Because it’s the end of February (already!), and because this month got shorted 2-3 days. And because I found two cake stands while The Girl was out today and they made pretty holders. No, I didn’t tie those bows. Or choose the colors. It’s like a buffet table of devices.
This month, I’m going to mix things up a bit. In the past I selected a gadget that I thought would be interesting to you. This time however, I’m letting you choose which gadget you want to win. Yup, if you want the Suunto Ambit– it’s yours! If you want the Garmin FR910XT – same thing. Perhaps you’d like the Magellan Switch – again, yours. Whatever fits your training best (up to $500US), I’m giving it to ya. Ok, actually, Clever Training is giving it to you.
For example, say you’re a swimmer – you’ll probably want the Garmin Swim. Or perhaps you’re a cyclist, you may prefer a CycleOps Joule or Joule GPS devices.
Or maybe you’re of the Suunto, Timex or Magellan persuasion – don’t worry, those are there too.
Then again, what if you were eyeing that Wahoo KICKR trainer poking out there in the background?
Well, no worries, we’ll go splitsies on it (yes, I checked, that’s the common spelling). You’ll get a $500US credit to Clever Training and you cover the rest beyond that. Shipping for items is on me, so fear not. And, as long as it’s under $500 you just tell me which item and like usual magic occurs. You can wander around their site and pick out your mid-spring present to yourself.
Except, you cannot use the credit for pony’s, bunnies, or kittens. And, the credit’s only good for a single packaged item. Toys R US midnight dash this is not. So choose wisely!
To enter yourself in, simply:
Detail out one workout that you have planned for sometime in the next seven days. If it’s as simple as “Run 2 hours at hard pace and don’t die”, then go with that. If it’s more complex like a track or pool workout, detail out the steps. At the end, we’ll end up with what should be fairly interesting workout library (or, a lot of confusing advice).
Got it?
Entries will be accepted through Sunday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 3rd, 2013). I’ll be giving one device worth up to $500US from Clever Training. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday (unless I can’t walk after Sunday’s half-marathon). One entry per person.
This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I I have announced a partnership with. As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site. And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above). And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!
Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail instead. Note that this is ONLY for Active Duty military. No panda trainers or ice cream chefs allowed via this method. Mmmkay? Thanks all!
Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.
Support DCRainMaker - Shop on Amazon
Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.
Getting back from a bad injury, so my goal is running for 1 hour at 6.5mph on the treadmill this Saturday.
Kitchen Sink
WU: 15minutes
MS: Do (3) x 1 minute fast pedaling. Then do (4) sprints- BIG RING – 53:15 from 22mph. two gear shifts to 14, then to 13. Rest for 3-4 minutes between each.
Then do (4) x 12 minutes JUST above threshold- so about 230-245 watts. Do your best to hold it there!
Rest for 5minutes between each.
Then ride at endurance pace for 45min, but slow down every 5 minutes and do a BIG gear burst from a near stand still. Stay seated and push that gear over until you reach 80rpm and then you are done and back to endurance pace.
Do 6 x 2 minutes on the flats. 2 minutes ON , 1 minute OFF. Try to hold 300-325 on the effort.
EASY pedaling between.
Finish with 45minutes at SST- so about 200 watts. and do a burst every 3 minutes to watts of 400 and hold for 10 seconds and return to SST.
Endurance for 20 minutes
CD: 5 minutes
Five mile easy run on the beach.
3hr 20min long run with 30 minutes at marathon pace.
Cyclo-core indoor trainer session. 30 minute H.I.T. (High Intensity) Leg Ripper. This is a follow along video in Zone 4/Zone 5 Builder
Workout from today..getting some speed before Boston. I love Fartleks.
2mi warm up
ladder workout. Efforts from 1/2 marathon pace down to 3k pace. (4min, 3min, 2min, 1min, 2, 3, 4, 5) half recoveries 33:30 total.
3mi warm down
2 hr workout on spin bike. Z3 + 6′ big gear effort + attack/break-away/ get caught/recover/repeat.
Day 1 of training for April’s National MS Society – Lone Star: 2013 BP MS 150 will be this Sunday and consist of a 20 mile ride in the Austin Hill Country, which is hosted by Jack and Adam’s Bicycles!
knee injuries going to see the doc tommorow how long this is going to be.
