeling guilty….

  42. Paul Horsley

    Holiday, it’s the only time my wife and me can train together, good fun and relaxing :)

  43. I always pack my running shorts and shoes, and use my Garmin to get tracks in new places. Though my favorite vacay workout was biking the Sea to Summit route on Maui….10,000ft gain in one ride!

  44. Dana

    The only vacation plans I have are to be active for at least half the days and not gain more than 5 lbs.

  45. Dean

    Running! Short, intense and leave lots of time for relaxing!

  46. Simon gordon

    Chasing after my 5 year old boy

  47. Per Stenvall


  48. David

    Logging miles and recording a GPS route somewhere new is a must. As a reminder of where I have been and to hunt some new Strava segments. A Fenix3 would sure help me get a few top 10s!

  49. Nico

    Hum… have some alternate bike/runs. Takes more time than regular training – and some nap afterwards :-)

  50. Mark Howman

    I enjoy winding back whilst on holiday. Isn’t that what they are for?! I enjoy riding with the kids – if they are keen, or just hanging out in the pool.

  51. Canan

    Nowadays just an easy walk with the newborn :-)

  52. Michael Lee

    As I’m a college student, vacation is more often than not actually going back home. Leave the training behind and let my mind and body recover and relax by going for long hikes. Then eat and sleep as much as possible. Repeat.

  53. Sebastian Kaul

    I do sightseeing running and swim a lot in the ocean.

  54. m

    sleep and relax :-)

  55. bismi

    I love running and I do what I love on my vacation. Just like that. :-)

  56. doing all kinds of triathlon in between museums and stuff, like this weekend where Honeymoon is being celebrated in Paris and also with a long run, my girl and me

  57. Kachlicka

    I have recently fallen in love with trail running on longer distances, so I try to find appropriate routes around the place I’m staying. Also all-day trekking trips are my cup of joe. I just love the idea of getting somewhere far far away using only my legs :)

  58. Jimbob

    Holiday means holiday for me! Have enough going on during non-holiday, so a break means eating, drinking and doing what ever I feel like it :) although it gets a bit confusing during a working holiday :)

  59. Bartosz Szymański

    MTB and road bike!

  60. Francois C.

    Mostly depend on the place of holidays: running is usually part of morning routine.
    Cycling / Swimming depends on the neighborhood and vacation schedule.

  61. Mat Luebbers

    Run, run, swim, run!

  62. Andrzej

    I plan to start trail/mountain running (instead of typical, boring running on flat) as complement to mountain hiking, climbing and strength workouts for runmageddon race types which I do already. :)

  63. Andrea

    Runner 3 x 2 km 4′ pace my training

  64. Doug McDonald

    I always check out the gym at hotels I stay at…then largely just swim and perform ‘Apres-Beach’ activities!

  65. RO

    Mostly tons of walking for sightseeing or playing/swimming with my kids in a beach. Sometimes a 30 minute jogging in the morning (only if I can wake up early before everybody else does).

  66. It depends where I go. If it’s nice hotel with swimming pool and temperature over 30 Celsius I only swim and relax. You know it’s kind of rest time. ;)
    If destination is mountains it’s time to walk and run up and down and get some diluted air… ;-)

  67. Michiel

    Run, bike, hike but mostly for recreation, rather than training purposes.
    Mostly to enjoy the scenery and to discover new places.

  68. EmersonNZ

    The last holiday I had included the Walt Disney World Marathon weekend where I ran the 5k, 10k, 21.1k and 42.2k over the weekend… Silly thing? I’ve signed up for next years race as well (It get even sillier, I have to travel from New Zealand to Florida).

    I travel a bit for work and always try and find a course that takes me around the sights of the city I am in. One of my favourites is a course I have in Sydney which includes crossing the harbour bridge, around the Opera House and then through Darling Harbour. Running is a great way to appreciate the sights of the town you are in.

  69. John

    While I do train quite a bit, I won’t let this get in the way of my vacation. I train a bit, but only what my vacation plans allows.

  70. babel

    I always take my running gear with me, but too often I might had as well left it at home…

  71. shane Porteous

    Over easter and Australia day, we go camping. Nice and relaxing for some. However, our training always gets ramped up and we seem to do more then usual. We call it our training camp.

  72. Tarquin

    Time for long slow runs to see the sites and fast short ones to blow the hangover away!

