The Because It’s Cold…and January…Giveaway

VIRB Picture

This morning I landed back home in Europe after being in DC for a couple days.  In doing so, I increased my environmental temperature by approximately 50°F….to approximately 50°F.  Just think, if I did that again it’d be like being in the Caribbean.

And then I remembered that everyone else stateside is left in the cold.  The windy, snowy, icy…generally miserable cold.  For you in Australia, you don’t get to complain at this juncture about your warm temps.

Thus, in order to make the situation a tiny bit better, I figured a giveaway was in order.  It’s been a little while since the last one.  Actually, sorta way longer than I realized.  Not exactly sure how that happened, but we need to get that fixed pronto!


The prize is simple: A $400 credit to to Clever Training to buy anything from the site you’d like.  You can use it on anything they offer, from a Garmin watch to a PowerBeam trainer.  If the item is over $400US, you’ll simply pay the difference, shipping is free either way.  The giveaway is open to all readers – including international folks.

To enter yourself in, simply leave a comment below with the following:

To Enter: Give me the lowdown on the coldest swim/ride/run you’ve had this winter – simple as that!

Got it?

Entries will be accepted through Sunday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (February 2nd, 2014).  I’ll be you giving one device worth up to $400US from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday (my Mom’s Birthday) or Wednesday (if I’m still celebrating the Seahawks win on Sunday at the Super Bowl).  One entry per person.  The winner can decide on which device after they win.  Devices/gadgets/gizmos over $400, the winner can pay the difference.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF.  Even cold weather gear.  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail [entry period closed] instead.   No bunny rabbits or chocolatiers allowed via this method.  Mmmkay?  Thanks all!


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  1. Scott

    9 deg f 6 mile run last week. I’m a wimp when it comes to cold

  2. Gina

    Walking on the treadmill, it’s pretty much always the same:-(

  3. smachim

    No cold weather in Miami :(

  4. Azrul Syaffiq

    As for me, I’m from Malaysia which don’t have any winter. My coldest run was during Tokyo Marathon last year which is probably around 6 C which I ran with my traditional costume to promote my country to the world. However last week, I ran 100km Ultra in Hong Kong which around 12 C to 18 C. Quite freezing for me as I’m not getting used with cold climate, but I managed to finish the race.

  5. Dathan Chesnut

    Training for a marathon, had to do a 16 mile long run in 10 degree F, with -5 windchill. At least it was sunny. Your Helsinki run inspired me to get out there. Plus 16 miles is an awefully long way on a treadmill.

  6. Ryan Jackson

    Hi back in November I had a fantastic +30C trail run in Cave Creek Arizona on vacation. Two days later I was back home in Calgary, Canada running at -20C / -30C with wind chill on snow packed forest trails. I absolutely loved the extremes. Best thing about the cold weather is you don’t stop running!!! Props to Icebugs.

  7. Jerome F.

    Dec 30th on a visit to Canada, ran outside where the temperature dropped from 22F at the start to 10F at the end, resulting in frostbites on….of all places…my stomach!!!

  8. Peter D

    3 Weeks ago in the morning around 6 am I’ve been out for a run at -6 degrees in Frankfurt, Germany

  9. Kyle

    It was around -12F with wind chills over -20F was so covered up my kids said I looked like a running ninja.

  10. Olav Krogsæter

    Last Saturday. Riding for over three hours in 0 degrees Celsius and gale force winds here in W-Norway.

  11. Peter

    Not been too cold in my part of the UK yet. Lowest was a 5 miler at 2 degrees. Been plenty wet though.

  12. I think my coldest run this winter was probably mid-teens for outside temp. I have done both training runs and even a 5K aptly called the Frosty 5K in those temps this winter. I’m ready for some spring weather!

  13. A two and a half hours training ride with my cycling team at -3°C a couple of days ago in Germany

  14. Richard McDowell

    Swimming in Lake Bled, Slovenia in November. Core temperature was fine in my wetsuit, hands and feet weren’t too bad in neoprene gloves/booties, but water was too cold on the face for normal freestyle. Water temp about 8 degrees C. Managed about 30 minutes of head-up freestyle and backstroke before my hands and feet were complaining…

  15. David Westermann

    I had a run in -6 degrees (real degrees not that Fahrenhei stuff ;-) ) last wednesday

  16. Alex

    Snowy run in the mountains of central Japan.

  17. Mike

    The first week in January I went surfing in ocean city with outside temps in the teens and water temps in the 30s.

  18. Adrian

    My coldest run was at about 0 degrees Celsius in Bucharest, Romania.

