Today’s Easter. And even if you don’t celebrate Easter, you can instead celebrate the chocolate bunny…or, as is apparently also the case here in France – the chocolate chicken (and, even an odd rash of Chocolate Nemo’s I’ve seen too).
Failing your celebration of any of those things…then how about just celebrating a gadget giveaway? Simple and good, right?
Last month y’all loved the ‘you choose’ aspect of the giveaway. Meaning that I let you choose which gadget you want to win. Yup, if you want that Wahoo RFLKT- it’s yours! If you want the Garmin FR610 – same thing. Or the latest Timex, Polar and CycleOps creations. Whatever fits your training best (up to $500US), I’m giving it to ya. Technically, I suppose Clever Training is giving it to you. (Btw, for those curious, last month’s winner selected the FR910XT with heart rate strap.)
So I’ve got you covered on pretty much whatever you want. Unless you want a chocolate bunny. In which case, you can pretty much go to the grocery store tomorrow and pay about 50% less than I paid for it Saturday. And perhaps your chocolate bunny won’t look quite as menacing as my chocolat lapin looks.
To enter yourself in, simply leave a comment below with the following:
“Let me know which workout you’ll be doing in an attempt to override any Easter-associated candy that may be consumed. If for some completely unexplainable reason you aren’t biting the head off of a chocolate bunny, feel free to just pick your Sunday workout (or nearest completed workout). Extra points for listing the Easter candy that put you in this predicament.”
Got it?
Entries will be accepted through Monday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (April 1st, 2013). I’ll be giving one device worth up to $500US from Clever Training. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday or Wednesday (I may still be pre-occupied eating chocolate bunnies). One entry per person. The winner can decide on which device after they win. Devices/gadgets/gizmos over $500, the winner can pay the difference.
This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with. As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site. And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above). But no bunnies. And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!
Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail instead [Entry now closed]. Note that this is ONLY for Active Duty military. No bunny rabbits or chocolatiers allowed via this method. Mmmkay? Thanks all!
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A 2 x 25 kilometers cycling rounds. It´s still cold in Skandinavia but i`m going out. I´m burning M&M:s together with late night toasts ;-)
Very raining day, no bike, only 12 km running under cold rain,
happy easter to everybody!
Going skiing in order to burn off the Cadbury mini eggs!
45 minute easy run to much food to run fast
PR’d at a 5K yesterday in an attempt to offset the copious amounts of Jelly Bellys and ricotta pie I’ll be consuming today.
No chocolate bunnies here, following a zero-sugar way of eating :) I’ll be trying to get back into marathon-ready state after a month-long rest following the extremely painful knee injury that alleviated during the SCHKM2013.
60 mile ride yesterday and a 10 mile run today. Garmin estimate of 3540 calories combined. Where can I find a 3500 calorie chocolate bunny?
Watching Flanders on the couch ;)
Going for a 2h bike ergo session tonight since the weather is worse than during winter here in AT!
Had a full pack of Rumkugeln & jelly beans yesterday for TV. 8)
16k trudge up some hills in the snow!
Just 1 hour easy spin three days in a row for burning the Easter´s sins
5k + some lifting. It is sunny and warm in Portland, Oregon so I’m excited to get outside!
1 hour above 180 bpm
10K trail run to burn off those dang Butterfinger eggs!!!
45 minute easy run, very full!
15 mile long run for me – equates to 1790 kcal or about 300g of chocolate!
11 mile long run one week before my first HM. Had some whoppers that were pretty good yesterday. ;)
7 miles easy following a week of holiday wining and dining. My jeans won’t do up any more !
I rode 155 km from the ronde van vlaanderen track on good friday, to suffer as our lord did and earn my Easter chocolate ;-)
Crossfit day for me..
