The ‘Anything On My Recommendations’ List Giveaway!

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could pick any gadget that’s on my ‘2014 Winter Sports Gadget Recommendations’ list and call it your own?  Yup, I agree.  And, so does Clever Training.  So they’re offering up to one lucky holiday duck just that.

Be it a new GPS watch, or a super-high end trainer – it can indeed be yours.  It’s like the Price is Right Showcase of sports technology products.  Minus having to guess the price or pay for it.

The rules are simple here, simply drop a comment below with the following:

To Enter: The details of one workout or race that you’ve got scheduled between now and the end of the year.

Simple enough?  Good.

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, December 8th, 2014 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  I’ll be giving you one device of your choosing from the list from Clever Training.  Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday, assuming the interwebs work in London for me on Tuesday.  One entry per person.  The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately assuming in stock.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF or now via the VIP program.  Plus, there’s still tons of Black Friday-type deals going on. And most of all, by using Clever Training you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Have a great weekend all!


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  1. Ryan M

    Run in Forest Park (STL) as much as possible before I move to Amsterdam.

  2. Joel Mulligan

    80km ride around Cairns including a jaunt up Copperlode, the local hill climbers demon ride.

  3. Tanner

    Tomorrow: 90 min at NP 240. Yowza.

  4. John

    4 miler on Tuesday after a couple weeks off resting a sore knee

  5. Daniel Welch

    8 mile mountain bike ride to local gym, then a 1,000M swim and 8 mile mountain bike back home… mind you I live in Michigan, and its a bit cold over/up here.

  6. Nick

    Frozen Bonsai half marathon on the 14th. Happy Holidays!

  7. Colin

    Big Rock Olympic Tri on April 11th

  8. Mount Tamalpais! The Dipsea Trail. Twice. Otherwise known as a Double Dipsea. Located in Mill Valley CA. No trail in the world has such diverse sceneary and terrain.

  9. Sean

    20k time trial course this weekend

  10. SteveT

    I have a iFit enabled NordicTrack X9i that I jump on when I’m watching TV. Today the scheduled “Walk in the Park” was Champs de Mars in lovely Paris. I thought that was apropos. I don’t think the Google person knew where they were going, they were meandering all around. Didn’t see Ray-LOL.

  11. couch surfing to recover from knee surgery…

  12. Jeremy

    I’m hoping to get another really solid progression run in before the end of the year. Something like a 20′, 10′, 5′, 5′ progression as Coach Jay Johnson posted the other day. Should be a lot of fun!

  13. Brad Davis

    A marathon tracking mission! I will be chasing my wife around the course of the Kiawah Island Marathon by bicycle and trying to see her as many times as I can to cheer her on! I noticed your Boston bike tracking for The Girl led to about 40 miles, so that has to count as a workout!

  14. joseph

    Increasing distance weekly runs in military boots and utilities trousers starting at 4 miles and adding a half mile each weak. Working up to participate on my Marine units team running the tough mudder in the new year.

  15. Mike

    Monday is the start of my build phase.

  16. Douglas Cash

    Start of spring HM training!

  17. Richard Withington

    Sufferfest blender

  18. Karen Pettus

    My last race for the year is the Harborside Lights 5K at Christmas in SC.

  19. Zack Desmond

    10 mile run in DC tomorrow through Rock Creek, Zoo, and Glover Archbold. Pace undetermined. :)

  20. Ronnie McConachie

    Texas 10 Series Conroe on December 7th. 10 miler

  21. Aleks

    Tomorrow I have a swim scheduled

    5×100 Swim, kick, breast, pull, swim
    4×75 drill
    4×75 swim, kick, back

    1000 time trial

    200 cool down

  22. Steven

    40 mile to a local farm / juice place for delicious fresh smoothie, then another 40 mile to the keys and ride along sunset. Not sure if I am gonna need rescuing for the way back or just suck it up and make it a really long ride

  23. Michael

    As I’m on TrainerRoad, I’ll be doing many leg burning workouts through the end of the year and beyond.

  24. David Colman

    8 mile run or so in a few hours.

  25. Chris bigkey

    10k charity run next Saturday in dublin

  26. Paul Gregory

    Jingle Bell 5k this morning!

  27. alan galang

    10km Christmas Day training run

  28. I’ve got a 3-5 mile run scheduled for a week from this Monday. (It’s the off-season… :-)

  29. Ski tour with my awesome girlfriend.

  30. Erik

    Nice base mile ride prepping for the next cycling road season in Portland OR, which should be a nice dry ride :-)

  31. John Turcotte

    20mi on Christmas morning

  32. Leon

    6-mile run in Balboa park next week

  33. Kris

    Mtn biking with studded tires in snowy northern Japan to prep for the tour of old pueblo in Tucson.

  34. Trent S.

    5k Santa Run with my XC Team

  35. EscalationBro

    I’ll be doing some loops at the local MTB park with my kids before the rain comes back.

  36. Ivan Yeung

    BROOKS Hong Kong 15km Challenge 2014, so this is the last race for me in 2014, then will enjoy my Christmas Holiday!

  37. Ann Marie

    ran a 5k today and am going to run 3 miles tomorrow.

  38. Heiko Hamann

    Running around the Hamburg Airport on thursday (17.9 km). And maybe trying to conquer the strava segment right before my door back later next week.

  39. Bert

    Well I’m taking some downtime between Christmas and now to recover from the past year, which included a marathon, some half marathons and a half IM. :-)

  40. Justine

    Cambridge 5k Yulefest!

  41. Chris K

    Sufferfest FTP test next Wednesday (Dec 10th) following hip injury and several rounds of physiotherapy.

