The Because It’s Almost St. Patrick’s Day…Giveaway


While I was enjoying the umpteenth day straight of mind-bogglingly sunny weather here in the ‘City of Light’, it occurred to my that St. Patrick’s day is Monday.  Despite the French fondness for any reason to take the day off, it is not considered a national holiday here.  Not that it would matter anyway, I get to spend some 12-14 hours on a plane bouncing across the ocean.

So for no other reason than it’s (almost) St. Patrick’s day, and sorta-spring like (lucky charms and all), it’s time for a giveaway.


The prize is simple: A $400 credit to to Clever Training to buy anything from the site you’d like.  You can use it on anything they offer, from a Garmin/Polar/Suunto watch to a PowerBeam trainer, or a Quarq power meter.  If the item is over $400US, you’ll simply pay the difference, shipping is free either way.  The giveaway is open to all readers – including international folks.

To enter yourself in, simply leave a comment below with the following:

To Enter: Give me your weekend workout plans.  Simple as that!

Got it?

Entries will be accepted through Monday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 17th, 2014).  I’ll be you giving one device worth up to $400US from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday, depending on how tired I am after flying to Mexico City on Monday.  One entry per person.  The winner can decide on which device after they win.  For devices/gadgets/gizmos over $400, the winner can pay the difference.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF.  Even spring running or cycling gear.  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail.   No leprechauns allowed via this method.  Mmmkay?  Thanks all!


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  1. Ben Mullin

    Crust cross country ski on Saturday. Sunday will hopefully be a multi hour adventure by mountain bike on snow and gravel.

  2. Happy Runner

    Saturday: Pacer @ Rock and Roll Marathon in Washington, DC
    Sunday: Long bike

  3. Keith G

    Coming back from injury, so hoping to run 8 on Saturday as a long run, and then an easy 3-4 on Sunday.

  4. HY

    I’ve slowly returned to running after a long hiatus (birth of our first child) so my plan is to do a 15-minute run on Saturday and a long (20-minute run) on Sunday.

  5. 2.5hr walk with my pregnant wife on Saturday, and then an easy 10 miler (followed by delicious brunch) on Sunday.

  6. Turn The Damn Cranks

    At least an hour on the trainer. Thank you, Trainer Road.

  7. Montana Steve

    11 mile run.

  8. Kien Do

    Biking 65 miles @ w&od trail
    Running 7 miles @ Northwood highschool

  9. i plan to do some geocatching with a hike in the woods

  10. Steve S

    Help coach soccer for my son’s team then head out on the (finally dry) local MTB trails with him for a few laps. Finished the day with some interval packing sessions for trip to CA.

  11. Edwin

    A long ride with Gym work focusing on the core – Sat
    A long run with hill repeats – Sun

  12. Ricky

    Long run!

  13. mark

    15 mile long run marathon pace plus 20 seconds

  14. Norman

    28km Saturday long run in preparation for a May marathon. Sunday… A swim, maybe some time on the trainer.

  15. Clair Stewart

    Saturday hill repeats on the bike then a 3x400yd swim. Sunday strength training

  16. Tim

    Recover from this cold, so more rest?

  17. Galen Davis

    My weekend workout plans are a 30 mile ride on Saturday with a tough climb in the middle, about 2000 yards at the pool on Sunday morning, and a 8-9 mile run sometime later on Sunday.

  18. Dino Paulesc

    Just realized I copied and pasted the initial text (what happens when you rush on the iPhone). Anyway, my weekend workout plans were running the St. Malachi run in Cleveland early today (Saturday). Lots of fun sporting our green gear for the St. Patty’s themed color occasion.

  19. Sheila

    An hour on the bike (on the trainer) followed by a run (about 3 miles) on Sunday. Training for a tri next Sunday!

  20. Mike Harris

    Ran 11 miles today. Tomorrow plan on an easy 60 minute ride.

  21. Atilano Bullos

    Saturday: 12 mile run
    Sunday: 2 one mile speed reps + 1hour easy run + another 2 one mile speed reps.

  22. Corey Singletary

    Saturday: 13M LSE road run
    Sunday: local Shamrock Shuffle 10k
    Bonus: beer

  23. The Mighty Quinn

    Sat: 5k tempo run
    Sunday: 11 mile run

  24. Joel

    Following the Pfitzinger Marathon training plan, so Saturday is Recovery 5 miles after my Friday 12 mile medium long run, and Sunday is 15 miles with 12 at Marathon pace. Have to get in the mileage before the snowstorm hits DC on Monday!

  25. Corey S.

    Saturday: 13M LSE run
    Sunday: local Shamrock Shuffle 10k
    Bonus: beer!

