The Because It’s Cold…and January…Giveaway

VIRB Picture

This morning I landed back home in Europe after being in DC for a couple days.  In doing so, I increased my environmental temperature by approximately 50°F….to approximately 50°F.  Just think, if I did that again it’d be like being in the Caribbean.

And then I remembered that everyone else stateside is left in the cold.  The windy, snowy, icy…generally miserable cold.  For you in Australia, you don’t get to complain at this juncture about your warm temps.

Thus, in order to make the situation a tiny bit better, I figured a giveaway was in order.  It’s been a little while since the last one.  Actually, sorta way longer than I realized.  Not exactly sure how that happened, but we need to get that fixed pronto!


The prize is simple: A $400 credit to to Clever Training to buy anything from the site you’d like.  You can use it on anything they offer, from a Garmin watch to a PowerBeam trainer.  If the item is over $400US, you’ll simply pay the difference, shipping is free either way.  The giveaway is open to all readers – including international folks.

To enter yourself in, simply leave a comment below with the following:

To Enter: Give me the lowdown on the coldest swim/ride/run you’ve had this winter – simple as that!

Got it?

Entries will be accepted through Sunday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (February 2nd, 2014).  I’ll be you giving one device worth up to $400US from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday (my Mom’s Birthday) or Wednesday (if I’m still celebrating the Seahawks win on Sunday at the Super Bowl).  One entry per person.  The winner can decide on which device after they win.  Devices/gadgets/gizmos over $400, the winner can pay the difference.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF.  Even cold weather gear.  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail [entry period closed] instead.   No bunny rabbits or chocolatiers allowed via this method.  Mmmkay?  Thanks all!


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  1. Eli

    Running in the low teens during the polar vortex in DC with winds pretty strong and blowing trash cans across the road. Actually didn’t feel anywhere near as cold as the bike ride I did in the upper 20s

  2. Fernando

    Hmm, my coldest run was at 9 degrees Celsius, i know thats not too big of a deal to some of you out there! But where I live in warm temperatures almost all year round. Anyway it started at 5:47 a.m and I just started doing some easy laps around the park, hands, feet, nose, cheeks and throat started to get a little bit numb, but it was a new feeling for me and i love it, so i started running around the city, and when i got tired of it, i hit some hilly trails a little muddy, by the way! Which I’m not really used to, when i reached the top i was so happy about myself, that i just wanted to stay in the moment, so i did for a few minutes, then i turned and head back home, city was filled with cars, sus was up, temperature rised and when i got home and cooled down I started chilling myself, so made myself the most delicious and proud warm-bath that i ever had, enjoying what i just did in a totally new experience!

  3. Bruce

    Another California runner . . . New Years Day trail run: 30 degrees at the start of the run, ~65 at the end.

  4. Alan

    Casual ride on Jan 1st. 12 degrees out. Cold for us here in the Philippines. Cheers

  5. Paul S

    -28C cx ski here in Ottawa and a -30C hike & camp in Adirondack Park… At times, you jogged to warm up!

  6. John B

    It was in the 20s. This Polar Vortex was interesting once but needs to stop visiting the Northeast! The coldest Winter I have ever experienced.

  7. Joe Brescia

    I’ll do one better for you Ray. Yesterday was the warmest commute I’ve had to work on my bike in two months. It was 39F! That’s a warm snap for us in South Jersey this winter. Thank god for my cross bike and snow tires. We’ve once again had more snow and cold than the winter Olympic venue. Another storm coming out way tomorrow. Woo hoo! NJ is the snow capital of the world!!!

  8. Marcus Lee

    Kaiser half marathon today in SF. Raining and a bit windy. Maybe next time I’ll stick to the treadmill ;)

  9. Christina C

    Ran in below zero temps…just for fun.

  10. Erica

    I have to be honest, I’m taking a break from running and biking this winter, and have been boxing and yoga-ing instead. I hope that doesn’t disqualify me! In that sense, my coldest run was rushing to the gym in polar vortex NY weather — below freezing, nose numbing, fingers freezing in their gloves. Unfortunately I am a big wuss when it comes to the cold!

  11. Lee Ragsdale

    A run that kicked off at 6:00a with a temp of 22. Enjoyed running on 3-day old snow on the Raleigh greenways – a rare occurrence in the South. Snow helped the roots stand out in the pre-dawn gloom with no headlamp.

  12. Fernando Pitarello

    Winter was several months ago in Buenos Aires, and my coldest run was a 20 miler with 7C and rain…

  13. Carrie

    Coldest run has been low 50’s here in South Florida.. But to us that’s pretty cold ;)

  14. Paul

    Love the site, great stuff!

  15. Tom Bowles

    13 degrees for a couple miles earlier in the winter. It convinced me the treadmill wasn’t all that bad after all.

  16. 6 miler in 5 degrees F. Minus 11 F with wind chill.

  17. Chris Jmio

    My coldest run this year was a 3 miler @ -15 C. When the temperature dips past -10 C, I usually run close to home, so that I’m not stranded too far away. Your Seahawks Won…, yeah? I’m a Packers Fan.

