Today’s Easter. And even if you don’t celebrate Easter, you can instead celebrate the chocolate bunny…or, as is apparently also the case here in France – the chocolate chicken (and, even an odd rash of Chocolate Nemo’s I’ve seen too).
Failing your celebration of any of those things…then how about just celebrating a gadget giveaway? Simple and good, right?
Last month y’all loved the ‘you choose’ aspect of the giveaway. Meaning that I let you choose which gadget you want to win. Yup, if you want that Wahoo RFLKT- it’s yours! If you want the Garmin FR610 – same thing. Or the latest Timex, Polar and CycleOps creations. Whatever fits your training best (up to $500US), I’m giving it to ya. Technically, I suppose Clever Training is giving it to you. (Btw, for those curious, last month’s winner selected the FR910XT with heart rate strap.)
So I’ve got you covered on pretty much whatever you want. Unless you want a chocolate bunny. In which case, you can pretty much go to the grocery store tomorrow and pay about 50% less than I paid for it Saturday. And perhaps your chocolate bunny won’t look quite as menacing as my chocolat lapin looks.
To enter yourself in, simply leave a comment below with the following:
“Let me know which workout you’ll be doing in an attempt to override any Easter-associated candy that may be consumed. If for some completely unexplainable reason you aren’t biting the head off of a chocolate bunny, feel free to just pick your Sunday workout (or nearest completed workout). Extra points for listing the Easter candy that put you in this predicament.”
Got it?
Entries will be accepted through Monday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (April 1st, 2013). I’ll be giving one device worth up to $500US from Clever Training. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday or Wednesday (I may still be pre-occupied eating chocolate bunnies). One entry per person. The winner can decide on which device after they win. Devices/gadgets/gizmos over $500, the winner can pay the difference.
This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with. As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site. And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above). But no bunnies. And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!
Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail instead [Entry now closed]. Note that this is ONLY for Active Duty military. No bunny rabbits or chocolatiers allowed via this method. Mmmkay? Thanks all!
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20 mile bike ride and a dark chocolate covered easter egg. I love my sweets.
2 hours ride quite easy with a nice group, chatting. Ride ending at my house with coffee and waffles with cream and strawberries 1.5-hr ride Columbine link to
Resse’s Easter Eggs… yum!
Too cold for outdoor cycling here, so indoor spinning and some fitness short cuts.
Ride 30, run 3, maybe swim after. Fun on a sunny Sunday.
mile repeats
I’m riding 14-miles to a USA Cycling racing 3-hr class and then 14-miles home… Should be a nice 4hrs on the bike today. We celebrated Easter yesterday as a family and I ate Twix & Kit Kats my new favorite candy!
30 mile ride.
Running, 3x15min@marathon pace (1h20 total) then chocolate eating watching Tour de Flandres…never skip recovery ^^
24k xc skiing in perfect sunshine!
Easter chocolate turned into a Easter beer. 45min turbo followed by 20 min run. Hard on the run!
24k xc skiing in perfect sunshine…
Easter chocolate turned into a Easter beer. 45min turbo followed by 20 min run. Hard on the run
My first Sportiff 60 miles in Sub Zero temps!!!
20k road run & 25k trail run these two days
2,6k swim at Punta Ballena!
I am going to do a 4 hour spin on the trainer to take off all that chocolate I have already been eating!
Doing an easy high intensity 10 mi in the rain. May have to lower it to recovery speed since I’m not really interested in slipping and falling flat on my face.
2 hours of biking in 20mph winds in low 40F temps. Nothing like adding insult to injury to the Easter holiday. ;)
For any orange or yellow skittles my son won’t eat I’ll be doing a track workout:
4 x 800 meters (recover for 400 meters) at 5 seconds/400 meters faster than 5k race pace. After last recovery run 2 miles at 10k+10 seconds/mile pace.
After 3 days of skiing I need some serious action to oversome the half price offers of the local grociers on mixed candy: 4 hours on the bike in cross country ski tracks; ski tracks hardened to almost concrete in the morning after several sunny days with bitterly cold nights
After the season’s first outdoor ride yesterday (20m), swim sprints today. With mini creme eggs between sets!
4 mile run to work off the chocolate covered matzah.
Today’s my day off so I’m going to attempt to speed up my recovery with as many chocolate bunnies as possible. After all, bunnies are pretty fast so they should give my tempo run a boost tomorrow.
Happy Easter to you & The Girl!
30 min easy run yesterday and 40 Km Bike today.Tomorrow 45 min swimming.
Heading out on a 2.5hour mountain bike ride. Hope to get 25miles in or so.
Did a 4.5 miles run this morning.
Going to spend the afternoon pulling a 60lb girl on a 30 lb trail-a-bike down a bike path for my first real ride of the year, now that our 100″+ of snow has melted.
