It’s giveaway time! Partly because it’s been a while, partly because it’s Friday and it seems fitting, and partly just cause I’m on vacation and this seemed a whole lot easier than writing an in-depth review.
This time I’m giving away a Garmin Fenix3 multisport watch, sponsored by Clever Training. It’s the only watch I brought with me on vacation (yes, I know, only one watch – incredible!)
So how do you enter?
Simple: All you need to do is write a comment below with what type of training (or I suppose racing) you typically do on vacation. Do you cut back, or press on as per the schedule? Or does all training just simply shift to eating ice cream and chocolate bonbons?
The winner will get to choose any Fenix3 variant from Clever Training. This could be the base grey one (seen middle in photo above), or the more swanky Sapphire unit with the metal link strap. And then you can get it with or without the HR strap. Totally your choice!
As usual, Clever Training is sponsoring the giveaway. Remember you can save 10% off anything they sell through either the coupon code or the DCR/CT VIP program, plus of course free US shipping for goods over $75US.
Thanks for reading!
The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, April 27th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming in stock.
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Well, I am about to go on a cruise and I have to say the only training that I will be doing is 12 oz curls, maybe 16 oz’s. Hope your vacation is as good as mine.
When I’m in vacation I try to do something different from my usual running and road cycling. That might be hiking, mountain biking…..or maybe just sitting at the beach and drinking those drinks with the little umbrellas in them!
I love using training as an opportunity to get to see the new destination. Runs along river/ocean front, through downtowns, in an interesting national park, wherever I am, I set a course and just try and take it pretty gingerly. If I get lost, well, I’m in a bit of trouble since my FR620 doesn’t do navigation. That’s why I need a Fenix 3 :)
I only ever run when on vacation. Easiest thing to do anywhere on the planet. I also consider it to be one of the best ways to explore a new city except of course, I get lost very often.
My training begins in the morning, starting with question to my fiancée: “maybe we could run a little in the evening?” Then is warm-up – a lot of questions: “maybe only short run? Come on. We took running shoes, don’t let them be bored.” After dinner is stretching: “so, are you going with me or should I go alone:)?” And then I am trying to calm my breath: Running for some time, jumping jacks etc.
If you stretch “vacation” to “travelling” I’ll do mainly running to get in the (probably new?) scenery and because it’s so simple and doesn’t require to much gear to carry.
If it sticks to “vacation” it depends: If doing something active (which I usually try), I don’t do extra training, sometimes a bit more leg-work if I’m not doing that (e.g. if I’m paddling). Other than that: again running, same reasons as for the “travelling” part.
Greetings, Tichy
Honestly, it depends on where I am on my training. I like to enjoy my vacations, but if it’s a critical week, I’m going to full out train (as best I can).
Press on with my training schedule. So far, it hasn’t been very difficult to accomplish.
If a bike its not an option, then its crosstraining!!
Haven’t had a “vacation” in over 12 years but I am planning on taking some down time this year with hiking and kayaking instead of training.
Vacation normally means a run on the first day and then a whole lot of well intentioned, but ultimately lazy days to follow.
Enfin pouvoir courir après 6 mois de blessure :-)
Vacation training is ‘find new places to run’ time. All in.
I change nothing. I just continue to waddle on slowly, one post at a time, towards my dream of running a marathon before I hit 50.
In the morning trail along the coastal pine forest, afternoon open water swimming in the sea and at night, of course, the well deserved ice cream
I try to keep up with running, but it’s hard to keep up with long runs. Biking is usually terrible on hotel stationary bikes.
Vacation’s for me are always are perfect time for a run-focused block. Unless of course my “vacation” isn’t for a Tri race!
Depends on the kind of vacation. If it’s a sit-on-the beach kind of vacation, then I’ll definitely press on, or even ramp it up a bit. If I’m exploring a foreign country on foot, I’ll try to maintain as much as possible, but I’ll train once per day instead of twice. If I’m skiing, I’ll try to get in just a few treadmill runs total.
Riding through the winery and drink my life away in the afternoon
Vacations will usually be the time where I find the most time for long trail runs, or take part in races. Either because grand parents come along and look after the kids for some time, or because I can share the duty with my wife so we can both go out for long runs.
It seems like all my vacations are run-cations. We just returned from the Flying Pirate Half marathon weekend at NC’s Outer Banks.
I try to get at least one run in anywhere we go though. It’s nice to be in a new place to run!
