The Because It’s Almost St. Patrick’s Day…Giveaway


While I was enjoying the umpteenth day straight of mind-bogglingly sunny weather here in the ‘City of Light’, it occurred to my that St. Patrick’s day is Monday.  Despite the French fondness for any reason to take the day off, it is not considered a national holiday here.  Not that it would matter anyway, I get to spend some 12-14 hours on a plane bouncing across the ocean.

So for no other reason than it’s (almost) St. Patrick’s day, and sorta-spring like (lucky charms and all), it’s time for a giveaway.


The prize is simple: A $400 credit to to Clever Training to buy anything from the site you’d like.  You can use it on anything they offer, from a Garmin/Polar/Suunto watch to a PowerBeam trainer, or a Quarq power meter.  If the item is over $400US, you’ll simply pay the difference, shipping is free either way.  The giveaway is open to all readers – including international folks.

To enter yourself in, simply leave a comment below with the following:

To Enter: Give me your weekend workout plans.  Simple as that!

Got it?

Entries will be accepted through Monday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 17th, 2014).  I’ll be you giving one device worth up to $400US from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday, depending on how tired I am after flying to Mexico City on Monday.  One entry per person.  The winner can decide on which device after they win.  For devices/gadgets/gizmos over $400, the winner can pay the difference.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF.  Even spring running or cycling gear.  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail.   No leprechauns allowed via this method.  Mmmkay?  Thanks all!


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  1. Koen

    A fifteen km long run towards the house of my sister a few villages away.

  2. Raymond Crisostomo

    Sat: 6:00am – 1 hour jog,
    Sun: 7:00am – 2 hours full body exercise (push ups, situps, basketball)

  3. Shawn

    Sat – 5k (new PR!)

    Sun – Beach cross-training, run to gym, then strength training

  4. Adrian

    Sat.: 90 minute run early then a St. Patricks Day 5k
    Sun.: 2 hour bike ride

  5. Roger

    This week has been my last hard weekend before starting my taper for a marathon in 3 weeks time. Plan for Saturday: 15 km run from home to the start of a 5 km trail race, run the race, then 22 km back home to get to the marathon distance. Plan just executed; the race actually went well, I was 3rd. Sunday is a rest day.

  6. Liefje

    I’m using the start to run app today.. 2nd training today.

  7. Natalie Cudney

    4 hours of group classes and a 5k!

  8. Johnny G

    9km pushing a sleeping 2yo in the baby jogger.
    Thanks Ray

  9. Cucci1

    My first combo bike+run….hoping it’ll be good

  10. George

    morning 2 mile run- Saturday
    2-3 games of pickup basketball- Saturday
    1 round of Power 90 workout- Sunday

  11. Tyler Haas

    The initial plan was to work Saturday, then do a LSD run (~14 miles) on Sunday. However, coming home from work on Saturday I developed a pretty nice cough and was exhausted, so Sunday became a rest day. LSD will be moved to my next day off from work.

  12. Zumbi

    no sport this weekend, just relax!

  13. Huw Fryer

    Saturday: 50 mile bike with 2hrs at 70.3 effort
    Sunday: 1900m continuous swim, and as much running as my poor ITB can cope with.

  14. Umberto

    I know it’s not a real workout for many of you but I have left my sofa just a week ago and so…. 8*(2′ run + 4′ walk)

  15. Spencer H

    I’m skipping the weekend for shin splint recovery…ouch

  16. Phil

    – Saturday 12K run at goal marathon pace. (done!)
    – Sunday 20K long run (waiting for weather to warm up a bit and wind to die down first)

  17. Angela

    IT: 8*2000m

  18. Dan Y

    Sat: Day 6 of Insanity workout w/ coworkers followed by a 5 mile run around base this evening

    Sun: 50 min swim

  19. Bambang Purnomo

    1 hour bike @ trainer….

  20. This weekend no major cycling. Also running shortened due to heavy pollution in Paris (at least saturday morning, when i planned to do 30k run)

    Saturday: a short and sweet recovery swim of just 1500m at around 7am, followed by a slow 11k run right afterwards, family shopping in the afternoon
    Sunday: a longer run – 20k, with 4:40 average tempo (with three separete one km bursts of speed around 3:50), had to cut it short (planned 30k) – family walk from eiffel to notre dame (around les berges) in a few minutes… ;-)

  21. saltydog_17

    Interval session and then off to Dublin for the St Patricks Day parade

  22. Andrea

    Well, it’s already Sunday night here across the pond. My weekend fitness plan was exactly that, a plan :P

    Originally scheduled Sat morning 45 mins walk and Sun 30 mins run, but woke up being exhausted both days. Will have to push back to early next week instead (Wed and Thurs). In hindsight, scheduling a run so soon after laryngitis has probably proven to be a wee bit too ambitious ;P

  23. Daniel

    Saturday: Easy run @5km, max effort push-ups, 10×5 ab rolling

    Sunday: Paced run @10km, 5×5 35kg Thrusters, 8×2 pull-ups

    Foam rolling before sleep.

