The ‘Anything On My Recommendations’ List Giveaway!

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could pick any gadget that’s on my ‘2014 Winter Sports Gadget Recommendations’ list and call it your own?  Yup, I agree.  And, so does Clever Training.  So they’re offering up to one lucky holiday duck just that.

Be it a new GPS watch, or a super-high end trainer – it can indeed be yours.  It’s like the Price is Right Showcase of sports technology products.  Minus having to guess the price or pay for it.

The rules are simple here, simply drop a comment below with the following:

To Enter: The details of one workout or race that you’ve got scheduled between now and the end of the year.

Simple enough?  Good.

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, December 8th, 2014 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  I’ll be giving you one device of your choosing from the list from Clever Training.  Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday, assuming the interwebs work in London for me on Tuesday.  One entry per person.  The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately assuming in stock.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF or now via the VIP program.  Plus, there’s still tons of Black Friday-type deals going on. And most of all, by using Clever Training you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Have a great weekend all!


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  1. Felix Tenner

    50 km of nordic skiing in the bavarian forest

  2. Charlie O

    I’ve got a 5km race coming up. Hoping for a good time despite the chilly weather.

  3. artemis

    plain old 5km fartlek to average 6:00/km pace

  4. Maurice

    A 10k run through a forest of northern switzerland – hopefully with a lot of snow

  5. Wee Young Chua

    Running the Singapore Standard Chartered full marathon on Sunday. :)

  6. Mike Devine

    15 mile trail run w/ @trailsroc

  7. Tanya

    Return the original shape after giving a birth to my little daughter.

  8. Vova

    I’m going to give a try insanity max:30 till the end of 2014

  9. Jeff

    A Christmas “corrida” with my little sis and my mum!

  10. Corey W.

    A final 100 mile ride from NYC to Bear Mountain and back on the weekend before Christmas to “prepare” for potential holiday binge eating

  11. Max

    I’ll run the Corrida de Noel in Issy next week, 10km with Santa suit!

  12. JN

    Registered to the Antibes Triathlon on Dec. the 14th (French Riviera)

    link to

  13. Heather

    Lisa Wade 5k, Moonshine 10k, Great Allegeny Run

  14. Joe J

    35 min treadmill run with 4x1min @5% grade

  15. Tam Nui

    Taking part at the CycleCrossCup Dresden (link to That’s so much fun!

  16. per nt

    mtb – 2 hour racing in the forrest with friends, Saturday 13th @10AM

  17. Rob

    70 mile team ride on 12/14 with ThirstyBear cycling.

  18. Sam

    This weekends goal is simply to jump in the pool and swim a lap (and a couple more if I can). Need to make a start on my swim training if I’m ever going to enter a tri

  19. Jeff Yoder

    Today’s workout consists of climbing multiple rungs of the ladder to get into the attic And pull the Christmas decorations down. I will perform numerous squats tranfering boxes from one location to another. Then, more stair step climbs as I hang lights around the perimeter of the house and finally ending my day reintroducing myself to the lap pool as I start my training for the HIM in Muncie next July.

  20. doron

    Next week 5 k run in hod hasharon competition

  21. Jon Douglas

    I’m running a 10K near Milwaukee on December 31st to end my best year of racing. I hope to make 2015 even better.

  22. Michal

    Some swimming would be nice

  23. Andrea P.

    Off season, only race is a super quick and fun 5k Christmas Run in underpants

    as always, thanks a lot for you reviews and all the other great stuff!

  24. 3 miles on the treadmill then 45 min spin class in downtown NYC


  25. Elizabeth

    This morning’s swim is going to be around 2000m straight out of Matt Fitzgerald book!

  26. Andi

    Training run from Fiesole, through Monte Ceceri (where Leonardo da Vinchi, supposedly tried to fly) to Florence, and various runs through the suburbs of Florence. I started the c25k this year, and it’s been amazing. I’m also considering signing up for a 10k run some time next year through the Tuscan countryside.

  27. David

    A 10 mile trail run on the Conestoga trail (Lancaster, PA)

  28. Bartosz N.

    15K run in the forests – warmup 2km@6:00min/km, uphill 3km@5:45min/km, flat 6km@5:00km/min, downhill 4km@4:20min/km on Christmas Eve.

