It’s giveaway time! Partly because it’s been a while, partly because it’s Friday and it seems fitting, and partly just cause I’m on vacation and this seemed a whole lot easier than writing an in-depth review.
This time I’m giving away a Garmin Fenix3 multisport watch, sponsored by Clever Training. It’s the only watch I brought with me on vacation (yes, I know, only one watch – incredible!)
So how do you enter?
Simple: All you need to do is write a comment below with what type of training (or I suppose racing) you typically do on vacation. Do you cut back, or press on as per the schedule? Or does all training just simply shift to eating ice cream and chocolate bonbons?
The winner will get to choose any Fenix3 variant from Clever Training. This could be the base grey one (seen middle in photo above), or the more swanky Sapphire unit with the metal link strap. And then you can get it with or without the HR strap. Totally your choice!
As usual, Clever Training is sponsoring the giveaway. Remember you can save 10% off anything they sell through either the coupon code or the DCR/CT VIP program, plus of course free US shipping for goods over $75US.
Thanks for reading!
The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, April 27th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming in stock.
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Usually I just run. Planning out a good 5 mile loop and exploring on foot is my favorite way to explore a new location.
Always running (as much as when not on holiday) and trying to swim if place permits.
Like to run when I can, don’t follow the plan.
On the rare occasion of a vacation, saddle time takes a hit. Can’t see the family happy with carting around the bike and accompanying parafernalia, the Fenix may help to motivate running
I’ve only been running for a little over a year, but love to get in at least one run in whatever area I am on holiday. I like to see the dots spreading across the world map in SportTracks :-)
Long run and strength training
I usually take my bike (if not flying) and explore the vacation area (bike trails, greenways, etc..). I also search the internet to see if the area have bike clubs or tri clubs and note if they have group rides during the time I will be there. I always include swimming and running in the mix if a pool is available.
I tend to stick with my training plan while on vacation. It allows me to see new things and explore the area a bit more in-depth.
Icecream ofcourse!
On vacation it is even harder than during normal weeks.
Running and some water sports when we are at the coast.
I usually try to stick to my training schedule, but the last vacation I decided to to run a 5k (my first after recovering from an injury over the fall/winter!).
On vacations i wll try to make longer runs or more riding
keep up the great work !!
Vacation, what’s that? Haven’t been in one for years. I only have worcations and long weekend runaways. Keep those great reviews coming.
Vacations are widely varied due to the kids so I’ll run if I can, but usually we are walking around some theme park or touring an attraction all day.
Run, Beach, Beer
try to spend more time with the family beside some shorter trainings..
Biking and lot of running
Early morning runs in a new city are always fun! Other than that, it’s lying back and enjoying the time off.
My last vacations have been arranged for some MTB cross-country race/trail running marathon combo or an Ironman. Before that it was mainly hiking and short runs (<10k) to stay in shape.
Depends on the length of the vacation and what I am training for. Assuming I have some sort of event in the next few months:
For short stays, when I know it will be tough to do a full training regime I do a few rounds of the NYT ‘scientific’ tabata workout. On longer holidays, I do the tabata plus some scaled training from my usual routine (running, swimming and cycling) but try to stay roughly at level that I am. I keep it light so that the holidays stay enjoyable:)
Hiking with a dose of ice cream!
My vacation starts tomorrow, I will travel to Mallorca for some cycling, swimming and running!
Generaly I continue to train, running along the beach and in the moutain tracks, but thing is that the barbecue training is also practiced ^^
Thx Ray!
I usually workout a little MORE when on vacation. The extra time and new surroundings increases my motivation to get moving! I will even run if that is all I can do and I hate running.
I try to keep active on vacation with more walking and leisurely biking.
For me vacation means visiting my family in Europe. So my running comes down to go in places I already know, but with another point of view.
I often plan a race with my vacation but if it’s just a regular vacation, I always run…and eat bonbons. But I eat those when not on vacation, too! Hey, hmmm can you ship a Bertie cupcake with the watch??? :-)
I try to keep up with my running schedule as time allows.
I usually SUP a lot! And some trail running!!
On vacation I reduce my running a bit but instead add lots of other activities like hiking.
Holiday normally means no training and is either hiking or snowboarding
Most of the time I do Little Mountainbiking and Swimming on vacations, but no structural training.
no swim
no bike
no run
Just kidding,
don’t tell my Wife!!!
Always bring the running shoes and the bike if we have room!
training never stops! It’s vacation from work, not running!
Road Cycling whereever we are
Keeping the training schedule going during the vacation for the big race
Walk, Swim, Relax, Beer, Sleep repeat….
I can’t let my body bored :) so I usually take some time to run at least an hour while on vacation too.
But it’s not like interval training though, so that I could enjoy the remainder of the day too! And ice cream as well! :)
Bike gets packed with the family luggage and the riding continues on new roads!
Usually I’ll scale it back, but I check out local running stores and see if they have any free social runs, e.g., coffee runs, pub runs, etc.
i love finding new trails to explore.
early morn runs, sometimes swim(depending on vacation location) then normally 12oz curls at night!!
Mostly hiking with some running mixed in.
All my recent vacations have had at least one event in them: bike training camp, open water swim, etc. So there’s usually a bit of taper and a bit of working out as usual or more.
During vacations I try to do those long trainings like 100km+ bike rides and 2h runs
Before I usually forgot about training during holidays, but as starting from today I’m on a 3 weeks vacation, hopefully I will push further on with training.
Walk to restaurants!
If my vacation is to a major city, then I’d explore via biking, if not – mostly walking.
