It’s giveaway time! Partly because it’s been a while, partly because it’s Friday and it seems fitting, and partly just cause I’m on vacation and this seemed a whole lot easier than writing an in-depth review.
This time I’m giving away a Garmin Fenix3 multisport watch, sponsored by Clever Training. It’s the only watch I brought with me on vacation (yes, I know, only one watch – incredible!)
So how do you enter?
Simple: All you need to do is write a comment below with what type of training (or I suppose racing) you typically do on vacation. Do you cut back, or press on as per the schedule? Or does all training just simply shift to eating ice cream and chocolate bonbons?
The winner will get to choose any Fenix3 variant from Clever Training. This could be the base grey one (seen middle in photo above), or the more swanky Sapphire unit with the metal link strap. And then you can get it with or without the HR strap. Totally your choice!
As usual, Clever Training is sponsoring the giveaway. Remember you can save 10% off anything they sell through either the coupon code or the DCR/CT VIP program, plus of course free US shipping for goods over $75US.
Thanks for reading!
The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, April 27th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming in stock.
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What’s a vacation? Maybe I remember one from years ago…
Usualy just an early morning run, then laying back and playing with the kids.
Run or bike in mornings relax in afternoon. Non vacation work too early have to run after work.
Vacation days are best used doing century rides, of course!
If we are doing a staycation I tend to really up my training while the time is available. If we go away I may hit the hotels gym but otherwise its considered a rest & recovery period!
Food and beer testing is the main activity on vacation but shifting since on year to try a hike or a run.
Running normally, although try to get to a pool when possible…cycling normally has to lay by the wayside for a couple of weeks…
Going to Australia last year and experiencing the 50m outside pools there was a dream….
Running the heat was not so fun…
A mix of medium distance runs, sand runs, metabolic conditioning, and open ocean swimming. Often, two-a-days with napping in the sun in between.
Wine! and running (when not hungover) to ease my conscience….
This year will be high activity vacation, preparing for
Typically running and swimming.
When on vacation, I always try to do some beach runs because it feels magical!
Difficult to do any sport on vacation. But how about going for a walk. Just as simple as that.
It depends on the holiday but I always take my running shoes with…
Run if it’s summer. Swim if there are options. Hike if feasible. The only holidays where none of those really happen involve lots of skiing instead. (Honing ice cream spoon and wine glass techniques are two other certainties).
Countless kilometers of photowalking in the cities.
Whenever I stay at home during vacations I usually increase the trainings (mostly cycling).
However, when I go on holiday with the girlfriend I (unfortunately) have to cut back on the training and increase the ice-cream consumption (the girl loves the ice cream :)). I at least take the running shoes with me to get rid of the ice creams whenever I can!
It depends. I have taken a vacation with friends during which we road cycled and mountain bike. At other times (cottage), I swam in a lake for training. On business travel, I would only bring running shoes and run….
Light running to keep in shape.
Most of my vacations involve day hikes in the mountains so I accept that as a reasonable substitute for my running training schedule.
I cutback on the gym and running and instead I do more walking / hiking in the outdoors – as much as possible!
Vacation?! Oh, you mean training camp. More’s the better as far as I’m concerned
I will usually try to get at least two runs in when we are on vacation.
I usually do more long runs to explore the surroundings during vacations. Also I eat a lot more ice cream.
Hey – happy vacation.
I typically try to crosstrain and take advantage of whatever is unique to the place I’m visiting.
Which, of course, would be much easier to track with a new Fenix.
I always get out for my morning runs when I travel for vacation or business. If I’m following a training plan, I get the workouts done; if not, I just go for whatever looks interesting on the local map. I always wear a GPS watch so that I can capture the run for posterity; it’s a no-impact souvenir.
full-on training on vacations! The only time of year where I can reach 100% of my swim/bike/run training schedule, normally I have to settle for 70%
I love exploring new places during my running. However these normally fall into the easy runs category, because I am checking my route so often not to get lost :)
relax and read a book
Usually running and cycling.
