Because it’s the end of February (already!), and because this month got shorted 2-3 days. And because I found two cake stands while The Girl was out today and they made pretty holders. No, I didn’t tie those bows. Or choose the colors. It’s like a buffet table of devices.
This month, I’m going to mix things up a bit. In the past I selected a gadget that I thought would be interesting to you. This time however, I’m letting you choose which gadget you want to win. Yup, if you want the Suunto Ambit– it’s yours! If you want the Garmin FR910XT – same thing. Perhaps you’d like the Magellan Switch – again, yours. Whatever fits your training best (up to $500US), I’m giving it to ya. Ok, actually, Clever Training is giving it to you.
For example, say you’re a swimmer – you’ll probably want the Garmin Swim. Or perhaps you’re a cyclist, you may prefer a CycleOps Joule or Joule GPS devices.
Or maybe you’re of the Suunto, Timex or Magellan persuasion – don’t worry, those are there too.
Then again, what if you were eyeing that Wahoo KICKR trainer poking out there in the background?
Well, no worries, we’ll go splitsies on it (yes, I checked, that’s the common spelling). You’ll get a $500US credit to Clever Training and you cover the rest beyond that. Shipping for items is on me, so fear not. And, as long as it’s under $500 you just tell me which item and like usual magic occurs. You can wander around their site and pick out your mid-spring present to yourself.
Except, you cannot use the credit for pony’s, bunnies, or kittens. And, the credit’s only good for a single packaged item. Toys R US midnight dash this is not. So choose wisely!
To enter yourself in, simply:
Detail out one workout that you have planned for sometime in the next seven days. If it’s as simple as “Run 2 hours at hard pace and don’t die”, then go with that. If it’s more complex like a track or pool workout, detail out the steps. At the end, we’ll end up with what should be fairly interesting workout library (or, a lot of confusing advice).
Got it?
Entries will be accepted through Sunday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 3rd, 2013). I’ll be giving one device worth up to $500US from Clever Training. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday (unless I can’t walk after Sunday’s half-marathon). One entry per person.
This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I I have announced a partnership with. As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site. And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above). And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!
Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail instead. Note that this is ONLY for Active Duty military. No panda trainers or ice cream chefs allowed via this method. Mmmkay? Thanks all!
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Support DCRainMaker - Shop on Amazon
Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.
12 mile long run this Saturday in prep for the DC 1/2. I’d love a new Garmin Forerunner to help me out!
Long run, 25km this weekend
Fartlek Run 50 Min
Friday workout: 60min ride followed by a 30min run, in preparation for a sprint tri in April.
For Sunday, going for Personal Best 8 miles.
4hrs on the trainer. Starting at 3AM so I can be done by the time the kids get up on Sat morning. And I look forward to these long trainer sessions… Yes, I have a problem.
Saturday morning: 26km at ~5:15-5:25/km, building up long runs for an end of May marathon.
Thanks for the chance
Saturday I’m planning a 10 mile run with a group in the mountains, choosing the group run so I won’t push the effort as much as usual since I’m coming back from a cuboid injury.
1 hour long trail run this Saturday after being sick for the past couple of weeks. Plus, it’s supposed to be 57 degrees!
I wish it were more detailed but as I’m coming back from a long layoff due to injury I’m just hoping I can manage an easy 5k without embarassing myself.
After 10 weeks of intensive training doing my first 10k race ever on Sunday, and doing it in 1 hour.
Doing my last “long” run on Sunday before the Shamrock Marathon.
16 miles with 5 at race pace.
8mi Top Z1 Run
Easy 20 mile warm up and then hill climbing to try and get back my Strava KOM. Then a cool down back home and probably a beer to celebrate or …
My wife just had a baby and I’ve been on changing diaper duty at night. That means I’m pooped (pun intended) during the day. With the Cherry Blossom 10 miler on the horizon, my goal this week is to get out there and run 3 times. One 3 mile run, one 3 mile track workout (possibly 800’s), and a 5 mile trail run on the weekend.