I make sure to run at least once while on vacation. I wish it were for a solid reason about my training, but I honestly just want to have more “locales” to my connect account.
Cut back a little, but still do some long slow runs to discover the place and reduce the guilt for over eating.
I run every day, but for less distance
Vacation for me means more time for training; mostly outdoors, like running and biking.
Have a great break, I usually HIIT the hotel gym!
I run more on vacation, usually after breakfast before the kids are awake. It is the most enjoyable and relaxing running ever!
I try to just go on as normal but I always en up training less. To adjust for the lost time I do harder and faster runs instead.
My training plan for our holiday in 2 weeks is first to put in some quality time sunbathing on the the beach, swimming in the sea and drinking wine – I hope the activity tracking feature can cover that!! Aside from that a light run here and there down to the fish market to buy what we will cook and eat for lunch is also planned :-)
We run a lot of races that require travel, so our vacations are almost always running related.
We really like to run in new places and see the sights!
Summer holidays are spent at our farm where I usually combine fishing with my children with finishing my training for the big Norwegian MTB race (biggest in the world) at the end of August.
I still *might* run depending where I’m vacationing
It largely depends on the vacation.
I usually go hiking on my longer vacations therefore scheduled training usually goes down the drain. I might feel guilty occasionally and add a run if I have been sitting for a while.
It starts with making big plans and ends up with a few short runs
I try to keep the running volume to reasonable level during vacation but I usually end up on double the volume during first 3 days and then I need to take it easy for the rest of the week (back to normal volumes)
Vacations/holidays are just an excuse to do more training because you don’t have to go to work!
Pack in as much Swimming running as possible.
Vacation the perfect excuse to do some tourist runs. Less (or no) speed work, same mileage, different routes.
Usually I’m more inspired to run when I’m in a new city, it’s a fun way to explore and leaves you on a high at the end. It’s also cool to see the global running map with a new location flag.
East coast vacations…I keep up the training with flat miles along the local roads but start and finish at the beach with a jump into the ocean.
Work travel: continue running schedule
vacation: slack off, but usually a lot of walking
I always leave with the best intentions, packing my running gear, but then relaxing normally intervenes and the running shoes don’t see the light of day!
Do what I can while maximizing family time. Beach House week is great because it is unscheduled. I can do both.
Continuing with my marathon training during my current vacation and doing my first trail run this weekend.
Try to keep my training on schedule despite the “look” from my wife.
Easy runs
My vacation is usually on a beach somewhere, so swim or run in the morning, dive in the afternoon, and then rinse and repeat.
Doing steady 194 bpm all week long :)
Some easy runs plus arm strength – lifting all the delicious food I’m eating!
On vacation i do a little more running.
Classic road training however will be replaced by trail running thru the forests whenever possible.
Afterwards a cool relaxing swim in one of the lakes available.
This year a MTB will join me so even more “training”
I take the chance to run, ski or bike new trails. Running in an new place is a great way to get e feel for the surroundings as well. Once I did get lost in a village in the alps when I tried a shortcut in the fog. A 5 k run turned into 13 k before breakfast ☺
Tend to forget training on hols but then my last hol was a cycle from thailand to Vietnam and I couldn’t be bothered to do extra training.
My vacations are usually visiting the inlaws, sad I know. I usually still just run around their neighborhooD while there.
I may be on vacation, but that just means more time for cycling and running !
My vacations usually turn into binge eating crab legs, fish, and beer and chasing my two toddlers. I leave my bike at home (too many accessories needed), forget the swim (who likes swimming anyways), and just run along the island around me without my GPS watch on. Ok I’m ready for a vacation now!
Early morning runs and swims. Love swimming in the big pools on vacation!
There’s nothing better than running on the beach, bare footed in the surf!
Running. Usually every morning, but if the weather is really awful – ok, I give up. It’s vacation, I will not be able to skip more than 2-3 runs anyway:)
I only go on holiday in function of my training! Eg. in july I go training in Gerardmer for one week. Cycling in the mountains, running near the leg and swimming in the 25m pool.
In between the differtent trainings => Rest and sleep on the beach in the (hopefully) sun!
/end holiday
I usually press on cause vacation is the better time for me to train than during work-weeks.
Cut back a little, but running around a new city is a great way to explore the area.
I like to do just enough running to feel justified about totally vegging out the rest of the day.