  26. David V

    Saturday: 2500m swim workout
    Sunday: 1.5 hrs on bike trainer (with Calgary 1/2 ironman workout on the tube), and 0.5 core workout

  27. Jason

    Saturday: 1 hr on the hamster wheel at the gym
    Sunday: Volume day with weights

  28. Matt

    Was going to go to the bouldering gym, but I have a finger injury that I should rest up.

    My alternative plan is lots of beer curls and sex with the wife.

  29. Todd L

    Ride at least 140, run at least 7, swim at least 5k!

  30. Lisa

    1 hour run Saturday.
    Easy ride Sunday.

  31. Earthnurse

    Sat-I work on call this weekend as an Operating Room nurse so I’ll be spending my long run day running around the hospital using my sadly old school pedometer to try and put in some mileage! Goal-6 miles Haha!
    Sun- Rinse and repeat! (These weekends make Mondays look good!)

  32. Scott

    Saturday: yoga
    Sunday: 10 mile run before getting on a plane

  33. Al Moss

    50 mile long slow ride on Saturday. 3 mile easy run on Sunday.

  34. Stan

    Guinness curls…….

  35. kim

    swim in the rain ;)

  36. Adam

    Sat: 14 mile long run
    Sun: 40 minute easy run

  37. Jia

    Perfect perth weather for some cycling and swimming. No running due to injury to right knee. =(
    Have a great one!

  38. Eggowicz

    Sat: Run with dogs, Kettlebell Training
    Sun: Flag football practice

  39. Luke

    I’m terrible at finding time to work out with having to play the day by ear almost everyday but i usually keep it simple when i can. Its still 10+ inches of snow outside so i suppose shoveling would work as my workout option hahaha

  40. olivier

    .15km run on saturday, with 8x(4minutes pace 10km, 3minutes jog)

    .Sunday: 1h indoor bike training and then winter cycle to work.

  41. John

    Trying to convince myself to run in the rain Saturday and Sunday. No options for riding in the rain unfortunately.

    Perhaps a trip to the gym is in order as well.

    Why is the weather crappy every weekend I’m off?

  42. hock yeoh

    Run, run, run :)

  43. Travis tucker

    Quick run and then hang out with the family.

  44. Sarah L

    I’ve got a tempo-type run on Saturday and a long run on Sunday. Thanks for the giveaway!

  45. Ronnie

    Long run Sunday morning

  46. Joshua Grant

    I did a 8 mile pace run this morning. Tomorrow is a 16 mile long run, 13 of which will be with my wife and 17 month old in her stroller..

  47. Meagan G.

    Tomorrow running 13 miles around town to get me warmed up for my 15k next weekend!

  48. Troy T

    Got out on a 30k trail run with some buddies this morning. Tomorrow, rest!

  49. Kawika Liu

    4.2 mile run, 1800 m swim saturday, 2-3 hr bike on sunday.

  50. cleolett ty

    Sunday Morning: Steady swim 1.8:
    Set 1: 300m Z1 swim
    with a little bit of
    Set 2: 2x50m kick Z1 +
    Set 3: 6x200m swim or
    pull Z2 + 20sec.
    Set 4: 200m Z1 swim.

    Sunday evening:
    Insanity workout – cardio recovery

  51. Roberto Saldana

    Trail run 8 miles in Sunny Southern California.

  52. Sun-Lung Lee

    M- 1hr cycle (trainer)
    Tu- 10 x 800m intervals + 5 km run
    W- 1hr cycle (trainer), Gym total body
    Th- 5miles run, 1hr cycle (trainer)
    Fri- 4miles Tempo run, 1hr cycle (trainer)
    Sat- 1hr cycle (trainer)
    Sun- 2hr cycle (trainer), 8X400 track run

  53. Greg Kronmal

    Saturday: Bike 25 miles with some climbing
    Sunday: 5 mi run
    Monday: Green beer

  54. Tom

    12oz curls!

  55. James Hong

    Recovery run for the weekend

  56. Erik H

    Saturday: 10x100m sprints
    Sunday: Squash – 60 minutes

  57. Mark

    Sadly, just a few hours of physical therapy. Can’t wait to get back to running!

  58. Ken

    Simple 8-mile run.

  59. Gabriel Hinchliffe

    I bought my first road bike today! Will be doing 12 miles (bike) and short 3.1 mile run on Sunday. Real excited about starting my training for triathlons.

  60. Jalil

    No workout :( recovery needed from an injury !

  61. nikos hasiotis


  62. Barry

    50 mile ride on a tandem.

  63. Jag

    saturday: 150km group bike ride (done!)
    sunday: 30km easy run

  64. Bart

    15k Sunday early morning run :)


  65. Ian

    Day off on Saturday
    80km hilly ride and a walk on Sunday.

  66. Michael Khamsot

    Saturday: bike 14 miles to work and walk 5 miles delivery mail because I am a postman.
    after 8 hours shift, bike 14 miles back home and go to bed early..
    Sunday: family day! Drive wife to Portland Saturday Market with our little Vespa scooter.
    Walk around the Water Front and stop by Voodoo Donuts shop on the way home!