  73. JSlator

    Up a mountain or in the sea. Somewhere in between is ok, as long as I’m in cycling distance of one of those extremes.

    The main thing for me is getting away from the normal training routine. Cycling, Rowing, Swimming and Running with lots of people, traffic and pollution is the norm for me. Being able to get away from all of that to find terrain and conditions to challenge me in new ways, not only keeps me sane, but also motivates me through the rest of the year.

  74. Txus

    While on vacation I stick to running, because the only thing you need for that is your shoes (no pool/sea/whatever, no bike,…), and mix it with some custom workout in-between. Then, depending on the location or available tools, it can be expanded, like for example if there is a pool I occasionally swim.

    But who am I kidding. Even with some training, with all the wonderful food an recipes on this world and time to cook/enjoy them, I always end up with more weight than before the holiday anyway :P

  75. Ali Blanch

    I use my holidays to travel to amazing destinations to race at… next stop Ironman 70.3 Haugesund, Norway. You get the best of adventure, racing, meeting new people from around the world and guilt free beers and local delicacies!

  76. drink chlorine … eat flies … breaths wind

  77. Kada

    I do nothing, it’s a vacation :-).

  78. Ravi Kiran

    Usually stick to the schedule and enjoy the food.
    Who said you cant enjoy the treats :) I guess the body’s earned them.

  79. Alex

    the question of running on holiday requires robust analysis of various factors. Pro’s are running in new places and putting unique routes on Strava and Garmin Connect to the envy of your running buds and it helps counter holiday booze and food calorie overload. Con’s are you are on holiday and there is holiday stuff to do and I want to remain married and running can get expensive in terms of guilt presents!

  80. Keith

    Always throw the runners in the bag when on hols. Great way to go exploring where the car cant go and also get some nice Strava KOM’s along the way :)

  81. TheHut

    More food and longer, slower rides :)

  82. Rick Wintheiser

    Vacation is a time for rejuvenation so I try to do training or workouts that are different. Additionally, I am in “maintenance” mode, no pushing or extending. Ideally, you plan your vacation to fit your training schedule.

  83. Tan Yee Hou

    To be honest, I just bum around a lot hah.

  84. Alex

    My holiday training consists of exploring via foot and sipping cold beverages.

  85. Majk

    I usually train sleeping…

  86. Yuval

    runing, biking and swiming if rental/pool is available.
    Thanks DCR for this great site.

  87. Sebastiano

    Running 2x + swimming 1x + gym 1x per week.

  88. Jon Heard

    In the past it was ice cream and bon bons. Now it’s running and core work. Swimming if a venue is available.

  89. I try to run as I do at home, and do some trekkings

  90. Per Fjellheim

    I normally try to get a run before breakfast, outside or on a treadmill This way I can spend the rest of the day with my wife and kids.

  91. When I’m alone I usually am on holidays near a lake or at the sea. I wake up around 7 a.m, go for an hour of swim and then I go take my breakfast. During the breakfast I prepare my cycling route for the morning or my trail / running. I like to do sports while traveling, I appreciate more the view from the top of the mountain by climbing it instead of taking the cable from the bottom to the top and staying (usually 1 hour in line).
    When I’m with other people, I go run before they wake up, between 5:30 a.m and 7 a.m, take a shower and then I’m fresh for the day!

  92. Robert

    More time off work, the more I train, that’s the way I roll

  93. Jonas L

    During vacations I try to make use of any available hotel gym or pool. Also power walking around the sightseeing spots are easy way to avoid getting too lazy, even if a beer or two is nice on a vacation.

  94. Steve

    More training on vacations than work days. That’s what they’re for! Tx DCR.

  95. Daniel

    Normaly i only train my skin -> better sun resistance is the goal :-)

  96. Trygve Haaland

    When at the cabin I try to fit in some low pace runs. If possible I will go mountain hiking.

  97. Christian Kuipers

    My next vacation: 01.05.-17.05. Scheduled is running, especially hills, cause i`m lifing in a plain area in North-west Germany. By the way I hate hill running cause not only the hills but also my weight is much to high!!

  98. brett

    Less training on holiday but usually it involves some kind of activity like mountain biking, hiking, swimming etc. So still keeping busy.

  99. Richard R

    I just run before breakfast, then the holiday can go as usual. If there is a pool, there is not reaosn not to do some swimming too though

  100. Lukasz

    Not many nice mountain bike trails in my area, so I always try to find some when on holiday.