The Because It’s Almost St. Patrick’s Day…Giveaway


While I was enjoying the umpteenth day straight of mind-bogglingly sunny weather here in the ‘City of Light’, it occurred to my that St. Patrick’s day is Monday.  Despite the French fondness for any reason to take the day off, it is not considered a national holiday here.  Not that it would matter anyway, I get to spend some 12-14 hours on a plane bouncing across the ocean.

So for no other reason than it’s (almost) St. Patrick’s day, and sorta-spring like (lucky charms and all), it’s time for a giveaway.


The prize is simple: A $400 credit to to Clever Training to buy anything from the site you’d like.  You can use it on anything they offer, from a Garmin/Polar/Suunto watch to a PowerBeam trainer, or a Quarq power meter.  If the item is over $400US, you’ll simply pay the difference, shipping is free either way.  The giveaway is open to all readers – including international folks.

To enter yourself in, simply leave a comment below with the following:

To Enter: Give me your weekend workout plans.  Simple as that!

Got it?

Entries will be accepted through Monday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 17th, 2014).  I’ll be you giving one device worth up to $400US from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday, depending on how tired I am after flying to Mexico City on Monday.  One entry per person.  The winner can decide on which device after they win.  For devices/gadgets/gizmos over $400, the winner can pay the difference.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF.  Even spring running or cycling gear.  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail.   No leprechauns allowed via this method.  Mmmkay?  Thanks all!


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  1. Mick TheBrick

    Saturday is light Cross Training.
    Sunday I run the NYC Half Marathon in my favorite city in the world.

    Happy Trails!

  2. Wim Geerts

    1h/2.5k swim sat. morning followed by a 100k bike ride. 15k run on Sunday.

  3. David

    10 mile run on friday, 60 min bike ride on wednesday and hopefully some strength training if I can make the room for it in my tight working schedule. Also some “swimming” for relaxing the muscles.

  4. this guy

    saturday: hiking with wife
    sunday: 50 mi bike ride w/ 4500 ft of climbing

  5. Logging a long run tomorrow as I’m now three weeks out from my first 100 miler!

  6. Julien

    8 easy miles on Saturday and 8 miles including 6 tempo miles on Sunday

  7. Christian

    Saturday: easy rest day: 25 min run w/a couple intervals; 1500yd swim
    Sunday: (hilly) half-marathon

  8. Nicole

    Birthday marathon on Sunday….followed by cake and beer…..

  9. Rafal

    Saturday: 5km fast run + street workout session
    Sunday: 21km slow run

  10. Gareth Findley

    Saturday – 5km run
    Sunday – 40 minute endurance ride @ 24kph
    Just started base phase for my first olympic tri in August.

  11. Chris L

    Racing Badass Dash

  12. Justin K

    Running the Shamrock 1/2 marathon

  13. Kasper Ingerslev

    Today (Saturday) I did an easy paced 8k run.
    Sunday will be 11k orienteering competition.

  14. Chris J

    Swimming indoors sunday morning. Perhaps a long slow run later in the day.

  15. Saturday 90 min tempo ride on trainer.
    Sunday 68 mile climb up Lookout Mountain in Golden, CO.

  16. LCP

    Yesterday: stability work in AM, anaerobic intervals on trainer plus run, yoga in PM.
    Today: strength training in AM, 3K swim in PM
    Tomorrow: Tempo trainer ride in AM, run in PM

  17. Zach Brown

    18 Mile Long Run Saturday and Rest Day Sunday. Training for OKC Marathon 2014.

  18. Jon Running

    Saturday – 8.5 mile mountain bike ride (just finished, was awesome), then heading out for 3-4 mile walk/run with the dog.
    Sunday – 15-20 mile road bike ride in the morning, then 8-ish mile walk/run along the Edmonton River Valley.

  19. Elizabeth

    Running the shamrock 8K. Farthest distance yet

  20. charles

    Saturday: 2 hours on trainer, 2 mile transition run

    Sunday: 1 hour on trainer

  21. Junq

    Today I did some pilates and tomorrow go to a long run of 20M.

  22. Luca

    18 Km long run

  23. Y B

    Bike for 2 hours

  24. Darren

    Friday – 1500m swim in lap pool
    Saturday – 40mi bike ride
    Sunday – 3hrs of beach volleyball, tacos and beers to follow :)

  25. Smokin'Schwalbes

    Whilst illness ensues it’ll be the usual trainer ‘rides’ at the moment I’m afraid :-(

  26. Titan

    I’m planning on taking Saturday easy with about 30 miles and then on Sunday I’ll be doing repeats up our local 1,000′ climb.

  27. Mirko Brauns

    On Saturday 3 hours with 3 x 20 min SubLT and 30 min L3. Sunday 4 hours L2.

  28. Martin N

    It is rest weekend for me. Already knocked out an easy 1-hr ride today. Will do a1-hr MAF run on Sunday.

  29. Kevin

    Saturday: 1 hour bike ride (to and from soccer practice), 2 hour soccer practice.

