The Because It’s Almost St. Patrick’s Day…Giveaway


While I was enjoying the umpteenth day straight of mind-bogglingly sunny weather here in the ‘City of Light’, it occurred to my that St. Patrick’s day is Monday.  Despite the French fondness for any reason to take the day off, it is not considered a national holiday here.  Not that it would matter anyway, I get to spend some 12-14 hours on a plane bouncing across the ocean.

So for no other reason than it’s (almost) St. Patrick’s day, and sorta-spring like (lucky charms and all), it’s time for a giveaway.


The prize is simple: A $400 credit to to Clever Training to buy anything from the site you’d like.  You can use it on anything they offer, from a Garmin/Polar/Suunto watch to a PowerBeam trainer, or a Quarq power meter.  If the item is over $400US, you’ll simply pay the difference, shipping is free either way.  The giveaway is open to all readers – including international folks.

To enter yourself in, simply leave a comment below with the following:

To Enter: Give me your weekend workout plans.  Simple as that!

Got it?

Entries will be accepted through Monday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 17th, 2014).  I’ll be you giving one device worth up to $400US from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday, depending on how tired I am after flying to Mexico City on Monday.  One entry per person.  The winner can decide on which device after they win.  For devices/gadgets/gizmos over $400, the winner can pay the difference.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF.  Even spring running or cycling gear.  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail.   No leprechauns allowed via this method.  Mmmkay?  Thanks all!


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  1. Gary F

    Twin boys (9yo) hockey tournament! Friday night game, 2 on Saturday and 1 Sunday with HOPEFULLY a 2nd on Sunday (the championship game)!!! So a much needed rest weekend for me

  2. Krista Johnson

    Run the lakes in Minneapolis followed by yoga sculpt. Ride Sunday.

  3. Marilyn

    8 mile run on Saturday and 500m swim on Sunday.

  4. Jean Ayotte

    Saturday, a Sufferfest session, I haven’t decided yet which one, but for sure I will be burned after.

  5. Bhasin

    Busy! 3 hr bike ride on Saturday followed by 5k brick. 3000 yards on Sunday followed by 10k.

  6. Jae

    My workout plans include rest and recovery with a little core work thrown in just to keep it interesting!

  7. Natalie

    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, day 13!!!!

  8. Edwin Li

    Sat: 60 mile group ride, light 30min swim and core workout
    Sat: 40mile recovery ride, light 30min swim, massage/steam room and focus on recovery

  9. Zac

    Very simple this weekend. 5 mile run Saturday and 15 mile ride Sunday.

  10. Andrew Strauss

    Sat: Run 5k
    Sun: Bike 30k

  11. German S

    Have a great St. Patrick’s!
    Friday Morning (today): 65 mins (fartlek)
    Saturday Morning: 45 mins (active rest)
    Sunday Morning: 105 mins (long run)

  12. T

    Saturday: refrain from running.
    Sunday: avoid the swimming pool.

  13. rutlandboy

    Sat -easy 1hr ride with my daughter followed by a hard 30 min threshold run.
    Sun – easy 75 min zone 2 run.
    Sleep, family time and beer.

  14. Chris

    7 mile run and spin class.

  15. David

    10 miles run Saturday
    5 miles easy run on Sunday

  16. Luca R. Noto

    A short 1500 m swim, 4km run and 45 bike leg

  17. Phil B

    No epic workouts. Taking the kidlets skiing Saturday morning. Maybe a short ski for me afterward. A ski or a run on Sunday depending on when my wife gets home and how I feel.

  18. eric sachtjen

    14 mile run, 3 hr ride.

  19. Alex green

    Ride Saturday testing my FTP. Ride Sunday morning with some friends. Enjoying the end of summer here is VIC, Australia.

  20. METaxNerd

    I am rehabbing a badly sprained ankle, so just a swim lesson followed by a second swim day for me.

  21. J Dennehy

    Fri evening 1hr cycle class, sat am 30 min weights followed by 1hr cycle class. Sat afternoon watch Ireland hopefully trounce France in rugby. Some guinness will be consumed! Sat evening 4mile run with 2hr bike ride Sunday morning.

  22. Joshua

    Saturday – 10K trail race

    Sunday – a short ride on the trainer

    It will go from 70 to snowing in 24 hours here in the Midwest.

  23. Scott Davis

    Not much training other than watching some bball!

