Giveaway Extravaganza: SRAM Quarq RIKEN Power Meter


Your long wait is over.  It’s here.  That’s right…..It’s Power Meter time!  Behold the SRAM Quarq Riken.  Let the wagering begin.  All you have to wager is a comment, so it’s not really a wager; more like just a…well, a comment.

We gave away one of these last year and had well over 3,000 people vying for the chance to own this puppy.  But, alas, this year, just like last year; only one of you will win.  But don’t let the odds deter you; you can’t win if you don’t play.  Good luck!

Giveaway Opens: 2:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 4:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: SRAM Quarq Riken Power Meter In-Depth Review

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (virtually everything I review is available there), plus for orders over $75 shipping is free within the US. Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway.

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Guy Dillon

    Pick me!

  2. Darren Wrigley


  3. Allyn Crowe

    1/3000 is better odds than other things!

  4. Adam B.


  5. Brett V

    I’m in!

  6. Robert Van Os

    Powerrrrrr meter :P

  7. Winson ng

    Thanks alot

  8. Moshe

    Awesome reviews!

  9. Nemo

    Oh Heck Yeah!

  10. Brendan


  11. tom

    I want it

  12. Jason Chan

    Yes please!

  13. ronen

    More power…

  14. Allen


  15. marian

    oohh a power meter!!

  16. Brenda

    Love it!

  17. Derek Loughlin


  18. cataluna

    The goodies just keep getting better and better!

  19. Tim G


  20. S. Wall


  21. damines


  22. Jon Lumpkin

    Yeah buddy.

  23. Simon Fairclough

    I have the power

  24. Tommy


  25. Paul

    I need a power meter

  26. TijsD


  27. Efraim shaw

    I’ll totally take it!!!

  28. Tim

    WooHoo, better and better. I’m guessing a whole bike is the final prize….

  29. Rick recker

    That would be so cool to have

  30. Jochen

    Want one

  31. Mitchell gill

    Wish I had one of these

  32. Kriste

    Thanks, I’ll take it.

  33. Lilly Muldoon

    YAY !!!!!!! PICK ME!!!!!

  34. Everybody would like this one, clearly. :-)

  35. Jason Kummer

    Power = Beast Mode

  36. Chipper Nicodemus

    This will change my life! Must have:)

  37. Alison


  38. Xavier

    Removing the old cranks, Riken come to daddy :D

  39. Troy G

    Crossing my fingers…

  40. Ann Clarke

    Come to mama.

  41. Grant

    I have always wanted to know how little power I actually generate. Yes please!

  42. Bartokian

    Ooh – always wanted one of those untill I saw the pricetag… Realitycheck…

  43. Shateela

    Yes, I need this!

  44. Henry Tambor

    Quarq is it!

  45. Michelle Draeger

    Pretty please with sugar on top!

  46. Pat

    I like…

  47. Bruce Nation

    I need one of these

  48. Erik

    pick me

  49. Enrique

    Supporting myself!

  50. Crystal

    Oh, yes power meter PLEASE!

  51. Jordi


  52. Cedric Vivanco

    Would be awesome!

  53. Colin S

    For great justice.

  54. Janis

    I need it :-)

  55. Jeff

    Been in the market for a power meter, this would be perfect.

  56. Lubos

    always wanted one:-)

  57. Midori Raymore

    Wow – the thing everyone tells me I need to really truly improve from a training stand point and the most expensive item beyond the cost of a bike.

  58. Andreas Liljenberg

    Me! :)

  59. Ben

    Even a SRAM quark pm couldn’t measure how much I want this!

  60. James C

    Might encourage me to take up cycling…

  61. Matthew Elam

    Yes please.

  62. Robert Blom

    Would be my first power meter! :)

  63. Thanks for all you do, Ray, not *just* the giveaways. You’re an asset to multisport.

  64. Tommy

    Pick Me!!!

  65. James Denmead

    The only thing left I can’t measure, cool!!!!

  66. Steven M Knapp


  67. Stefano Tomasello

    Thanks in advance whether I win or not! :)

  68. nathan


  69. Martin

    Yes please!

  70. maarten

    could it get any better

  71. Bradley E

    Crossing fingers!

  72. GC

    Entered for power meter.

  73. Matt Field

    would love this fro ride london

  74. DavidH

    Fingers crossed, would love a quarq PM.

  75. Andrew

    Count me in.

  76. bryan kraham

    if only I can win this one.

  77. George


  78. Don in Baltimore

    WOW! Thanks Ray!

  79. AliusSaltinis


  80. Maciek

    I want it, please! ;)

  81. Kristof


  82. joda

    Yes, please!

  83. YUAN YUE

    Give me five!

  84. Nick14

    In, would love it!

  85. alex

    Thanks for the chance.

  86. Jesse Salmi


  87. parralix

    want it more than anything else

  88. Tord

    WOW! This would be soooooo nice!

  89. José

    Power meters!

  90. Lucas Gourley

    Good Luck All!!!

  91. Amadeo Casas

    That power meter is amazing!

  92. Paolo Dizon

    Light her up!

  93. RW

    SRAM Quarq RIKEN!

  94. Steffen

    Oh yes, please!

  95. Dan

    Gimme an R
    Gimme an A
    Gimme a Y!
    Yeah Ray!

  96. Dalton

    I want power!

  97. Jorge

    I want this!

  98. Gary

    Dibs!! No need for anyone else to comment, cuz that baby’s mine!