Because it’s the end of February (already!), and because this month got shorted 2-3 days. And because I found two cake stands while The Girl was out today and they made pretty holders. No, I didn’t tie those bows. Or choose the colors. It’s like a buffet table of devices.
This month, I’m going to mix things up a bit. In the past I selected a gadget that I thought would be interesting to you. This time however, I’m letting you choose which gadget you want to win. Yup, if you want the Suunto Ambit– it’s yours! If you want the Garmin FR910XT – same thing. Perhaps you’d like the Magellan Switch – again, yours. Whatever fits your training best (up to $500US), I’m giving it to ya. Ok, actually, Clever Training is giving it to you.
For example, say you’re a swimmer – you’ll probably want the Garmin Swim. Or perhaps you’re a cyclist, you may prefer a CycleOps Joule or Joule GPS devices.
Or maybe you’re of the Suunto, Timex or Magellan persuasion – don’t worry, those are there too.
Then again, what if you were eyeing that Wahoo KICKR trainer poking out there in the background?
Well, no worries, we’ll go splitsies on it (yes, I checked, that’s the common spelling). You’ll get a $500US credit to Clever Training and you cover the rest beyond that. Shipping for items is on me, so fear not. And, as long as it’s under $500 you just tell me which item and like usual magic occurs. You can wander around their site and pick out your mid-spring present to yourself.
Except, you cannot use the credit for pony’s, bunnies, or kittens. And, the credit’s only good for a single packaged item. Toys R US midnight dash this is not. So choose wisely!
To enter yourself in, simply:
Detail out one workout that you have planned for sometime in the next seven days. If it’s as simple as “Run 2 hours at hard pace and don’t die”, then go with that. If it’s more complex like a track or pool workout, detail out the steps. At the end, we’ll end up with what should be fairly interesting workout library (or, a lot of confusing advice).
Got it?
Entries will be accepted through Sunday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 3rd, 2013). I’ll be giving one device worth up to $500US from Clever Training. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday (unless I can’t walk after Sunday’s half-marathon). One entry per person.
This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I I have announced a partnership with. As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site. And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above). And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!
Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail instead. Note that this is ONLY for Active Duty military. No panda trainers or ice cream chefs allowed via this method. Mmmkay? Thanks all!
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Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.
-15 minute warm up on cycleops trainer
-30 minutes of intervals
-15 minutes of cool down.
Then some ab work and stretching
3,5h long bike ride with mountain bike in freezing Helsinki weather. Forecast says it’ll be -12C…
Back from injury,
tomorrow at lunch time : running 45mins without any pain, will be paradise !!!
Saturday: 50 minutes temp run. Nothing exciting.
Kickboxing and kettlebells.
My next work out will be a PT test. So, as many push ups as I can do in 1 min. Rest 3 min. Then, as many sit ups as I can do in 1 min. Rest 3-5 min. Run 1.5 miles as fast as I can.
One month until my club TT season starts, so it’s this wekend I’ve planned to test myself on the Tacx Fortius to see if my numbers are up from last year. The test goes:
Warm up 10 minutes – HR must reach threshold/race pace
1 Set
100 rpm
Duration of each intense effort = 1 min 30 secs
Duration of active recovery between sets 1.30 secs
10 Reps
Warm down 5 minutes – HR should be around 100 bpm
Eight mile run at half marathon race pace this Saturday. Preparing for the Moab half marathon on March 16th.
BIKE 1:10
warm up
15:00 gearing pyramid
Main Set
4 x(9:00/3.1m/5k) @ 75% w/2:00 recovery @ 60-70%
Cool Down
continue spin, gradually bringing HR back under 60%
RUN 40:00
continuous controlled tempo run, holding HR below 75% the entire time. Stride rate should be quickened slightly, but keep HR in aerobic range(under 75%) for entire run
Spinervals training in the basement tonight via my TP account, followed by 20 miles on the road on Saturday morning with my riding buddy!
Aiming to get in a 15-16 mile long run this weekend. Goal is to BQ this year, but I haven’t picked a target race yet.
Simple 1:30h run with many hills and sandy trails. Hopefully would add up to 15KM.
HM on Sunday – Rest day today
Tomorrow’s workout is:
1) Make sure to wake up
2) Get to basement
3) Turn on laptop
4) Find Netflix
5) Start latest episode of Breaking Bad
6) Get on bike
7) Pedal until show ends
8) Shut things down, wake up kids and get to work.
(Note how the easy stuff in all in one step. The challenging part is getting everything done in order to work out.)
Cyclo-core indoor trainer session. 30 minute H.I.T. (High Intensity) Leg Ripper. This is a follow along video in Zone 4/Zone 5 Builder
Next Tuesday I am back on the track after recovering from a half marathon this week.
