Giveaway Extravaganza: Garmin FR910XT GPS Multisport watch


Sometimes you just need a friend when you’re going out and swimming, cycling and running 140.6 miles. No, not scuba fins like Finman. But something more technologically advanced, like, the FR910XT. This multisport watch will track your swims, bikes, and runs and has plenty of battery for even the midnight finishers. Whether it be indoors or outdoors, the FR910XT is there to watch and track me flail about aquatically. Same goes for cycling and running (minus the aquatic part…mostly). Now if I could only have it give me a little extra propulsion on that swim…

Giveaway Opens: 12:00PM US Eastern Time (Now closed)
Giveaway Closes: 3:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 3 hours)

My-In-Depth Product Review: Garmin Forerunner 910XT In-Depth Review

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (virtually everything I review is available there), plus for orders over $75 shipping is free within the US. Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 3-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person.

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Rolf S

    Yes please!

  2. Kimberly Quick

    I’m in !

  3. Mikkie R

    I need that watch – after maternity leave I will need desperately to get back into shape!!!

  4. Christopher holland

    Very nice!

  5. morey000

    oooooh a 910xt. the ultimate!

  6. Wow your giveaways have been awesome! Thanks for doing this! Would love to win this watch!

  7. james f

    Yes please :-)

  8. Bethany

    I’ll take it!

  9. ron


  10. Emily B


  11. Kelly Walsh

    FR910XT *swoon*

  12. anybody

    I only have the 310xt.

  13. Adam Huskey


  14. Ben Nelson

    winner winner chicken dinner

  15. Brad

    Great giveaway, thanks!

  16. Michael Cronin

    Hey Now!

  17. Jasiu

    I am dreaming of this watch

  18. Rob Hill

    Pick me please.

  19. Erin H

    This is a nice giveaway! :)

  20. thomas

    need some new stuff

  21. Would love to win this one too!

  22. Justin

    I could use this watch I just about killed my FR310XT this weekend racing

  23. Souni


  24. Janusz

    Maybe this one I can get., would be perfect.

  25. Jacky

    slowly getting tired

  26. Elquique

    Me too, please!

  27. Martin


  28. Predatrice

    Looks better than my orange one.

  29. Rory

    Yes please

  30. Tony Z

    Yes please!

  31. Brian M

    Another great giveaway

  32. Ben


  33. Chris

    I want this!

  34. Sean

    I’ll take it! Thanks RainMaker and Clever!

  35. DCRainmaker rocks!

  36. Rasmus Olesen

    Would really like a 910. Still using a Polar 625

  37. Patrick

    Watch please.

  38. Cody Riley

    Garmin FR910XT GPS Multisport watch me win!

  39. John P/

    I could use this Garmin for a Sprint Tri I’m doing in Indy in August.

  40. Paddy McGuire

    I haven’t said anything yet, because I really didn’t need anything yet. That changes now.

  41. DTM

    Ugly but price is right….

  42. Vlado Stefek

    yes, would be nice to have for my triathlon training and races !!

  43. twoxj

    I could use that watch.

  44. If I won this watch, I might be inclined to train for a triathlon!

  45. Patrick Reilly

    I’m here about a watch.

  46. Fer

    Yeah, I would love one of these!

  47. JFH

    Nice watch.

  48. Ludmila

    Me, please.

  49. Count me in! Fingers crossed.

  50. Geo

    yeah baby!

  51. Colette Scrimgeour

    My husband has been wanting to buy me this particular model for quite some time now. Would be awesome if I finally owned a Garmin!

  52. Jeff Kraska


  53. JamesGk


  54. Rob

    This would be so helpful for my training! Thank you DcRainmaker

  55. Erika

    been on my wish list for a long time!

  56. Special K


  57. Hector Pacheco

    I am in. Badly needed.

  58. Don Wanzer

    I need it!

  59. Kurtis Adams

    Looking for some luck! Thanks Ray!

  60. Man I want this!!

  61. James Spooner

    Yes please!

  62. Darren

    Would love to score this one.

  63. Ale

    I want one

  64. Michelle Aliste

    My husband has this watch. So now I wouldn’t have to steal his

  65. Thanks for the giveaway!

  66. Mike C

    Yes Pleaee!

  67. Nicola

    In it to win it

  68. Scott L

    Do want!

  69. Matthew Player

    I need a friend who understands how mental you become when you get into triathlon!!

  70. Mark

    One for me!

  71. Thomas Eklund

    Thank you!!!

  72. T Bianchini

    Merry Christmas Ray!

  73. Bret

    Nice gift.

  74. Ryan Suarez

    Awesome watch

  75. Thorsten Roth

    great, thanks ray

  76. Ben S

    Hook me up!

  77. Christian

    I just want to get lucky…

  78. Brucy


  79. ohad michael

    Never won anything and this can be a great start.

  80. Philipp Hardt


  81. Jeff Hilton

    I need another for my other wrist.

  82. Scott R

    This would look so good on me!

  83. Marc Durdin

    Keep up the great work ;)

  84. Christy

    Me too!

  85. Joel Osmond

    Would love to get one of these.

  86. Randy Miller

    Yes please

  87. Mike Hardy

    me me me! :-)

  88. regan richey

    Choose me please

  89. Partha

    Thanks for the giveaway

  90. Jason

    Great giveaway. Hope I win.

    I would love to see reviews of restaurants you go to in your Paris section. Would love to hear more about them. I only went there once and loved it. Check out Le Baron Rouge. Great place.

  91. Another great giveway, Ray! Good luck to everyone!

  92. charlie

    nice watch and give away

  93. clinton fisher

    Pick me, Please.

  94. Ernie L.

    I wonder if the NSA will report my win to the IRS? Who cares, I want that goodie!

  95. Sheila Hopkins

    I could use this.

  96. Kyle Harding


  97. jabowen