  67. Charles

    Beginning my recover for the Marine Corps Marathon from my Crohn’s. Push-ups, Sit-ups, and light lint running both days.

  68. Maxim

    Saturday: chest, back and abs workout.
    Sunday: ~ 1 hour bike trainer workout.

  69. Troy

    Lsd run on Saturday 15km or so.
    Recovering on Sunday.


  70. Sebastian

    Saturday: strength training
    Sunday: 10k run

  71. Olle

    10k running on Saturday and 20k on Sunday.

  72. Sean Chan

    80km of commuting to a working weekend :P and somehow get past your commenting bit detection.

  73. angelo

    Planning to join a road race to raise my fitness

  74. Chaim

    Drink on Purim, and push off the weekend bike ride till Monday.

  75. Tori

    I’m doing yoga classes at the gym

  76. Dor N

    Friday 06:00-07:30 AM – Meet with the team for Bike-Run intervals at a local road
    Saturday 06:30 AM Bike for 3 hours around 100Km from Raanana (Israel) to Modi’in. Spice things up with a climb or two on the way
    Saturday 12:00PM ZZZZ…. (get some rest)

  77. Petteri

    Easy run on Saturday and then some winter cycling (MTB) on Sunday…

  78. martins ozolins

    2 x orienteering of 10km in local woods

  79. Jonathan Palmer

    Did an hour of Kenya Hill Training yesterday morning. About to go out for a 60+ mile ride with the cycling club. Great weather for it!

  80. Nims

    Sunday conditioning,
    10x snatches, 10x burpees, 10x pullups, 10x ring dips, 1 minute plank
    4 set circuit with 3 min break after each set. Finished by 1k row for time.

  81. June

    Hey Ray! Did 800m repeats on the track yesterday with a 16km long run earlier earlier this morning (: Training for my first marathon in June!

  82. David M

    Long run this morning (16km) and swimming pool tomorrow (3km). Thanks for your website ! Very interesting.

  83. Mick

    Sat: 25km cycling (recovery trainig)
    DONE: link to
    Sun: if the rain stops falling horizontally then a light 10-15km cycling

  84. Anders Gammelsæter

    Friday: Interval session on Powerbeam. 2x(9+3)mins at threshold. Pack bike and catch plane from South Africa to Spain.
    Saturday: Land in Malaga. Meet with good cycling friends from Norway, assemble bike and head out for 2hr afternoon spin to prepare body for Sunday.
    Sunday: 150 to 200km on spanish country roads/mountains – LSD

  85. Marcus N

    Friday: heavy weightlifting. Gives the body a nice rush. Saturday: A hike. Sunday: as spring is starting here it is time to bring out the Skikes and start my ski-training (never ski on snow, only on wheels :-) ).

  86. Lisa

    Recovering from an injury so a whopping 7 minute run!

  87. anybody

    Well, mainly rest/recover and doing some indoor fitness.

  88. Sebastian S

    Just came back from an awesome ski-holiday-week in Warth (Austria).
    Sunday: Slow recovery run with my girl (30 min).

  89. José Carlos Sánchez

    Friday: session running 10K in quiet at a rate of 6.30 m / k plan.
    Saturday: MTB session in the mountains of Madrid, about 75 Km.
    Sunday:my preferred trail running race in the natural park of Ruidera, close to home, are 15K.

  90. Fernando

    30 km at 5:00 min/km on Friday evening
    Rest and stretch on Saturday
    20 km at 4:30 min/km on Sunday

  91. B B

    A couple of last minute easy-ish runs before a tough full marathon next week, in the hilly city of Jerusalem (Israel!).

  92. David Gohberg

    15km run followed by some strength training

  93. thija_59

    Saturday : 75’Z2 running
    Sunday : 6x(6’Z4-Z5+2’Z3) running

  94. Ee Tze Tan

    – 1500m swim in the morning
    – 70km ride in the evening

    – 5km interval training run in the morning
    – 1 hour Brick(trainer and run) training in the evening

  95. David W.

    2hours of climbing at the local climbing gym today(sat), and then yoga class on Sunday followed by a 5k run.

  96. herlip

    60k bike ride around West Cork

  97. Boaz R

    Saturday: 10K run as part of final preparations for the Jerusalem Marathon next Friday.
    Sunday: a pint of Guinness.

  98. Thomas C

    My workout plan for this week-end is pretty simple :
    11 km at race pace on saturday
    Long run (23 km) on sunday

    A good week-end to get ready for the Paris Marathon !

  99. Paul Hietala

    Try and get a run outside in since the polar vortex seems to have moved on.


  100. Brian Piccolo

    Going on a nice long hike