Giveaway Extravaganza: SRAM Quarq Riken Power Meter


What? You thought I’d be just doing watches today? Oh how wrong you are…you just wait…I’m only getting warmed up.

The Quarq power meter allows you to more accurately pace your race and training efforts, ultimately increasing the likelihood of a more successful day. By using power instead of speed, you’ll be able to normalize the impacts of wind or hills, and keep a constant effort according to your race plan. Wait, you did have a race plan right? You know, something roughly sketched out that said more than just ‘find finish line’? Oh dear…maybe we ought to just start with nutrition first…

Giveaway Opens: 9:00AM US Eastern Time (Now closed)
Giveaway Closes: 12:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 3 hours)

My-In-Depth Product Review: SRAM/Quarq Power Meter In-Depth Review

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (virtually everything I review is available there), plus for orders over $75 shipping is free within the US. Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 3-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 13 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person.

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. I could train so much better with a power meter…

  2. Mike

    Sweet fancy Moses!!!
    Pick me please!

  3. Rick Woten

    Yes, please! If I were to win this, I would gladly post all workout files and information for whatever it would be worth!
    Thanks for all the great insights all year long, Ray!

  4. JimH23

    Thanks fort he contest, would love to own this!

  5. Harper

    Always wanted one… would be awesome!

  6. Juergen

    Do want.

  7. jamiejanos

    I am weak and need this to get strong

  8. Anders Majland

    Power is good – more power is better …

  9. Isaac

    I’m game!

  10. Flo

    Me me me !

  11. Robert Rhode

    would make me a better triathlete!

  12. Michael

    oh please let me win it

  13. Mike

    For the love of POWER.

  14. Jarrod Nall

    If my comment got chosen randomly…

    I would be sooooooooooooo happy!

  15. Kocios132

    Could be useful

  16. Titan

    This is my comment! Good thing I decided to wake up when I did!

  17. Tim B

    Wow! That would be so awesome to have!

  18. thundarunna


  19. dddavidee


  20. Kevin Hill

    wow what a prize – in for this one pretty please!

  21. Ryan Suarez

    Make it rain power DCR

  22. Ramiro

    Would love to have this!

  23. Masa

    Thanks for doing this giveaway, and always great reviews!

  24. Jay

    Count me in please!!

  25. Philip

    Sweet, best give away ever!

  26. Michael

    me me me me pick me :-)

  27. Mario

    This would be awesome to have!

  28. Steve

    That would be cool…

  29. Will

    Awesome prize, thank you!!

  30. Mike

    I have GREAT luck with random number generators.

  31. Christian

    I’d enjoy a power meter…

  32. Josh Oliver

    Please for your biggest Australian Fan

  33. Carole

    Love to start training with a power meter

  34. Elis

    It’s too late? I hope not :)

  35. David L.

    Been keeping up with this site for a while! It would be nice to replace my aging powertap :)

  36. stefan

    This will go really well with my CAAD8!

  37. Tuck

    More power to you…great giveaways!

  38. Julie Nixon

    Give me the power!!

  39. Carlos

    Power Rocks!!

  40. Maca

    Thanks D C

  41. Hans vam Rietschote


  42. IE Vélez

    And here I thought that Quark was a character on Deep Space 9…

    So, Random Number Generator, pick me and disabuse me of my mistake!!!

  43. Joe Z

    Cycling, cupcakes, exotic locales, and giveaways. Best site ever!

  44. mmmm, power! Thanks :)

  45. Ben F.

    That sure would look pretty riding the hills of Montana ;-)

  46. Changren Yong

    Thank you very much!

  47. Ryan

    A power meter remains the one thing I’d love to have but can’t afford for cycling.

  48. Lauren M.

    Pick me, please! My husband would like it, too.

  49. Sheila

    Couldn’t be happier!

  50. Marcos E. Kurbán

    Want ONE!

  51. Colleen F

    I’d like to win!

  52. Dustin

    Yes please! I’m tired of using HR

  53. Mike

    Training with power would be great!

  54. cs.senthiil

    I wish I will get this from DC Rainmaker….

  55. Pablo

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  56. Lieven

    Power(meter) to the people!

  57. Sara

    This would be great on my bike.

  58. Olivier

    My coach has been begging me to get one…that would solve the issue!!!

  59. Please power me up.

  60. Matt

    I HAVE THE POWER!! hopefully

  61. Didier Savard

    Wow, very slim chance, but, at leas it is fun.

  62. Justin F.

    Would love to have one of these for my tri training.

  63. joel c

    yes please!

  64. Randy Cantu

    I’m in.

  65. brendon


  66. Hope I win – as much as I’d love this for me, I’d give it to my husband as he’d love it even more!

  67. Wes Little

    Let it be me!!

  68. Jim C

    This would be great.

  69. mike

    fingers crossed.

  70. John

    Fantastic giveaway! Such a great training tool!

  71. C DeSnyder


  72. Mike B


  73. Chris F

    Yes, please!

  74. Roger

    Snuck in at the wire!

  75. Vicky S

    this would be AWESOME!! drooooling over this power meter!

  76. Damian S

    Never trained power meter before…. seems like a good idea!

  77. Rob

    I’m in

  78. Bryan

    Power power power

  79. Thomas Funch

    Looking at the number of comments, i think it’s safe to say that most people following the blob likes bikes.

  80. Becky Bowers

    Great Contest

  81. Edeh Halstead

    I don’t have a power meter and would love to win one!

  82. Andrew

    If only it also increased my FTP.

  83. Jamie

    Great giveaway!!

  84. Sanjay Jhawar

    I would love to start training with power.

  85. Paul

    Fingers crossed

  86. Adz

    I don’t mind either

  87. A.J. Mesalic

    Nice giveaway!

  88. Wallace

    I’m in!

  89. Rene


  90. Linda

    Keeping my fingers crossed!

  91. greg


  92. andrew L

    dream come true

  93. Elquique

    I love power meters!!

  94. Shaun

    Unbelievable give away. Someone is going to be a very happy happy triathlete/roadie

  95. Andrew

    I have been looking at purchasing one! As always great blog.

  96. Larry McDonough

    It’s a bit QuarQi but I’d love to have one!

  97. Jon

    yes please!