  29. Pete R.

    Trying out my new 920xt in the pool.

  30. Leo F

    recovering from a long season but 2 -10 mile runs in Central Park and running 3 days a week

  31. Louis Matherne

    Building my cycling base 3 times a week, about an hour, indoor training, through the end of year.

  32. Rickey

    I have a 5k reindeer run planned. I’m hoping it is warmer than my turkey trot that was run at -2F #LifeinMNisFun

  33. J.P.

    Today’s brick:
    2 hours bike zone 3 with 5x8min zone 4 (2min recover at zone 2)
    15 min run at zone 2 with a walking cool down afterwards

  34. Vivek

    Lots and lots of computrainer work because of my new baby!

  35. 15km on Monday 8th morning. Not so cool but on track for 6th January 2015 Half Marathon…

  36. Dathan Chesnut

    Hangover Classic Louisville, KY, USA. New years day run.

  37. Mark Smith

    I plan to do my first century on my CX bike. Many hills and gravel roads will be had.

  38. Juan

    A famous spanish race LA SAN SILVESTRE, 10km on 31 of dicember

  39. Jeffery Rehner

    14km run on Sunday, December 7, 2014

  40. Jason

    Rocky Mountain Cyclocross championships…today!

  41. brian

    5k in the cold Ohio rain today!

  42. azli

    Planning on a 16k run tomorrow morning in rural Malaysia, sharing the road with 20 tonne trucks. Hope I don’t accidentally step on cow dung.

  43. Pedro

    As a really really beginner runner, I’m aiming my 10km PR till Xmas :)

  44. milkywaye

    22k training run over Xmas. ..wearing tinsel just for some yuletide cheer

  45. John B

    Finally going to start running off-road trails with my girlfriend. Excited about the new terrain, excellent lake views, and great company.

  46. M

    Continue core, strength and flexibility workouts every other day. A long, road ride with friends that hits all the “mountains” of central FL.

  47. Brian

    No races scheduled but trying to build my mileage after a back injury earlier this year. Issued a challenge to a 1mile race with my teenage daughter.

  48. Pat Gray

    I’m excited for a swimming workout at Ashdown Park in the UK where I’m attending a conference.

  49. Corey B

    Portsmouth Coastal Marathon planned for the 21st! Hoping to set a new PR and a warm up Santa 10K on the 14th! It’s going to be an awesome December!

  50. Renee

    Tomorrow I’m going out for my first long run after being held back by an ongoing hip injury. Looking forward to it!

  51. Devin

    No more races in 2014, but plenty of tabata sessions and winter running in prep for 2015.

  52. Tommy

    2200yd Swim Workout:
    500 Warmup
    5×100 Alternating between back and free on each 25
    200 Kick
    10×50 Free Sprints
    500 Cool Down
    Normally run 5k before the swim but I’m coming off a calf strain.

  53. Owen

    Hogs Back, tomorrow

  54. Chris

    Swim/Bike today and 4.2 mile trail run tomorrow. In my second week of a trainerroad base plan on the bike. No events left this year, but training for my first half next year, probably Kinetic in Virginia in May.

  55. Julien

    Corrida of Namur (Belgium) tonight…if my knee is ok …

  56. Flo

    Today a day of rest, tomorrow 10K in the raining morning! Love it! :)

  57. Running the Marathon 5-person relay with friends in Dallas, December 14th.

  58. Christian kurek

    15 miles of running for 2015!

  59. Chad

    Planning a 16 mile X-mas day run.

  60. Paul Faulkner

    Preston Park parkrun, Brighton – link to – on Saturday, 20th December.

  61. Semi Ennafaa

    Pyramide 600>800>1200>1500>1200>800>600 @3:50 min/km

  62. Nelson DaCunha

    I plan to do the Rev 3 70.3 Triathlon in CT.

  63. Jason

    marathon training starts this week!

  64. Brano jacko

    swiming camp this weekend friday 1,5h swim saturday 2h swim /20km run/1,5h swim sunday 2h swim/1h gym/1,5h swim
    Its saturday evening and my hand hurt :(

  65. m

    Here is very cold but I hope to climb over 1000m again before the end of the year.