    Sunday: 90 mn soccer match followed by 30 mn nap ;0

  30. Jacov

    Sunday morning long run (30km) with 16km @4:15’s

  31. Marcell

    Take it easy weekend, rest day for saturday, and strength training on sunday.

  32. Tonny Madsen

    The 17 year birthday for my oldest Saturday and a Sunday with 25 km in preparations for Copenhagen Marathon in May – see the route here

  33. Nick14

    Sat. – 55 mile ride, 3 mile run
    Sun. 90 minute on the trainer

  34. Andrew

    Friday Night: x5 rounds, 1km row for time, 50 double under skips, 2min rest
    Saturday Morning: 75km ride
    Sunday Morning: Yoga
    Sunday Afternoon: Crossfit Open Workout 14.3
    8 minute AMRAP:
    10 deadlifts, 135 lb.
    15 box jumps, 24 inch
    15 deadlifts, 185 lb.
    15 box jumps, 24 inch
    20 deadlifts, 225 lb.
    15 box jumps, 24 inch
    25 deadlifts, 275 lb.
    15 box jumps, 24 inch
    30 deadlifts, 315 lb.
    15 box jumps, 24 inch
    35 deadlifts, 365 lb.
    15 box jumps, 24 inch

    Sunday Night = well earned rest

  35. Jens Einar

    I’ve got annual home guard training this weekend and the coming week. So only the indirect exercise from activities such as tactical movements, contact drill and so on.

  36. lionel birkenbach

    alpine skiing at revelstoke mt resort -29er mtb spring ridding – cycleops trainer ride on road bike

  37. Johan Ekström

    Just some walks with the dog.

  38. Frank Thuss

    I will probably doing a 20 – 25 km trail run on sunday, with my new Raidlight Olmo 5 race vest.

  39. Bryan Alsdorf

    Saturday was scheduled 4hr ride with 2 hrs at race pace. Due to the driving, miserable rain we stopped after 3.5 and decided training peaks can be yellow for today.

    Sunday is a 90 minute run in the morning and then 30 minutes in the afternoon plus a team meeting to discuss the bike portion of IMTX.

  40. S Roth

    Saturday, 2 1/2 hour long run.
    Sunday, 45 easy spin on the rollers, then a few hours skiing with my boys

  41. James P

    Sat – r&r + supermarket aisle sprints
    Sun – on the bike, aiming for 75+ km

  42. Brandon

    10 miles Saturday, taking my 5yr skiing tomorrow for the second time. Perfect weekend for it

  43. Zachary

    Perkins TrainerRoad workout.

  44. David

    4hr bike ride in upper Z2, lower Z3 for Saturday. Sunday is a 90min with 5km at just under and 5km at just over race peace in there and then a 1hr long swim working on spring sets with recovery time.

  45. Claire

    As a running newbie training for my first 5k, Saturday was a 45 minute jog/walk and Sunday will bring a yoga session

  46. Stepan

    Saturday: A day off after a lactate treshold test on friday.
    Sunday: Swimming.

  47. Adam Baca

    Saturday: Brick — 1 hour hard ride, 35 minutes threshold run.
    Sunday: Skinning laps at Ski Santa Fe. Accumulate 4000 vertical feet.

  48. Paul M

    PT regimen to strengthen quads following my knee surgery, all while reading your site to figure out what device I want to get in order to motivate my recover once I can start moving…..


    Hi there!
    I’m from Belo Horizonte – Brazil:
    Saturday :
    Road Cicling – Continuos M2 40 km – 01:30 AND
    Swiming 2.600 m
    I – 300 75 craw / 25 costas
    II- 6x 50 velo 4 ciclos
    III- 4x 50 z6 ac 2’00
    IV- 10x 100 br em z2 i:20”
    V- 300 pr
    VI- 300 educativos
    VII-200 soltos

    Road Cycling M3 – 100 km inclinated ( MAYBE TO THIS PLACE:
    link to

  50. Andy Durow

    simple plan – 3 workout per week ~ 30km

  51. Ememone

    For this weekend – long run for me (maybe 15 – 16 km). Will be great…

  52. chad williamson

    tour de Houston – 60 mile bike ride – hopefully not in the rain!

  53. Jase

    110k bike on Saturday
    Endurance Brick on Sunday

  54. Balu

    Easy 1 hour run on sonday morning following with 1700m moderate swim! :)

  55. Marcos Bonadiman

    Hello Ray,
    Sat: I’ve done 7,5km run
    Sun: 120min bike

  56. Mariano

    Unfortunately l have to because of troubles with my knee. Otherwise a century ride would have been on the plan .

  57. Balu

    Easy 1 hour run on sonday morning following with 1700m moderate swim!

  58. Julia

    Yoga and a 10mi on Sunday!

  59. Robert L. Grant

    In training for a Monday colonoscopy (me sad) that time of my age, but I would have done my 27 mile bike run to check out the newly formed pot holes and performed some frost heave surfing (A Maine rite of passage) for the upcoming cycling season! Trainer riding to nowhere is just brutal and I just can’t wait.

