It’s giveaway time! Partly because it’s been a while, partly because it’s Friday and it seems fitting, and partly just cause I’m on vacation and this seemed a whole lot easier than writing an in-depth review.
This time I’m giving away a Garmin Fenix3 multisport watch, sponsored by Clever Training. It’s the only watch I brought with me on vacation (yes, I know, only one watch – incredible!)
So how do you enter?
Simple: All you need to do is write a comment below with what type of training (or I suppose racing) you typically do on vacation. Do you cut back, or press on as per the schedule? Or does all training just simply shift to eating ice cream and chocolate bonbons?
The winner will get to choose any Fenix3 variant from Clever Training. This could be the base grey one (seen middle in photo above), or the more swanky Sapphire unit with the metal link strap. And then you can get it with or without the HR strap. Totally your choice!
As usual, Clever Training is sponsoring the giveaway. Remember you can save 10% off anything they sell through either the coupon code or the DCR/CT VIP program, plus of course free US shipping for goods over $75US.
Thanks for reading!
The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, April 27th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming in stock.
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Usually will scale down, with short run if able to find suitable location, foods surely increase intake cause sampling new varieties : – )
lately, races are vacations. Try to plan the race on the 3rd day of the trip then bon-bon out from there
Normal runing schedule.
Probably trying to sneak in a run in the morning before the real day begins.
I always,always,always take my swimming goggles with me, and never use them (-:
I try to take the bike along on summer holidays in Italy so quite often it’s painful hill climbing in the morning, followed by gelato and swimming in the afternoon, and pasta and wine in the evening, leading to even more painfull hill climbing the next morning, more gelato… you get the drift.
Hiking and paragliding, the best way to discover new countries and meet shiny happy people.
I do as many 12oz curls as possible. :-)
When I’m on vacation, I like to get up early and get in some running in. Usually it’s a nice run on the beach or a treadmill in the hotel fitness center.
on vacation family dictates, training becomes a matter of finding time without undermining other plans ;)
I usually do my normal routine. Since I work out in the early morning, the family is rarely up yet so I get it out of the way before they even wake up.
Would love this for my run training & cycling.
I usually eschew the training plan and just get some miles in as a way to tour the area.
Head to Colorado and train at altitude for 10 days.
At the very least I find a place to run that embraces the natural scenery. Living in North Texas, there’s isn’t too much variation in terrain or views, so whenever I am somewhere else I take it all in. I am big into Rucking and Ocstacle Course Racing, so I always make sure to check the area when I’ll be there to see if there is anything fun I can jump into. The best way to see vacation spots is by foot, right?!
I have to be honest and say that all training just simply shift’s to eating ice cream and chocolate bonbons.
Wherever I go on holiday I will go for a run to explore the area
All of my vacations are running destinations. Training camps are a better description than vacation.
Mountain running and hiking
I usually try to take my bike and find a master’s program so that I can stay on schedule.
Freeletics and calisthenics, and a bit of running :)
Run early in the morning …ideally I found a race in the same location where I am on vacation :-)
Always: A couple of runs (I think it’s a nice way to know any city)
Sometimes: Swim a little bit (hotels with swimming pools, or open water swimming if the venue allows it)
I usually incorporate more trail running in the training schedule during my vacation.
No cut backs!
Long, easy runs or hikes so we get to see our surroundings.
It depends on the vacation and if we are driving or flying. Driving the bike comes and I try to get out and see the area and get some long rides in. Flying usually means leaving the bike and it becomes a running and swimming if possible workout plan.
Early morning run’s through cities that are still waking up help getting a feel for where I’m visiting as well as getting my workout.
Vacation training plan (every year without fail): I tell myself I’ll get up early every day and run on the beach, watching the sunrise, most days a comfortably paced 3-5 miles, with maybe 1 longer day.
