Today’s Easter. And even if you don’t celebrate Easter, you can instead celebrate the chocolate bunny…or, as is apparently also the case here in France – the chocolate chicken (and, even an odd rash of Chocolate Nemo’s I’ve seen too).
Failing your celebration of any of those things…then how about just celebrating a gadget giveaway? Simple and good, right?
Last month y’all loved the ‘you choose’ aspect of the giveaway. Meaning that I let you choose which gadget you want to win. Yup, if you want that Wahoo RFLKT- it’s yours! If you want the Garmin FR610 – same thing. Or the latest Timex, Polar and CycleOps creations. Whatever fits your training best (up to $500US), I’m giving it to ya. Technically, I suppose Clever Training is giving it to you. (Btw, for those curious, last month’s winner selected the FR910XT with heart rate strap.)
So I’ve got you covered on pretty much whatever you want. Unless you want a chocolate bunny. In which case, you can pretty much go to the grocery store tomorrow and pay about 50% less than I paid for it Saturday. And perhaps your chocolate bunny won’t look quite as menacing as my chocolat lapin looks.
To enter yourself in, simply leave a comment below with the following:
“Let me know which workout you’ll be doing in an attempt to override any Easter-associated candy that may be consumed. If for some completely unexplainable reason you aren’t biting the head off of a chocolate bunny, feel free to just pick your Sunday workout (or nearest completed workout). Extra points for listing the Easter candy that put you in this predicament.”
Got it?
Entries will be accepted through Monday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (April 1st, 2013). I’ll be giving one device worth up to $500US from Clever Training. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday or Wednesday (I may still be pre-occupied eating chocolate bunnies). One entry per person. The winner can decide on which device after they win. Devices/gadgets/gizmos over $500, the winner can pay the difference.
This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with. As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site. And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above). But no bunnies. And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!
Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail instead [Entry now closed]. Note that this is ONLY for Active Duty military. No bunny rabbits or chocolatiers allowed via this method. Mmmkay? Thanks all!
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30-45 minute swim in the sea, and i’ve got jellyfish stings to prove it, and 4-5km run after.
60 mins of intervals on my rollers due to eating all of my two year old’s easter egg hunt candy before she got to it. No need for a hyper 2 year old. :)
Too many Reese pieces mean hill repeats this week!
12 miles, easy pace after the ham, asparagus and carrot cake has settled
16 Km at 5:30 recovering from a cold. Unfortunately was raining today during the ran so not so sure if it will help for recovering.
The plan was for a 16k run along a new rail trail for Easter Sunday. I woke up with a nasty bout of flu and alas the run will have to wait until tomorrow.
It wasn’t the chocolate bunnies that did me in (and that’s unusual), it was the homemade lemon meringue pie and pizzelles (plural)!!! My penance will be a 4 mile interval run and an hour workout at the gym.
after gouging myself on cadbury eggs and peeps decided a 9 mile trail run was a good idea. I now know better.
Planning a 5 mile run tomorrow with light interval work. Want to ping pong between medium and race pace. However, I think the jelly beans still have a leg up on me. I probably consumed enough jelly beans for next Easter as well.
8.6 mile easy run. Ran into a old friend I hadn’t seen in more than 10 years. He turned around on his bike and we talked for an hour. (Oh and my kids mini-assorted Twix and Milky Way are to blame)
3h z2 w/ 5x 30seg max sprints.
3h z2 w/ 5x 30seg max sprints to burn an truffled chocolate egg.
I counter acted the chocolate overload with a 70 min swim and a 2 hour bike ride.
I woke up bright and early to complete a 30km hill out and back ride. I cut it short (ended up doing 25km) because my feet were just too cold. There still was quite a bit of snow on the side of the road and the weather felt like 5C, I simply picked the wrong socks :)
Still was a lovely ride and a great workout
It may or may not be the spring break trip to New Orleans, the Easter dinner, and a handful of peeps that got me here … either way, I’ll be doing a 30 minute session with my trainer followed by a 30 minute run tomorrow morning at 6am to get back on track! Happy Easter!
I will be doing my duathlon training brick, run 2m, bike 17m, run 3m.