  24. Robert

    3-4hrs, 30s attack every 20 min, riding 30w below MAF pace Saturday, 5 hr endurance ride, tempo on hills on Sunday.

  25. bbeaton

    Heading out for 5 miles on sat and 10 miles on sunday. running in pretty weather!

  26. Pierre

    It’s supposed to rain some but I’ll still get out and get a cross country ski in on both days. Get those skis in before the trails degrade too much.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  27. jonrdt

    60 min swim
    60 min eliptical
    60 min trainer ride

  28. panos


  29. Dani K

    Running Saturday morning before much of anything else. Sunday is a rest day.

  30. Chuck

    Foam rolling my it band.

  31. RM

    2 1/2 hour ride on the rollers!

  32. Bryan

    Saturday I’m going to sit on a motorcycle for an hour or so while I officiate a race. Then I’ll drive five hours back home. Sunday I will go ride my bike for an hour or so.

  33. Dan

    Run, ride and run.

  34. Brian M.

    Sat: Time in the pool
    Sun: 5 mile run

  35. Jayon

    Short easy run on Saturday. Nyc half marathon on Sunday.

  36. Jeff Leslie

    Saturday: 1hr swim, 4hr ride, 1hr run.

  37. Evelyn

    Training with the fiancé for his first half marathon. A 3 and 4 mile run this weekend.

  38. Irwin

    Resting, errands, birthday party.

  39. W Nickell

    3 mile St. Patrick’s Day Parade, 12 mile bike ride Saturday. 25 mile bike ride Sunday.
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  40. Sufferfest on Saturday followed by a 2000 swim.

    Then, on Sunday, it’s all about giving back and pacing runner’s for a training program in chilly Chicago!

  41. Trent

    I’ll be doing the Rock n Roll Half Marathon this weekend.

  42. Bradley Eldred

    Saturday – rest day
    Sunday – 40 mi bike

  43. Carl Belanger

    An hour of swim followed by 3hrs of bike on saturday and a 2hrs bike ride sunday!

  44. Larry

    Sat. – Master’s swim a.m., 23 mi. Long Run p.m.
    Sun – 60-90 min Z2 Recovery bike

  45. Scott

    1 hour trainer ride

  46. Alex

    I am ridding the Epic Dead Ends training ride… only 46 miles, but 4,350 feet of climbing!

  47. Jeff

    According to Mr. Training Peaks I have:

    Saturday: 2100 Swim, 2hr Bike Base, 30min Brick Run
    Sunday: 1:00 Bike Base, 1:00 Base Run


  48. Mike Tucker

    10 mile trail run on Saturday before thunderstorms hit, then 6 mile run on Sunday (again on trails if the storms weren’t too bad, pavement if they were).

  49. Katie G

    Running my first half – Rock n Roll in DC!

  50. Seth udlis

    16 miles on a treadmill, increasing the speed every 4 miles.

  51. DonQ

    I’ll be standing, jumping, and yelling at the top of my lungs as the Seattle Sounders crush Toronto.

    And riding the trainer.

  52. Don McAuslan

    Chocolate ice cream followed by cake.

  53. Saturday is my day off – kind of unusual but I do a big work out on Friday. Sunday is my long bike – this week it will be once again indoor as out door temperatures will be around -10 C with several feet of snow still on the ground!

  54. Joel White

    Getting on a bike, any bike, this weekend as I’ve had a terrible cold for the last week.

  55. James

    Friday – 2900yswim, 60 bike 3k’ climb, 3 brick
    Saturday – 13 run pushing my two kiddos
    Sunday – church and rest

  56. Christian C

    60-mile bike ride with around 5000′ elevation gain on Saturday, rest day on Sunday

  57. Steve

    I plan on a decent trainer ride (still a foot of snow…) and maybe a five miler. Ramping back up from EIA problems. :-\

  58. Colin

    An easy spin Saturday followed by the Spring Run-Off 10K Sunday.

  59. tui2004

    Just ride very slow about 5 kms this evening.

  60. Weekend training: Saturday is a rest day, Sunday will be 90 minutes on the trainer (still raining here in Oregon).

  61. Laurie

    Run 85 min on Sunday.

  62. Vinh T

    A short interval workout with my 910XT!