3mi warm up @ 7:30/mi
3x1mi @ 5:40/mi with 400m jogging recoveries
1mi cool down @ 8:00/mi
swim 2500y
250yard warmup
10×100 on 1:45 interval
50-100-150-200-150-100-50 up-down pyramid, cruise pace until last 50 which you go all out. 20-30 seconds rest between each.
5×50 on 1:00 interval, your choice of stroke down (anything other than freestyle), freestyle back at a good clip.
easy 200yard cooldown
coming back off back and spine issues hoping to get back on the bike a nice cruising ride this weekend after a week of midterms would be a nice break.
Easy 1mile warmup, then 6 miles on the trail, easy 1 mile cool down.
2 x Deadlift for 10 rounds
My next work out will be a PT test. So, as many push ups as I can do in 1 min. Rest 3 min. Then, as many sit ups as I can do in 1 min. Rest 3-5 min. Run 1.5 miles as fast as I can.
3 hours riding in Z2 next sunday go up to Z3 on hills.
Run HM in reverse (backwards) so that my wife finally has Garmin or Suunto on her own!
mountain bike race on March 2, haven’t raced mountain bike in over 12 years, got caught up running marathons and racing triathlons :) Mellow Johnny’s Classic
Warmup 1km
Intervall 1km 3:50 to 4:30 min/km
Recovery 3min 6:00 to 6:45 min/km
repeat Intervall/Recovery 5 times
Cooldown 1km
I will be so original… :D run 1 hour at hard pace and don’t die
Ride 75 miles this Saturday. Ironman Texas here I come!!
20min FTP-test with PowerTap and Trainerroad :)
Easy 30 minute run, trying to get my knees back to 100%.
My workout for Sunday will be a marathon pace run of 25-30km. The last long one before the Barcelona Marathon
The best workout ever 21X800 @6:20-6:30 pace and then 200m recovery……….YIPPEEEE!!!!
Long weekend trainer ride (for a few more weeks until it warms up):
On Trainer Road, Sufferfest Video “Hell Hath No Fury” (75mins, 114TSS), then 30 mins between 80% and 90% of FTP while listening to Mumford and Sons, riding with the tempo of the music.
Been doing this every weekend for two months, killer workout, 105 minutes, approx. 150TSS.
45 minute swim
4×100 WU, 15×100 at CSS pace with 10sec recovery, 4×100 CD.
Just a hour on my roadrace bike. Hope to be alble to ride above 31km/hr.
I’ll be doing a 90 minute run this Sunday. Hoping for 10.5 miles.
Planning a 24-mile long run on Saturday!
500 warm up
30 * 100 free, descending pace @ 1:30
500 cool down pull
90min run Sat morning followed by 2hr Bike. 70min recovery run Sunday and 90min indoor trainer session. Maybe throw in a swim
I´m preparing for a 90km long nordic skiing event here in Sweden. Therefore I am going for a HIIT interval session on the traidmill. 10min warmup. Then 30sec on about 17km/h. Then relax 1-1,30min. Repeat five or more times!
Run slow HR<140 60mins.
3×750 m pool swim
100 m breast stroke rest between sets
No full stop during workout.
Getting back into training after being hit by a car last November….a very simple walk/run program will begin this weekend…
WU – 5 min brisk walk
Run – 2 minutes
walk – 2 minutes
Repeat x4
CD – 5 min brisk walk
Hope that everything works out and am able to complete the workout!
I’m going to do Yasso 800’s on the treadmill today!
Doing a 5k at pace tonight with a few speed bursts thrown in. Not to exciting I know. Looking forward to the Blender from Sufferfest over the weekend! Yeah!
10 min 7/10
2 min recovery
2 min 9/10
2 min recovery
8 min 7/10
2 min recovery
4 min 8/10
2 min recovery
6 min 7/10
4 min recovery
6×40 9/10
Cycling on the trainer (Tabata Intervals):
10 minute warm-up
8x 20 second sprint w/ 10 second passive rest
10 minute cool-down
Change clothing
4 mile run kept under control – 7 minute pace
10k classic ski at med-hard pace, followed by an easy second 10k
So … For Sunday my workout is:
Cicle 3 hours.
15′ cadence 90-100rpm at sport zone 1
90′ cadence 70-80rpm at sport zone 3
30′ cadence 80-90rpm at sport zone 4
45′ cadence 90-100rpm at sport zone 1
That’s it :D
Actually ride outside in NE Ohio on Sunday!
Recovery week after racing a 1/2 this last weekend. 6 miles at Marathon Pace +1:30 to +2:00 (9:10 to 9:40), no faster.