The Chocolate Nemo seems pretty neat. I’m not really celebrating today differently than any other day. My workout is simply 2x4mile runs at a slow 6:45 pace. One is in the morning, the other at night. I have more intervals coming up tomorrow.
Thanks again for having a great giveaway!
I got a 6 mile run in on Saturday to pre-emptively burn the extra calories consumed this weekend!
my usual 5 mile training run
I plan on running one mile for each Cadbury Egg consumed today which at the moment is 4.
Gave platelets to those who need them on Saturday afternoon, so a quiet 40km ride Sunday morning followed by a day of protein and calcium to replace what came out on Saturday.
60 mins E pace run
HIT training day: 120 15 sec. sprints on bike with 15 sec. RBI broken up into groups of 30 with 1 min RBG.
Too many lemon bars!
Thank you!!!
Easy 16k. Nutella tasted so good before and after a run.
90 min. zone 2 run
Spin class to ride off the peeps.
8 mile run. Will be fun, as usual.
8 mile run to make-up for the many chocolate peanut butter eggs that I enjoyed!!!
Saturday was a nice 3800 yards in the pool dodging kids, pool noodles and beach balls
Sunday – two hours on the trainer at IM HR. blugh.
Bring on the netflix.
21 miles out in the wind and rain today
15k easy!
Hour of bike ride nice and easy.
Trying to run through the puddles while the snow is still meting up in Saskatchewan, Canada.
5 km run at 4:30 km pace.
And try not get too wet along the way.
Damn peeps were offset by a 3500 tempo swim and a 2 hour trail run
Somehow managed a 5 mile run tonight after Easter dinner and half a bag of Easter Lemonhead gummy things. Would’ve been a whole bag if they were better…
My workout:
2400 meters in the pool followed by a 5 mile run.
The causes: (1) chocolate Easter Bunny, (2) Cadbury caramel eggs, (4) home-made cookies, and (2) slices of a cherry “cheesecake” dessert.
…worth it.
5k. Then stuffing my face.
11 mile run. Cadbury mini eggs. Countless numbers of them.
Get on the bike path in Bakersfield, CA from anywhere (except either end) and flip a coin!
Sunday – did the Townsville Cycle Club 10km time trial, with associated warm up/down time.
Easter Monday – 5km easy run followed by 4 by 8 mins of tempo intervals at 5km threshold pace.
Now i am scoffing chocolate ice cream like its going out of fashion!
Just a nice 20k trail run with the tri club
I have no illusions that last night’s 11K run plus tonight’s 23K bike ride will compensate for the dark chocolate egg, the ice cream, and last but not least, the awesome leg of Icelandic lamb, slow-cooked with garlic and rosemary. Who cares: my conscience is clear!
Well, after knocking out a bag of the Reese’s Eggs, I did a 1.5 hour bike with a 12 mile TT thrown in. nice and windy here is Kansas…
45′ trail run. Burning off some Ghiradelli toasted coconut and chocolate eggs. Yum!
Brick work out with 35 miles and nice easy run to follow. Thank you jelly beans.
Did a 3 hour run. No Easter chocolate, but I’m sure a Tres Leche’s cake counts for something!
6 mi easy on treadmill yesterday & 6 mi today on trail = payout of deep fried blossom onion (yum!)
Will do an hour bike ride through some beautiful countryside.
I did a 2 hr hilly bike ride after church but before the Easter Dinner. I’m not sure I did enough though. Way to much good food.
Just finished 58 mile bike ride. Finally it is warm enough to ride outside.
I will do about an hour ride with my wife after lunch.
Quick 7 mile run through the streets of Singapore while on vacation here for the weekend. Great way to sightsee!
Quick 7 mile run through the streets of Singapore while on vacation here for the weekend.
45 mile bike ride!
10k tempo. Recovery drink will be chocolate beer. Great site btw.
After midnight early Easter morning, I ate a cupcake after a long night out… I woke up this morning and felt guilty… to pay for my cupcake sin I biked 70 miles, bricked a 30 min run and went to the pool for an easy 2k swim. Happy Easter.
15k run!
Tuesday begins a new cycle of training, back to the old dependable hill repeats for base.
