Valentine’s Day Double-Gadget Giveaway!


It’s definitely time for another giveaway.  Given Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, it only seems right to show you some lovin’.  But, it would seem sorta awkward to give you a present and not also give the person you love (or, at least kinda-sorta-like) a present as well.  No?

Thus, I’ll be giving away two units as part of this giveaway – one for each of you.  It’ll be like a couples giveaway, though you need not be a couple to enter or win.  I’m sure everyone can find a loving friend that is worthy of a new GPS device (or similar).  If you can’t think of such a person in your life, I’d suggest expanding your circle of friends.

Those who win will get two units valued up to $270US (each) from Clever Training.  This could be currently shipping units like the Polar M400, or, upcoming units like the Garmin Vivoactive once it ships.  As long as the value is under $270US per device you can pick whatever you want from Clever Training.

Here’s a few ideas to get ya thinking:

The Fitbit Surge GPS watch
TomTom Runner Cardio GPS watch (with optical HR sensor)
Garmin Vivoactive GPS smartwatch
Polar M400 GPS watch
Mio Fuse Activity Tracker with optical HR sensor
Suunto Ambit2 S GPS multisport watch

How to enter:

Leave a comment with: A description of your Valentine’s Day training or racing plans.

Simple as that!  As usual, Clever Training is sponsoring the giveaway.  Remember you can save 10% off anything they sell through either the coupon code or the DCR/CT VIP program, plus of course free US shipping for goods over $75US.

Thanks for reading!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, February 16th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming in stock.


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  1. Ravi

    A easy 5k for me while wifey runs around the toddler :)

  2. John Sadler

    I can’t (well, don’t want to) go too far as my wife is expecting and ready to go any day now, so after celebrating Valentines day and keeping her happy enough to allow me to train on the special day/weekend, I’m just hitting the trainer for an hour or two each day while reading DC Rainmaker posts and drooling over new fitness tech toys.

  3. Chris Sussman

    Ran the “Cupid 5K” in Shelburne VT. 0 degrees and snow on the road, but a good time and my first 5K in quite a while!

  4. Jen

    Attempting to wear out my Vizsla puppy as the high winds have forced a rest day.

  5. Aleš Kramaršek

    12K, cross-country skiing

  6. Jamie Belcher

    Well I just took the baby for a nice long 1.5 hour walk while she slept. :o)

  7. Matt

    10k bike ride with Lilly in the bike seat behind Deanna

  8. serdar

    simple k run

  9. Sophie

    10 km easy running and some cycling.

  10. DaveG

    We set up a new trainer in the basement and had a go…

  11. Becky

    I ran 12 miles and my valentine joined me for 3 of those in the middle.

  12. Tommy short

    I started Valentine’s Day with over 400 of my closest trail-loving friends runnig 10 of the hardest miles in the KC area –> PsychoWyco 2015. Great weather, a bit Muddy, but bearable. Great way to start the day!

  13. Johnny Maelstrom

    Too cold for a proper cycle, so we spent 90 minutes side-by-side spinning.

  14. k

    I ran intervals, 1 minute fast 1 minute slow

  15. Erick

    Just hoping to get my heart rate up any way I can.

  16. Jack T Allen

    nice easy tandem bicycle ride

  17. D21

    10k personal best + some cardio weights for me

  18. Puffolino

    8 miles of slow cross-country skiing in beautiful winter scenes :)

  19. Mike

    3 mile recovery run

  20. Fer

    20km bike ride + 1 hour of squash with friends.
    Back home, and 12km long run with wife.
    Awesome Valentine morning!
    Thanks for the giveaway, Ray!

  21. Janusz

    We with my wife planned and did lovely walk around the lake.
    If we win it will be the best gift for us whatever we choose.

  22. nick

    I’m cross training inside since it’s freezing outside!

  23. Mikal davis

    2600m strenth workout in the pool + 2 hr sufferfest video on the trainer. Yes, my bike is my valentine.

  24. Ivica

    just a easy running around nearby lake.

  25. Jonathan

    Actually, my wife and I didn’t run on Valentine’s Day but we decided to enrol for the 10k and the half at the Montreal Marathon.
    Training together until this fall will be nice!