  42. David

    Running my first 50k next weekend. Kurrawa2Duranbah in the Queensland summer heat here in Aus

  43. Antonio

    10 km race sylvesterlauf in aachen, 31.12.2014 :)

  44. Erik Meijer

    I can not live without my Tuesdays and Thursdays core stability sessions!

  45. vito

    Today a good bike workout: 3×20′ @sweet spot, thanks to TrainerRoad!

  46. chiya

    Just my day to day 5k run

  47. Grant Baxter

    Half marathon training session today, rest on Monday, business trip in Boston for the rest of the week, so lots of morning running along the Charles River.

  48. Bogdan Pangrati

    Christmas morning run – 5 – 10 k depending on snow/ice condition

  49. Tom Burgin

    5k Park Run every Saturday! Did my first one this weekend in -3C and iced up paths. Little bit tricky.

  50. Sarah Burgin

    Deadlift fun at the gym!

  51. Francis

    10K trail run with 3000+ ft of vertical elevation

  52. Matt

    4 Months after surgery from a completely torn left achilles, looking forward to getting on my bike for my annual birthday ride. Will definitely have to take it slower than usual – Haha.

  53. Santhosh K

    The Tanjore Half Marathon (South India) on 21st Dec. Looking forward to it

  54. MajekB

    A 5K trail run through the Samobor woods next saturday.

  55. Münir Demir Bajin

    2 laps around the Lake Eymir next saturday which is roughly a half-marathon.

  56. Owen Warburton

    67km down river kayak race next weekend

  57. Jal

    Enough races for me this year :-) just some cool training now

  58. Arbra

    trail marathon next saturday

  59. Robert

    2.5 mile run set for tomorrow!

  60. Chris

    Silvesterlauf in Zurich. 4 loops around the center of Zurich in reindeer costume with Gluehwein at the finish. And possibly during.

  61. johnny galletta

    2km fun run with my 6yo daughter

  62. Timmy

    180km ride with 3000m elevation gain – scody 3 peaks training !

  63. Patrick

    Trailrun once a week! 13km of muddy fun. 5:15/km and 300m of elevation – sounds less? Come and join me in Austria!

  64. Jimmy

    21K trail run the day before Christmas around the lake at our cabin. Hopefully in snow. :)

  65. Stéphane

    Woohooo! Super great, Ray.
    No race for me but I plan a running-commute just before Christmas vacation. Nothing exotic, only a very flat 55 km on river paths and bike lanes. It would be my 18th “ultra-to-work”.
    But now it’s time for a 18 km loop in freezing forest :)

  66. albert JOrdana

    A long easy 20km run in the mud today

  67. Emmanuel

    50km ride with 1500m elevation gain, 2 peaks training in Venezuela

  68. Sam

    A long (21k) trail run at Wilson’s Prom national park, Australia, between Xmas and New Years. Can’t wait!

  69. Tom Lawton

    On the turbo: 4 by 4 minutes at VO2max with 3 minutes rest. Keeps me off the ice!

  70. Huso

    a duathlon 3km run + 24km bike + 3 km run on december 19th.

  71. balint

    I’d like to knock out a halfmarathon distanced run before the end of the year. Steady pace, probably somewhere on the budai hills, Hungary.

  72. Júlia Peixoto

    No races, just moderate training to keep up the stamina.

  73. Philipp

    I’ll do the Christmas Midnight Run in Lausanne on the 13th of Dec.
    The course is 7.2k around the centre of the city at 11pm in the evening.

  74. Matt

    Got an easy 9mi run planned for today

  75. BeNJaM

    I will be training a friend new to cycling next Saturday and going for over 30 km total distance, which is double his previous max distance.

  76. Christian

    I’ll go out today for a 10k run in the New York Central Park
    Love this City.

  77. Marc Marple

    Trainer workout CTS video week 2!

  78. Anders Winberg

    Only training until the spring. Planning several runs of ~8km including intervals/ jumping up stairs to get into shape for the ski season.

  79. jesper schwartz

    local 10k race on new years eve

  80. Johnny Woodhoue

    Swim squad. Fitzroy pool, outdoors tomorrow morning. Although it is summer here now, of couse.

  81. Gal S

    Tel Aviv Marathon 03/2015

  82. Lex

    The Mescherbergloop (trail run) next sunday. A 15 km trail run including a 180 steps staircase!

  83. Lieven

    4hrs cycling workout in Flemish Ardennes, tomorrow

  84. Karsten

    60 km loop through the Chevreuse, next Sunday.

  85. Andrea

    Trying to get back into swimming after a long absence, so it would be a few hundred meters focusing on form.

    Many thanks for the generosity, CT and Ray!

  86. Clark

    A bunch of chilly morning runs around my hood.

  87. Tuesday on the track 7*2000m 3’50”/km recovery 2′ that will hurt a lot but with mates will be fun

  88. Tim Clement

    5k race and lots of trainer time.

  89. Tyler

    I am hoping to do a 100×100 over the holidays. Have to see if the coach puts it on the schedule.

  90. Tim Seal

    Easy 10km after a 2 week holiday lazing on the beach

  91. Matthew shepherd

    A 26 mile mountain bike loop through the new forest, with added distance when avoiding all the ponies.

  92. Adam

    swim at least one more time…

  93. Aga

    Sunday, 10 km run in a forest

  94. Marcin

    Recovering from cold and entering new training season, so only easy runs till new year, maybe new year 5k run just for fun. Adding I and T runs early 2015.

  95. David

    If my foot finally heals up after months of being sore I will just go out for a very light run in the woods… that would truly be the best gift :-)

  96. Kennet

    40km MTB ride!

  97. Eric Ensminger

    Biked 30 miles on computrainer, and ran 2.5 outside for my brick yesterday :)

  98. daniel sim

    Ironman 70.3 in putrajaya.

  99. Heinz

    running 10km in munich with beautiful weather