Run 2 hours at hard pace and don’t die
Today I’m doing a 10.5Km run at 5:30min/Km.
Yesterday was my birthday, a new watch could be a nice present :)
Tonight on the ergometer:
11′ warm up (3,2,1,2,3′ – 1/2, 3/4, full pressure). 2 x 11′ pyramid (24,26,28) most meters possible
Finally back running what I would call long-ish distances. So with that in mind….
Sundays LSD will be my first go running double figures in a long time.
Aim is 10 miles
The worst kind of workout… lactate threshold test!!!! AHHHHHH!
Goal: This is a run lactate threshold test. Performed accurately, we will determine your current lactate threshold & training paces.
Pre Workout: To gather accurate results, you must go into this test both mentally & physically ready. If personal stress is high, nutrition is poor or energy is low, do not perform this test.
Data To Be Collected:
1 – Weight (naked, pre-test)
2 – Average HR
3 – Max HR
4 – Recovery HR
5 – Distance
6 – Pace per mile
7 – Download Garmin post-test (if applicable)
Location: Do this on a flat course, track or treadmill. If outdoors, be sure that wind is not excessive & temperature/humidity is low. If indoors, treadmill should be set at a 1% incline & done with a fan nearby. Failure to meet these conditions will lead to inaccurate test results.
Warm Up:
Walk 5 minutes.
Run 10 minutes very easy.
Run 5 – 10 minutes building pace to a steady sweat
Do 5 x :20 accelerations, :40 easy pace
Reset your data devices.
Run the next 20 minutes as hard as you can sustain. Do not blow yourself in the first 10 minutes – pace it. If mile splits differ more than 20 seconds per mile, test will be inaccurate, discarded & scheduled again.
At the 20 minute mark, stop & note your “final HR”. Then watch your HR as it drops over the next minute. DO NOT MOVE. Record that final HR as well as the HR at the end of the one minute recovery.
Cool Down:
Up to 10 minute very easy run
A swim at lunch then a 1hr indoor spin with my Tri club.
300 warm up
6×50 (25 drill, 25 swim)
2×50 kick
4×100 R=10sec
100 cool down
Just in my 2nd week of training for a HIM in June: today I will swim 1250 yds before lunch, and tonight I will do 90 min intervals indoors in the bike. It’s still cold/icy in Minnesota!
Going to hop on the bicycle tomorrow and do 20 miles on a circuit course as I’ve been trying to rebuild my stamina and endurance. Then I’ll spend Sunday Afternoon working my core on a sailboat.
1+2.+1+2+1 tempo run. +2@6:30 pace
Last hard workout before truly tapering – 2 mi WU, 6 mi at threshold pace, 2 mi CD
My next run will be a nine mile recovery type run with the first 4 at a slow pace, picking up over the next 5 to race pace for the last … not very interesting, but coming of the back of a 16 min PB marathon I am happy with that!
15 mile taper run on 3/2 to finalize preps for the LA marathon 3/17. 1500′-2500′-1500′ elevation run. 7.5 miles up, 7.5 miles down.
To ride at least three hours on my new fat bike before the snow melts.
Plus, strength training of one leg exercise, one upper body exercise, one core exercise and one additional exercise from one of the previous categories. At least three sets of six reps.
planning an 8 miler 10-15 seconds faster per mile than goal half marathon race pace
Saturday hammerfest followed by Sunday recovery ride.
10 min 7/10
2 min recovery
2 min 9/10
2 min recovery
8 min 7/10
2 min recovery
4 min 8/10
2 min recovery
6 min 7/10
4 min recovery
6x 40 sec 9/10
20 sec recovery
2 min recovery
6x 30 sec 9/10
30 sec recovery
2 min recovery
6x 20 sec 10/10
40 sec 2/10
4 min recovery
4 min 7.5/10
1 min recovery
4 min 7.5/10
1 min recovery
4 min 7.5/10
Quick and dirty bike…
15 mins warm
then do 10×30 sec hard seconds at 90% effort (9 on 1-10 RPE scale) with 30-second spin recoveries.
cool down
Sunday morning workout:
2:30h trailrunning with min.1000m altitude. and I want to try to do 100m of negative elevation in one minute! Could be interesting! (:
Raise LT
Race Specific
WU: 7′ wu. At 7′ add in a 30″ acceleration every 90″ (this is 30″ fast, 1′ recovery). You should be 13′ into the run by now.
MS: Main set is 3 x 5 minutes at LT;
#1 should have you ending your 5 minutes at just about mid-Zone 3.
#2 should see you finishing right at Zone 4a.
#3 should have you finishing right at Z5.
