The ‘Anything On My Recommendations’ List Giveaway!

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could pick any gadget that’s on my ‘2014 Winter Sports Gadget Recommendations’ list and call it your own?  Yup, I agree.  And, so does Clever Training.  So they’re offering up to one lucky holiday duck just that.

Be it a new GPS watch, or a super-high end trainer – it can indeed be yours.  It’s like the Price is Right Showcase of sports technology products.  Minus having to guess the price or pay for it.

The rules are simple here, simply drop a comment below with the following:

To Enter: The details of one workout or race that you’ve got scheduled between now and the end of the year.

Simple enough?  Good.

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, December 8th, 2014 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  I’ll be giving you one device of your choosing from the list from Clever Training.  Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday, assuming the interwebs work in London for me on Tuesday.  One entry per person.  The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately assuming in stock.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF or now via the VIP program.  Plus, there’s still tons of Black Friday-type deals going on. And most of all, by using Clever Training you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Have a great weekend all!


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  1. Jeff Meade

    Doing Grouse Grind (Vancouver, BC) three times on Saturday. Each trip is only 1.8 miles long but gains 2,800 ft in elevation.

  2. Fabiano Araujo

    60 minutes 2×20 threshold intervals bike ride. Looking for to be the lucky one!

  3. gary smith

    will be doing the Ugly Christmas sweater 5K on Saturday 12/6

  4. Stephane

    10k in Montreal with snow

  5. My last 5K of the year on Dec 13- Pre Army/Navy game at Fort Leonardwood and my last chance to go for sub-30 this year!!

  6. Oscar

    40-minute fartlek tomorrow.

  7. Chris Elam

    Just started PT for a knee injury. Running is out for a little while but cycling is fine though so Monday is Day 1 of cycle-focused off season!

  8. Joe E. Orick

    I am scheduled to run for two hours on December 6, 2014. I will probably not set a world record.

  9. Ryanovelo

    Lots of interval runs and tempo runs following Garmin Connect’s half marathon training plan on my new 920XT!

  10. Matthew

    Scrooge Scramble 5K tomorrow morning!

  11. Jonathan Tan

    no races for the remainder of this year but I am hoping to maintain my long run fitness from the marathon- i’d like to keep them at no less than 10 miles long!

  12. Moritz Haager

    3 hour aerobic intervals on my bike in the basement next Wednesday

  13. LJ

    I’ve been doing at least a mile a day run streak

  14. Pat

    Big 120mile to and along the ocean from Boston. With a cookie stop or three.

  15. unhombrecualquiera

    I’ll spend much time on my new Vortex Smart this month as I have a slipped disc and won’t be able to run for a while. Wouldn’t mind winning an higher end trainer as I’m still struggling to get the thing running properly with the Tacx desktop app ;-)

  16. Rem

    Race “l’origole” 82k+ , 2500mD+
    South Paris.
    Start Saturday 6Dec,10pm ! :)

  17. Catherine Burnett

    After a very full triathlon racing season, I was panicking because I didn’t have any races scheduled. I finally found a half marathon that works with “life” for March 22, 2015. This is week #1 on the training calendar, so my workouts have been very light and very easy. Tomorrow’s long run is 45 minutes. Sweet!

  18. jan knyttl

    Today 17km cross country skiing – skate. Tommorow at least 15km of running.

  19. Nina

    All of my official races are over for the year. Instead, I’m working on speedwork. I have a pool workout scheduled for tomorrow.

  20. Josh Maisey

    Racing the Zatopek 10km in Melbourne on the 13th of December. Going for sub 30!

  21. Mat0x4e

    A 1,5 hour run in Paris next Sunday. Hope to ride for the same time this weekend.

  22. Sandy Milton

    “Naked” trail run on 21st December… Distance and route issued at the start, you estimate your finish time and run with no electronics… closest to their estimate wins. Multi terrain, so should be interesting…

  23. Scott

    Pre-riding the Old Caz Grasshopper route. ‘cross bikes for the win!

  24. Robert M

    1 Hour trainer ride tomorrow 12/6/14

  25. Patrik

    13km cycling back and forth between home and work each day next week

  26. Gabriel

    I will be swiming a lot for the USAT Triathlon Challenge!