7:00am – Bike 90 minutes w/ 3×20-minute Sweet Spot efforts; 4 minutes of recovery between intervals (Trainerroad – Galena). 9am – Home Inspection, 11am – 3 mile run.
A tempo 7 miles that I’m dreading this afternoon.
I’m planning on doing my first bike/run brick this weekend. I have my first triathlon ever coming up in two weeks and I haven’t done a bike/run brick since September!! What am I thinking!!
Probably ride about 10 miles and a strong steady pace and then shoot for a 2-3mile run. Something very similar to what my race is going to be
My workouts are simple, because I have no clue what I’m doing. Running seems to work for me, just turn on my music and go. Pretty simple stuff.
-So for my workout, I will run the trail next to my house, which from my door, to the end, and back, is 3.9 miles. I usually run almost 11 minute miles, so I want to do it with under 10 minute mile average pace, whether I taste blood or not. Go!
5 am wake up call tomorrow, March 1st, to ride around on the Computrainer while I watch the last episode of season 2 of The Walking Dead.
2100 yard swim session
600 warmup (300 swim, 200 pull, 100 kick)
200 drill (4 x 50 as 25 focus on lengthening stroke and keeping pointed hands out in front longer and 25 build effort) leaving on 1:00
1200 ladder (100,200,300,300,200,100) leaving on :30 rest
100 cooldown as 50 backstroke 50 freestyle
60 miles of gravel
Friday morning; starting off my slow grind to achieve my March riding goals with a 45+ mile training ride to work.
13.1 Training run planned for Saturday, 3/2/13. Usint the Maffetone method of metabolic aerobic pacing. Keeping my heart rate at 125 bmp or below, buy integrating the Galloway run walk run method with a 2/1 ratio.
Sunday morning (after a 20 odd mile mtb ride on Saturday in the Elan Valley)
My first ever 3 stage training session, for the Mumbles duathlon on 23rd March
5k run @ 6:25 min/mile = 20 minutes
13 mile bike ride @ quick as I can (hopefully ~ 17 miles / hour)
5k run @ 7 min/mile = 22 minutes
2km warm up
4x 3km interval with 1km recovery
2km cool down
2hr 20min fast run with at least 40 minutes at marathon pace.
Get on the treadmill again for a 5k run after being away for 2 weeks. I’ll probably hit the “intervals” button as well to make it interesting.
This weekend I’ll be at an orienteering competence. On Saturday 7k with 18 points, on Sunday 9k with 19 point. Both will be run in high pace and HR and hopefully I won’t lost in the forest :)
Next week:
Monday – recovery day
Tuesday – Morning swimming 2k, Afternoon recovery running 3k
Wednesday – Easy run 3k, running drills
Thursday – Morning swimming 2k, Afternoon trail run 6-8k
Saturday – Easy run 3-5k
Sunday – Long run 12-15k
An hour on the trainer with Coach Troy.
I injured my left knee last saturday doing the Strava challenge because me shoes was too large. Cus of this my goal is:
Ride for 90minutes saturday with my new cycling shoes, properly fited to see if everything goes fine!
1.5 hour ride on the trainer. Mostly easy with 30 mins of intervals somewhere in the middle.
Going to get on the trainer and do a spinervals hill workout.
For cycling, I do intervals of medium intensity and high intensity switching about every 60 seconds. Then I do 3 minutes of low intensity and end with threshold sprint and a cool down.
Saturday I have a brick session planned:
1. Bike (on the trainer since the weather sucks here) – 5x10min intervals in 95-99%FT.
2. Run – 1 hr @ 8:00 min / mile.
3. Eat Wings for dinner.
Sat: 20 miles hike with 5-10 lb pack
Sun: 90 minute trainer ride
60 minutes on bike trainer:
10 min. warmup
40 min. just under LT
10 min. cooldown.
