Giveaway Extravaganza: Garmin FR910XT GPS Multisport watch


Sometimes you just need a friend when you’re going out and swimming, cycling and running 140.6 miles. No, not scuba fins like Finman. But something more technologically advanced, like, the FR910XT. This multisport watch will track your swims, bikes, and runs and has plenty of battery for even the midnight finishers. Whether it be indoors or outdoors, the FR910XT is there to watch and track me flail about aquatically. Same goes for cycling and running (minus the aquatic part…mostly). Now if I could only have it give me a little extra propulsion on that swim…

Giveaway Opens: 12:00PM US Eastern Time (Now closed)
Giveaway Closes: 3:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 3 hours)

My-In-Depth Product Review: Garmin Forerunner 910XT In-Depth Review

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (virtually everything I review is available there), plus for orders over $75 shipping is free within the US. Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 3-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person.

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Damian Budai

    I like it!!! Quisiera ganarlo!

  2. a_circelli

    Yes please!

  3. Chris L


  4. Durward McDonell

    Color me interested!

  5. Roger

    I like.

  6. Sebastien

    Giveaway for the win !

  7. My 305 could use a groovy upgrade. :)

  8. Julien

    Oh man I love this one !!! Would be awesome for my next Triathlon =)

  9. Tomasz

    It could replace my 305 ;)

  10. Dathan Chesnut

    A Great watch!

  11. Eddie

    Very Nice

  12. Watch out! That’s just the watch I need :)

  13. Thom

    Love your website, Ray! Keep up the good work!

  14. Torsten

    That can be my new “paceman” ;)

  15. Alison F

    Yes, please!

  16. Kevin Stillman

    I’m in!!! Upgrade time for my training partner!

  17. Ren

    Oh, how this would make my day, I mean year… *stares wistfully off into the horizon at the thought of*

  18. Leanne

    Just what I need to start training for my first tri . . .

  19. Matt h

    Wow. What a watch!

  20. Suzanne


  21. Ville Kaskivirta

    The Best multisport watch. Period.

  22. Michael Dreyer

    The ultimate Multi Sport tool!

  23. Philip lerma

    Amen on the request for a swim propulsion feature

  24. Ronen


  25. Theresa

    This is my comment… Joining this fun day a little late in the game, but I sure hope I can win! Haven’t won anything except bingo!

  26. Alex

    Ray, I could use this watch on my first Tri, thanks for doing those great reviews

  27. Nathan

    I set the alarm so i could enter every draw. It is 2:43am. I am tired. Good night.

  28. Tosin

    Ugh. I missed the power meter. :'(

  29. Lauren

    Beautiful watch! And it counts my laps in the pool for me!

  30. MarkR

    Pick me

  31. Josh Ruhnke

    Great watch. Pick me please!

  32. sweet… I love light for those evening runs

  33. Ulf

    Would love to upgrade my 610 , wich was upgraded from a 110. Always something more you need. Thanks for a great site!
    Ulf from Sweden

  34. Ethan


  35. Markus

    have one, but would be a nice present for my brother.

  36. Erik

    pick me

  37. KoZa

    One for me please :)

  38. Stefan

    My 305 is giving up the ghost. The 910 would be fantastic.

  39. Matt Phan

    This is a great watch.

  40. HakonB

    Great site. I’d love to win the Garmin

  41. Paul H

    This would be a great training tool

  42. Ryan R

    I need another 910xt as a backup :)

  43. One of these days it will be me :)

  44. Laurie


  45. Most comments ever…go garmin!

  46. Rob A

    I could really put this to good use.

  47. Fernando Garrido

    Lo quiero para regalarselo a mi cuñado.

  48. Karan Tsoi

    Will I be lucky?

  49. Kevin

    Nice, I like this one a lot, preferably with cupcake though!

  50. Tmosvold

    Oh yeah

  51. Daniel

    nice watch. wouldnt mind one :)

  52. Peter D

    Count me in!

  53. piccir

    That can be very useful for my swims

  54. Chris Bowers

    These giveaways are awesome. Thanks.

  55. Mal

    Rolling the dice !

  56. Martin Sanderhoff

    Come to Denmark my friend

  57. Iwona

    Cool gimme one

  58. Scott White


  59. Chris F

    This would be awesome!

  60. Abdul Halim

    I want !!

  61. Oh, I would love to win this one!

  62. Theo Smit

    These are nice watches!

  63. Marcos E. Kurbán

    Always good to have a spare one :P

  64. Drew

    That’s the one for me..I can feel it.

  65. Alejo Moreno

    Entering. Thank you!!

  66. Hi again !!!!

    My First Garmin !!!!

    Thanks !

  67. Eduardo Blanco

    Si lo gano es para mi hermano.

  68. Leo

    Perfect for my GF

  69. Jessie Verbeke

    this i must have :)

  70. Aaron S.

    The best tool for multi sport tracking.

  71. derek

    me! me! me!

  72. G man

    Mine just fell off my bike mount last week and cracked the glass. I could use a new one!

  73. Jeremy

    Always wanted one of those

  74. Bryan Dever

    You are sooo good looking – George Costanza

  75. Brandon B

    That would be awesome to have

  76. Stephan

    Please pick me! :-)

  77. Jason

    I need to get me of these!

  78. Robin

    Gonna keep trying!

  79. Would love a replacement Garmin watch!

  80. olivier


  81. Rod McBain

    Lucky #70(‘ish), I hope.

  82. JR

    This would be great for covering up my watch tan lines.

  83. BA

    I’m in

  84. KM

    Great watch!!

  85. Albert Quisumbing

    would be a nice upgrade for me!

  86. Evgeny Suborov

    Fantastic website and very nice giveaways))

  87. Hessu

    I’m in!

  88. Tagg

    Need a new watch!

  89. Melissa

    Please please pick me!!!!

  90. Mark

    Thank you for your generosity! Someone is going to be very grateful! (Crossing my fingers it’s me :)

  91. James Gebo

    This will come in handy after my broken leg heals!

  92. Tim

    yes please/

  93. Simon Garneau

    like to use it in next Marathon in Montreal !

  94. Rob L.


  95. Paul

    …not a watch again! ;)

  96. Brano jacko

    There is never enout of them…