Five rounds for time of:
205 pound Power clean, 3 reps
10 Burpee pull-ups
And 2-3 Reese’s eggs. =]
did 6 miles yesterday and will get on the trainer tonight after all the candy (peanut butter eggs) and kids has been put to bed. 2 hr trainer ride in plan
A long ATB ride in the freezing cold. And after that a long slow run to get it warm again.
Happy Easter!
14km, slightly faster than regular.
A zone 2 jog, assuming I’m back from my Walla Walla wine country trip in time. Does wine count as candy?
Sit on my #$% and eat jelly beans/watch B-Ball.. I deserve it…
Driving home from a weekend of having the candy of beverages – wine, with my husband. Hope to get a jog or walk in.
I helped my son eat a tray of Peeps, apologized to my coach, then did a 2 hour bike/run brick. 30 days until my first OlY. STEP AWAY FROM THE PEEPS!
Easy 9k run, assuming my achilles can handle it.
4km swim, then a couple of hotcross buns, then into a 2hr turbo session, with chocolate bunny as recovery food
5k run and 30k. Might even break out the TT bike. Happy days!
I will be resting for ironman 70.3 Galveston
if it stop raining i’ll get back on the bike for a good 30 miles ride after eating all the chocolate i can today
Today rest.
But tomorrow a 20k race
45-60 min on the trainer to combat the perils of Reese’s PB Eggs
A rainy Easter run on a trail close to home!
4.5 today
2 hour mountain bike ride with about 2,500 feet of climbing.
10k easy run. Didn’t have any bunny’s head so my lazyness can be justified.
I just had a smaller version of your chokolate bunny.
But after 46 days without sweets this was great anyway.
My run: link to
32 mile road ride from Horsham PA to Doylestown PA USA.
Reese peanut butter eggs are awesome!
A nice 5 mile run to a South African sunrise to help burn off the Cadbury milk chocolate that was consumed today.
A 40 mile recovery, to help get over the 80 mile 4500′ day from yesterday!
A moderate 10K with some friends to (hopefully) cancel out the side effects of multiple Cadbury Creme Eggs.
Resting today for some much needed family time, but yesterday was 1hr easy spin followed by 20 min easy run and 40 mins at race pace. 30 min cool down.
Going for a bike ride on the Chicago Lakefront bike trail.
Walking to the fridge and back to PC. Its holiday.
Yesterday was a very pleasant 4.5 run in Valencia, Spain, which went a long way in erasing some painful memories of the run leg of last year’s Valencia MD triathlon. Today, I set aside some time for mental training by eating a few jelly beans as sort of a fueling practice for next week’s marathon in Paris. I don’t actually plan to fuel on jelly beans, but you never know what someone is going to hand you on the course.
a 60 min run in z2
Today i went for a long walk in the forest, which is the first part of the coming workouts to loose the Easter chocolate. ;)
10km run and 30-40km cycling on snowy german streets… Frohe Ostern!!
This a case where workout precedes the calories. :)
Enticed my friend Sunny to accompany me on my weekend long run today. He had never done longer than his full throttle 5Ks. Always knew he could do lot better. Just paced him well so that he would be in his easy run zone most of the time. And now after after completing his first HM he is about to treat me and his numb legs to bucket loads of beer for achieving what he thought he never would..
I’ll be doing in excess of 50 rounds on a double ended bag at 3:00 minutes per round to burn off the chocolate. Fun times!
50 mile bike ride to try and work off the Easter morning queso my wife and I just destroyed. Don’t judge.
I’ll be enjoying a 50 mile cycle to try and work off the big bowl of queso my wife and I just housed. Don’t judge us for having such amazing Easter traditions.
10k tomorrow to clean the “system” from the traditional Portuguese easter sweets!
18 Mile long run. With some sports beans during followed by many jelly beans afterwards.
I will go on the first run of a plan to run a 5K
5 miler with my dog.
1:30 run at fast pace with fartlek intervals in the second half. Then it’s time to break into the package of orange jelly beans shaped like a carrot.