Less than a month ago, after 6 months of hard training, I completed my first marathon! I was ecstatic. Then after the endorphin high, I said I’ll run another one 2 months later. I’ve signed up and will be doing it for a great cause. Unfortunately, due to the loss of a close family member, guru, and mentor of mine, I will be less than prepared.
So my goal this for this week is to push myself to finish a half-marathon (March 1) as a way to psych myself back up and get into the mood for a marathon that is ONLY 2 weeks away.
Warm Up
1 x 200 free
1 x 100 side kick drill
1 x 200 free
Main Set:
1 X 600
1st 200 easy
2nd 200 increase effort
3rd 200 fast
Repeat two times
Warm Down
100 easy swim
100 head lead balance
100 easy swim
Half Ironman just over 3 months away so focus on swim:
400m front crawl (very easy)
50m breast stroke (medium)
50m backstroke (easy)
150m front crawl (medium)
50m front crawl – legs only
50m front crawl – arms only
25m front crawl – head up (practice sighting end of pool)
75m front crawl (hard)
100m front crawl – legs only
150m front crawl – arms only
4 x 25m front crawl – sprints with 15secs recovery
200m front crawl (very easy)
Morning trail run….Roubaix to work. Same ol’ same ol’…….God bless!
Going for a bike ride from DC down to Ft. Hunt Park to do a few “hot laps” in the cold weather! Exploring the Holmes Run Trail afterwards for a 50 mile RT ride to prepare for the upcoming spring rides!
Trainer Drills
10 minute warm up in small chain ring;
30 seconds left leg small chain ring; 30 seconds right leg small chain ring; 1 minute recovery
30 seconds left leg; 30 seconds right leg; 2 minutes big chain ring – 16 to 14 gearing in the rear. Work on pulling up on the pedal stroke.
Repeat 10-15 times
10 minutes cool down
Kick my husbands ass while doing bridge sprints on my “second love”…aka my Cervelo!
run this weekend… 32k lsd… getting ready for boston :)
Next week I’ll start hill repeat on the mountain near my house, it’s gonna hurt, I have some good base km, but no power at the moment.
Looking forward to Saturday’s ride. Haven’t ridden outside much but the forcast is looking good. I’ll be riding with two teens from our Tri club, hope they take it easy on this old guy :)
10 min warm and cool down
3 sets 5 min zone 3, 3 min zone 4, 2 min zone5+
3 minutes rest
1 mile WU – 18×800 at half-marathon pace on 1 minute jog – 1mile cool down
Saturday I go for a 20 km run at 3 hours. Nice bargaining until better temperatures ;-)
Short run workout:
10 mins w’up; 10 mins build — increase pace every 2 mins; 5 mins easy jog; 5 x 1 min pick up/ 1MRI; 10 mins w’down
I call this “Suicide Bike Speed”
WU: 15 min, just to get blood flowing. Target Z2-Z3
MS: 6 x (4 x 30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest). When on, put the bike in the hardest gear and pedal as fast as you can, hard as you can for 30 seconds. Take 30 seconds rest by spinning. Repeat 3 more times for 1 full set.
2 minutes recovery between sets.
CD (If you can make it that far): 15 min spin, Target Z2.
55 mile ride Saturday of hills surrounding the Susquehanna river in Pennsylvania.
Tempo Run Intervals – 3x6min with 3min RBI
Do this on the track or flat terrain.
Follow the workout in the exercise and interval section.
Aim for 8:15-8:00min/mi today
Tempo to improve speed at or above LT.
Step 1: Reps:1, Duration:6min, RPE:8
Step 2: (Rest) Reps:1, Duration:3min, RPE:4
Step 3: Reps:1, Duration:6min, RPE:8
Step 4: (Rest) Reps:1, Duration:3min, RPE:4
Step 5: Reps:1, Duration:6min, RPE:8
Step 6: (Rest) Reps:1, Duration:3min, RPE:4
Step 7: Reps:1, Duration:6min, RPE:8
Step 8: (Rest) Reps:1, Duration:3min, RPE:4,
Notes:Walk and chill out a bit on this recovery. Cool down and head home.
I’m going to copmete in a strongman contest that includes a last man standing log press, car dead lift for reps, farmer’s walk with 250 lbs in each hand, yoke walk at 620 lbs and a suicide medley.
Ramping up the speed to focus on my upcoming indoor sprint triathlon. Is such a short race (250m, 5mi, 2mi) that I’ll need to rethink pacing a bit after just coming out of winter training.