  27. Jon

    Race for Wildlife Penzance Cornwall on Sunday. 7 mile multi-terrain run.

  28. Manuel

    A nice run in Miami Beach

  29. Matthew Owen

    Reindeer Romp 4k race next Saturday. Hilly but fast race.

  30. Harrison

    Bike to the mall, run to the stores, and swim through the crowds to get Christmas gifts.

  31. Elie Silver

    20km tomorrow on local Toronto trails….before the snow comes and pushes us onto the roads until spring

  32. Stuart

    Mistletoe 1/2 tomorrow. Now where did I put those green tights?

  33. Patrick S

    Lots of swimming and cross training to get back in shape for this next year.

  34. Seeds

    Nothing specific just get as many runs and rides outside as possible.

  35. Mark

    18 km race on next Sunday, a little bit “hilly”, nice occasion at the end of the year

  36. Phillip

    6, 8 & 10 mile runs for the next three weekends.

  37. patricio

    15 km long run next weekend 12/7/2014

  38. Alex

    A 5km nightrun trou the Woods to end this year

  39. Marcio

    dash christmas town race 8 K and long runs 16 K

  40. Chris

    Early weeks of my marathon program. Have a 22km run tomorrow, then three runs a week until Feb! Tomorrow will be nice stay pace, I hope.

  41. Steve S

    40 cold-weather miles on the Natchez Trace Parkway

  42. Kevinm

    Alpe d’Huez on the trainer.

  43. Jeroen V

    This saturday a 30 km long slow distance through the plat plays/ vlakke land called flanders

  44. Trish

    Part of Albany Lakes Summer Series 10km runs

  45. Eoghan Murray

    15K mountain bike ride

    • Dsoler

      My next workout: first long (but not so long) road run after several months of almost only trail running.

  46. Ole Gunnar Tveit

    Löplabbets Ribbemarathon, a marathon in Oslo on the 27th of December. Burn away the festive foods (ribbe=traditional christmas pork ribs), and all fees go to charity.

  47. toleary

    some cycling in lanzarote next week !

  48. Maurice

    Rudolph 4 miler

  49. Deborah Young

    10 mile trail run tomorrow. training for a 40 miler.

  50. Xavi

    100×100 meters in a 25m pool. 25/12/2014

  51. Josh Blazzard

    A nice 15+ Mile trail run at Antelope Island.

  52. Louis Deslauriers

    Deception Pass 25 km race on December 13th!

    • Shawn

      My PT test will be a few days before Christmas. It is something that I have to constantly train for :(

  53. shawworld

    Spending the weekend working through TrainerRoad workouts on my new Kickr following your recommendations as always !

    Thanks for a great job as always.

  54. Chris

    The citywide Santa Bike Ride on Sunday, December 7.

  55. Joel

    Pukefest trackwork

  56. Ken

    I’m guessing you don’t want to hear/read “I’m going to walk to the fridge to get more leftovers.” I’m looking to get out for a two-to-three-mile run over my lunch break next week.

  57. Shane

    For crew we have 25 hours of cardio to do over break- roughly 375 thousand meter. Gotta love college crew.

  58. Jesse M

    Easy recovery ride on the trainer

  59. Lukas S

    Short winter runs 3x per week

  60. laura hershberger

    Spartan Sprint, SoCal!

  61. Phil Mills

    First trainer ride in my out season – 60 min on Saturday.

  62. Jason Davies

    Mussel Rock over/unders

  63. Gavin

    Sprint triathlon.

  64. Bob Keele

    Had to drop out of the St. Jude Marathon this year due to injury, but I’m going to run an easy-paced 5-8 miler on the 6th anyway so I can feel like I’ve done something at least. Here’s to 2015…

  65. Alex Brand

    Dec 6th, 4.76 mile trail run.

  66. Tonny Madsen

    A Half Marathon on the morning of New Years Eve.

    9:30 on December, 31, we have the last run of the year – 2, 5, 10 or 21.1 km with champagne and cake afterward – just what you need before preparing for a long evening with friends and family.