  66. Jacksonville Bank Marathon, December 28.

  67. Tom

    60miles bike training ride South-East London to wards Kent and back on TT bike

  68. Antonio Cruz

    Unfortunately, i’m injured and for that reason i cannot train or compete. But a gift his always welcome.

  69. Jonas S.

    90km through the black forest to Switzerland, 3.000m going up, just not sure if mountain or racing bike. Depends on the weather.

  70. charlie roberts

    60 mile gravel grinder with 6000ft of elevation gain

  71. John Cardona

    Not a hill to be found in my city, so while we are at the coast this weekend I will be doing first light sand sprints til I am close to throwing up!

  72. Nick

    I have been challenged to partake in a triathlon class at the local YMCA by a friend. I took November off running and haven’t biked/swam in ages, so it will quite the adventure.

  73. George Truong

    10K run today.

  74. Daniel B

    2.5 km pool swim followed by 5 km on the treadmill

  75. Markus

    Prepairing for my first 70.3, therefore a lot of Trainings underway, such as

    23k Run on Dec 22rd
    4x 45 Indoor Bike or
    Some 1 to 1,5km Swims

  76. Damien J

    Tomorrow (7th December) I’m planing a 22km long run, around a beautiful lake here in Stavanger, Norway.
    But in the end of this month i’ll be travelling to Chamonix, and i’ll probably have a more interesting workout with cross-country skiing. Let’s say 30km.

    Have a nice weekend guys!:)

  77. welshcakes

    13,7 km afternoon run yesterday in chilly conditions.

  78. Léon de Boer

    28th of December, Masters cyclocross race in Vorden (NL)

  79. Alastair Fowler

    100 mile ride on Sunday 28th December (weather permitting)

  80. Mark G

    Cold swim in a South Carolina lake followed by a hill workout and tempo run

  81. arunas

    No more races this year, so just some training, 2+ hours of easy riding tomorrow

  82. Colin

    Vineman 70.3! Thanks Ray.

  83. Jed Siebel

    60min trainer ride in the garage

  84. Bert Rich

    1.2 mile swim Monday, December 8.

  85. Pete T

    Swim Smooth’s “Red Mist set”, so 10 x 400m – 4 x 400m@CSS+6s, 3 x 400m@CSS+5s, 2 x 200m@CSS+4s and 100m@CSS+3s. Plus a couple of hundred metres mixed for a cool down.

  86. DavidT

    San Silvestre Vallecana Internacional 10km race in Madrid on Dec 31st 8pm!

    > run to race 3km
    > race 10km
    > run back home 7k

    total 20km and shot legs to finish the year!!

  87. Andy

    5 mile run in a wet and windy Central Park, but beats being at work :)

  88. Phillip

    5 miles pace run today followed by a 15 mile long run tomorrow!

  89. baelrati

    If the weather permits, I’ll do the Rapha Festive 500 challenge in 1 ride …

  90. Simon Prosser

    MSIG Launtau 25k this Sunday includes 1800m climbing

  91. Jason

    I’m turning 40 in a few weeks so I’ll be riding 40 miles in the cold to celebrate. Can’t wait until 50!!!

  92. Elizabeth

    Running the Jingle All the Way 5k in DC on Sunday

  93. Dawn Conniff

    currently sidelined by injury, so walking the wonder-dog is the workout of choice these days. thanks for doing the reviews and giveaway! happy holidays

  94. Marcus L

    Monday morning at 5:30 am: trainer session in my garage with old cycleops while watching reruns on netflix. With 4 kids this is my only quiet time I get.

  95. Andreas

    20min. On the indoor trainer today. Even if I have a cold.

  96. John

    1 hour run at MAF heart rate

  97. Mike S

    Pool sprint tri for fun with my daughter and a friend: 800mLC swim; 12 mile ride; 5k run in Carson City.

  98. James H

    2km Ocean Swim

  99. Max

    A 30 mile bike + 30 min run today before we are off to celebrate our recent engagement!

  100. Diego

    Madrid Corporate 10k Run with 3 workmates