Brick workout in saturday. 3 hr bike ride followed by a 30 minute run.
Big swim day (for me): 1000 w/up, 10 x 100 on 2:15, 5 x 100 smooth long strokes, 500 w/down.
Aiming at my first tri later this year.
30min Warm Up
8x 4mins @95% of 4 min CTP with 2.5 mins of recover
15min Warm Down
trying to combine a 35km-40km mountainbike singlespeed beach ride with a 12km beach run…keep the heartrate under 160bpm and the total time under 3hours.
I’m going to do a 1 hour ride on the trainer mainly in Z3/Z4. I should feel some lactic acid in my legs by the time I’m done.
trying to combine a 35km-40km mountainbike singlespeed beach ride with a 12km beach run, keep the heartrate under 160bpm and the total time under 3hours.
Session with my personal trainer working on core & glutes.
This Sunday I will be running from my home to Bushy Park in London (5 miles) meet up with my 6 year old son, and join him in his Junior parkrun (2k run). After this I will run back home again hopefully beating my wife and kids in the car as they have to deal with traffic and I don’t! :-)
Nifty. I’ll give you the treadmill workout I’m going to go do in about 15 minutes.
5 min WU in Z1/2
30 min descending pace – every 2 minutes press the up button once. Should be going 5K pace by the end
5 min CD easy Z2-1
2400, 2000, 2600 @ T effort w/2 min rest followed by core workout of crunches, supermans, flutter kicks, arm/leg raises, Bicycles (the ab working kind) then weights: squat press, squatted row, shoulder press, seated row, step-ups, hamstring curl, twist w/cable cross, push-ups, pull-ups and finishing it all off with 5 sets of mountain climbers (15 sec ea).
Swim 500 wu
10×100 free
400 kick
200 IM swim (for fun)
200 cool down
5 min of easy swimming warm up.
10 x 200m at CSS pace (critical swim speed) with 20 sec rest between each 200.
This will train lactate threshold.
5 min easy swimming cool down.
Waiting ´till I got my Garmin to start planning my trainings!
A mid-distance run was on the schedule for this weekend so why not add in a little fun. So Sunday will be the 15K Hot Chocolate Run in Seattle. Nice moderate early season pace, then CHOCOLATE recovery! Woot!
1 hour recovery run, self pace feeling no Garmin allowed!!!!
Had surgery on right arm last week, so it’ll be slow and go. But plan on going to the track Sunday to do a walk/jog combination in the low to mid-rate heart range. Total about 60-75 minutes.
My favorite workout called breaking point…
9.65 mile run (should be 10, but the loop I have cuts it a little short)…
I do this one based on HR… I start out at building into the top of zone 4 with the goal of being at 95% of my HR by the end of mile 2. Then the goal is to see how long I can hold it without cracking… This is a 3 times a year workout just to see where I am. Basically a threshold tempo run that should give me an idea on my half marathon pace. I usually run this 6-8 weeks before a HM to determine where I should pace. Example of the workout below.
link to
1hr workout planned Sunday.
Run a sub 90 min half marathon on Sunday.
Run a sub 90 min half marathon on Sunday
Taking up my marathon training plan again after two weeks out due to illness. 12 km at 5:37 min./km
First marathon on April 14 being first step to bigger trailruns.
13 miler planned for next week, including 10 miles at marathon pace
16 mile trail ride Saturday and possibly an easy trail run Sunday. I’m still recovering from ACL surgery in September.
Just completed this earlier….in recovery mode for now…
Long run 9.5 miles- done as 2 mile warm up, alternate hard and easy miles. Hard miles are at 7:30 pace, easy miles are at 9:30 pace, finish with easy .5 mile cool down
Swim- Easy long 1500m done as:
150 easy, 150 m, 100 hard repeat
This is a “staple” workout. Zone out and focus on your stroke and form during your easy and medium interval. Work your breathing and pacing during your hard interval. DO NOT STOP INBETWEEN INTERVAL. This is a continuous workout for 1500 m
5x 50m sand sprints on the beach in Sayulita Mexico, followed by a 1hr jungle trail run. Maybe 20 mins of swimming lengths in the pool after.
Ride power z3 1-2 hours on rolling hills. Its going to be warm (42) so I’m excited.
Ride power z3 1-2 hours on rolling hills. Its going to be warm so I’m excited.