Vacation training reality: sleep in as long as the kids will allow me. As the trip nears it’s end, the guilt of not running takes over and a I wake up early 1 time and run 4 or 5 miles at a moderate pace. Afterwards I feel great, and wish I’d done it every day…
Down times are great to spend time with the 5 month, make up for lost sleep and bulk up on the kilojoules!
For majority of my vacations, I take my S&S coupled bike and ride as much as I can in the morning and some afternoons I kiteboard
Usally bring the running gear at least. I like to take advantage of a lake if it fits, to get out of the pool when I can.
it depends
if i go to sea i swim and do long walks, if no sea, then do long walks only or if i stay at home i just run as usual or even more
Run at new and exciting locations.
I run and do body-weight strength exercises when I travel.
I keep pushing on with the Ironman training, swim bike run repeat….But I will be an Ironman
It really depends, but I’m all for running on vacation!
It depends on the terrain of course! Going to the beach? Well enjoy nice long rides at sunrise while the family sleeps in, and then some cruiser action in the evening to stay active! Last trip was to the mountains so I was SOL with those hills!
Run… but sometimes I take a day or two off!
Climbing as often as possible, with runs mixed in.
But combining them with ice cream and chocolate is an excellent idea.
Mountain run + hiking
I usually run and cycle during my holidays, Ice cream as a reward :)
Mostly running, but if I am beach adjacent I like to get some swimming in. That said, things usually slow down and I don’t get nearly as many runs in as I have in my head when I start and thats ok
If there’s a short race at the destination, then I’ll run it; otherwise, I train on schedule wherever we’re at. Vacation goes better when you rest and exercise!
Press on and go to the closest CrossFit box. Training crossfit/running.
Most if not all of my vacations are races of some sort. Just the way it is. I have a 477 day run streak going, so even if I’m gone, I’m running.
Vacation usually means cheesecake and alcohol. But I always try to do active things like hiking/walking.
9o mile ride from Palm Beach garden to nuclear power station past Juno beach and back
What’s a vacation?
Hi Ray,
usually i´am cycling, swimming and running on my vacation but next time i will creep, roll or build up castles in the sandy beach with my two new born kids Kuno and Malte :-D
Thx Ray!
on vaca, I go for a run. Either road or trail, depending on the environment
Vacation? RUN RUN RUN.
Vacation means more training ! for sure !
I try to get at least one workout in, but generally it is food and beer.
I hike, bike and walk a lot during vacations :)) no regular excercises/training.
Running mainly as it requires minimum equipment.
On vacation I try include the people I am with. Last vacation I was training for a marathon and in New Port, Ct. with my mom. My mom is not a runner, so on one of my runs we used their barrow a bike program so she could bike while I ran. It was great!! We got to spend time together and enjoyed seeing part of a beautiful city.
i like to try and stick to my training schedule with exploring my new surroundings. However, sitting by the pool doing nothing is awesome too .
Fishing and nordic walking without clock !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (with beers, beers, beers…)
vacation training for me is normally sea swimming, sea swimming and more sea swimming. Did iron distance swim in Jamaica last holiday :-)
Wherever I go, I bring my running shoes and my Garmin 310XT. If I am in nature, the best option is a trail run, or it could be a city run in the other cases.
this vacation, I’ll be in lake placid, and will use the opportunity to prep for my first half iron distance tri!
Training usually falls off, but I do try to get in some runs in unique places wherever I am.
On vacation it is mostly 12 oz curls, or long hikes with the dog.
Typical vacation becomes running only, just easier logistically.
I’ll do open-water swims if we’re at a beach; runs are regular but short; biking = packing kids into a surrey and pedaling the whole family around. Great strength training for the bike!
My past two vacations have been cycling tours, so cycling it is!
It depends on where I’m at, but usually I limit it to faster long runs. Typically in a week I do one day intervals, one day tempo and one day long slow run. On vacation I usually do a long run in order to see the sites but I pick up the pace a bit.
Thanks for this opportunity!
I climb some passes with my bike and peaks by foot !