  60. Alex

    Sea swim Saturday and a run on Sunday

  61. Alas, no training for me this weekend thanks to my gallbladder. So sad that I’m missing the last trail race of the winter series! Waaaahhhh! :'(

  62. Fun Bobby

    Sat 15th
    Mrs takes kids for 5k run
    Me first BRIC of season bike 22k into run 5k

    Sun 16th
    Mrs 1hr swim into 5k run
    Me take kids to tri club swim
    Me 50k bike ride

  63. Dmitry

    Bike + Run :)

  64. Aaron Ainsworth

    Ride Friday, Ride Saturday , Ride Sunday(can’t run because of a calf injury), Swim Monday

  65. Saturday : Rest Day (and about time too!), with lots of gardening.
    Sunday: Run – 65 mins with 5×3 min hill reps. Swim – 5x 600m freestyle with last 200m of each above race pace. MTB ride with my son.

  66. Kelly

    Saturday 7 km interval training and sunday 5 km

  67. Mark S

    90k-ish club ride saturday, rebuild car/bike on sat arvo, 25mile time trial sunday morning..

  68. Kirk

    Trainer ride yesterday, 10 hour standing shift at the St. Patrick’s Day Block Party and recover Sunday for a bike fitting Monday

  69. Matthew

    7 mile run with the great weather

  70. Alex

    Shoulder rehab work including theraband, weights and bodyweight exercises

    1hr K1 paddle, after a long time off water just focusing on getting comfortable in the boat again.

  71. arunas

    3h+ steady ride on Sunday

  72. David

    Today – Saturday had 3 h roadbike ride at the seaside, tommorow hiiking up (with snowboard) on the mountain and have find some unriden spots on the way down.

  73. nick

    Ramping up distances. 16-17k.

  74. Matt Charlton

    5km race on Saturday morning. 17 mile long run on Sunday!

  75. Ken Mann

    Some outdoor running and some indoor cycling.

  76. Pierre

    Trainer 3×15 min with Abu Dhabi Traithlon live on the tablet…

  77. Stoobiedoo

    Garage weight training circuit on Saturday and a 2 mile run on Sunday.

  78. Kevin Marshallsay

    3 hours of mountain biking (inc hill reps!!) in Wales then 90 minutes x country run on sunday, finishing with a swim cord session in the evening

  79. Hiro

    1hr L1 bike trainer for recovery on Sat.
    2hrs SST&L3 bike trainer on Sun.

  80. Burgess

    fat bike ride on Saturday, xc ski on Sunday – No time to run yet

  81. Ofer Yehuda


    This weekend I will do sufferfest Fight Club on indoor trainer and strength workout in the gym.
    Thank you Clever cycling!


  82. Frigid Philly

    Feeding 25 folks corned beef and cabbage.
    And then getting ready to shovel 6 inches of snow, again!

  83. Christian K

    Short swim, 500 meter
    Run, 10 km sub threshold

    Group ride, 80 km
    Strength training

  84. stijn

    A short sim on saturday (30 min) and a 1h run on sunday.

  85. JonnyLumpkinseed

    Friday afternoon – 30 mile spirited group ride
    Saturday – ~35 mile group ride, 3 mile BRIK
    Sunday – ~50 mile group recovery ride, 1800 yard swim if weather permits

    First 70.3 at the end of the month

  86. William

    Friday evening
    My last speed skating training session, with several ‘steigerungen’ => beautiful way to close the skate season..
    This morning (saturday) a very nice run around the ‘ronde hoep’ => 17 km’s in 1:19
    Tomorrow => swim training together with my daughters ..
    Then .. relax an prepare for a busy week ..

  87. Laura

    4 mile run Sunday morning, in preparation for 10K race.

  88. 20100

    Cyclocross in the forest near home !

  89. Christopher Powers

    Today (Saturday) was a 5.3 mi trail race. Went OK, but slow. Sunday, looks like a swim will happen, as it’s going to rain all day. No bike outside – maybe inside or I’ll do weights.

  90. Miguel Angel

    Work all weekend, so playing active rest.

  91. Chris M.

    Long trail run in the mountains.

  92. 6 Walks of the dog of 30 minutes or more
    40 minute foundation run on Saturday
    1:15 long run on Sunday

  93. Diana Ferreira

    Today i did a 10k run and after i did some strength exercises.
    Tomorrow I will be swimming.

  94. Manuel Costa

    Sunday – 45k bike with some friends and just for fun

  95. Hisham Nashef

    I’m actually training for my first ever half marathon that is going to take place in Bethlehem on 04/11/14! So for this weekend on Sunday I have a 5 mile tempo run.

  96. Fred Snyder

    Swimming today and snowboarding tomorrow

  97. Jim Shepherd

    Saturday : 60 minute group run including track work
    Sunday : 90 minute trainer ride

  98. Jeff Tignor

    Ride my bike outside and actually fully enjoy it in the 70 degree weather in Kansas City on Saturday.

  99. Kalman

    Sat: Gardening all day
    Sun: My usual 10 km run in the morning

  100. Ross T

    10 mile run Saturday and an hour on the bike Sunday. Finally some decent weather in New York!