Run 5 miles this afternoon:
1 mile warm up @ 9:00
1 mile @ 5K pace
1 mile @ 9:00
1 mile @ 5k pace
1 mile warmdown @9:30
Warm up for 9k and then test myself on half marathon in preparation for the Rotterdam marathon on April14
27 km long run, pace (LSD) 5min. 21 sekunds pr. kilometer.
1 hour group ride, pack & drafting training with head and cross winds. Hill repeats at med-hard effort on return trip. Last 10 minutes, high cadence, low heart rate.
<3 min transition
20 min run off bike, easy effort, high heels, high cadence. Keep HR under zone 4.
10 min stretch/cool-down
Saturday morning easy run. Daniels Running Formula White Plan phase 3 day three.
I’m healing up a tib-fib fracture with a titanium rod and a buncha screws, but I can put some force straight down thru my heel, so I’m gonna hobble into the base gym and spin as a warmup.
Then when I’m feeling good, limp up to the Nautilus machines. My scaphoid is also broken, but I can press and pull the machine handles with the wrist cast!
I get a lot of funny looks, but other Soldiers eventually get it. -Nadz
I’m going to ride 4 hours and not die. I’ll attack hills like Hannibal. I’ll fly through the flats like Grant through Richmond. I’ll try not to go down like the Edmond Fitzgerald.
Wish me luck!
Going to run a nice and easy 7 miles on sunday in Central Park in training for the BK Half Marathon.
1.5 hr bike with 3x 10min zone 4 intervals
Recovery Week so tonight is:
5 mins rowing
10 mins stationary bike ~225 watt AVG
30 mins run @ 6.5 mph
5 mins walk @ 3.5 mph
10 mins stretch
Long brick session. 80km hilly ride, then solid 30 minute run off the bike. LOVE a good brick.
Working my way back after an injury and in the off-season, so unfortunately no real complex workouts planned. Just sticking with working the mileage base back up, so just long steady workouts. Biggest one will be the 80K steady (~230w) ride on the trainer scheduled for Saturday.
On Sunday the 3rd an halfmarathon at marathon pace, so in my case very very slow ;-)
Run 21k again in the next week after almost 8 months of not running long distances !
Preparing for the first “Tuesday night wars” group ride of the year coming up March 12th. Will get out this weekend and hammer myself into the pavement until I’m gasping for breath and wanting to puke my brains out and I’ll love every minute of it!
In training for my first sprint tri I will do the following swim/bike brick:
2×25 warm up
5 x 50
5 x 100
2 x 25 cool
“transition” to spin bike at the gym and do a 35 minute random hill program
stretch, shower, breakfast with the family then off to work.
A 3.5hr ride, mostly z2, with some brief z3 efforts mixed in. Not too structured though.
The midwest just got about a foot and a half of snow, so my workout is just a couple miles through the snow. Will basically be one big high knees drill. Hoping to stay mostly dry and only fall on my face a couple times.
In about 30 minutes, I will be convincing myself to get on the trainer for 2hrs. Nothing very specific planned, except that I will need a very good sales pitch to keep me on for the full time.
Preparing to get back to regular running this week, so only 5 miles for me)
80k ride through the hills on Sunday.
40 min run, with a 1.5 hour temp ride on the computrainer tonight… then a beer.
Extend my commute (cycle) home to a 10 mile lap trying to keep my cadence at 80 RPM throughout
Hitting the weights and running(kinda of)
Urban Orienteering training in Ambleside in the lake District while we are having a well earned week off from work for my wife’s 50th birthday :)
Maps prepared – Sprint – Route-Choice and Control Pick, plus conventional Urban course around the whole town…’s gonna be great :)
Saturday I’m running 7 miles for the first time ever as part of my goal to work up to a half marathon. My goal for this Saturday is to run at race pace, not get too winded, and finish strong for the last half mile or so. I want my last mile to be as fast as my first mile.
1hour spin class then into a 5k run at easy pace
1st Track Session Workout since calf tear last fall:
15 min warm up
Then perform following drills on straightaway:
6 x 50m consisiting of lunges, monster walks (with bands), grapevine (lead left/right), high knees, hip hugs
6 x 100m accels
Main speed set:
3 x 200m at 3-5K pace, 1min rest between
2 x 400m at 3-5K pace, 2min rest between
1 x 800m at 10K pace, 3min rest
Repeat 1x or 2x times more gauging if pain or tightness
10 min cooldown jog
Long run planned this Sunday as part of half marathon training: 7 miles is what the plan calls for but I’m going to do a hilly 6.57, possibly tacking on the extra .43 if I feel OK at the end.