Tonight I’m trail running with a group of runners in the area. Should last about an hour.
Easy Recovery Swim with fins:
600 warm up (200 swim/100 kick, repeat)
4×50 kick w/fins w/ 10 sec rest
2×200 swim w/ 20 sec rest
4×50 kick w/fins w/ 10 sec rest
2×200 pull w/ 20 sec rest
8×50 w/ 15 sec rest (25 free/25 non-free)
300 cool down (50 kick/100 swim, repeat)
*2500 total*
Swim: Long Swim
Warm Up:
100m Easy F/S
100m Paddles, focus on long entry, good rotation and early catch
100m Pull Buoy, focus on good rotation
3 x 400m @ CSS+8 secs/100m with 40 sec RBI
Cool Down:
100m Breastroke
Well I’m here in Cervinia (Italy) enjoying a week’s skiing, though can’t really claim today’s white-out conditions as ‘enjoyable’?! The down-side is that I miss out on a 2-hour road run scheduled for this coming Sunday, as I can’t see myself taking that on after getting up at 4:00 a.m. and enduring the hassle of Turin airport and the cramped flight back to the UK. So, it’s looking like that long run on Mon/Tue/Wed to get back on track.. assuming my legs survive the last 2 days of skiing.
Cheers from Italy!
healing up from an injury, but hoping to get back into some SPX Pilates and running real soon.
Just want to get out. It hasn’t gotten above 20°F for over a week, but is supposed to get above freezing both days this weekend. If the wind cooperates I’d like to get in at least 40km each day.
25 km long run (last 10km in HM pace)
So many comments, so many workouts.
I just returned from traveling and strained my knee using the treadmill at a hotel. Thus it’s time to hit the bicycle trainer, again. Sometimes winter sucks.
My trainer workouts typically consist of:
* ten minute warm up
* ten minute spin at 100 rpm
* 30 second high rpm spin (over 150 cadence)
* 30 second recovery
* ten minute spin at 100 rpm
* one minute power (highest gear)
* 30 second recovery
* ten minute spin at 100 rpm
* 30 second high rpm spin (over 150 cadence)
* 30 second recovery
* one minute power (highest gear)
* 30 second recovery
* ten minute spin at 100 rpm
* 30 second high rpm spin (over 150 cadence)
* 30 second recovery
* ten minute spin at 100 rpm
* 30 second high rpm spin (over 150 cadence)
* five minute recovery
If the knee hurts, I will do less power and more spin.
My Next “workout” is segmenting my future 28 mile cycling commute. My commute will have 3000 feet of elevation gain one way and I plan on doing a full commute on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I’m far from being a mega rider, but I track my miles and plan on riding 1500+ miles this year.
Run 16 x 1.25 mile loops at Vista View park.
-Walks hills as needed but try to keep marathon pace.
-Practive running with hydration pack.
-Test different foods for fuel.
Cycling the Raleigh Half Ironman course on Sunday for the first time and hoping not to die.
Going to get on my bike and ride. Just ride……and ride some more.
Get back in my shoes and complete a five mile run before Saturday night.
My Friday swim set
100+200+300+200+100m pull buoy r=20″
200m edu
100m legs
8x25m sprint r=45″
10x150m pull paddles : 5 x (50m slow + 50m Half + 50m speed) + 5 HIM speed
100m easy
10x50m – 25m amp max / 25m easy
Today: Run easy 45-50 in Z1-2. Then strength which will be a mix of kettlebells, ladder work, pullups, pushups, and ab work.
Tonight I’m going for a 1hr Zumba class followed by a 1 hr spin class!