More than normal to compensate for the overeating.
I always take my running shoes wherever I go, but in general I barely use them when I’m not home. When on a citytrip, though, I make a point out of running at least around one of the majors attraction of that city (like golden gate in SF, opera house in Sydney, …).
Little training, but lots of walking round sightseeing or hiking
In holidays I like to run more than usual
Usually a clubride 2-3 hours and a relaxed one by the ocean, the best :-)
Running to enjoy new scenery
Vacation, business as usual. Always find a running route where I go.
OWS. Bike or run long, the most scenic route possible. Logging on 910xt. Would Love a f3
My vacations usually start with an ultra endurance event like the Stagecoach 400 mountain bike race, then I sit around with many a “recovery drink” wherever my wife wants to go for the rest of the trip.
I always try to bring my bike and keep up with training… But who am I kidding… Most of my vacations are scheduled around races lol
Race race race… That’s all I do lol
Prefer to plan my vacation in such a way that I can ride every second day in the Alps or Voges.
Cross training. and some biking if possible (combining training and visiting)
I am taking my training with me. Sometimes it is challenging, like running on a small diver boat, but it usually fits somehow,
I usually try to stick to my training plan, but eventually end up just running. Of course, eating ice cream and other special treats may wind up on the modified plan!! Enjoy the vacation!
Just finished a family 2 week vacation in Nice and Prague. Lots of walking (and climbing up every tower, clocktower, hill, castle turret …). Managed to keep up a reasonable running schedule and used the running to see more of both cities.
Just got back from a week in Aruba. Little bit of swimming and lots of arm curls (drinking)!
I am a cyclist.
On a true vacation with my family the bikes are used strictly for sight seeing.
That’s true family time!
Vacation is time to actually enjoy working out without being rushed. It’s always a balance between resting and doing longer fun runs.
I’m an early bird, and the girl likes sleeping in, so early morning runs and some crossfit/bodyweight exercises are a perfect fit. Does golf count? ;)
Running, swimming and cycling with the kids.. Which is a full on training in itself.
Other than walking, I don’t exercise much on vacation
Last holiday I stayed in a cabin in the bush & didn’t train – but wished that I had a gravel bike to ride the great gravel roads…
If it’s not a race vacay combo, then I typically keep training but cut it back, by as much as half, how much exactly depends on how ‘runable’ the area is.
Last vacation I must admit I didn’t run or cycle. Did tons of walking though so the activity tracking part would be super useful.
It doesn’t matter where I go for vacay, I always run. I’ve run in London, Osaka, Seminyak, Rome, Bangkok, Amsterdam, Paris, and even locally in Oz – I never fail to hit the pavement. It’s the best way to see the sights, and get a real feel for the place. I think my favourite international run was along the Seine from the hotel to the Eiffel Tower. A 10k return trip – loved every second of it.
Nothing like running the streets of a strange city to get an idea of what to go back an investigate in more detail later :)
I keep doing my usual training during vacations, just in a different location.
On vacation I only have two words : relax and beer ;-)
i do the 7min workout with the hotel chairs! once a month
If the vacation is not a training camp we often go to bike holidays with touring bike including many coffee and cake stops.
I’ll try to stick to my schedule, but I’m Dutch. Why does that matter? There are basically 2 things we Dutch are not used to; Heat and Mountains (or even hills). Which is why, on vacation, we move in numbers to warm or mountainous (or both) area’s. And generally it’s impossible to do the same intensity trainings, at least for me. So I keep the distance, but loose some of the intensity.
Just took a vacation to San Diego for IM 70.3 CA. Planning a vacation in June for IM CDA. Like to plan to race early in the trip and spend the rest of the time relaxing with family.
Always take my bike in a bike box and explore new places!
Girlfriend gets pissed because I give more attention to the bike than to her!