35 mile tempo mountain bike ride on Saturday.
Back from heel injury, work slow on treadmill. 1.5 hrs run. slow pace on Saturday……I hope all goes well
5 min warm up increasing gradient on treadmill
6min at speed 6.0 & incline 8%
6min at speed 6.0 & incline 9%
6min at speed 6.0 & incline 10%
3min at speed 6.0 & incline 11%
Cool down walking at incline 12%
10km run along the Thames, past Hampton Court Palace and through Kingston this weekend. Perfect Saturday morning run.
5 min warm up increasing gradient on treadmill
6min at speed 6.0 & incline 8%
6min at 6.0 & 9%
6min at 6.0 & 10%
3min at 6.0 & 11%
Cool down walking at incline 12%
2.5 hr zone 2 run
My next workout is a half marathon on Saturday am, where I’m hoping to run a 1:45. This means, just have to keep my km’s under 5:00 pace. I recently ran a half, was on pace for 1:45, and got terrible side stitches at km 13, and hobbled into the finish at 1:46:59. This is my redemption race!
Recovering from shoulder surgery, Walking the hours away on the treadmill, as the snow keeps falling
Thurs night– Indoor track– 6X800
Fri am- Weston Ski track 1 hour skate skiing
Sat- Rangeley Loppet 50 freestyle nordic ski race
Sun am- Stu’s 30K running race
Sun pm- Windblown Cross Country- 1.5 hours skate skiing
i have two short high intensity 5ks into a 1.5hour run on the weekend
Next Saturday I’ll try to run 20km or so with an elevation gain of more than 1000m (trainning for a half marathon trail race with +1500m). Since there isn’t a loop trail with such elevation gain that I can run from home, I’m going to a hilly trail 500m long and repeat it (up, down, up…) until I add more than 1000m (or get bored or exhausted).
Nice and simple swim set, 10x400m at IM pace with 30sec rest between
The plan is to ride 30 miles on Saturday at 15 mph
IM swim intervals:
300-400 warmup with some drills
3x (200 (30″ rest), 200 (20″), 200 (10″)) all at IM pace.
600 pull
200 cool down
IM swim intervals:
300-400 warmup with some drills
3x (200 (30″ rest), 200 (20″), 200 (10″)) all at IM pace.
600 pull
200 cool down
I’m planning a workout of about two hours on a bike. I haven’t worked out the steps yet, but I want to figure out how to use TrainingPeaks and a power meter so the smart machines tell me at what intensity I should work and for how long.
IM swim intervals:
300-400 warmup
3x (200 (30″ rest), 200 (20″), 200 (10″)) all at IM pace.
600 pull
200 cool down
Endurance swim. 3500m f/s (first 500 easy w/u; 500m tempo, 500 easy x’s 6), 600m pulls w/ paddles, 200m kick drills w/ board and fins, 100m easy (c/d)
4400m total
Doing a slow 30 to 45 minutes tapering run for the next 2 weeks. My next full marathon is on 17th March in Seoul.
I have a fuel utilization test coming up next week that I will be doing on the bike. I hear it hurts like hell. We shall see…
I have a fuel utilization test coming up next week that I will be doing on the bike. I hear it hurts like hell. We shall see…
Tapering for a half so 8 miles easy Saturday.
Run 8 miles on the treadmill.
Swim 2000m in 45 min. for the first time!
90 min endurance ride on the computrainer of Friday to get the legs ready for the long ride on Saturday.
2 hour bike on Monday morning at a tick above race pace + 1 hour Power Yoga in the evening
2 hour bike on Monday morning at above race pace + 1 hour Power Yoga in the evening
I’m taking Total Immersion inspired swimming lessons to get ready for a half triathlon in June. My goal tonight is to swim 3 x 6 laps on a 25 yard pool and keep my strokes under 14 per length. slow, controlled, and easy.
Tuesday’s menu is:
1. 8 x 1km at 3:45min/km on 2 min recovery
2. Lament not having a Garmin Forerunner 610 GPS Running Watch with Heart Rate Monitor to track and anlyse the workout. ;0)
On Wednesday I have a 3 hour MTB planned. This is usually a bit of a killer with my coach getting me to do it on no food (only water). The good ole nutrient deprivation theory at work. Last one took a few days of recovery so hopefully this one goes ok.