  19. JasminTH

    Biking during during a recess in Montreal temperature were the concrete is dray, but the weather is stil cold (10 F) . You then really realize you should have proper winter biking shoes, not anything with a mesh to wick away humidity… And you realize there is just a slight part of your neck that is not well covered

  20. Brenda Frambes

    The coldest I’ve managed was 37 degrees. I’m a sissy. But I make up for it by toughing out three hour trainer rides in the basement.

  21. Mieszko

    My coldest run this year was 26.01.14. My sunday long run.
    It was -17C (wind chill -28C).
    I had my buff on my face so I could breath normally.
    After 150 min of running buff was totally frozen…

  22. Wandering Dervish

    Ray –

    I ran about 3 miles in 11 degrees with a bit of rain thrown in on the 15th of January in Gurgaon, India. I never get lucky with these giveaways but you never know. People posting here seem to brave the elements and get on with it.


  23. I live in South Florida so anything below 50 is COLD! On Thanksgiving morning, it started out in mid 40’s and I rode 90 miles with a crazy headwind the entire time. Knowing that it would warm up to 80 degrees by noon, I had only a Tri suit and arm warmers on. I totally considered myself a cold weather BadAss that morning. Ha!

  24. Paul Desmidt

    it’s never been under 3°C this year so no cold rides!

  25. Lorenzo Balmeo

    I ran several miles on a 18F. Felt awesome!

  26. Mike Gault

    I’m a wimp compared to most of these people. In nj I’ve done a 2 hr 30 degree ride a few times and ran into the teens a few times. Otherwise I just train indoors!!!

  27. rodrigo link

    A 10k run around Trondheim, Norway, at 6am, in October. Only time I had to run. About 4°C, and it had rained the night before. I took a wrong turn (running with a map isn’t easy!) and tried to stop while running in a wooden bridge. The next thing I know, my feet slipping and I fall on my butt… The next 5k were a pain in the ass!

  28. Ganabu

    Wish it was winter. 35+ degree Celsius runs here in Australia are more common this time of year! Some chilly mornings would be nice.

  29. Alex J

    4 miles run last Saturday in Bucharest…. – (minus) 11°C and bonus 70km/h wind and snow storm. Like it !

  30. Nathan D.

    My coldest swim was not this winter but early fall while I was trying to get one last open water swim in. I was living in Germany on a lake and I went out only for about 250m and could barely get back up on the dock I was so cold.

    Cold rest bike this winter was yesterday… It was around 12* and even lower with wind chill… I don’t have much by way of winter cycling gear so I layered with whatever I had lying around. I didn’t last long there either.

  31. Daniel

    Ran the Clearwater marathon about two weeks ago and the starting temp was 38. I scraped ice off my windshield that morning to get there. Probably not unusual for some, but Clearwater is in Florida.

  32. I’ve spent most of my time this winter indoors, on my spinning bike. I did manage an outdoor ride on January 13th. We had a brief break from our ongoing polar vortex (29° F). I’m new to cycling, only started this past June, but I miss being outdoors so much!

  33. Hendrik

    Coldest so far was 6°C for 94km of cycling. Lousy winter ;-)

  34. Mark

    I skate skied at -9F a a week ago Wednesday befor it turned cold. I set that as my unofficial cold temperature limit.

  35. Ivan Diaz

    My coldest ride was last November, a long ride uphills from 5oC to reach the snow at -3oC here in Madrid (Spain). Some runs with around -2 or -11 oC, but the sensation of loosing your toes and fingers is greater riding than running.

  36. Jim O'Donovan

    My worst was last week in 3 degrees C but rain rain rain. After 2 hours I have to get help removing my soaked cloths as I was numb all over. A tepid shower almost scalded me. Not nice.

  37. Victor

    Here in Melbourne, Australia I wish we had a bit more of the cold weather. This weekend will be 41 degrees Celsius on both days! Rides become a matter of guzzling water or else!

  38. asia

    15 km run – 17C, cold as hell :)

  39. Michael

    16 mile long run in 9-degree F two Saturdays ago, southwest suburbs of Chicago. Ready for spring!

  40. Juwon Suh

    Awesome givaway! Coldest run this year was 10 degrees and windy long run in snow. After run my nose hair froze and had soaked socks from the snow.

  41. JamieL

    Even in Dubai we get winter – had a couple of morning ride where the temperature was <10C!!