I still go on runs while on vacation! Training must go on!
Running usually fits. If the roads are nice, renting bike feeds that addiction too.
I keep on training of course.If I don’t I would get really guilty. However, I try and incorporate it with the holiday destination. For example I like to take my bike to distant landmarks worth seeing. If they are within running distance there is nothing better then exploring them by foot. I keep training as enjoyable as possible meaning I cut the intesity. I don’t believe in stressful holidays.
I train as if I was going to compete in a triathlon, but I only actually run distance road races (12/M or full M). I find the whole body exercise of swimming, biking and running a more gentle approach than just endlessly pounding the pavement. It also helps me avoid burn out and monotony.
Also from a physical stand point, coming hot from a 10-mile tempo session, improvise a 1/2 mile swim and turn it into a butt-kicking run-swim brick.
While on vacation, I always find a way to workout. Open water swims, treadmills, 13-story stair sprint repeats, etc. I have also entered a handful of 5K/10Ks while on vacation. Last year dates lined up with races and I ran a 5K in all but one business trip.
Running and running
During vacation I’m not running as much. I try to fit it with a taper period so I have plenty of time with my 3 kids
I like to trail run and bike on vacation. Having 2 young kids forces me to get up early to get it done though so I’m not one to sleep in late.
outdoor running. A great way to explore your holiday location!
When at home I’ll mostly go road biking, plus some running and recreational swimming in the sea. If we’re at sea or elsewhere I’ll bring my Fivefingers to make sure I will always be able to go for a run. Running on naked seaside rocks is a joy! :-)
I will take a LSD running or bike to a good breakfast restaurant with friends.
Usually just swim quite a bit. It’s not vacation unless an ocean is involved – right?
Running, to lose weight from the overload of ice cream
sorry wrong email posted in original post
early morn runs, sometimes swim(depending on vacation location) then normally 12oz curls at night!!
spend more time on the bike
Less running, kids usually muck things up.
Just some casual walking and swimming
If I can run, I’ll run!
On vacation, I typically relax my training schedule. If I miss a day, no big deal. When I have family or friends around, that typically takes president.
in the alst couple of years my vacations were several weeks tours on bike. i was pedalling during the free days as well, just not to get out of shape. and, of course, combine it with junk food and loads of ice cream, just to get the callories balanced out right :-)
Usually try to just get a few short runs in. Depends where we are going and for how long. Sometimes it is really a vacation.
I typically do run while on vacation, but less so if it is a destination where I walk a lot — like Paris. I’ve found over the years that I need what running gives me to feel my best.
as on vacations i usually have much more free time , i tend to train almost the double amount (99% bike, 1% run) and offcourse eat the double amount of Nutella pancakes too :)
I love doing ultra-trail running. it’s always fun to do it during long holidays.
Vacation is usually somewhere outside, so hiking, biking, climbing, running and swimming.
More time means more complete training sessions….more bricks and strength training…
switch from cycling to running as it’s easier to take runners compared to a bike
Vacation? What the heck is a vacation? I’m a single father so training for me comes at a premium. I do whatever I can when I can. I’m not picky.
I usually continue with training plan but find it easier without that pesky work thing! I usually try to find a race as it is cool to race somewhere new and meet local folks that who you instantly have a common bond. That is unless the vacation is for a race like Boston last weekend!!!
I restrict myself to running every other day and if available, swimming.
Try to fit in a run or two but more often just make hikes and bike rides part of the sight seeing.
I try to explore new routes and trails when on Vacation, and only use my GPS on stopwatch mode and look at the data later. Longer the run, easier the pace, the better!
On vacation I try to get in some running at the very least or of the place has a good gym I will do a resistance workout.
running is the only training i do during vacations
Vacation what is that? but for me it is a good bike tour with lots of climbing to really put the training to work to enjoy the views!
Just got back from Disney. Did a little running but with two kids the ice cream mostly won.
I usually try grab a mountain bike and go exploring with my better half, either the city or parks, where ever we are. Mtb are great for urban exploring and working up an appetite, and finding all the best places to eat!
Did a quick interval session on my bike this morning. Yesterday, cycled up a few low passes for a couple of hours.
Always pack the runner gear. 50% of the time it gets used and 50% of the time it sends me on a guilt trip! Last year I took my bike for the first time – but that’s rare. Vacation is all about the kids and wife – that should be the priority and selfless time for running is purely opportunistic!
I used to take a complete break from training whilst on holiday. Now I like to go for a run every time I visit a new city – it’s a great way to explore!
Running on vacation is fun
If vacationing during race season it’s full steam ahead!
Definitely slow down some.
Hi Ray, with a couple of young kids to be entertained I normally try to sneak in some early morning runs before they get up and if possible I try to include a local sight.
Always try to run “as usual”. Sometimes that leads to funny outcomes, like when a 7km loop in Myanmar turned out to be 14km.. in 35 degree Celsius heat.
Vacation is mainly for basic training. 15k run every other day :)
My training takes a vacation with me. I will try to still work in exercise but typically trying to do something that is not a normal part of my routine. Such as I’m going to NM on vacation and am planning some hikes in the mountains. Can’t do that here in Florida.
Barefoot beach running. And swimming in the ocean while the sun comes up. I try not to vacation where those things aren’t available.
Head to the mountains. Get some high altitude running/biking in. Plus some awesome scenery and fresh air.
I was in Hawaii a month ago and loved getting up to run each morning. I stuck to my routine and it felt great. I can honestly say that was the first time I stuck to my program while on vacation…it won’t be the last.