While I was enjoying the umpteenth day straight of mind-bogglingly sunny weather here in the ‘City of Light’, it occurred to my that St. Patrick’s day is Monday. Despite the French fondness for any reason to take the day off, it is not considered a national holiday here. Not that it would matter anyway, I get to spend some 12-14 hours on a plane bouncing across the ocean.
So for no other reason than it’s (almost) St. Patrick’s day, and sorta-spring like (lucky charms and all), it’s time for a giveaway.
The prize is simple: A $400 credit to to Clever Training to buy anything from the site you’d like. You can use it on anything they offer, from a Garmin/Polar/Suunto watch to a PowerBeam trainer, or a Quarq power meter. If the item is over $400US, you’ll simply pay the difference, shipping is free either way. The giveaway is open to all readers – including international folks.
To enter yourself in, simply leave a comment below with the following:
To Enter: Give me your weekend workout plans. Simple as that!
Got it?
Entries will be accepted through Monday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 17th, 2014). I’ll be you giving one device worth up to $400US from Clever Training. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday, depending on how tired I am after flying to Mexico City on Monday. One entry per person. The winner can decide on which device after they win. For devices/gadgets/gizmos over $400, the winner can pay the difference.
This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with. As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site. And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF. Even spring running or cycling gear. And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!
Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail. No leprechauns allowed via this method. Mmmkay? Thanks all!
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30 mile ride on Saturday
5 km run on Sunday
I am going for a swim on Saturday and Sunday i go racebiking with my father in law (70 years old) !!
( in the Netherlands)
Have a great weekend!!
Hello Ray,
My schedule is a 1h x-train (elliptical) session followed by weight training, and a 25mi ride on Sunday.
Going to sleep away my fewer, wish could have hit the streets now that they’re clear of snow.
Going to rest to get rid of my fewer.
Saturday – 8km very easy trail run.
Sunday – 15-20km tempo trail run.
This sunday will probably my hardest training day ever. I’m going to participate in a 6-12 hour training mission called ‘New Dawn – Misery’. Training is provided by link to stressinout.org and the goal is to reach and go beyond my personal mental and physical limits. There will be water, mud, lots of burpies and who knows what else.. all with ~15kg backpack!!
50 mile bike ride on sunday … that´s it
Saturday – technique training swimming
Sunday – 30 km cycling
Testing 5k for next week 10k race on saturday
Sunday, cheer wife & daughter on their race event
A hilly ride on the Saturday, combined with a Long run on the Sunday! Keep the short stuff for during the week on the commute!
Bataan Memorial Death March – Male Military Heavy
10k Race, Point TP Point, with expected tailwind 8-9 ;-). Does this count for personal best?
I did my 14km long run yesterday, so a couple of short runs saturday and sunday to get ready for my 24hrs flight from Ireland to Australia on Paddy’s Day!
Recovering from a cold. It’s just a matter of time though, before I’m hitting the running track and swimming pool once again! ;)
50k group ride for St. Patrick’s Day, 13k hill run, 10k brick ride, 5k brick run. Normal, low-key weekend.
2:10 bike ride today with 2 X 15 Zone 5.
Weights/strength workout on Sunday.
Ray, thanks.
Resting and recovering from an achilles injury picked up last weekend!
Free ride on my bushido.
10 km on Saturday morning
Rest on Sunday
Do some Run and bike.
Going for a night on the town, probably run/walk home at night instead of a taxi, and have a resting day on the couch on Sunday.
Out running for ca 10km Saturday (today) and rest tomorrow.
1hour 45 run today and 3 hour hilly bike tomorrow. Last 2 weekends of English weather before 2 weeks in Orlando!
Saturday: 900 yards swim, I’m in Week 2 of the program ‘How to swim from 0 to 1650m’ you recommended in one of your articles!
Sunday: 10k run.
Two hours on my bike/Tacx saturday and another hour and a half on sunday. It is still winter here in Quebec.
Doing a flag run and a 16 miler
13,5km at the rhythm 5m05 in view of the Marathon of Rome, next sunday.
saturday 2 h trainerroad islagat
sunday1 h bike
15 km run
Skiing in the Alps! :)
15km run with 6km core interval
70km bike
1hr swim with 25kg son on my back
passive CPR
Sat-2 hour run
Sun-Brick 2.5 bike, 30 minute run
35 minute run Saturday and and 85 minute run Sunday.
Running the Camp Lejuene St Patrick day 5 mile mud and obstacle course with my 16 year old Son. No matter how this goes I win!!!
Morning – Weight lifting training. Deadlift and back.
Day – Dances.
Monday: 40 minutes cardio run.
Walk around downtown MN with my 3 kids along with 4 other kids from my wife’s friends in 15 degree Farenheit weather while they run the Get Lucky 777 race. Assuming that I live through that I’ll be running 7 miles on Sunday. Saturday will probably be the worst kids are 11 months to 9 years.
Easy 10 miles today on road and 9 or so in the hills tomorrow! Hopefully my cold will go away! :-)
Some running!
Saturday: 5km easy run
Sunday: 25km endurance run
16 miles in the cold and dark
1h inline skating and 30min riding a horse with my 6 yr old son
Halfmarathon on sunday.
10km run + Progressions this Sunday
Run/walk one hour in Hanoi ( Vietnam )
A 7km run that turned into a 9.5km run as I still get lost in the park 2 years after moving to sydney!
easy 10k run on Sunday.