Easy 25k bike ride to enjoy Easter Sunday
It will be the newest Sufferfest video for me.
I ran 68 miles in an effort to burn off the peeps I ate while running
It was a wonderful Easter ride on the island of Oahu! 3 hours at 75% with 5 x 5 min pickups. Nice cross winds. This will help burn off the Easter cocktail that I will make tonight. No chocolate – but there may be some vodka! Easter vodka!
90 mins on the trainer @trainerroad for me :)
A 6.7 mile hilly run yesterday and possibly a 45 minute pool workout today to burn off copious amounts of chocolate fudge cake and cadbury creme eggs!
the kids brought back a ton of candy in the Easter egg hunt. I’ll be doing a tempo run and some intervals this week.
In prep for today, yesterday I did 3 hours on the bike (1st time outside on the road and off the trainer in 2013!) bricked with a 45 min run… Rested today, tomorrow I’ll do an hour in the pool followed by a two hour forty min run. And all that still won’t make up for the sheer volume of the delicious lamb I had for dinner or the jelly beans, chocolate, & other candy I stole from my kids Easter baskets today. ;-)
Hill repeats this week.
3 mile run and hopefully practice some self control at dinner.
Locking in 8:00 pace for 12 miles on treadmill at 0%, 1% and 2% to get ready for London Marathon on April 21, 2013.
3.5k long course swim and 3 mile run, recovering from quad injury
7 mile training run yesterday has to be worth 12 Peeps today!
10 miles with the dogs.
I am planning on running 6 miles after my Easter Feast.
Skittles…..not a chocolate person, but I can eat a bowl of skittles without blinking an eye…..
Workout – 5 mile easy recovery run and a bike ride around the park, brushy creek park.
Maybe if my chocolate bunny had looked more angry I would have been less likely to eat all his friends. I am will be hitting the trainer hard and try to forget all of those innocent bunny faces.
60 min inaugural trainer ride…then maybe a short transition run. We’ll see how I feel! ;)
45 minutes hill repeats
Brisk walking
LSD run with cadbury chocolates as my energy bar. rawr!
Recovering from an Achilles sprain, so am focusing on other non-running activities – today is a core workout to kept the lower back protected
I went for a trail run through the Royal National Park in Sydney. Those bunnies do look evil!
Cycling, 10×6 min interval of low cadence and high tension, getting ready for the saturday marathon
47 mile ride yesterday in anticipation of a candy coma…
Getting ready for rec league soccer, so 10X100 meter ball sprints coupled with several 50 meter reverse sprints (is that the proper name for running backwards as fast as you can). Did about a mile warm up and cool down as well. Time to go hide the leftover Easter candy.
Easy 1:30 bike ride to burn off Cuban pastries and sandwiches.
Running 6 miles after Pink Lemonade cupcakes with sour Skittles on top (made by my niece).
Did an 11 mile hike yesterday hoping to offset today’s sugar binge.
40 minute swim, sets of 400m. Working off the cadberry eggs!
After racing a 10K yesterday, it was an easy 10 mile long run today. Perfect running weather in Dallas, 59 and overcast.
Just finished 160km of cycling over 2days across the izu peninsula in Japan. My toughest ride ever. With a steep ascent of ~1000m to start the day with.
link to
I’m gonna do a full body weight training session made up of multiple super sets.
45min run on the beach and 1.5k swim
In Malaysia Easter is not celebrated….so no chocolate. However Malaysians love to eat and on Sundays family and friends get together and eat and eat.
So Monday morning I got up at 4 am and did 15 km. It is the only time of day where it is cool enough to run outside.
I did a self-measured 10k tempo run today in prep for my goal race for the year — the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon!
I rode up Mt Hotham in Australia. 30 km with an average of 4.2% and an elevation gain of 1,279 m.
I did take some butterfinger easter egg candies from my kid’s basket, but made up for it by taking them to the park and for a nature walk earlier today.
After the chocolate it will be a walk into the town. Since we back onto the forest and some mountains it will be a one hour hike into town and then back, in the snow; up hill both ways; with gale force winds.
I did a 30 mile bike ride today to burn off a Cadberry Egg, some Peeps & a Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg.