Because it’s the end of February (already!), and because this month got shorted 2-3 days. And because I found two cake stands while The Girl was out today and they made pretty holders. No, I didn’t tie those bows. Or choose the colors. It’s like a buffet table of devices.
This month, I’m going to mix things up a bit. In the past I selected a gadget that I thought would be interesting to you. This time however, I’m letting you choose which gadget you want to win. Yup, if you want the Suunto Ambit– it’s yours! If you want the Garmin FR910XT – same thing. Perhaps you’d like the Magellan Switch – again, yours. Whatever fits your training best (up to $500US), I’m giving it to ya. Ok, actually, Clever Training is giving it to you.
For example, say you’re a swimmer – you’ll probably want the Garmin Swim. Or perhaps you’re a cyclist, you may prefer a CycleOps Joule or Joule GPS devices.
Or maybe you’re of the Suunto, Timex or Magellan persuasion – don’t worry, those are there too.
Then again, what if you were eyeing that Wahoo KICKR trainer poking out there in the background?
Well, no worries, we’ll go splitsies on it (yes, I checked, that’s the common spelling). You’ll get a $500US credit to Clever Training and you cover the rest beyond that. Shipping for items is on me, so fear not. And, as long as it’s under $500 you just tell me which item and like usual magic occurs. You can wander around their site and pick out your mid-spring present to yourself.
Except, you cannot use the credit for pony’s, bunnies, or kittens. And, the credit’s only good for a single packaged item. Toys R US midnight dash this is not. So choose wisely!
To enter yourself in, simply:
Detail out one workout that you have planned for sometime in the next seven days. If it’s as simple as “Run 2 hours at hard pace and don’t die”, then go with that. If it’s more complex like a track or pool workout, detail out the steps. At the end, we’ll end up with what should be fairly interesting workout library (or, a lot of confusing advice).
Got it?
Entries will be accepted through Sunday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 3rd, 2013). I’ll be giving one device worth up to $500US from Clever Training. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday (unless I can’t walk after Sunday’s half-marathon). One entry per person.
This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I I have announced a partnership with. As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site. And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above). And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!
Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail instead. Note that this is ONLY for Active Duty military. No panda trainers or ice cream chefs allowed via this method. Mmmkay? Thanks all!
Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.
Support DCRainMaker - Shop on Amazon
Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.
Skiing at Sugarbush in Vermont next Tuesday. Details:
-Ride lift up
-Ski down
Repeat as many times as possible while the lifts still turn.
Anytime I can get out and ride is a good thing lately. Planning a Sunday 30 miler ride in the Sierras.
Good luck this weekend Ray – I know you said it was just to accompany The Girl but it’s still nice to have a good run
WU 10min or longer if needed.
8-10 x 20 seconds fast but relaxed on a soft, gentle uphill ideally.
Speed / Pace is 400m race pac NOT all out.
Relax while running and do not force the effort. Keep your hips stable and run ‘tall’. Do not bow forwards from waist as you run up the hill. Walk back to start point during each recovery.
CD 5-10min easy jog
Then stretch well
5 min WU
5 min roller
15, 12, 9, 6, 3 reps of:
– KB suitcase swings w/ press
– low to high plank w/ crunch
– medicine ball plyo push ups
– TRX pike crunch
End with:
– 1mi slow run
– 4x100m intervals
– 1mi slow run
5 min stretch
5 min roller
Swim 3000
5X100 Warm up
100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100 W/ 30sec in between each set.
CSS test:
Warm up well, (1000 or so)
400m TT
Recover as fully as possible
200m TT
Cool down
And that’s about it!
Having strained a tendon or something similar in fifth metatarsil while running a 10k 3 weeks into barefoot minimalist style running I have not run for almost 2weeks and miss the buzz of the runs. So with me being able to walk on the foot and push off fairly pain free my goal is to run 2.5 km next Wednesday. If that works out I will repeat this every third day for 9 days and then jump up to 5 km for further 9 days and then revert to normal routine of about 6km every second day with a 10k once a week. Half marathon in June is the big goal.
16 km on the mountains of Minas Gerais Brazil
VO2 Max Turbo set tomorrow before breakfast:
20min WU incl. drills
3min 90-95RPM 92-100%MHR
3min EZ
10min cool down
I am training for my 1st Triathlon, so I have been doing all 3 regularly.
Have been away from the gym for couple of days, since I cant run(nursing an injury) so my next workout is going to be:
50 Burpees
50 squats
50 push ups
200 sit ups.
Got to do a45 minute easy run around Wilton bush in Wellington. Got to ease back into it after getting sick
6 min run
Transition to bike
10 min bike
Transition to run
Repeat 4 times. Great transition practice.
10k watching biggest loser on the treadmill!
50 mile bike ride this weekend.
Lead 50 minute Spin class for our collegiate triathlon club, then do 5k run with small group to simulate Bike to Run transition.
Ride – Hill Climb Workout (at the local town dump)
10 mile warmup
15 miles at 80% pace
12 x .25 TT Pace + .25 climbing full pace
10 mile cooldown
I have a 14 mile long run planned on Sunday in preparation for a half marathon in 2 weeks….not looking forward to it :-)
since my flu is only 1 day old the only thing im doing today is stretching my plantar and Achilles rolling the ice bottle and foam roll the calves.
I have a run scheduled for this weekend lasting 2 hours. I am in the Twin Cities and plan to run by Lotus Lake and venture south to Lake Susan. I have recurrent sprint sets included in the run to keep things snappy. Good cold weather predicted. Should be fun!
I’m currently recovering after I broke my knee cap so no scheduled trainings for me (except some physio sessions).
Tonight is some planned speed work. 2 mile warm-up, 8 x 400m at 6:05-6:00 pace with 400m easy recover, and 2 mile cool down…looks like I’ll be stuck on the treadmill so I apologize in advance to the runner who uses the equipment after me!
Lunch – Crossfit tomorrow, going to be great and with all my colleagues…
Pool work for Friday:
WU – 200 swim/200 pull/200 kick/200 swim
MS – 400 SNAKE (25 easy, climb out, dive in, 25 FAST!, repeat)
16×25 @ :30 (1 kick, 1 drill, 1 FAST swim, 1 easy swim, repeat)
6 x [75 RACE! w/:05 rest
75 easy/recovery w/:45 rest]
600 pull (3/5/7 breathing pattern by 50)
6 x Kickboard-Wars (kick against partner for :15 seconds, swim easy 25)
CD- 300 cool down (50 Frog/100 swim, repeat)
*3700 total*
Cross training tomorrow, then a long run on Saturday as prep for a HM in May
Trying out using a HRM but it’s not compatible with my Nike+ watch, so I’m pulling a Ray and wearing 2 watches.
1.5hr bike at 210W np, followed by 5k at race pace + 0:30
Well I’ve been trying to get back into shape after too much time off from running.
Planning a good 4 mile run at 8:00 pace followed by an hour of P90X Plyometrics. Should be a blast!
14km pace 7.06 min/km
biking for 2-3 hours next sunday if weather and my arm help!
Unfortunatelly I am recovering from knee surgery (torn patellar ligament).
Otherwise my workout for today would look like this:
1) Warm-up: 30 minutes on indoor-rower (Concept2, intensity 5, ca 7500m),
2) Dragonboat paddling training at pool: 5min easy pace, small pyramid 10-20-30-40, 5min easy, 3x 200m drill (75 spm, total 67strokes, 7-10-60), three minutes easy, 1x 1000m drill (5min at 60 spm), 5 min easy,
3) Round training in gym: 6 rounds, 40sec/round, 40sec/recovery, stations: bench press, clear hands, straight abs, hyperxtension, cross crunch, skipping rope, kettlebell swing.
4) Shower, food, sleep.
I like your blog. Big fan of Paris blog part. Petr
Track train next monday 6 * 800m
1500 x 2 scm @ 1:38 pace, trying to be slightly faster on 2nd 1500.
Saturday 10K run at 8 min/mile pace.
Torrey Pines hill repeats in San Diego. 2 completed previously…goal is 4. Climb- 1.5 miles…5.5% avg grade
Swim Fast 50’s
WU: 400 easy swim.
4 x 50 very fast (30”).
50 kick easy.
4 x 50 very fast (30”).
50 kick easy.
4 x 50 very fast (30”).
50 kick easy.
4 x 50 very fast (30”).
50 kick easy.
CD: 200 easy swim.
My training this week:
Back home from work at 18:00, bath my child (he has one month now), put on my shoes, 10 k with average pace of 6min/Km, stretching at home as I play with the child, changing his diapers and rest for the next day.
Important Note: walks through the living room in the middle of the night, cradling the son in my arms can be added without notice and without predetermined duration.
Sorry for my poor english,
Best wishes for all
Leomar Paese
10k this weekend
Colorado for back country skiing then when I return back to TrainerRoad and my 1st road race of the season
40km ride on Saturday, all out and trying not to die/freeze
This is a fun early season cadence drill. Each “lap” is two miles in your favorite gear. Do this after a good 10-15 minute warm up. As you progress you can do this two times. It should get you pretty close to your LTHR if you pick a hard enough gear. Drill miles = 10
2 miles @ 75 cadence.
2 miles @ 80 cadence.
2 miles @ 85 cadence.
2 miles @ 90 cadence.
2 miles @ 90 cadence.
10 mile long run, at easy pace
I have a 14km easy run planned for Saturday, and a 100km bike session for Sunday!
Got some painful shin splints right now, but hopefully with some rest I’ll be able to get back into training by next Tuesday:
8 x 800m track intervals, 400m jog in between. Aiming for 2:55 – 3:05 800’s.
My next bike workout:
1. 17 minutes in Z2;
2. 7 minutes of hill (climbing, not riding down! ; ) in Z4 or 5a;
3. 3 minutes of Z1;
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 7 times;
5 17 minutes in Z2.
(total of 90 minutes)
It’s gonna be fun!
Saturday “Long Run”
My Saturday long run will consists of running out for 10 miles (I am training for Charlottesville Half Marathon in April)
I’m planning on doing around 7:45 – 8:00 min/mile pace, around Charlotte, looking for some hills along the way.
Ride my fat bike on the beach for 2 hrs…. :-)
Running – Week 2 in 9th level in PPT
saturday : 10′ warm up (50-70% HRM) +35′ 70-80% HRM + 5′ cooldown (50-70% HRM)
sunday :10′ warm up (50-70% HRM) +85′ 60-70% HRM + 5′ cooldown (50-70% HRM)
Running – Week 3 in 9th level in PPT
Tuesday : 15′ warm up (50-70% HRM) + 4 x (4′ 80-100% HRM + 5′ 70-80% HRM) + 5′ cooldown (50-70% HRM)
Wednesday : 10′ warm up (50-70% HRM) +25′ 50-70% HRM +15′ 70-80% HRM + 5′ cooldown (50-70% HRM)
Thursday : 10′ warm up (50-70% HRM) +40′ 70-80% HRM + 5′ cooldown (50-70% HRM)
Monday : 2km swimming
Planning a Hilly 14 mile long run this weekend. This is a cutback week in my training plan for Big Sur in April.
10 min warmup
15 min alternating 30sec all out sprint / 30sec recover
5 min cool down
Followed by 15 min of circuit training for upper body
1hr HCT (high cadence training – 100+RPM) on a bike trainer
Temps for Tuesday look good for riding. Need to start working on the winter rust and do something in the 20-25mi range.
No specific plan in mind, but I hope to be mountain biking one day this weekend. The weather should be gorgeous both days.
Run across town to the only reasonable incline that’s longer than 0.2 of a mile. Run up and down it several times. Run to that village I’ve never been to, Run back from the village through the fields with flowers in my hair. Run home. Eat pizza.
This Saturday I’ll be running a 15 mile trail run to continue prepping for my next 50k. I’d go further but I’ve got to get home so that I can coach my son’s tee-ball team which is much more important!
2 hour ride, focus on strength and power followed by a timed 10k.
8 Miles 7 at half marathon pace.
200 push ups
100 pull ups
Glutes and hipflexors
First 10 mile run in over a year.
I’m literally just about to jump on the computrainer for a 4 hour ride…the mental suffering will be legendary no doubt!
Track Workout. 1mi wu, 6×400 (80-85s) 90s recoveries, 1mi Cd
20 mile bike ride in Prospect Park on friday
Run easy 4 mi. Recovery from last Sunday’s Rock n Roll New Orleans Marathon.
Still getting over ME/CFS so I’ll be hitting the TT doing 10/36, 20/62,20/49,10/36. An hour’s enough for me at this stage unfortunately.
Speedwork at the track. Dreaded but necesarry.
2:15 brick
90 min bike:
30 min wu bike
20 min Tempo
5 min easy spin
2×10 min SS w/5 min rbi
5 min cd
50 min run:
10 min wu
2×15 min SS w/5 min rbi
5 min cd
21 mile long run – prep for the London Marathon
I’m getting more into road biking with clipless pedals so, 15 mile ride it is for me.
22 mile run at goal Ironman pace! Longest run for me ever. And last long run prior to first Ironman ever. Hooboy.
Run 60miles on the Ridgeway Path, enjoying the sun rise and set.
Snow is melting and roads are back on pavement, so will be a real nice 20km run this sunday! As simple as that!
I’ve had a few high intensity sessions this week so after a recovery run tomorrow I’ll probably do a nice, slow 1.5 hour run on Sunday.
Running in the fresh snow we received yesterday:
10min warm-up
10min educ + jumps
4×15″ fast prog
8 x (30″ up a hill + 2′ on the flat @ 10km race pace) R=1′
10min cool-down
upcoming workout:
10 min warmup
6X 1 mile repeats at my goal pace, 3 min recovery between repeats
Training for a duathlon at the end of march so
5km run at 5:30/km
20km ride at 28km/hr..don’t own a power meter :(
5km at 5:30/km
and since this is singapore, that will most likely be done in 34 degree weather and 80% humidity.
Continue to do Long Runs on weekends of ranges from 10 miles to 20 miles in preparation for Chicago Marathon.
Start doing some short runs of 3 miles – 5 miles during the week.