I am getting over an injury so I am planning on workout on the Ellipicial for 30 mins on level 1
Plantar fascitis rehab workout: 5 min. towel scrunches, 3x per foot marble drops. Hamstring stretch, 3x per leg for 1 min (4x a day), calf stretches: against wall, off step, and seated w/ strap 3x per leg, 1 min (4x per day), hip flexor stretch 3x per leg, 1 min, 2x per day, lunge stretch, 3x per leg for 1 min (4x per day). Icing, 4-5 time per day, or for pain. When recovered – go back to kicking butt!
Tonight, I’ll be doing a one hour non-stop charity swim in the pool….. Last year, I did 3km… averaging 2:00/100m … this year, I’d like to be 10s faster!
603PTP Day 1
Buy-in: 3 rounds of 0:20 handstand hold + 15 KB swings (Russian), 24K/16K + 10 box jumps (20″)
Deadlift: Warm up with some DLs at lighter weight
Set 1: 60% of 1RM, 3-5 reps
Set 2: 90% of Set 1, 3-5 reps
Warm up with some presses at lighter weight
Set 1: 60% of 1RM, 3-5 reps
Set 2: 90% of Set 1, 3-5 reps
Cash out: 3 rounds for time of 30 double-unders + 15 KTEs (If you can’t do double-unders yet, sub 90 jump rope skips during the met-con… and then practice your DUs after the cash out. Get 10-20, even if they’re singles.) – See more at: link to
Nothing fancy – Wife driving to San Antonio for a conference on Sunday. We live in Austin. She will throw me out with my bike about 85km away and I am riding home. Steady zone 2 all the way.
3 hr ride:
30 minutes WU
2 hrs at a higher than usual tempo for endurance (mid L4)
30 minutes WD
I’m planning a 5x8x45/15sek threshold hilly intervals. Brutal and fun.
Saturday is 31 miles and the goal is to not bow out early
Weekend long bike (2 hours broken up like this):
20 min WU
45 min mark – 6x 2min LT effort(x2)
4 min recovery
1:30 mark of ride repeated above
steady state effort between efforts and remainder of workout .
15km easy run with 4 strides in the final third of the workout
Queen’s Stage on my last week of training camp on the Canaries with some over gear work in the mountains and to top it off a 3mi run in a hard pace and 2 to cool down
Sick right now so my goal is to get better and then run for 5 miles without feeling like passing out.
Comming back from 2 bulged discs in December, so goal for sat is 60 min run, pushing my son in the jogger.
doing that damn hard trainerroad workout which i postponed from day to day, just tooo hard to go for 4x10min right above ftp (i assume ;-) )
but on wednesday this all is history, maybe me too…
I’m planning a 5set of 8×45/15sek threshold hilly intervals. 45 sek work and 15 sek rest. 2min recovery betwen sets. Brutal and fun.
Racing the Desert Classic in AZ this weekend and I’m shooting for a 2:12 finish time!
swim training:
200 warm up
4×100 technique
3×500 crawl
200 cool down
10 miles on Saturday at an easy 9 min/mile pace.
I’m training for Badajoz (Spain) marathon in March 17th. I’ll be doing next week a speed workout that is simply 3 x 1600 meters @ 3’50’’ /km pace. Between work I’ll rest for 75% of work time.
And that’s it.
Sick right now so my goal is to get better and then run for 5 miles without feeling like passing out. Hopefully in a week I can do this.
9 mile run with 6 miles at marathon pace.
Hill repeats on the trainer
WU 10-15
3×10 @ threshold-5 min rest
Cool down 10-15
2200m swim workout:
200m warmup
2x25m w/10 sec rest
2x50m w/15 sec rest
2x100m w/20 sec rest
2x200m w/25 sec rest
1x400m w/30 sec rest
2×200 m w/25sec rest
2x100m w/20sec rest
2x50m w/15 sec rest
2x25m w/10 sec rest
100m cool down
Do back to back Sufferfest workouts (Local Hero & Revolver) on a computrainer and not Die ;-)
1900yd Swim:
Warm up: 300 (200 swim/100 pull)
Pre-set: 4 x 50s (25 kick w/o board/25 swim)
Drill set: 4 x 50s (25 drill/25 swim)
Main set: 5 x 200 (odds breathe every 3/5/7 strokes, evens swim)
Speed set: 4 x 25s (odds fast; evens moderate)
Cool down: 100 swim
2k @ 4:30/km,
1.5k @ 4:20/km,
1k @ 4:10/km,
1.5k <4:20/km.