  18. Kristy Lahoda

    Ran on the ice and ended up breaking my YakTrax!

  19. Markus

    Halfmarathon last sunday, -8°C. Pretty hard since there was nothing as cold as this, this winter, in Vienna.

  20. mdonald

    El tour De Tucson. First rain in 31 years and freezing cold. I didn’t know what cranoed quads and game could feel like.

  21. Ryan

    Not that cold a 35 degree Celsius run in Mali’s winter

  22. ben

    Coldest ride I’ve had was in the basement… which is a balmy 60ish degrees.

  23. Sean Morse

    Coldest swim? Desert Triathlon 65 degrees.
    Coldest bike? 41 degrees, thought I was going to die.
    Coldest run? 60 degrees, I live in Southern California and hate the cold.

  24. Seba

    8F last Sunday @ Manhattan Half Marathon

  25. Fabricio D'Amico

    My coldest run was 21F on W&OD trail. Lots of ice and snow.

  26. Doug

    Ran 15k in a snow storm. Ended up with icicles in my beard and eye brows. Loved every minute of it.

  27. Elle

    According to my garmin, my coldest outdoor run was last week at about 50F, though I swear it felt more like 30F to me. When it’s only that cold a few times a year, it’s hard to want to spend money on proper winter clothes. I’m a cold weather wimp.

  28. Mary Allen

    I ran on NYE with 39F! Brrrrrrrrrrr

  29. Chris

    Hills of New Jersey – 6 mile run – 10 degrees.

  30. Neal Mckegney

    Hit -40 degrees Celsius on a run this winter

  31. Travis tucker

    Went hill running against wind in 35 degree weather.

  32. Catherine T

    A Tuesday five miler where the “feels like” temp was 3. I wore my face mask that makes me look like Hannibal lechter.

  33. Boliche10

    Had a nice 2 hour ride here in DC with temps below freezing and of course, plenty of wind! Hands and feet were frozen and it turns out my water was just as cold because it froze. 2 hrs in the freezing cold with no water… Miserable!

  34. Todd Thorsgaard

    Live in Minnesota. So many cold runs! Christmas morning 5k was 1 F, today was 11F for about 3.5 miles. Coldest so far was a 5 miler at about 6 below 0 F.

  35. Chipper

    A New Years Day polar bear swim in the Aquatic Park in San Francisco.

  36. Alasdair

    Today actually! It was around 8 C here in San Francisco this morning and spattering with rain. Did 8 miles with the gf around Golden Gate Park!

  37. TJ

    I have been suffering from ITBS injury this winter and have not been able to run much. The coldest weather I have run this winter was more than a month ago, it was around 40 F during a half marathon I ran.

  38. Diego Casco

    Weird day really cold day at 0 Celsius at the Ávila mountain in Venezuela, night trail run at top of the mountain with friends at January 10th, just the clear night sky our head lamps, suunto ambit 2 just in case… Just perfection

  39. Shaun Hurry

    Competed in the Banff, AB Olympic Triathlon. It was September and 6*C with torrential downpour rain in 30km/hr wind. On the plus side the lake had never been warmer at 11*C! It was a fun time considering it was my first time ever in a wetsuit along with booties, mittens, hat and swimcap.

  40. Viesturs

    I’m not proud of that, but no workouts outside on this winter :(

  41. Philip White

    Woo, made it back to Seattle from DC just in time to enter (I think!).
    My coldest run this winter would have to have been the Hellgate 100k in December. Although it wasn’t nearly as cold temperature wise as a lot of other runners posting here, it was the duration that made it bad. Almost 18 hours of 20-30 degrees with snow for about 14 hours. Will be doing it again this December!

  42. Dan

    Christmas eve bike ride trying to earn some extra calories for the holidays… 35 miles at 25 degrees Fahrenheit. I had to stop when every point of contact with my bike lost feeling!

  43. Jostein Moene

    My coldest run waa on January 22. I was on a business trip to a city called Sarpsborg. It was snowing and pretty windy. Hit the road 6 in the morning. It was snowing and pretty windy. Temperature was minus 7 degrees Celsius. According to my Garmin the felt temperature was -13 degrees Celsius. I had forgot to pack my gloves and my cap so I started the run with running with my hands down in my running pants. People driving by must have thought I’m crazy:-). For the next days run a colleague of mine borrowed me a hat and something to wear on my head:-)

  44. Justin

    Biked in below freezing temps the other week in Seattle. Hot packets weren’t enough to keep warm!

  45. Clint

    Coldest has been a quick 3 mile run in single digit temps. I couldn’t decide whether I should run faster to get done sooner or run slower to cut down on the wind chill.

  46. Noah Gray

    I went to see my mother in sunny Napa, California and assumed that i would not need my overshoes because sunny means warm. During a two hour ride in 38*f I almost called my wife to pick me up since my toes were so cold but an hour in and they felt ok… Turns out they were completely numb. I couldn’t tell i was walking when i got back.