  26. Alex K

    Count me in! Thanks.

  27. ran 12 grueling miles on a treadmill. when will winter be over :(

  28. Damien J

    Ran on a treadmille in a hotel. 15k. Was a nice hotel though. Yep, that’s how my weekend was spent :)

  29. Katri

    My Valentine day workout will unfortunately include only running from one kids’ event to another – so no proper training.

  30. Tom G

    No training to speak of but I did walk to the shops to pick up supplies on Saturday, no far but something. I did fit in an 8k run on Sunday though..

  31. Richard Garrett

    I went out on a 24 mile ride around Lake Monroe and hit it pretty hard. The temperature averaged around 70°F so it was a great day for a ride.

  32. PNOEL

    My valentine day training was cancelled due to extrimely bad weather. I plan to do paddle.

  33. Matt Seeds

    Spent time with the family. No planned training.

  34. Bradley J Shannon

    trainer for 2 hours, then 6 miles

  35. Gian B.

    My valentine day: 11km run & after watch TV :)

  36. Oleksandr

    1 hour swimming and 5 km running

  37. Sarah

    No workout nor races for me this past weekend; I did take my daughter to her 8&U swim meet and she killed her 1st 100 IM!

  38. Alejandro Mendoza

    8 miles of running in great Minnesota weather.

  39. Alyssa Stewart

    Keeping up with my kids!

  40. Lauren

    I spent it with family and my mother-in-law who is battling breast cancer

  41. Matthew Harris

    Sitting on the couch with the girlfriend and watching Big Hero 6….love winter training!

  42. Oleg

    23 km long run.

  43. Jan Aniolek

    Easy run through the bushes..

  44. I went for a short ride as soon as there was some sun. Hélas, I took a good shower, I went back home so dirty, and my wife was clearly not happy. Great warm up for Valentine ;) It got better after that.

  45. Allyn Crowe

    Hoping being at the bottom helps!! My plans were to go for a 10K run then walk around an outdoor mall, but my Valentine, horrible drivers, and the stupid cold weather had other plans. So it consisted of walking around the farmers market (indoors), then sitting in a car for 5 hours in traffic with my wife and another couple (horrible accident 300m ahead of us closing the major highway for 6+ hours), then finally getting dinner and going home… Then the stupid cold (-20F) prevented any run on Sunday. Not a great training weekend, but memorable…

  46. Jon

    Coming off two 50K runs the previous two weekends, I vegged out. Walked about 4 cold miles yesterday. Legs feeling pretty good

  47. Francisco Migoya

    3 hour mountain bike

  48. Pekka Koskinen

    I did a 4 miles run in Grapevine, Texas. :)

  49. Diego

    We saw some videos at home. :)

    Regards Ray

  50. ImRonBurgandy1

    Bike on the trainer and then a walk with the wife!

  51. Ellen

    Easy treadmill run, and then off to the Millrose Games in NYC to watch some professionals run indoor track!

  52. Kris Pachla

    My wife and I ran a half marathon down in Charlottesville, VA on Valentine’s Day! Adam and Eve – it was a great race.

  53. Yannick Trombetta

    A quick 5k run in the park followed by a lovely diner at home, perfect Valentine’s Day !

  54. Jenny

    Swam 4k together and cooked a delicious dinner at night!

  55. Richard C

    On V-Day, I did a Z2 11-mile run, and took a swim lesson!

  56. Brad

    Hot Chocolate 5K, because nothing says training like shoving your face full of chocolate afterwards.

  57. Misty

    Husband was out of town for son’s orienteering meet (Nationals). So, to make up for it we are going on a nice hike today!

  58. Fernando

    Raining cats and dogs, training postponed to Sunday :-(

  59. Marissa Camacho

    Training for my first 5k after 5 years and being mom.

  60. Casy Catalano

    My sisters and I went a walk/run around the neighborhood. My sister and I are trying to get sister #3 into jogging/running. So far – so good :)

  61. Ricardo HR

    Training for a middle year 10km

  62. Rocky Fennell

    Undie Run in Vegas.