  42. Tobias

    Last Weekend, -11 degress Celcius, 10,5 km in a very nice snowy forest

  43. Ryan morin

    Coldest runs this winter have been pushing close to minus 30 Celsius. Factoring in the windchill it pushes closer to -35 Celsius.

  44. Kevin C

    I’ve done several runs in the mid 20’s this winter. This is my first season running in the cold and I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how great it feels, if you dress correctly. After about 10 minutes of running I don’t even notice how cold it is!

  45. Tobias

    -5 C during a run last week. But thats not that cold being in sweden. I tend to choose my treadmill more often during the winter… :)

  46. Rob Forshaw

    I had a cyclocross race the morning after a snow storm where 8″ of snow was dumped on the ground. It was a smaller race so the course wasn’t really cleared. Needless to say brakes didn’t work. Only way to slow down was to let your leg drag in the snow! I had to use de icer on my drive train and wheels so my wheels wouldn’t get jammed. Great race though wouldn’t have wanted it any other way!

  47. Ripon

    Cold cold cold !!! Freaking cold !!! Did my last marathon on Jan 19. From next time onwards I’ll do races only in fall and summers. Polar vortex is too much chaos for humans :)

  48. Vladimir

    Ran a bit of snow trail in -15 Celsius last Saturday. Went skiing right after.

  49. Deep in the polar vortex here in Minnesnowta… since I currently have a stress fracture and can’t run, I’m missing out on running in temps well below zero. The coldest I’ve ever ran in, however, was last winter: -5ºF (does that count?!). My eyelashes were white at the finish.

  50. Andrew

    A nice ride in 13 degree F with sub zero wind chill. About 25 miles before I had to come back in and thaw. :)

  51. Chang Siew Kwan

    -6 at Paris with strong wind and rain…

  52. Jonathan Hoag

    25k run at our local park (Oak Openings). -15 F. With. 25mph wind. 6 inches of snow wearing my new Solomon Snow Cross shoes. It was great. Took me 2:45 which is over an hour longer that my PR for that course.

  53. Michael Swann

    Cold? It’s the middle of summer here. I don’t do cold, that’s what the gym is for.

  54. Justin F.

    Nothing too exciting – just a 30M sprint from the parking lot to the gym at about 20F.

  55. Maciek

    My coldest run this winter: -18 Celsius – freezing cold!

  56. Amedeo

    just a run at 3°C: cold but not so much here in Naples

  57. We have had below zero weather for a week or so this past month. This didnt give me much choice but to have to bundle up the best I could to get out there. My coldest day was -12 with just a bit of wind, I lasted about a mile, but then finished up 3 more on my unheated porch where it was 2* haha Mainers are tough!!

  58. Joël Hopper

    1 degree F. Yesterday in Ashevile. 5K of hills with packed snow underfoot is all it took to convince me I should have stayed indoors.

  59. Chris

    It’s currently summer in Australia and coldest I’ve run in recently was almost 30 degrees celcius!

  60. Joe

    Bike ride for 15 miles at 32f to start off the new year.

  61. Ian Grant

    As usual, British weather is a sort of mildly unpleasant, wet, middle ground, rather than any awe-inspiring extreme of coldness (or, god forbid, heat)… however, my recent change of commute means my cold, evening run now ends at a train station with an enclosed, heated waiting room – no more freezing on the platform cos the train is late – hurrah!

  62. Marcel

    Cold 9km run Yesterday mornimg in my hometown of Copenhagen. -4c Wind blowing 25km/h windchill about -11

  63. Ka Ta

    Being from the tropics, there is no snow in my country. However, it was really cool recently and a 22 deg Celsius temperate helped me achieve my fastest ever 21km near a local reservoir last Sunday.

  64. -15 while running in Austrian Alps on a skiing vacation :) Could jump in the sauna straight after.

  65. Andrew

    Everyday run do/from work for the last 2 weeks in Polish winter (about -20C). Never give up! :)

  66. Robert

    Went running in the middle of our last snow storm in single diggites.

  67. Chris Young

    My kids are getting restless in the house not being able outside. So, my wife and I took all 3 of my girls for a run in the 2 Bob Strollers. 4mi run 25°F (-3.8C). Go SeaHawks and Thank you for all your hard work.

  68. Umberto

    here there isn’t too much cold and I keep on running without problems

  69. Kasia

    Last week along the beach with gusty winds, I think about -15C to -20C

  70. Barry 'Dangerman' C

    First open water training session of the year, March 2013, swimming in the local quarry. Not sure of the temperature but it was cold enough to convert my ‘gentlemans equipment’ into a ‘mangina’. Not pleasant!