Vacation is an excuse to ride my bike somewhere really cool!
casual running while on vacation or mix it up with something unique to the destination where I am staying.
I try and keep my training on schedule when on vacation, but I’m highly prone to just converting to eating cake and ice cream. If it’s a destination race though, I try to stick as close to my at home pre-race rituals as possible.
Running slowly and having nice moments knowing the surroundings… I believe that is the best way to see places you visit.
Depends I n the travel. Business travel, I am dedicated and consistent. Pleasure travel, I start out with a run or two and then enjoy my mornings with coffee and sunrises.
unstructured, but more cycling than normal as all that time work eats up is available.
Running….and ice cream. Sometimes bike and swim as well. But always running and ice cream.
On the road, just slipping in a run is typical. If the hotel has a bike, I may spin 30 minutes, but getting outdoors and seeing the locale from the ground is always interesting and new.
I run, bike and swim + play football.
My typical vacation workouts are interval based.
WU: Get Local Brew Pub Recommendations
Main Set: Repeat 3 x
1 x Find Brew Pub
1 x Consume New and interesting Beer
1 x Water
1 x Consume New and interesting Beer
1 x Water
Cool Down: Try to recall where hotel is and how to get there.
I’m planning a Fall vacation that should get in 4 organized century rides…can’t wait!
Wake up, eat a banana (something similar), drink some water then run for 5K to 10k then eat a lot and sleep.
This is my vacation habits :)
Usually running and swimming if close to water
I try to do speed workouts or intervals to cut down on time away from relaxing.
I usually rent some bikes and explore new roads or single track with the wife. Keeps things fun.
In the 4 or 5 places that I usually visit for work I have found the local tracks. So there I can follow my regular training schedule. On holidays it is long runs and bike rides to relax and discover the surroundings.
vacations are the time to ramp it up! I just went to Boston in late February; took the bus to Newton, and ran the last 10 miles of the marathon course. In 3….degree….weather. I cannot adequately describe the ‘awesome’ of my first trip down Commonwealth Avenue.
Running, swimming when on the beach and resting (it’s trainning too :-).
i just try to keep my running training schedule at the new place that i will visite during the vacation.
Try some new running routes. And mountain biking if the weather allows. Usually end up eating too much but it is vacation.
I try to do some of trainings as possible, no cutting back, but just more ice cream than usual :)
Please tell me more about this “vacation”…
Usually a few runs to check out the area, maybe an OWS if at the beach somewhere. Biking is reserved for trips to get dessert though.
I just got back from Florida with my three kids (all under 6). I had great ambitions to run every morning, but after day long trips to Disney and the beach my running shoes just stayed in the bag.
Definitely running! We love to take in the sights on a run in new places. But usually our vacations are pretty active, so they generally involve hiking or biking as well. And then, of course, there’s lots of wine…
Most of the time, I bring my bike to venture off in unexplored territory and enjoy the scenery. Last year I even brought my turbo trainer to keep up with my TrainerRoad schedule.
Its so difficult to find time when I’m not on vacation. I make sure to run as much as possible on vacation. Once I’m warmed up from the run, I get the real work out done and toss my kids around the pool about 500 times.
I try to use the free time for a second workout per day. But reality is mostly a second ice cream per day ;-)
My vacations are usually active (kayaking, treking) and if not then I’ll cut back a little and just go running or swimming for an hour at an easy pace. My partners for vacation usually are happy about my daily ‘disappearing acts’ since I get cranky without my Adrenaline dose (to say the least…)
I will usually run every other day and do one long run in a week away. If at the beach I will also do a swim. Of course the best compromise is to go on a big block training holiday to ride every day!
Vacation means dragging my behind out of bed and getting in a run before the rest of the family wakes up. That’s my “me” time :)
Typically I try to keep up on the running and have on occasion rented a bike and gear for local exploring and keeping the legs loose. It’s a great way to see the sights.
I have a Leikr gps watch, so I usually plot a route on that in advance and go for a run while following the route on my wrist