After engulfing in many, many reeses easter treats I’m going for a sailing race. So that’s gonna be at least 3-4 hours at sea. Mighty workout. If I’m still alive i’ll go for a 5k/10k jog this afternoon.
Happy Easter! :)
Well, in Brasil we get not chocolate bunnies but chocolate eggs. And this has been going on for a week now. So, not only this Sunday workout, the entire long weekend has been dedicated to burning of this extra cocoa+milk combo. Friday: 16k run, Saturday 130k ride, Sunday: 17k run again. Coocked (and hungry).
10K run
18km run
Today I finished a 22km easy run on empty stomach. I think thats a good workout to prevent getting weight on the easter days ;-)
a 19 miler down the Great Allegheny Trail b/w Frostburg and Cumberland, Md. Help get rid of the chocolate eggs filled with caramel!
Fun hike 25km
Actually, the Easter candy is good training for my Krispe Creme Challenge happening next weekend where I’ll be running 2 miles, eating 12 donuts, running 2 miles. So I will be doing a hard 5 miler tomorrow after eating the discounted chocolate Monday!
70 minutes at D1 on the agenda. If I can keep down some calories, that is… my Easter miracle this year was three days of hyperactive GI tract and appetite loss. Choco-bunnies not likely in my Easter future.
Sunday is my rest day (being a pastor and because I preached at our sunrise service this morning), but yesterday was a sprint tri brick. Bunny hasn’t visited yet, but I suspect some p-nut butter filled chocolate eggs are lying around the house just waiting for me!
Easter last year and this year will be celebrated by my first outdoor bike ride! Thank the heavens for the beautiful weather today! Ran 3 miles yesterday hoping to ride a bunch today to offset my Jelly Belly Very Cherry addition!
Got up early for an 11 miler!
link to
12 km hill repeats on Thursday followed by a 23 km LSD run Friday and then chocolate the rest of the Easter.
Did a nice 3 miler yesterday with my daughter, cooking all day today!
Nice long slow bike ride around Vashon.
I will be doing an hour and 20 minute run
Just finished 15K in 2 degrees celcius – wish spring will show her kind face in London soon!
Think I now deserve to endulge in my handmade dark chokolade egg :-) Happy Easter!
I just finished my Sunday long run. In the next 5 days I will be running two times and riding 2 times too, including a long ride. If that isn’t enough, I don’t know what to do.
Well, my hard workout was double session Saturday, but today will be transition work. Doing my first ITU race at Worlds in San Diego. Must get it down pat or else I’ll get dropped before the race even starts. People think it’s weird to dress up in your wetsuit in the driveway and hose yourself down for no reason.
Ran 6 miles yesterday & 4 tomorrow to offset the Cadbury creme eggs I’m eating today:-) crossing my fingers that I win. Would cross my toes but that would make it to hard to run:-)
Ill be on the erg today, with a few Starburst jelly beans and pre-fuel.
Tough one: 1hr run or 1.5hr bike ride, depending on how many cookies I’ll eat. Too bad (or good?) I always seem to forget the chocolate cream eggs when I’m out for groceries.
Doing some mountain biking to change the Tri training. Hard work but great fun.
Ran 6 miles yesterday, started at 4:30 AM cleaning horse stalls, lol, this afternoon plan to get in about a 40 mile bike if the stormy weather holds off.
Slow & steady 12 miler yesterday, followed by some cross-training today
Ran 6 miles yesterday, started at 4:30 AM cleaning horse stalls, lol, this afternoon plan to get in about a 40 mile bike.
Monday is my BMX day at the skatepark. I usually ride there for about an hour and a half, which should be enough to burn off any chocolate Easter bunnies.
We don’t really celebrate easter here in Malaysia but I’ll still be running 15K to burn off the Sunday buffet lunch :).
Ran 6 miles yesterday, started at 4:30 this morning cleaning horse stalls, lol, this afternoon plan to get in about a 40 mile bike.
3km of swimming for a very tasty cheesecake. not a very big fun of chocolate luckily
30k flat all-out sprint. Followed by recovery smoothie featuring leftover cadbury creme eggs tossed in
36miles Sunday morning club ride, now for the chocolate…
I currently have the flu so am stuck watching Fabian Cancellara ripe it up in t
Plans for today, not sure. But got out yesterday for 47 miles on the road. Beautiful spring day, high 60s, light breeze instead of the usual gales, very little traffic (aside from the gobs of motorcyclists).
I am going to go for a nice, long, slow, distance run with my fiancée to spend some time together and enjoy the spring weather!
well seeing as how I overdosed on mini snickers and mini peanut butter cups yesterday I thought today I’d head out for a 6 mile run, which turned into a 7 mile run after I realized I had some of those marshmallow Peeps waiting for me at home. :)
With the in-laws in France! No chocolate eggs consumed yet but just knocked out. 37 mile ride with some decent 10% climbs in! Beat the previous best by 23 secs. Not a lot but I’ll take it! link to
I’m going to my girlfriend’s work’s training session. Most likely gruelling sprints and firemans lifts up stairs. Being an outsider i get picked on! Plus i’m a cyclist so not my forte. I still beat them all!!!