  71. Byron Carle

    Went for a ride in -10 temps last week then retired to indoor trainer untill warmer – hoping spring comes sooner rather than later!

  72. lisa appelson

    Very happy to say that living in Israel means that my coldest run outside was about 50°F and i probably wore as much gear as others do when it’s 30 degrees colder. I would not be able to survive this winter in other places on the globe. Makes me cold just reading about it!

  73. Glen Huybrechts

    Coldest ride this year was about 0°C – 1°C… It didn’t get any colder yet this year in Antwerp :-D

  74. Harrison zucker

    It was March in Ohio, and the snow stopped for a few days and the roads were clear. So I decided to try a ride in the frigid temps. It was only 17 degrees F but with Windchill if was -4○f. That was my coldest ride!

  75. John

    20 f for a long run during marathon training.

  76. cj

    I have totally lost this one. I work on a cruise ship in the Caribbean, so all my runs have been in super warm sunny weather.

  77. DRino

    riding on the Vesuvio with snow on the side of the street is fantastic!

  78. paul bolton

    10k cross country running race on boxing day. After weeks of rain the weather changed and froze the tops of the puddles. Icy ankle splashes and slippy paths. Fantastic.

  79. Craig

    Surprisingly, not very cold here in northern Scotland. Coldest ride probably about -3C, was lots of ice on the forest tracks, fell off a few times.

  80. Robert

    My wife and I did a mud run here in Texas when it was in the 30’s outside. We’re talking cold, wet, and windy.

  81. Thomas Brock

    So far the coldest run was a 3-mile jog around my neighborhood after this week’s snow/ice storm. It was pretty treacherous and after a few slips and near falls, I kinda wish I hadn’t gone!

    But I lived.

    Thanks for the great site and hard work!

  82. morten duelund

    Thursday running. Temp Was minus 5 degrees and Wind strong. Han problems talking after 10k lips froze up

  83. Paul

    Got out one sunny morning for a run, air was crispy cold, had to wear a scarf over my mouth and nose to warm the air that i was breathing. it was -25C that morning.

  84. Anne M.

    10 snowy miles in -5 F!

  85. Fabiana

    it could be cold but I swim in an indoor pool

  86. Bill Fish

    The coldest I have run this year was 16 with a stiff breeze

  87. On december a short run in the Pyrenees to see the sunrise with my dog, about -4 ºC

  88. Matt Underwood

    A group of us decided to keep open water swimming though into December in the UK. On my last swim it was probably 6c or something like that. I thought I was drinking a lot more lake than usual.. my lips had got so cold that I couldn’t seal my mouth! That was when it was time to call it a day for the rest of the year.


  89. avolas

    It had to be a 12K interval workout, 4 degrees celsius, pouring and real windy. It turned out to be a fartleg, during which I refused to run slow and ran as fast as I could to get myself home as soon as possible.

  90. Chuck Potter

    about 10degF in Rock Creek Park last week!

  91. Rob F

    Track workout in the snow (windchill of 3). Problem was, it was after work and I forgot my good socks so ran it in dress socks. Ended up with frostbite on my toe.

    Although not the coldest temp, but it felt like it.

  92. Chris

    One hour run @2 degrees with a windchill of – 10. Totally fine until the hill sprints when my lungs said “no way idiot”

  93. Faspi

    the worst situation for me was running in the snow….just few meters

  94. Brian

    Hong Kong doesn’t usually get cold but my coldest ride and wind chill dropped down to sub 7*C.

  95. Phillip Partridge

    It was a life threatening 0°C and I had to run because I only had a few days left to achieve my RunKeeper goal. :)

  96. Chris

    -15 F; ipod stopped working

  97. Thorsten

    Tabata interval training in the dark, at 0°C, slight rain. Clock showed 11pm. Did not find time to do it earlier. Drunk folks on their way to parties hat a big time cheering. ;)

  98. Craig

    Run last week in Ohio was -10C for 6 miles at night. It was still more pleasant to run at subzero than the day a I had at work.

  99. Rem

    Yesterday I was late at the office , yet i planned to go back to home by run. so at 8pm i started from west of Paris “Ile de la jatte” and then across Paris via Champ Elysée , Concorde, Hotel de Ville, Bercy, and finally crossed “Periphérique”, but i was just at the middle of my run, 12 more K to go down to St-Maur along la Marne.
    I reach homesweathome at 10:30pm , nice 24k run@Paris by night.

  100. Jonas C

    Way too many -30C days this winter. Had to do a lot indoors.