12 mile LT run starting at 10:00 pace and decreasing to 8:45 pace
Commute to work (40-50 miles) at least three times in next seven days.
Another two hours on the trainer doing Troy Jacobson’s Spinervals and prepping for my 13th Pan-Mass Challenge charity ride. New bike could use a new Edge 810. Funny that it lists for $499.99…
4 x 100m @ 60 % ;R=0:15
6 x 100m @ 75% ; R=0:15
4 x 200m @ 90 % ; R=0:30
90 min run, slow and steady.
Well, assuming I’m over this horrible flu by Monday, Monday’s plan is a Rippetoe ‘A’ workout (deadlift, squat, bench, lat pulldown’ in the morning followed by an afternoon 4 miler.
Haven’t been swimming in the pool for over 3 months. And while I don’t plan to swim terribly long, I would like to put in some long easy swimming consisting of:
Warm up:
400 swim
200 kick
200 pull
10x100s drill consisting of 25r, 25l, 25 catch-up, 25 swim
4x200s free stretched out/easy on :30 rest
8x50s kick on :60
100 warm down
hmmm, trainer time or taper time? cupcakes anyone?
Great give away thx
Boring 2 hour bike ride at 545 am in mid-20 degree temps.
I plan to do an Epic snow shoe at Royal Gorge. Plan to go as far out from the summit station as I can in three hours and then work my way back.
Prep before I start my tri plan: work on my core strength via swimming (next week)
1 X 200m free warmup
1 X 400m free
4 x 50m butterfly kick
2 x 50m side butterfly kick
2 x 50m backstrock kick
1 x 100m free cooldown
Swim Workout:
Warm up- 300swim (choice)
– 2x100m KK
-2×50, 25 sulling/ 25 swim
-4x50m/ 15s rest drills (catch-up and one arm)
-8x50m kk on 1’30: ALL OUT
-15×100 on 1’40: steady pace
warm down: 300m as 50 free/ 50 back
TOTAL: 3100m
What an amazing giveaway. Thanks to DCR and CT for offering it! I’m on the road all week, so my goal is to have at least one hotel gym workout that leaves me feeling amazing. if it takes more than 1 trip to the hotel gym to make it happen, so be it…
Intervals on the track with the team since it’s track season. 15 minute warm-up. 4 X 400m 80% effort. Rest 2 minutes in between. 2 X 800m 85% effort. Rest 4 minutes in between. 2 X 400m 95% effort. Rest 4 minutes in between. Change out of running clothes and suit up into jersey and bibs, do a hard 25 K effort at 85% effort, and try to get home in 40 minutes before it gets dark. T3: Eat a hearty dinner, shower, change, and begin the long and arduous journey of a homework filled night. Definitely the hardest leg of this tri.
Saturday’s run with a 14 miler (hoping for no snow and above freezing temps) with a 5 mile easy run on Sunday.
Thursday run 3 mi @ 8:34 per mi
Friday run 3 mi @ 9:27 per mi
Saturday Abs and Uppper workout and work on my bike to get ready for warm weather
Sunday run 4 mi @ 9:27 per mi
:10 Z2
:05 gradually building in to Z4b, :02 easy
2 x (:05 Z4b, :02½ Z5a, :05 Z4b, :02½ Z5a)
:02½ easy jog/walk
4 x (30” fast, but not all out strides with :01½ easy jog /walk between intervals)* ,
:05 CD
Two weeks before women’s eights head of the river. Rowing workout on concept 2. 10 x 500m at 24strokes per minute with 2 mins light between. Do these at a 500m split time 5% below 5k test pace.
20 min ftp test via ergvideo
Run 10K up and down the hill in less than 45 min.
Saturday: 300 km brevet over hilly terrain at endurance zone pace (hopefully it won’t snow!)
Sunday: follow up with a 2.5 hour endurance ride with 1 hour at tempo pace
Cycle 10,000m (~33,000 feet) of elevation in 1 week.
Quality vs Quantity, folks.
I have a 2:45 Zone 2 bike ride coming up Saturday…after I run a 5K that morning :)
I’m going to do a 14km long slow run in z2 over hilly terrain pace be damned !
I’m going to do a 14km long slow run in z2 over hilly terrain pace be darned.
Follow that by a 2 hour drive to the mountains to teach my daughter to ski.
Ride 2.5 hours mostly zone 2. Did I mention it’s on the trainer? Yay!