  63. andres

    10k run!

  64. Ceci

    1 hour running and 2 hours gym

  65. Oliver Christmas

    A 5k with my wife. It will be slow but enjoyable :)

  66. Trevor

    25 km bike loop around town

  67. Chris

    Continue training for this Sunday’s Hypothermic Half marathon!

  68. Jeffrey

    Heart rate training.

  69. Chris

    25km long run

  70. Raul Freitas

    Plan was to do an indoor ride on my Wahoo Kickr. Ended up being anoter ppt preparation time… :-/

  71. Demian Shevko

    Just a free km run as a part of triathlon tournament. 11.52

  72. Jessica D.

    Intervals on the trainer… it’s cold!

  73. Kelsey T

    Went on a long bike ride with my hubby on Valentines Day :)

  74. Demian Shevko

    It was 10 km :)

  75. Ernesto

    A very early bike ride in time to get back and have breakfast with my wife and daughter celebrating the occasion.


  76. Seth T

    Valentine’s bike ride with my wife this weekend

  77. Pierre-Emile Lemay

    fitness run with my girlfriend (after childbirth)


    1 hour of hill repeats early in the morning with a few friends who have agreed to run their first half or full marathon at the Phoenix Marathon. Later in the afternoon, a 40 mile ride.

  79. Mike Tougher

    Planned a long run which became much longer after a missed turn. My wife simply said it was a good thing she did not go with me or she might have filed for divorce on valentines day. JK…

  80. Guillaume Fortier

    10K Run

  81. Anna

    5km evening run!

  82. Tisztul_A_Visztula

    Making love.

  83. JP Miller

    The local running club holds a 5k race where the women get a 3min head start!

  84. Stefan Hornke

    The PLAN: 90 min running; 60 min GA1, 30 min GA 2
    The REALITY: Icing my inflamed achilles tendon

  85. Will Nickell

    9 mile mountain bike ride on my new Trek Superbly 9.6.

  86. Jeff

    Same as @Tisztul_A_Visztula on VD! But Today it’s -20 ºC here in Montreal (-32 ºC with wind factor or if you prefer -4 ºF –> -26 ºF with wind factor) so a quick lunch time indoor pool 2000m. for her and a lunch time spin class for him…


  87. Santiago

    Morning 5 mile run. Yoga in the afternoon.

  88. Ken

    The wife and I go to the gym together. She does assorted cardio training while I do a mix of StrongLifts 5×5 and cardio — plan to get back into longer running as soon as the frigid weather in our area breaks and we both plan on swim training in the warm weather.

  89. Gubrinho

    A 5 mile interval training with my other half.

  90. Roelof

    Sick in bed, 63km sunny bike ride on sunday.

  91. Brian

    My wife recently gave birth to our son, so training activity was limited! As it happened, vday training was ~5 trips hauling folding tables and plastic bins of materials back and forth from the car at a tradeshow…

  92. David Nicolau

    with 70 deg weather here this weekend (north- CA) a long road bike ride is in…

  93. Anthony

    We purchased her a road bike and did our first road ride together (32 miles), and she is debating on doing the MS150 (2 day ride from Houston to Austin) with me!!!

  94. stephen fallows

    A 1 hour wobble on my turbo using trainer road to burn off the birthday cake

  95. Marc-André


    My Valentine’s day training was a one hour run at a fairly easy pace while my girlfriend played with the kids. When I came back after a short shower, I played with the kids and my girlfriend went for a run. We didn’t ran with the kids, it’s freezing in Montreal theses days…

    After that hard work, a great supper with only the two of us while the kids slept. A fin ending to a great day!

    Thanks for the great site, I bought a Forerunner 220 because of your incredibly detailled review!

  96. Jerry Van Oort

    Saturday morning Yoga for me and the Mrs.

  97. Ken C

    we ran the Nashville Hot Chocolate 15k, our first 15K btw.

  98. Muzzzak

    5 miles on a sunny winter afternoon

  99. Mathieu Tourangeau

    2h of cross country skiing at minus 21 deg C.

  100. Pearce Point

    Spin session on the trainer.