One six mile run at tempo. Then swim TT in the pool with 200 warmup, 1600 TT , 200 cool down. Should b fun :))
I will run 16 miles on Saturday.
1.5 hour trainer ride with several tempo sets (on the trainer since it’s snowy and below freezing where I’m at)
Followed by 30 minute run on the treadmill
All while watching past TdF 2007 highlights
Track workout:
Warm up 20 minutes or so.
2 sets (800; 1000; 1200; 1000; 800) each run followed by 200 roll/on. 5 minutes between sets
Run the 800’s and 1200’s at 10K pace; 1000’s at 5k pace. The 200’s should be at marathon pace.
Warm down or crawl back to the car.
Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon is my next big workout/race!
Swim 1.5 miles, Bike 18, Run 8
Watch out for the sharks and don’t die on the sand ladder.
We’ll see how it goes…
2.5-3 hr bike ride with random sprints thrown in.
3×12 Over Unders
Overall it’s a 1:30 bike workout on the training, with 3×12 Over Unders.
Over Unders = 12 minutes
5 min @ 86% – 90% of FTP
1 min @ 95% – 100% of FTP
5 min @ 86% – 90% of FTP
1 min @ 95% – 100% of FTP
Rest between = 12 minutes
After few warm days (+3 C) it is getting a bit cold again in next 7 days (-5 to -15 C), but still it is march at a door, so a plan is to do some 2:30 to 5:00 h long winter bike ride. Let’s hope it will not snow too much.
Going for a short mountain bike intervals ride. Going for 6 sets of 1 minutes on, 45 seconds off. When I get home I’ll be doing some light stretching and some strength exercises (turkish get ups, kettlebell swings and goblet squats).
The Longest Brick for Olympic Distance training:
10 mins warmup
130 mins constant pedaling
10 mins cooldown
55 mins constant pace
5 minutes cooldown
Mountain biking for the first time, usually a road cyclist.
Run 11K very easy on Sunday evening.. to close out a 145K week.
Swim day!!
400 W/U.
10:00 at zone 2 intensity with buoy,
4×50 VERY HARD (zone 6 intensity) on 1:00R; track your time and try to keep your splits consistent. 0:30 R.
10:00 at zone 2 intensity swim,
4×50 VERY HARD (zone 6 intensity) on 1:00R; track your time and try to keep your splits consistent. 0:30 R.
10:00 at zone 2 intensity with buoy,
4×50 VERY HARD (zone 6 intensity) on 1:00R; track your time and try to keep your splits consistent. 0:30R.
5:00 easy kick
200 C/D
To be honest I haven’t done too much cycling for this winter. I concentrated more on my run and swimming for my first triathlons this year :)
But what I have planned is a 30-70k ride with my new aero bars which I will get this saturday.
So just do 2-3 hours cycling on saturday to get some base miles, but I reckon I will enjoy it after this winter, which was definitely too long in cold Germany.
Over the next 7 days, I am hoping to train for 6 of them – either biking or running. No matter which one I pick, I need to do at least an hour (with one of each in the next week going over 90 minutes). Training for a half marathon at the end of April, and a century at the beginning of June.
Brick workout, Xterra style. 12 mile MTB followed by a 5k trail run.
I will attempt my first long (ish) run of the season this weekend. Looking forward to it.
I am training for a Spartan Race so:
10 Burpees
10 jumping lunges
30 crunches
15 bicycle kicks each leg
Run 1/4 mile
repeat 10 times
Bike – 10 minute warm-up, 30 minute big ring, 20 minute EZ
Run 4 miles, then bike 25, the run 5 more miles with (hopefuuly) a negative split.
A two hour bike ride, at least, with some climbing.
Then maybe a short run.
Enjoy your 13.1 on Sun.!!!
Run 12 miles, do 20 squats every mile. Dang running/crossfit coach loves getting me out of a rhythm
1:45 long run Sat.
Saturday’s race and training
WU : 20min Z1/Z2 – 3(2Z4-2Z3-2Z2) – 10Z2
Race : 90 minutes (Z2-Z5)
After race some endurance/tempo: Get some recovery drink, than 60 to 90 min Z3
50 Minutes strength training (free weighs)
Followed by intervals in spin class
Evening OC1 (single outrigger):
Format: Repeats
Style: Fixed Distance 3x 1600m (3min RI)
Tempo run, 5.5 miles – two mile build up, 2.5 mile fast pace as close to 6:30 pace as possible, 1 mile warm down.
I have been dreading / excited to try a “push to the max” brick. It will be 2hours on the trainer (computrainer – need KICKR) then a half-ironman pace run for 8 miles (7:05 pace). Dave Scott said you have to prepare to suffer in training to prepare to suffer in a race. I am (not) prepared.
Puke Bucket – check!
Thanks for the give aways and the great site!