Sufferfest videos on the trainer…giving it 100% effort because riding the trainer pretty much sucks. And I’d love to get my husband to yoga with me!
Olympic simulation – but without the swim. 4km run, 40km bike, 8km run. Intensity hard, harder, hardest!
hallfsies on a KickR would be awesome! I’ll be doing my own little Tri …1 mile swim, bike 35, then 6 mile beach run! Now pick me please!
5 minutes warmup on a treadmill at 0% incline, easy pace.
Then go for 30 minutes of the following:
30 seconds on the treadmill at 15% incline at 9-10mph
10 body weight exercises (pushups, situps, squats, planks, box jumps)
or until I can make myself throw up or come really close.
5 minutes cool down.
Running the Comrades ultra (89km) in June along with 18,000 other South Africans, so 70% of training is long slow distance with a bit of speedwork and hills to keep it interesting.
Well, half marathon/ironman running training has been stopped for a bit after I was concussed in a car accident earlier this week. So, next training session is an 80km bike session on Sunday morning. 5am start; aim is to average 32kmh, & practice nutrition ingestion while riding (I usually stop to drink).
5am start at that pace should get me home in time for breakfast with the family, then I’ll take my daughters to the beach.
Tomorrow I will do a hard bike work out: 3×20′ ftp uphill, recovery the downhill. Very hard workout, and very good workout!!
2 mile easy run followed by one hour comfortably hard on the trainer (18-20mph).
It’s a challenge because I’m coming off of an achilles injury and I have to keep the mileage down. I really want to run 20! Making up for it on the bike because it doesn’t affect the achilles.
I`ve planned to go trail running for some cross-training to my mountain biking routine:
5K easy run followed with 1K x 5 at treshold pace finished with 2K cool down run and some 20 minutes of proper stretching.
This is a good mix of endurance and strenght training that gives big boost to your legs that is needed for cycling, especially for mountain biking.
Secretly hoping for Garmin 810 to fulfill my biking needs O:)
20k mountain run in the rockies!
20′ FTP test on Trainerroad. I hope it will show some progress.
Swim session:
400m FS warm up
4x 50 catch up with fins
4x 50m finger drag with fins
200m kick no fins
10x 50m 25 fast 25 easy 15s rest
200m cool down any stroke
Friday, 2 hours cycling workout with 4 times 15 minuten D2
Sunday, 3 hours cylcing workout with 2 * 5 times strength practice.
30 patella mobilisations
30 leg raises
30 quad contractions
Calf stretches
Followed by reconstructive surgery on Tuesday to rebuild my ACL and LCL from my hamstrings….damn skiing has ruined my cycling training, but hopefully back on bike in 10 weeks!
Bike Zone1 240` with hourly sprint 6X(10″*30″)
how about this staple turbo
1hr warm up
8x(100s @400w+3mins rest)
10 mins cool down(and possibly chuck up!)
Its the start of my season now essentially, coming back from an injury in February, so I will be doing a nice and easy 1 hour Z2 on Sunday.
Recovering from being sick, so I just plan an easy (150W, 60% FTP) 40 min trainer ride next Thursday.
Long run this weekend. Up to nine miles. Going to be outside if the weather holds. Will try and keep race pace for last 3 miles.
I used to do 2 series of 7 times 5min at 85% of FCmax with 1 min rest in between. But I am coming back from a pulmonar infection so my goal is to just run 5Km in zone 1-2 for the next 2 weeks.
15 min warm up then 6 sets of 10 min interval. First four minutes; easy gear increasing cadence 5 rpm each min, starting at 90 rpm, then two min seated climb (cadence reduced to 80 rpm) @ ~ 325 watts. Final four mins; cadence 95-100 rpm with first min @ ~ 250 watts. Each subsequent min; maintain cadence but add ~ watts. 15 min cool down and stretching.
Strength session on the bike/run
10 mins w/u
4×5 mins 60 rpm (2 min recovery between sets)
5 mins easy
12 mins tt @ 80 rpm
10 mins easy c/d
20 mins run off the bike @ mod pace
On treadmill: 60min as:
10min build warm up to easy pace
Hold pace for duration.
6min at 2%
4min 0%
5min 4%
5min 0%
4min 6%
6min 0%
3min 8%
7min 0%
10 min at easy pace
Do some much needed bike maintenance and then go do DC – Annapolis – DC!!