  24. joon

    Saturday: 12oz curls
    Sunday: recovery day

  25. Cam Schulz

    Friday evening – ice hockey; Sunday – 5 miles.

  26. Jerry C

    Saturday morning run outdoors to take advantage of some warmer temps; Sunday morning spin on the trainer when temps return to the teens F.

  27. Jens C

    Saturday 10 km interval run, sunday just a short 5 km run and the main training: cleaning the house :-)

  28. Fabiana

    swimming 2000m

  29. Thomas Brayshaw

    4 hours done on the turbo. Sounds boring but vino just got busted in 2007 TDF. Rasmussen is flying…..

  30. Terry D.

    Saturday: 14 mile long run; 2k in the pool
    Sunday: 1.5 hrs on the trainer; 2k in the pool; 10 miles easy

  31. Jason Almanza

    2500m swim Sat morning, 6 mi interval run Saturday evening, 35 mi bike (all hills) Sunday afternoon! I could reaaly use a Garmin 910!

  32. Patrick

    Half marathon on Saturday and a collllld bike ride on Sunday before the snow hits. *Almost* spring!

  33. Fabi

    Since I have to recover at the weekends during my demanding 24-week training programm for my work I’ll only do some mobility excercises on saturday and sunday, get enough sleep and take my time to cook some healthy food.

  34. Shari F

    Spin class saturday morning then relaxing all day Sunday with the family

  35. Paul Kreidler

    Visiting DC this weekend with my wife and son, so workout will include lots of walking and maybe a run on the mall.

  36. Bryce

    120 km ride through Bavaria working on nutrition during endurance ride.

  37. Tim Clement

    Saturday: 2hr bike. 20 min run
    Sunday: start taper

  38. Kristopher Wekarchuk

    Lots of R&R this weekend….. In the likely event I feel guilty about that, I do have a 90 minute Long-run scheduled as well! :)

  39. Krlly McGinley

    Flew from Philly to visit Savannah, Charleston and Hilton Head

  40. Marie-Josée

    Living in Quebec, Canada, we had a snowstorm yesterday!! So long run canceled, went for a short 5k (yes USA, kilometers:-P) and core training session at the gym on saturday. Sunday will be a short 1.5-2k swim:-)
    I LOVE your posts, been telling everyone around to check in when switching watches. Mine died i have to buy a new one and i am kind of discouraged at the prices/techs we get now with mid range watches. Id really enjoy that giveaway :-)

  41. Brian K

    Sat – ez 1 hr swim with dryland training immediately after
    Sun – 2hr indoor trainer ride followed by 30 min run

  42. Nick van der Velde

    Long-run of 32k along the highway of Ahmedabad (India) in preparation of the Paris Marathon, what else?

  43. Brian

    Mountain biking. First ride on the dirt in months. Then a Sunday run with my daughter if the rain stops.

  44. Daniel Reece-Loram

    Recovery Saturday. Moderate Turbo Training Session Sunday.

  45. AJS

    Long ride on Saturday and 5K run on Sunday!

  46. Robert Nash

    Saturday – running 8 miles with hills at steady pace
    Sunday – drive to Paris for holiday “springtime in Paris!”

  47. David Garthe

    3 hour bike followed by a 30 min run.

  48. Tim

    Sunday an 8 mile run at a moderately fast pace

  49. Robert Shipley

    Complete a walk circumnavigating Yerevan, Aremenia and use the stairs rather than the elevator.

  50. Michael

    Mostly sit on the couch and read while my wife and 11 year old go out to do a 10 km and 5 km race on Saturday. Short 5km planned for Sunday.

  51. Peter Sumner

    Pistoia Half Marathon on Sunday morning!

  52. Adrian

    Sat – 4 hr bike
    Sun – hill work

  53. gademz

    Saturday- 10 mile run
    Sunday- 5 mile run
    Thats for me.

  54. Miranda

    2.k run to get back into it after a long winter

  55. Mike

    Sat- 10 k run
    Sun- 35 mile bike

  56. Dave Longman

    Saturday – longish run on the coastal footpath
    Sunday – bike ride with daughter

  57. Jamie Shenk

    Rock n Roll USA half marathon Saturday
    Rest with short myrtl routine Sunday

  58. Pavel, Czech Republic

    Saturday-2h bike ride + 5k run
    Sunday-1k swimm

  59. Thomas Hull

    Saturday – 10km running. I wanted to go cycling but I prefer to run in windy weather
    Sunday – 1h swimming

  60. jens

    Sat – 5k
    Sun – garden work

  61. Carter Tracht

    Monday morning recovery run

  62. Florian

    10k easy run on Saturday, 30k long run on Sunday=

  63. Colleen S

    It’s snowing out so indoor workouts for me. Swim and a run.

  64. Ilan

    Saturday – outdoor bike ride
    Sunday – indoor bike ride (trainer) and weight training

  65. Matthew

    Ran the dc half marathon

  66. Hack Kampbjørn

    As a pacesetter for 6:15min/km group of the CPH marathon training program, it just follow whatever the program says: route and distance.
    Today it was the long Damhussøen route (25km, the short one is 23km), of course at 6:15min/km

  67. charityk

    go for a jog withn the jogging stroller

  68. Santhosh K

    Saturday -> 40 minute boring run on a Treadmill + Cross training at the Gym
    Sunday -> 60 minute easy run on the road.