  67. Thinking about going for the Sufferfest Knighthood some time over the Christmas break :)

  68. chris thompson

    Working out with a new trainer (a live person) next week.

  69. Matthias

    5x10min FTP with 5min breaks on my Trainer – presented by trainerroad :)

  70. 20th December, 15km run. Strzelce Opolskie, Poland.

  71. Michael M

    9-mile run at marathon goal pace tomorrow, followed by a 19-mile slower run on Sunday (i.e., in accordance with week 10 of Hal Higdon’s int-2 plan).

  72. Burnnerman

    10 Mile training run.

    May also get a snowy run in on Christmas Vacation.

  73. Tom Graf

    Sore achilles, so no races (ouch)! But, doing bike workouts 3 days/week on and my Kurt Kinetic Road Machine (Thanks to Ray for talking about this matchup). Each workout is the hardest I’ve ever done, and I’m just finishing week 3 of the 9-week program (Intermediate Build 1)

  74. Mark Jarred

    Park run every saturday

  75. Forrest

    I’m doing a half marathon in Gloucester, MA this weekend with my girlfriend. The course goes along the ocean the whole way. Should be cold!!

  76. osman

    dallas marathon next subday

  77. Andy Wulff

    Mistletoe Madness 5K this coming Sunday. Hoping for a PR!

  78. Paul Rogers

    Getting into the prep stage of IM workouts. Namely, a ton of Z2 workouts, plus a pair of rest & test workouts

  79. ganabu

    No more than 30 minutes running twice a week… Just keeping it ticking over while the stressie heals.

  80. Belinda L

    Core crunch group class and spinology!

  81. Duncan

    Complete the festive 500 on strava!

  82. Kerem

    Just finished a 10K tempo run and got back home, long run scheduled (hopefully > 25K) for this sunday.

  83. Thomas

    Festive 500 with a training buddy!

  84. Shari F

    4 SoulCycle spin classes before the New Year starts

  85. Heinz

    No race, but trying to reach 2500Km by the end of this year. Current run odometer reading for 2014: 2395Km

  86. Jim Damico

    I plan to swim1000m later today :)

  87. Dustin

    One hour swim followed by a 5K…just a warm up for the next training session: one hour swim with an 80 min run including 4×1 mile repeats mid 7’s.

  88. Tom Cavanaugh

    Continue to meet every Wednesday with the local YMCA triathlon group; great coaches and wide variety of workouts – much better than training alone!

  89. Lisa Anania

    The only major workout I have planned between now and the end of the year is giving birth :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  90. MAO

    4x 40-30-20 @ 400-450-500w

  91. joris vermang

    winter training: looong slooow duration (although not too long nor too slow if it is really cold ;))

  92. Michael

    Started cycling again this past July after a 16-year hiatus (I’m 37). Started with an FTP of 169. As of Oct I had reached 201. So, my workout goal by end of year is to achieve an FTP of about (beyond!?) 225. Your blog has been immensely helpful re recommendations on trainer (Kurt Kinetic w/ inRide) and using TrainerRoad and TrainingPeaks. Looking forward to a great New Year!!

  93. Tomas Castillo

    We’ll go with tomorrow’s (6 Dec) workout – Bike test. The meat of it includes a 3 minute all out test, with some rest, then a 20 minute all out test. Should be fun!

  94. Steve

    Saturday ride: Stunt-Piuma-Rock Store-Encinal-Decker

  95. Jodi

    Training for two this holiday season. My preggo works include walking on the treadmill, spinning to a movie, and swimming in my HUGE maternity suit.

  96. CQ

    10 cal rows + 10 Wall ball thrusters + 200m run
    then repeatx4

  97. Paul Hietala

    Trying to get my run on, after chasing around 2 toddlers and working on a kitchen remodel. Need some gadget motivation!

  98. Dave Walker

    Lots of time spent in the gym from now through the new year, strengthening up for a couple tri’s and centuries next summer! Plus I’ll keep my tradition alive of a run on Christmas Day.

  99. Sheila Powers

    I’m participating in a streak so at least a mile a day until New Year’s day. That doesn’t include all the indoor bike-run bricks I have planned! Thanks, I always love the hope your giveaways give me!

  100. jacek

    5km race next Sunday