Friday evening a light interval training: 10x 400 meter with full recovery.
Saturday some ice skating(I am dutch) with my kids.
Sunday the 1/2 marathon of the Krimpenerwaard.
Nice Weekend!
2h running today, 90min of swimming and a 4h bike ride tomorrow. A typical build-weekend :)
5k on friday and some biking on sunday
Camping with the kids so no training this weekend. Have to catch up during the week!
6 mile hike and a 22 mile ride today.
8k run on saturday and 30k run on Sunday. (And a small prayer to the weather gods for dry roads and +0 temps so I can get off the trainer)
I’m up and at it early this Saturday morning for the Gate River Run 15K (the largest in the nation) in Jacksonville, FL. Let’s go!
2 hour ride Sat, 2 hour run Sun
To Enter: Give me your weekend workout plans. Simple as that!
1h bike (single legs)
2.5h bike (rolling Z1-Z3)
160 km ride with a 7km brick run on Saturday. 2km Ocean swim and 32 km run on Sunday.
I was at Westerfolds parkrun this morning (Saturday has mostly gone already in Australia!), and then a short ride to and into the local hills in the Dandenongs on Sunday morning!
traveling to Munich all day on Saturday – 60 minute run when I get there Sunday morning
I plan on riding 90km with my cycling club on Saturday and running for an hour on Sunday. However the best laid plans of mice and men…
45 minutes on the exercise bike and 1000 meter swim this morning. Still snowing in Rochester, NY.
Saturday = 1 hour trainer road session on Felt DA/KK (followed by one arm curls of green beer) at St. Patricks Day parade
Sunday = 40 minute run + 1400 yd swim
Traveling to Bartlett Lake Triathlon in AZ.
Today, Saturday, I have a 1 hour swim, followed later in the day with a 2 hr Zone 2 run. Then Sunday it’s a 3 hr Zone 2 bike ride on my trainer followed by a 15 min brick run.
Swimming Drills and 30k long run
Calamari/Shrimp marinated in butter and garlic for starter
Foie Gras with Sauternes for alternative or bonus
Lobster on the BBQ for main course – Dozens!
Chocolate mousse for desert
One hour long running on Sunday evening.
Just party hard. I did my homework on Friday, 13,5km easy going preparing the Helsinki HM.
20 mile run Saturday and a swim on Sunday.
20 miles run on Saturday followed by a 5 miles recovery run on Sunday.
50Km+ bike today – in the sunshine & short 5Km run tomorrow. Popular competition!
45 mile bike ride Saturday, 1/2 Marathon Sunday. Yee ha!
Saturday long run, about 10 miles, then shorter on Sunday.
Saturday run12k , on Sunday jogging, around 6 km or so.
First zone 3-4, second zone 2-3
55k bike on friday
Volleyball match on saturday
Core workout on sunday
St Patrick’s Day 5k today, and an easy 5 miles tomorrow. Probably get an upper body weight workout out in as well.
Saturday – 120 kms, 2500m-3000m climbing
Sunday – 50 km mostly flat ride.
Saturday a litte bit trainig with the skier
Sunday 7km running. But the weather will be very bad here
25K and 600hm Trail Run Saturday.
75min extensive recovery Sunday.
some easy riding, some strength/stability training, and some swimming.
1h hill intervals today, and a 5 hour century ride tomorrow…
Yesterday (friday) biking on home trainer 1:30h,
today swimming 2,5km and running 10km,
tommorow biking again 2:00h.
Saturday: 2k swim, followed by coaching a couple triathletes for team in training and then a 35min recovery run to choose it out.
Sunday: 30 min of strength training and 10x 10k intervals as I close in on the monument 10k. Hope you have some nice training planned as well, everyone. Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!
Im training for my first metric century and right now I’m at the halfway point. I have a 50 km ride scheduled which is the longest I have ever ridden.
Saturday: Short 30 min jog or walk to stretch my legs a bit.
Sunday: Maximum heart rate test (just a simple hill test)
I’m not even going to leave my room – working hard on a paper due on Wednesday!
Taper 5 mile run before Syracuse Half next weekend
Shamrock shuffle 5k Saturday. 5 mile slow run and a short swim Sunday.
Jet lagged after a hectic trip to China. But thats not going to stop my 10k on Sunday morning and my Kettle bell Squats on Monday morning!
20km Trail for Sunday
Oops Saturday almost over.
Tomorrow is a 3k treadmill run.
mountain bike 1 hour this afternoon. 10k run Sunday morning.
I ran 8K yesterday, watched paris nice and the tirreno afterwards, i’m working today and sunday morning i’ve planned a 10k run, and will be watching cycling in the afternoon again
Hey prepping for 1/2 marathon currently. About 35 kms/week. cheers! ;)
First run after last weekend’s Nagoya half – but back in Sydney not in Japan (unfortunately!)
Just a short 30min run on Sat and some recreational cycling on Sun… taking it easy.
14 mile run Saturday
2 hour Trainer ride on Sunday
cheering on a friend for his half-marathon Sunday morning
Tapering so only 20 km trail Sunday. Maybe some strength training
this evening
Running 16km in Tel Aviv park with 5km on 4:10
Going up mount Gilboa with my bike in the Israel Valley
Host a sleepover for my 7 yr olds birthday, a brutal weekend