Monday I’m doing the “Helvede i nord” which translated into english means something like “Hell in North”. It’s a trail half marathon race in Denmark which starts on the beach and goes through sand dunes and hilly forrests. And bye the way we still have snow in Denmark but it has started to thaw so I’m sure it will get cold and wet :(
Hopefully this race will help on all my easter eating sins :)
I’ll be doing an hour of kick-boxing followed by a 5 mile run to work off the Easter dinner and mom’s homemade confection Easter candy (vanilla eggs, peanut butter fudge and peanut butter confection). I can’t possibly resist the candy so no doubt the workout will have to do.
1 hour open water swim w/ 15 min run
45 minute easy run, to much food to run fast!
Biked 45 miles with 5k elevation gain. I will eat two chocolate bunnies now, thank you very much.
45 minute easy run, to much food to run fast
Time Crunched Cyclist field test to begin an 11 week training block for the Barn Burner 104 MTB race.
Sufferfests Hell Hath No Fury early this morning.
There are no Easter chocolate bunnies for me. Just Easter mimosas…
5 mile run then took the dogs for a walk. Almost seems like Spring here in Northern IL.
12k easy run today
On Easter morning, I arose while the family remained sleeping in their beds. I ran about 11 miles under cloudy skies and a developing wind.
Too much of cheese cake and cake in general that Easter.. Therefore was running today, will be running tomorrow and will do the swimming training the next day. Hope to burn all the extra calories!
No Easter bunnies here but a few hot cross buns to burn off did a 100 km ride yesterday and planning a 4-5 hour ride tomorrow might get in a hour or so on the mountain bike this afternoon.
3-hr. run at Zone 2 effort. Probably a shorter swim workout too.
A 45 min easy run … that became a 60 min tempo run over the golf course cause no one was out … ahhh time for brunch
50 mile ride with 4,000 ft of climbing.
17 minute run. recovery from torn calf muscle
ill do a 31k to fight the holiday easting at playa del carmen Mexico
5.5 hour ride and 30 minute run
Easy 30 mile bike ride with the family today. Got to burn off that See’s chocolate bunny!
10 mile easy run, to much food to run fast
10 k run
20 miles run, my last long run before London Marathon.
Now tapering time!!!
When I read this earlier today I had just came back from my 25k Sunday run in a beautiful weather (on a sidenote it was the first complete run in short sleeves this year which caused me to get some sideway glances, it was -1C when I went out ).
Haven’t eaten that much candy this year but if I am to specify anything it has to be that chocolate bunny (same as pictured) tasty but evil looking…
Easy long run of 14.5km/90min tomorrow morning with
I had [way too] many chocolate Easter eggs & jelly beans at work last Thursday. E(o:)=B
Then again, I’m carb-loading for Zürich marathon next Sunday; hope it won’t snow then like it does now!
Rest day, but think a good 1 hr. trainer session in z1/z2 will help offset the cadbury egg(s).
Chocolats de Bayonne (France) are my little sin. Especiallly the ones flavoured with piments d’Espelette!
Just enjoyed the good weather with a 30km cycling ride today. Tomorrow I’ll try to seriously burn the calories of the additional pancakes with a 2 hours running plan!
90 minute zone 3-4 trail run yesterday to prepare for today, then 60 minute Z2 run this morning after the kids opened all the candy from the Easter bunny. Must brush teeth…..
Hope all had a great holiday.
I plan on counteracting the easter candy effects with a 5k run on the treadmill. I am trying to get back on the horse after some injuries from a while ago.
i’ll be spinning and jogging. no chocolate easter bunnies for me this year, but i do have a lot of matzoh and almond butter sandwiches to burn off!
as always, thank you for offering this fantastic giveaway.
Well, did a one hour indoor cycling on my own, as a warm-up to my colleague spinning instructor’s one hour class yesterday. Ought to have burnt most of the m&m’s consumed the night before :)
a 20k long run, with a 3k segment at half marathon pace towards the end.
50 mile bike ride. And chocolate is the culprit. Chocolate. Always chocolate!
Just did a great 10 mile run on Saturday to get ready for the Indy 1/2 marathon in May!!! Also looking forward to some jelly beans!!!
Well organic dark chocolate is supposedly good for you; right?
I guess it is unless you eat the entire 3 oz bar in about 10 minutes. Of course, I also chased it with a cup of espresso. It’s not out of guilt that I am now going out for a two hour interval bike session; it’s because my wife can’t stand me to stay in the house!