  69. Brian Taylor

    Not much this weekend, just a short run on Saturday followed by a short ride with some buddies on Sunday. Light weekends are nice when you’re not training for something.

  70. Vincent

    No workout this week-end. I’m relaxing at home after a full week of cross-country skiing in Lapland.

  71. Punky

    Sat: 6.5 km running + 14 km x-skating; Sun: 12 km running.

  72. Robert

    Weight lifting and soccer

  73. Rob S.

    Saturday morning 5k run
    Saturday lap swim
    Sunday morning 10k run

  74. Sat: 4hr ride with some mixed in hard efforts
    Sun: 30min swim, 40min bike, 20 min hard run, 30min bike, 1hr run with first 20 mins hard.

  75. This weekend is PACKED! literally…any free time I get will be spent packing up my condo in hopes of selling it:) Saturday I did a Melissa Bender home workout, when to a charity luncheon to support my life partner’s non-profit, and celebrated my 3 year old nephew’s birfday. Sunday I have an 8 mile run planned and a family gathering in the afternoon.

  76. Christian

    12km time trial on the bkool trainer… Uphill.

  77. Eriks Z.

    Sun: 10 km run + ABS training.

  78. Dawn Rader

    gonna take a long walk and work on my squat challenge!

  79. MB

    Weekend workout consists of an aquathlon race! Time to knock some winter rust off!

  80. Tim i

    DIY followed by
    bike & quad strengthening to help recovery from triple knee ligament reconstruction

  81. Allan

    Swimming a mile at the local pool, putting up the crown molding my wife has wanted for months, and prepping my gear for next week’s self-supported bike tour!

  82. Steve

    Run yesterday, run today, shovel snow tonight!

  83. Oscar Llerena

    I’m doing 16 ounce curls on Sunday :-).

  84. laurie

    Run w/ my new Vivofit!

  85. Matt O

    Sat: 2200 m nonstop swim, 30 mile windy bike ride. 36 burpees
    Sub: bike ~20 run 5. 37 burpees

  86. Christian Mora

    Friday – 25 mile bike ride
    Saturday- 1hr swim at the pool, 5k run in the afternoon
    Sunday – a quick swim at the pool and rest

  87. Bryan

    Long run of 10 miles to prep for upcoming half marathon.

  88. The weekend workout began on Saturday morning by knocking down 132 perfect pushups, 60 pull ups and 60 ab wheel rollers…before 7am. At 8am I did pancake batter curls while making two dozen pancakes for my wife and three kids. Around 10:30am I ran sprints with my two boys as we switched up between playing lacrosse and soccer for about an hour. At noon, I doned the cycling gear and went for a 46 mile ride and climbed roughly 4,200ft over the course of about 3 hours. After a short shower and a protein and vegetable shake, it was back outside to run around playing football with my boys and pretending to be a princess warrior with my 4 year old daughter. Finally, I wrapped up the day by walking around the cul de sac with my daughter as she continued practicing riding her bicycle. Turns out that 10 laps around the cul de sac is equal to a mile, so 25-30 laps later the legs were loosened up from the days earlier ride. Most important, the ear to ear smile on my daughters face as she experienced the thrill of riding a bike just like her hero…Daddy. Today is Sunday and if it’s anything like yesterday, I can’t wait! Stay healthy!

  89. Adam

    I got in a long run Saturday and am looking forward to resting today since it is about 40* colder and supposed to snow.

  90. Erick

    Probably a nice 5 mile run here in stinky Afghanistan..since I am deployed, followed by a nice crossfit WOD in the afternoon..where I get to see all this female Air Force airwoman kick my ass on muscle ups and I die and puke doing 30 burpees. :) But thats is the life of the Army Soldier.

  91. Tom

    31K long run sunday

  92. Samuel Chin

    Early morning 100km bike ride at recovery pace on Saturday

    Tempo 8km run on Sunday.

    Rest and Relax for after each training.

    And chocolate milk. Haha

  93. Jeroen

    Sunday: 50km bike ride, with 5 times a hill à bloc.
    Monday: 80km easy ride
    Wednesday: 100km ride

  94. Mirek

    Saturday morning 4m run
    Sunday morning 8m run

  95. Will

    Sat: two hour ride, 6 hours of sailing, and a short, short run.
    Sun: just a couple hours of sailing.

  96. JohnO

    8 mile run followed by a 15 mile bike on Saturday
    Core work then yoga on Sunday

  97. Joe

    Light Spin Saturday, Indoor tri on Sunday.

  98. Josh Potter

    Had a very very poor 10m TT yesterday – very disappointed in myself, but I have just done a steady half marathon which cheers me up a bit…

  99. Dan

    Sunny weekend for once in the UK… 70 mile bike ride on Saturday & long walk with the dog on Sunday.

  100. Alemao

    Marathon through 3 marriages in 2 days, then 30km detox ride today! Damn, I feel tired!