Sunday long run! Not sure yet how far I’m going… maybe 12 :) I haven’t really eaten any easter specific candy BUT i did eat a giant bag of chocolate covered almonds yesterday so we’ll say that’s what I’m working off!
Limping around the neighborhood for an hour, pretending it’s “running.”
7.5 mile run. I PRed for both distance and pace.
130mins long run on Holy Saturday
46mins tempo run on Easter Monday
2 hours pedalling on Lake Maggiore in Italy this am, to kill the bunny pre-emptively. I guess it got the best of me, so it’s a 21k tomorrow am!
One hour active recovery ride w/ chocolate bunny.
8 mile run yesterday, 9 mile hike today before Easter roast dinner!
8 mile run yesterday, 9 mile hike today before Easter roast dinner.
just getting out of bed will be my goal for the week.
Run from the fridge to the couch.
Did it backwards, rode this morning before the kids or the sun came up!
11 mile trail run with ~3300 ft of elevation gain and loss. My easter “candy” to lose is the Sierra Nevada / Ovila Abbey Quad Ale brewed with plums.
6 days straight of swimming workouts
3hr with the bike, then he most difficult part of training: great lunch with a ton of things to eat:)
43.5 mile bike yesterday! 30 min bball and 1.5 hour gym workout today. Repeat!
Run 10 miles, eat embarrassingly large amounts of chocolate, then repeat vicious cycle.
Mini Cadbury eggs- I’m a sucker for those little chocolate devils! Going to run 10k tomorrow to make myself feel better
5 mile run after this morning’s sunrise service breakfast, ham for lunch, and Reeses Peanut Butter Easter Eggs.
60 min intense TV watching, followed by 3 x 20 min power naps.
A simple 10mi (16K) should help me work off the stack of hot cross buns I’ve been devouring. Got myself one of those chocolate bunnies for a “recovery snack”.
1:15 zone 2 run
A ride home to my parents and back the day after. (35km each way) After some months with motivation problems.
Casual bike ride in the nice spring weather we are having.
Just did a 22km sprint cycle, finishing with going around Edinburgh’s Arthur Seat, a lovely steep climb. This morning’s indulgence made it a struggle at the end!
Happy Easter Ray and all my fellow readers
Just finished a great Rocket ride (which you should join next time you are in New York)
link to
this should help burn off all the Matzot and food I’ve eaten over Passover!
Happy Holidays!
12k easy run.
I can’t say no to starburst jellybeans, especially the sour ones. I’m going to run 6 miles and that may account for half the damage I’m likely to do!
8 mile easy run to help my brother prepare for his half marathon in a couple of weeks and wear off the After Eight Egg that is currently staring at me across the desk!
12 mile run. On my way to my first 1/2 marathon at the end of April and first marathon in June! Too much Lindt chocolate for easter encourage running!
1.5 hour spinning in the gym to burn all the goodies from the easter busket. Czestochowa, Poland.
Well, with the storms that our coming, my neighborhood run with the dog, might get pushed back until in the morning. 4 miles or so….
5k easy run
Have the flu, so no training at the moment. On the other hand, no candy in a week, so I guess that turns out allright also.
Although I love chocolate, I’m not planning on eating easter eggs these days — I have a theory that chocolate make my headaches more likely. But this week I’m planning to do an easy run on Tuesday and, on Thursday, I’m going to my first basketball training in about 15 years (yes! I recovered my love for basketball :)).
135 min long run after too many bowls of mämmi (link to
Reese pb eggs are my downfall, will take at least 4 miles to burn them off
Robin’s Eggs were consumed in excess this weekend. Today’s 40 mile ride at PZ2 will make it all better.
I plan on running a 10k
I’ll be going on my second bike ride of the season (first one being yesterday) to do hills – oh, and there’s a lot of them where I am, so expecting to sweat quite a bit.
Hope for 15km easy run
All the jelly beans were taken care of by todays 16k run.