The DCR’s on Vacation Fenix3 Giveaway!


It’s giveaway time!  Partly because it’s been a while, partly because it’s Friday and it seems fitting, and partly just cause I’m on vacation and this seemed a whole lot easier than writing an in-depth review.

This time I’m giving away a Garmin Fenix3 multisport watch, sponsored by Clever Training.  It’s the only watch I brought with me on vacation (yes, I know, only one watch – incredible!)

So how do you enter?

Simple: All you need to do is write a comment below with what type of training (or I suppose racing) you typically do on vacation.  Do you cut back, or press on as per the schedule?  Or does all training just simply shift to eating ice cream and chocolate bonbons?

The winner will get to choose any Fenix3 variant from Clever Training.  This could be the base grey one (seen middle in photo above), or the more swanky Sapphire unit with the metal link strap.  And then you can get it with or without the HR strap.  Totally your choice!

As usual, Clever Training is sponsoring the giveaway.  Remember you can save 10% off anything they sell through either the coupon code or the DCR/CT VIP program, plus of course free US shipping for goods over $75US.

Thanks for reading!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, April 27th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming in stock.


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  1. Ejfa

    Running every morning and then eating all the day:)

  2. Javi

    Running and swimming. Eventually mountain too.

    Thanks DC for this great site.

  3. vacation training usually runs as per schedule. But m last 2 vacations were righ after race, so I was relaxing and did some regeneration runs (each year after some ultra trail).
    when it comes down to winter time, I run as well or combne training with XC skying.

  4. Charles Lee

    Our vacation last year was to Las Vegas to run the Hoover Dam marathon for our 25th wedding anniversary!

    Usually we are much more sedate and merely run whenever there is a lull in the rest of the family’s vacation activities.

  5. Fabian

    I basically just do long slow runs for sightseeing :)

  6. David Thomley

    If I am on vacation with my wife we will be walking together all over the place, usually in a city. If I am on my own or with friends, probably still walking, but up in the mountains somewhere.

  7. Marek F

    Not much training, maybe some swimming.

  8. Danny Schuster

    Holiday exercise usually consists of meticulous route planning to find a loop to cycle around the nearest big town and then to run to all the main tourist spots.

  9. Harri Roto

    At minimum we always run.

  10. Jorge Aragón

    Running and cycling for fun :)

  11. Rad

    During vacation I try to slow down and do not schedule any quality trainings – rather easy runs, just for fun.

  12. Lee

    If I’m on vacation then I still like to carry on with 5k runs and bike rides but feel disappointed that I don’t have a gps watch so I can upload my holiday training runs

  13. Sébastien

    Mainly cycling the whole day

  14. Kevin T

    Lots of running

  15. Frolov Andrey

    Running, may be about less than usual, but it’s needed.))

  16. Chris

    some vaca’s are training as usual…others are more lax. depends on upcoming races and goals.

  17. Dejan M.

    I only run…but only when im on vacation for at least a week. If im on vacation for less…i usualy just chill back, relax and drink beer all day ;)

  18. Angel B.

    it’s easy enough to bust out a 5k in the great outdoors when on vacation! (but the official training schedule usually takes a break)

  19. Greg

    Run, run, run…. eat eat eat. Repeat daily.

  20. Michel Lamarche

    I run eveready day, and swin if ever I happen to be near a lake or ocean

  21. Yoan Freiburger

    Swimming / mountainbiking / trail….

    Just training or racing…

    Thanks for this great idea and for this website!

  22. Kris Even Forkner

    i try to bring my bike and do som cycling. It not i bring my shoes and run. When biking i check both garmin and strava for routes/segments.

  23. Charalambos Mavrikas

    Running and sea swimming

  24. Deni

    on vacation, I usually do slower runs, enjoying the environment and getting to know local area. Some say, best way how to learn new places is to run through them. It’s true

  25. Stefan Bayens

    I love to run when on holiday. Mostly early in the morning while the rest of the family is still asleep.

  26. Line Forkner

    slow running followed by eating icecream.

  27. Andreas

    Our vacation training is scheduled between our family activities. Normally we try to do some 10K runs….

  28. Alexandra

    Pretty much the same sans the bike: swim, run, strength.

  29. Pat

    Training will continue during holiday but with some beers !!!

  30. Sofie Sleeckx

    I trie to stick to my schedule as close as possible… and possible is mostly from the more practical side of thing. When abroad the bike-training is the most dificult one.
    Also finding a good pool isn’t always as easy… “a pool” is easy… but a pool where I can actually swim my lenghts often isn’t that easy.
    Running on the other hand is easy as hell…
    so while on holiday… running always get’s done… and sometimes the others get exchanged for more running…

  31. Thomas Kurkowski

    Depents on the location. In best case, vacation is in the mountains – perfekt situation to do short, hard runs up the hills.

  32. Ted

    Sweets and sleep! :) And some running & swimming to burn a couple of calories but that’s it!

  33. Patrice

    Training, Training, training and training but with some beers !!!

  34. Robert D

    I usually log most of my running miles when I am on vacation. Usually double the average workload. I guess it’s because I can’t use my job as an excuse not to train. So I run, and run, and run.

  35. Joop

    Exploring the neighborhood while running is an excellent excuse to continue the normal training program. However, dinner is a bit non-standard during the holidays

  36. Amie

    I usually take it easier on vacation but still try to get or for some easy runs.

  37. Jon Goulding

    I usually try to go to somewhere hot, so do slower runs carrying lots of water. It makes up for the cold, dark winter training in rain, sleet and wind.

  38. Matt

    I try to stick to the schedule, but often it’s just running.


  39. John Pophal

    My vacations all tend to to biking or hiking vacations. So it is hopefully at the peak point of my training, so I can enjoy.

  40. Ian

    I usually bring running shoes, but I usually don’t get more than an hour in.

  41. Luiz Filho

    I usually slow down a little bit on vacation trying not to lose all I got from training season.

  42. Russell Young

    Most of my vacations include sightseeing runs; trying to get as many of the local sights in as possible. Then the following day a very long sightseeing walk. All followed by far, far too much food…

  43. Gary B

    I go on holiday with the best intentions to train more however with 2 kids I end up training less then when at home. A holiday race sounds like a nice idea

  44. Fredric W

    Mostly running, but if there is a bike available ill use it, if there is a boat nearby Ill row it, if there is a trampoline not occupied ill jump on it and of course if there is ICE CREAM… well… ill eat it and sleep like a baby afterwards ;)

  45. plo

    Walk/Run along the creeks of western Britanny, France.

  46. Ed

    Cycling… to the beach, run… away from the towel and swim… open waters!

  47. Ross Macmillan

    I rarely leave town for holidays (through choice) I tend to do long day hill runs

  48. Denin

    On vacation I like runs with our children on bike. They need support because are small and I have good traning of intervals or slowly runs.

  49. Chris Chappell

    Easy running, taking in the scenery when on vacation.

  50. budu7

    on vacation I typically do early runs of about an hour before breakfast. I would never get out that early when staying at home.

  51. Sean O Riordan

    Easy Runs working off Hr or Whatever my program is. Next big race is Amsterdam Marathon. Not till October.

  52. Hannah

    I tend to stick to whatever would be on the schedule if I was at home. But if for some reason that not possible we usually have some sort of physical activity as part of our plans so I figure it all balances out.

  53. Mike

    I try to run but the ice cream eating always seems to get in the way!

  54. Michelle Carlin

    All vacations have to be runcations with a minimum distance of 13.1 or sprint/Olympic TRI.

  55. Adam Hollingworth

    We’re on a 6 month trip in South East Asia. Brough the running gear but at over 40 degrees it generally been too hot. Yoga in an a/c room has been good. On top of that my Fenix 2 couldn’t cope with the heat and has completely died

  56. Al

    Best vacations have bike rides at least somewhere!

  57. Tom

    Head out for a run – great way to explore a new place and not much packing for the necessary kit!

  58. Dillon Smith

    I love going for early morning runs while on holiday in a foreign country – it’s a great way to explore and see parts of the city you might not. Going early usually means you can check out interesting sites/monuments without anyone else around too!

  59. Jurgen Schreuder

    Depends on when I have a race, next vacation I am pressing on!!!!!
    Have a nice vacation!!!

  60. yves

    On a vacation if I can manage a 30 min easy run every 2nd day I am very happy.

  61. Vadim S

    Runs in the morning, open water swims in the afternoon, and tennis in the evenings

  62. Steve

    Usually a few short runs to get to know the area.