Relaxing with the occasional treadmill run and massages.
Mostly 16 oz curls, although I have used the gym and running track on a cruise ship in the past.
Glad you can take a vacation! Bon voyage!
I try to stick with training, but get it out of the way early in the day. My first long run during my last marathon training came on the tiny island of Iona in Scotland, in July.
At that time of year I was able to wake up at 5 with the sun already up and do four out-and-back laps for my eight miles. It was fun because every successive lap saw the island gradually wake up.
It didn’t hurt that this is one of the most beautiful places I’ve seen.
early morning easy runs, and lots of walking with the kids
On vacation, I usually keep my training going full blast, but the question is which training… Ice cream eating contest training, or running training.
No training on vacation. Relax, food, beer, and fishing.
I balance more food during my vacation time with more activity! Running, cycling, hiking! :-)
running to get an ice cream :-)
some swimming in the sea and maybe a coastal off road run or two.
*dreams of holidays to come*
If I travel to MTB friendly location, always take my bike with me and explore local trails.
If I dont take my bike with on a vacation, i always do long runs in the nature, cause being on vacation leaves me much more time compare to usual work/kids/wife routine.
Full on training. I’ve found that it’s a huge stress reliever and really therapeutic while having 5 kids at say…..DisneyLand.
For me, training on vacation often gives way to queso. Realistically its only going to be running, with a swim or two if we happen to be at a resort with a real pool or somewhere on a beach.
only enjoyable activities on holiday!
Run casual wherever I am, after all its a holiday.
I press on, as per schedule. I already don’t have enough time to train, no cutting back!
In thinking about my response, I realize my work-life balance is askew…my mileage usually increases while on vacation. Mostly early morning runs to catch the local sites before the throngs of tourists show up, or long beach power walks.
Say to myself that I’m gonna run but just end up eating and drinking.
If they have a pool i usually swim a lot more then I am used to. But otherwise running is simple and you can always bring runningshoes and a garmin :)
Whatever training I’m able to do, which is often just running. Even If it’s on a treadmill it’s better than nothing.
Repeat intervals between the couch and the fridge…
No dedicated training but a lot of outdoor activities. So rest and “crosstraining”!
Vacation = more time to run than real life
It depends where the vacation is, but I do enjoy waking up early and running next to the ocean! I would enjoy those runs so much more with a brand new Fenix3!!!
I don’t usually take my bike with me when I’m away, so I try and make sure my running gear is packed and fit in a 30 minute session or two! Nothing too strenuous, it is supposed to be a holiday after all…
Ah, vacation! Always involves a pool and some swimming. Anywhere, any country, any city. Can’t find a pool? change the destination.
Depends where I am on holidays if I am away and have access to a bike I will go for a mountain bike ride, otherwise I will hit the gym and do some intervals on the exercise bike.
There is no time to rest, so on vacations I’m trying to push my running limits to maximum !
I usually increase twice my training hours and of course increase twice sleep hours :-)
On vacation I get to train in my optimal time which is between 5:00-8:00 am. I usually have to go out after work feeling fried and hungry and I do not enjoy the experience but rather endure it. I also try to get caught up on my sleep and readjust my sleep patterns and amounts. I am training for the Sugarloaf (Maine) marathon which occurs on May 17th so about three weeks out which means about one week (2 long runs) away from taper time!
Vacation…I have been training for the Ironman, and when it is over, I definitely need a vacation. Repair, rest, relaxation, repeat….otherwise, a solid run works well.
Usually blackmail my family into letting me take my bike, and if not I sulk (maybe I should enter some sulking races?) and/or lift weights
training for me consists of adding couple days at the gym in between days on my bike.
Some running, some hiking, but can I include eating within ‘cross-training’?
Long runs in the morning to explore the new areas.
My favorite is explorunning. Checking out the sites while running. Running on the beach is the best!
If I can’t get on a bike while away I pack the shoes and at least try and get a run or two in.