~3min rest b/t each
I’m planning a 12 mile hike in a new spot I’ve never been.
In sick right now so my goal is to run 5 miles without feeling like passing out. Hopefully will be feeling better soon so I can do this.
Speed training session for 5k pr in a week or so. I’m coming down to the end of this so right now it’s 6:00 pace for 1 mile with1 minute rest at walk pace in between. 3 x fast pace. That simple. I’m shooting for sub 20. And I’ll be a happy camper with that at 44 years old and only a year and a half run experience behind me.
On Saturday I will try to do the long run, 2 hours in the pace that will not let me die before the 2 hours notification on my watch ;)
Fast run workout:
15-20min warmup, including a few 30sec pickups to get everything fired up.
Main set:
6x1mile @ critical pace, on 1 minute rest.
5-10min cool down.
busy week for me :)
sunday 10k crosscountry race @ 35.59min
monday 10x1000m starting from 4.30min/km ~ 3.20min/km—weight lifting
tuesday 15x400m @ 73~75sec w/200m jog——-weight lifting
wednesday day off
today 10x1000m @ 3.20min/km w/200~400m jog
friday day off
saturday day off
sunday half marathon race
One of my workout this week will be a race pace 1 hour biking followed by a 5k run all this inside my gym.
Thank you for setting up this contest.
Indoor bike, 1 hour cadence-based workout!
6 Miles with 6x90sec 5k pace, 2min recovery in the middle of the run
Trainer Ride focusing on separate feet to ensure best pedal stroke! (2 x (15min Right Foot, 15min Left Foot))
My workout this weekend is going to be a nice bike ride from San Francisco. Head across the Golden Gate Bridge in to Sausalito then to Fairfax. From Fairfax you get a nice climb before descending into Alpine Dam. After Alpine Dam you head up the back side of Mount Tam, then over the Seven Sisters and finally back down in to Sausalito. Cross back over the Golden Gate Bridge and head home! A nice 60 mile ride to start of Saturday.
4.5 mi mid-pace run in Prospect Park, Brooklyn on Saturday.
Hill repeats on the bike. 5 laps, includes 5.4km lap with 90m of climb on one 500m section – it’s a killer!!
15km easy run with some strides at the end
Workout… Saturday is to finish my first Marathon, so not sure that counts as a workout. Otherwise, 30mi on the bike at about 18mph avg pace once I recover.
2,5 h on indoor trainer with the last 30 minutes on half ironman distance speed
Just getting over a cold, so would like to get in a 50min easy run this weekend if I feel better.
I’m the very definition of the time-crunched triathlete, also I travel a lot on business so I have to do my best with the pretty mediocre “gyms” that most hotels offer.
I have a half hour treadmill workout that I’ve found very effective. I take the first 5 mins gradually winding up the speed to 5K pace, then run at that speed for 10 min. Then I do speed intervals – wind the speed up to 10 or 11 mph, hold it there for 15 seconds, then wind down to 6mph. I do this 6-8 times, then finish off the workout at 10k pace.
Total 30 mins – a really good workout and a lot of sweat!
Trying to get back in the swing of things after some knee pain had me on the shelf with an easy 3 miles this weekend
I have been in and out of injury mode since 2 years now. Something or the other keeps going bad.
I am training for my 1st Triathlon, so I have been doing all 3 regularly.
Have been away from the gym for couple of days, since I cant run(nursing an injury) so my next workout is going to be:
50 Burpees
50 squats
50 push ups
200 sit ups.