  63. Saturday: 3 hour aikido class +18 mile long run
    Sunday: first RTF(radtouristikfahrt) of the season (German road biker sunday rides put on by bike clubs thoughout the year. Usually well marked routes, always end with Kaffee und Kuchen and Wurst of some kind. 75 km

  64. Ilan H

    3 hours Mtb ride on Saturday. During these – one hour regular speed, 2nd hour race speed, 3rd regular speed.
    Sunday- core muscles training. Monday – two hours plateu ride.
    That should do it :-)

  65. Juan Victoria

    4 hours on the Computrainer

  66. Jamie Kinch

    Saturday – resting, had a 30 mile ultra last weekend.
    Sunday – pacing my wife in her second half marathon to get her under 2 hours!

  67. Kellen Phillips

    Ride the rollers & a nice run Saturday morning with my running buds

  68. Justin

    Local rides on my first road bike. A new Trek Domane 4.5c. Testing out a new Garmin Edge 810.

  69. Steve Elliott

    Pool swim and hill ride Saturday; 8-mile trail run Sunday

  70. Manzanita

    Running 15 miles Sunday in San Diego.

  71. Robbie

    Short ride and run on Saturday to get the body moving for my first race in 7 years on Sunday!

  72. Jason

    Long ride sunday…

  73. Kelden

    Weekend off!

  74. Jane Bang

    10-mile run on Saturdayp

  75. Chris

    Saturday: 2 hour brick followed by 30 minutes of core
    Sunday: 2 hour ski – hopefully the last of the year. So ready for the snow to be gone!

  76. Bethany

    Already did my weekend workout today because I’ll be busy tomorrow & Sunday. Ran a 12 miler. Beautiful weather for it, but windy!

  77. Jose angel

    Saturday – 2.5 Mile swim
    Sunday – 110 miles Bike & 10 Miles run brick
    Getting ready for IM Cabos. Need to Win!!!

  78. Tom

    30 min strength training
    4 mile run

  79. Michael

    Saturday off to recover from illness and hopefully 4mi on Sunday. Goal is to run a 5k next weekend without waking :)

  80. Leland

    Skiing all day at Steamboat, then a short run on Sunday. Not bad.

  81. Kwek JH

    Doing my first duathlon this weekend. Nervous but excited!

  82. Helen

    Short 4 mile run on Saturday (hopefully not in the rain). Rest on Sunday.

  83. Alex M

    The plan was a simple 40km hills ride, but I woke to the sound of thunder, so Parkrun torrens it was!

  84. Brian T.

    Sat: 2.5km swim, 100km bike, 5km run
    Sun: 20km run
    Thanks for the giveaway Ray!!!

  85. Dan

    3 hours on the bike Saturday, 6 minute hill climb on the compu trainer, then rollers and power cranks.

    3 hours on the bike Sunday

  86. Bryan M

    Friday evening involves a quiet 10km run to the lighthouse for sunset and then 30mins of foam rolling/stretching.
    Saturday is a 10km cycle to rack my bike and a 4-5km run to stretch out the muscles.
    Sunday is race day! Mooloolaba Olympic distance Triathlon followed by beach volleyball, a bbq and a surf in the afternoon!

  87. Andre Laprade

    Cross-country skiing on Saturday and Sunday weather and snow permitting. It’s starting to stay above the freezing mark.

  88. Katie M

    This weekend, I’m planning to get two decent runs in, with total distance being around 20 miles.

  89. Ariel Spalletti

    2.5 hours Group ride on Sat, followed by an easy to moderate 15km run. Sunday 5 hours bike ride from Aventura to Key Biscayne and back.

  90. Russ

    I’m getting over a cold, but hoping for a long run Sunday on the Mount Vernon trail.

  91. Eric Rogers

    15 mile run Saturday and a 40 mile bike on Sunday. Good times indeed!

  92. Erinlee

    Lifting weights. watching bike race. taking bike ride outside!

  93. François

    Sun: 10k

  94. L Shade

    A 4 hour bike ride on Saturday and a 13 mile run on Sunday.

  95. Ron Gubitz

    Catching cabbages from the floats at the parade in New Orleans

  96. Greg M

    Saturday 1.5 hour ride. Sunday short swim and short run.

  97. Brian

    Mountain run in the beautiful Wasatch Mountains

  98. Lars Nielsen

    Official DuPont 10k run around Brabrand Lake near Aarhus, Denmark.

  99. Diana St. Charles

    11 mile long run.

  100. Well, my weekend workout happened today. I ran 2 miles with two kids in the jogging stroller and biked 18 miles. Was going to bike tomorrow but my wife has to help a friend deliver a baby.