Between repeats you will get a rest interval of 3 minutes. The 3 minutes should be easy enough to allow your heart rate to come back down to Zone 2.
CD: After your 3rd repeat you will run a 10 minute cool down and stretch for at least 10 minutes.
Today I will: 8 mile cycle to/from work, 3 mile run easy, 20 min core.
I’m getting over a sinus infection so I’m going to run an easy, flat 9 miles sometime Saturday. I might run a little today too, just for fun.
Saturday: first-ever 20 miler. Looking forward to it!
Go to spin class and incorporate 5 muscle endurance intervals into the class. Do a recovery ride after the kids go to bed tonight.
Saturday running 10K, then rowing 10K on my concept2 indoor rower.
Aiming for 40 minutes each piece.
3 x 2hr ride from today to Sunday on a really low intensity.
Try to survive more than 20′ running tomorrow :)
I have decided to create new training habits from next week. I will alternately swim and run every morning before work. I expect that the swimming workouts becomes hard training, and the run will be easy training.
An hour of cycling indoors, using TrainerRoad. Training session is named “Cardinal”.
Stair intervals. Go up and down the stairs as many times as I can after work. Building at work is 12 stories so I get completely wiped out going two steps at a time going up as fast as I can and going down counts as the rest stage.
I have a 3-mile run included in my PFT this Saturday.
Training for a hike up mount Whitney. 25 lb. pack. Starting at 6 miles per day, adding 10% each week. As fitness increases, I will need to scout out hiigher elevations in central and north PA.
I plan to setup the bike trainer and ride for 60 minutes.
Kill my speed session tonight and do a 13m this week end!
Some pool swimming and maybe a long run in the snow! I just hope the weather is good!
After a major PR at the Philly Marathon, I’ve been running very little since. My next workout will be to simply build back strength and endurance so I can race a half marathon in May.
Today I’ll be doing 5 minute running intervals for as long as my girlfriend can stand it!
As I’m recovering from a torn hamstring, I’ll be doing some low-impact workout tomorrow morning. 40 minutes on the elliptical, along with my PT circuit: leg lifts, hip flexor stretches, clamshell leg lifts, ab circuit, hip flexor strengthening circuit.
35 minutes in the pool at the local YMCA ( perk of getting an hour lunch break )
TRX Suspension training ( maybe 15-20 minutes )
5k run local to my office ( if the rain stops in CT )
My next workout is a HIIT on the elliptical trainer. I’ll be wearing the Powercal so i can have a few ballpark wattage figures.
I have (had) planned for a fabulous 90 minute run in the most beautiful countryside near the sea in neighboring Sweden. Unfortunately, it is now not going to happen, unless the wife will push me around in a wheelchair. All because in a stroke of unfathomable misfortune I went and fell on an icy patch deep in the forest 4 days ago and broke my right ankle. On both sides. Now have 9 screws to fix it, and the only exercise I will get for a while will be on crutches.
Better luck next winter, eh.
Recovering from a nasty flu, I am trying to run 5K again this weekend.
25 mile LSR paced trail run from Arundel (Railway station) back to Brighton, UK. With map & compass, unfamiliar territory, learning to navigate!
Run 10 miles at a steady 7min/mile pace.
Think this Sunday will be a nice 10k through Stanley Park in Vancouver.
The weatherforecast finally predicts sunshine and a temperature over zero degres celcius.
Tomorrow after work, 32km on roadbike, hard on hills.
Track workout:
3min walking
7min easy jog
5 x 1miles trying to make every mile the same in terms of pacing and split time. Break between miles should be about a third of the time it took you to run the mile. So if you ran a mile in 8min, then take about 2min30sec break between each mile.
10min CD easy jog
On Saturday: bike 120km, on Sunday: a (inter)club race of 70mins + 1 round. And the remaining days, I’ll bike to work, 60km per day.
Tonights workout:
25 mile bike @ avg 90 rpm cadence
8 mile run @ Marathon pace (8:30)
Run real FAST
1h 50′ long run on saturday preparing for the Asics Rio de Janeiro 21k, which is one month ahead. Rgds, Sergio, Brazil.
Hill repeats on the bike. I’ll try to do 8-10 on a hill that takes 4-5 minutes to go up.
Get on your Trek Madone and use your iBike iDash with Power (which I hate) in conjunction with your CycleOps SuperMagneto Pro trainer and your Garmin ANT+ USB stick to use TrainerRoad to watch SufferFest or Spinervals (and then Top Gear and maybe a little Walking Dead). No joke. You know how they talk about the Unifying Theory of Physics? I need a Unifying Theory of Gear like no other. Today is 2 hrs at 70% of my 310 FTP (don’t worry, I’m 86 kilos). Have fun!