  63. Peter

    I always stick to my running plan on vacation. Typically I only go on vacation to attend races which makes it easy.

  64. Mike

    Strictly running. To offset all the eating I do on vacation.

  65. Jess

    I cross train. Hicking, mountain biking and kyacking are a nice change of pace.

  66. Luis Lanca

    I take my bike me everywhere I go. It just makes sense.

  67. david

    Generally running off road. Sprints on sand and swimming. Its so much warmer in France than the UK I like to make the most of v. Early starts for long runs all g the cote sauvage.

  68. KG

    What if I told you that a “vacation” to me means running the R2R2R with my best buddy. That IS the definition of a vacation in my world.

  69. Steve

    I love to go for long runs and check out the area where I’m staying.

  70. Dani

    swimming.. Its always a part of vacation anyway!

  71. Tyler Nelson

    I press on, but much less intense. Hopefully a place to swim, definitely some running and a bike machine if I really need to get it in.

  72. Steven

    I try to find a nice green area away from cars. Then follow it up with desserts, just like most people it seems!

  73. Adrian Wong

    Vacations are definitely there for just that – downtime. However you can still cover plenty of miles exploring and playing games with the kids.

  74. Julian Chua

    Definitely eating ice cream with possibly a bit of mental training.

  75. Alexey

    Easy 5-7k runs

  76. Joel

    I run! Less gear to pack, and I can swim/bike when I’m home.

  77. Brendan Watt

    I use vacation time to try and catch up with my rest. As I usually neglect my rest days this is the best way to force some down time! I still like to do some basic training (walking, treadmill, weights), but that usually helps to justify the extra beers I tend to indulge in on holiday!

  78. Davidon

    Swimming, Running and a chance of overeating!

  79. Bora

    I usually take it somewhat easier but usually try to switch to early in the morning runs to not fall in to the laziness trap during the day.

  80. Mark G

    Vacations are often worked around races. Headed across country to Disneyland for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon in a couple weeks.

  81. Troy

    Zero training. The closest I get is ‘laps’ in the pool. Which is basically me laying around working on my tan..

  82. Montserrat

    I run with my adopted belgian wild dog to burn the calories of all the cheats eaten the night before,
    Then I run some more when @jackitotromp smells the ducks and start chasing them, I chase him, awesome holiday workout!

  83. CAG

    Scale back, butrun when I can

  84. Peter Arentz

    Nothing specific, usually lots of walking and running around after my kids

  85. Ryan Richard

    I plan on keeping up my training but end up missing about half of my workouts.

  86. JoHe

    This is timely as I just got back from a vacation today. Intentions of vigorous exercise were, well in the back of my mind. So how did I do ? One week of carbo loading seems to best describe it. Which means …
    I really really really do need the Fenix to get rid of weight gained, by among others using the activity and sleep monitor, plot training runs, rides and swims and of course help Garmin get rid of the “GPS in the woods” issue I read far too much about.

  87. Sleep, eat, swim, bike, run, sex, repeat :)

  88. Reuben Singer

    Nothing better than finding new locations to see when on vacation. Problem is that I tend run more for fun and looking around than for time.

  89. Rohan

    Depends on the destination, but runs on the beach usually happen. No shoes helps keep it feeling relaxed.

  90. Dunks

    Always Run and Lift weights on vacation. And when possible sprinkle in some swimming. Cycling is pretty difficult to keep up on the go.

  91. Dong

    Less frequent runs while maintaining intensity – except on surfing trips !

  92. Don

    usually a run and a swim

  93. Tuan

    My vacations are typically centered around cycling. Great way to see a new place efficiently and with a completely different perspective than most tourists!

  94. John Veeneman

    I like to kick back and take it easy. Makes me miss the training by the time it’s over.

  95. D.M

    Run it bike plus whatever gym is available

  96. Lisa

    I use the Nike Training Club app and run. Often don’t need any weights and it’s a good way to get a workout in without disrupting other plans for the day. Plus I enjoy an early morning run in a new place. :-)

  97. Andy

    at the beach, I run up and down the waters edge dragging the kids along their skin boards. If we time things right, they hit a wavelet and get some serious air before smashing in the surf! By the 40th run I crash on the beach in a twitching heap to the songs of voices “Again Daddy, again!” :)

  98. Keith L

    Running on the beach.

  99. I tend to go north on summer vacation so I end up enjoying running again.