Giveaway Extravaganza: Garmin FR910XT GPS Multisport watch


Sometimes you just need a friend when you’re going out and swimming, cycling and running 140.6 miles. No, not scuba fins like Finman. But something more technologically advanced, like, the FR910XT. This multisport watch will track your swims, bikes, and runs and has plenty of battery for even the midnight finishers. Whether it be indoors or outdoors, the FR910XT is there to watch and track me flail about aquatically. Same goes for cycling and running (minus the aquatic part…mostly). Now if I could only have it give me a little extra propulsion on that swim…

Giveaway Opens: 12:00PM US Eastern Time (Now closed)
Giveaway Closes: 3:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 3 hours)

My-In-Depth Product Review: Garmin Forerunner 910XT In-Depth Review

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (virtually everything I review is available there), plus for orders over $75 shipping is free within the US. Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 3-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person.

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Tito

    Now we’re talking!

  2. Ruedi

    Me want! A lot!

  3. Manuel Arguelles

    PLease let it be me

  4. Umby

    Here I am

  5. Estela

    YES, this is the one I REALLY want ;-)

  6. Olle

    Yes please!

  7. Marcus

    Let’s give it a try!

  8. andrew nagy

    I am the winner!!!!

  9. Christopher Lyle

    Garmin!!! Yes Please count me in

  10. Ewan Hardie

    WOW, lots of cool giveaways today!

  11. Ana

    Hmmm..he and I are meant to be together!!!

  12. Asher B

    makes my marathon real

  13. Chris T

    Woot, daddy needs a new Garmin, mine is laying in the woods somewhere after last nights Mt Bike ride. 6:00am trail run this morning failed to find it.

  14. Alek

    Gotta keep that stroke count.

  15. my 610 is staring at me nervously while I type this…

  16. Dave Fluker

    Love the Garmin!

  17. Maria Montero

    Thanks! good posts here!

  18. Scott Bradbury

    Love it.

  19. watching the windows 8.1 preview keynote at same time

  20. Owen Yeates

    I’d really love this one!

  21. Tom

    Nice one again :-)

  22. Andy Seres

    Mines busted. Please? Thanks!!!!

  23. sami

    kangasniemi/finland checking in.

  24. Scott

    Tri’s for the guys.

  25. velocomp

    This is just what I always wanted. :)

  26. Cindy


  27. Jon

    Wow, another great product.

  28. Daniela S.

    Excellent timing! My Garmin is slowly dying.

  29. Joshua McLaughlin

    If I had to pick which of these things I wanted most I would have a hard time. This might be it.

  30. Jay

    Keeps getting nicer and nicer

  31. Sarah Gillam

    This is what I have been waiting for!

  32. Fabio Pires dos Reis

    Please, ONE TIME!
    Shipt it!

  33. Hubert

    If I win I’ll have to swim and ride :)

  34. Richard Maichle


  35. Nicole

    Hope I get picked for this one!

  36. DRino

    one to tri!

  37. Steve

    I hoped that this one would be included today! Awesome watch.

  38. Pingwin

    Swim, bike, run = triathlon :)

  39. Steve Tornio


  40. Awesome, count me in!

  41. Lars

    Great device…

  42. Roelof


  43. Amanda

    I would love this!

  44. Becky


  45. Ian Darling


  46. Dan

    I could use that

  47. Faith

    Would be nice to have this!

  48. Tom

    Thank you!

  49. Alec S

    Please be me

  50. Maria Montero

    good posts here!

  51. Norbert

    Just can’t belive it! :D

  52. Jeff


  53. Richard

    I’m in

  54. Lilian

    I have dreams about it..

  55. Tom Albert

    definitely wouldnt turn this down either.

  56. Janet

    WOOT! :)

  57. Arthur Y

    Yearnin for a Garmin!

  58. Petrus Bucur

    Best watch, i want it.

  59. Jonathan.L

    My dream…

  60. Peter De Decker

    this would be a nice update for my forerunner 305!

  61. Luís Sousa


  62. paula

    this one for my father

  63. Leomar Paese


  64. Roy Cuoco

    That sure would be great for lunch break runs!!

  65. Jerry

    Time for a Garmin upgrade – come to papa!

  66. Robert

    Would love to have it!

  67. Chris

    Yeah baby! Pick me please!

  68. Yaw Wei

    Me me me!!!!!

  69. Stephane

    This one is for me

  70. Basti

    Just what I need, right now :)

  71. Alvaro Garcia

    This is the one that I was waiting for :)

  72. I NEED this — I’m still using a hand-me-down Garmin 205…

  73. Amedeo

    with this I will have no excuse for a triathlon race!

  74. Jeff

    Awesome! I really need one!

  75. Tracy Joseph

    Pick me Pick me!

  76. Eeku K

    Nice one.

  77. Michael W

    Ahh, the 910!! What a nice friend!

  78. costa

    Yeah!!! Count me in!!!!

  79. Robert Wortmann

    This is Awesome

  80. Jen

    I need to win one of these swim watch friendly give-aways….

  81. Ian Grant

    Ok, yeah, this is the one I really want pls! My phone’s GPS sucks…

  82. Morten Mortensen

    Me me me

  83. Andrey

    Cool giveaway continues at full speed. I’m wondering, what’s coming next?

  84. Howard

    pick me, pick me

  85. Jeremy Spry

    So pretty

  86. Richard

    Count me in!

  87. maria

    este es el mejor reloj que hay

  88. Adz

    Good evening everyone!

  89. Amanda H

    Yes, please!

  90. Daniel

    I need this in my life, my 305 is getting very tired :)

  91. Giuseppe Belotti

    Perfetto per le ultra

  92. tim

    wow this just keeps getting better

  93. Chris Murrer


  94. Wow, this would be awesome!!!

  95. Nuno Ribeiro

    I WANT THIS!!!!