Vacations means cycling on the sun, beach, travel and some cold beers while I’m doing ALL of it.
Usually running and easy walking with my family.
My training on vacation tends to focus on sleeping and eating desserts. Practices makes perfect.
Hello from Portugal!
Vacations means more free time so I do more of what I often do: run, bike and hiking.
Since 2 years now I always go 1 week in the summer to the mountains just for hiking.
For me holiday time is training specific free. Time to enjoy life , any exercise I do is part of or absorbed by the activities I do whilst on holiday. ie. swimming, surfing, hiking etc… “Training without training “. ;-)
For me there is still training but I adjust to the location. In any case there is always running and hopefully swimming
Running, preferably on the beach front early every morning, if I’m at the coast! Nothing beats it as I spend my day-to-day life land locked in the middle of the country!
Cycling, cycling like there’s no tomorrow.
Usually cut back, but we tend to be active on vacation too. Lots of hiking and walking around.
Not much training for me. It is vacation, right?
I love a run along the beautiful beach back in my home town of Whitley Bay in the UK. Brings memories flooding back – past the lighthouse, through Cullercoats and back through Tynemouth. Love it!
Running. Fun to see new terrain.
I am trying to have my mountain bike with me during vacations. And sometimes it’s just hikes.
If in Italy, biking and running in the hilly Tuscany!! Less volume but hard
Going to be on vacation in Boulder, CO this week! Planning on getting some running miles in on the trails!
Usually I keep up more often running and for slightlier longer time. No to forget to try to balance with my other activities, but definitely not going for ice only.
well, I lift odd shaped stones (used to be a powerlifter), easy jogs, possibly ride a rental bike but biggest workout is reserved for the pancreas. I gorge on carbs which I usually avoid especially cakes like Cassata Siciliana, anything with chocolate and lemon maringues. :-)
My plan is to try to stick to the schedule, but now that you mention it, the chocolate bonbons sound good.
When I travel I like to explore on foot, so I will wake up early and run around a city or try new trails before the rest or the world is awake.
I usually take a vacation to go train in a different contry!!!
Vacations are an opportunity to turn it up a notch, combining running with cycling, sometimes with 2 year-old twins in tow!
Always pack my running shoes, regardless of where I’m going and for how long. Best way to see new places is running through the city, or across the country side. Added bonus – it also leaves room for even more local food (and icecream) :)
25+ kilometer run on Sunday..
I usually do a lot of different activities thru geocaching.
I done:
– kayaking in Abu Dabhi
– Bike ride in Pisa, Italy.
– hiking in Houston
– Skiing in Norway
– snorkeling in Crete
– diving in Tunisia
– walk in the desert in Morocco and Egypt.
– swimming in Malaysia
I love all kind of activity and I love the Fenix 3 that I hopefully will have soon.
Depending where I am – Usually I follow my running training schedule…
I’m on vacation too! With this one in particular I will be able to throw in a few runs at the beach and some open water swims in the warmer waters of Mexico’s pacific coast. Yet the food is my top priority.
My wife and I don’t go on vacation unless we can find a race to run while we are there. So far, we have raced in Oregon, Indiana, Georgia, Texas, and Florida, plus our home state of Michigan. This is not only a great way to enjoy the local culture, it keeps us focused on training and staying away from weeks of sloth-like living.
Vacations are usually a time to try new and fun things – hiking, rapelling, mountain biking and other advenures – as a nice break from the regular road bike racing.
Vacation is usually a bit of “cross training” where the usual swim/bike/run training sessions are replaced with time with the kids at splashparks, or playing games in the park, some odd jobs at home and, of course, ensuring proper hydration at the bar!
I always *want* to go for a easy run or two, but always end up enjoying relaxing too much!
Well, it usually depends on the weather, and we’re I’m staying! I try to run, but not if it’s too cold or too urban…
What’s a vacation? Is it when you don’t have to work for a week so you get more time to train?
I usually bring all my gear to continue normal training as if at home. Unfortunately that bag never seems to get unpacked and the ice cream and sweets win me over!
Morning runs
Early morning runs. I try to get at least one run in anywhere I/we go.
If the travel is not for a race, it usually goes out the door.
When I’m on vacation, which is near never, I always sneak some run time at unforgiving early times…
I just find a scenic place to run with the wife.
Business as usual for me! Hotel fitness room or hit the streets and ride.
Running – outside or treadmill if necessary.