Do some much needed bike maintenance and then go do DC – Annapolis – DC
Do some much needed bike maintenance and then go do DC Annapolis DC
3 hours ride
Mostly zone 2 w/
5*15 zone 3 int
Recovering from a bad achille tendonitis, so will pedal on the trainier lightly for 60 minutes tonight!
Planning to get back on the trainer for some Alpine climbs
Endurance Swim.
200 choice
200 kick
200 drill
Main set
3×300 desc 1-3 (:45RI)
100 drill
4×200 desc 1-4 (:30RI)
100 drill
4×100 desc 1-4
Cool down (100yd)
100 choice
TOTAL 3000
Sunday i gonna run the 10k from adidas here in Brazil … wanna do that in 50 minutes, simple like that..
Cadence work
Warm up: 10 min
8 x 10s x 50s rest – 120+rpm
6 x 1 min x 1 min rest – 110 rpm
6 x 1 min left
6 x 1 min right
6 x 1 min both
cool down: 10 min
I plan to run on the treadmill for 45 minutes alternating between a pace of 6.8 and 6.9 at a 3.0/3.5% incline. woo hoo!
Getting back to running after a toenail removal (ouch!) so I’m running lightly this weekend… a 3 mile today and then a 6 mile tomorrow. Half marathon in 3 weeks!
Tuesday’s Hanson’s HM plan running Strength workout:
Strength: WU 1.5 miles, 4×1 miles @ 10k pace with 400 jog recovery. CD 1.5 miles. Total 8 miles.
ride and run the Raleigh 70.3 course!
Looking forward to a good trail run this weekend with my wife who is getting back into running from hip surgery. Yeah, we’re 35 and having hip surgery already! The cause and effect of running, exercising, and playing soccer for 25 years!!!
Getting back from layoff and injury, 1500M swim focus on balance and momentum
I’ll be doing a 10 mile run this Saturday to get ready for the Publix half-marathon. I’ve gotta beat the Mrs. this time!
Actually my training won’ t be hard, it’s gonna be a hard race! Half-marathon.
I have a nice swim long run planned for Saturday. It is supposed to be incredibly warm for the time of year up here in Calgary, so I will be taking advantage of it.
Workout –
Swim: 2 X (200 / 100 KICK), 2 X ( 3 X 300 20″ REC WHERE 1 IS 65%, 2 IS 70%, 3 IS 80%, 4 X 75 COOL DOWN
Run: 2 hour minimum, HR at 155 or lower.
After my knee injury I have modest objectives. My weeked workout would be a 45 min run at a slow pace (6min/km)
Main run of the week will be:
10 x 400m @ 3:15 mins/km pace with 1min recovery
After two years of training for a different type of endurance race (seeing how much chocolate I can consume on any – and every – day) I am back in the swing of things.. albeit slower…
So my training session is…
[1] 3k run to pool with backpack
[2] 3k swim (slow and steady) trying not to swallow too much hairspray from the elderly ladies swimming next to me (have you ever notice how hairspray in a swimming pool has the same deadly properties as that of Stephen King’s The Mist?!)
[3] 3k stagger back home with backpack
[4] Import and analyse the results in SportTracks muttering the words.. “Yep, I got slower with each lap”
tomorrow morning, slow pace 20k run in the fields outside my city just to clear my mind and to breath some fresh air.
Easy recovery on the trainer, now, 1hr… Nothing fancy, hard or complicated. Tomorrow 70-85k ride, Sunday it’s a 20k run…
Currently on the bench because of a foot injury but some cross training on the elliptical is on the docket.
March 2nd, 2013
Bike 2:15
Run 0:45
10M Warmup
10M@80%, 1M, 5M@90%, 2M, 3M@100%, 3M
9M@80%, 1M, 5M@90%, 2M, 4M@100%, 3M
8M@80%, 1M, 5M@90%, 2M, 5M@100%, 3M
7M@80%, 1M, 5M@90%, 2M, 6M@100%, 3M
6M@80%, 2M, 5M@90%, 2M, 7M@100%, 3M
5M Cool Down
Big target, IM training
Have just recovered from a big injuries (more than 1 year :( ) 2 hours cyclo-cross in a completely white forest, so good :)
Getting also back from a bad injuries ( more than 1 year :( ). 2 hours cyclo-cross ( 35km) in a completely white forest :) so good
Sunday workout:
Warmup slow jog 3K.
10 sprints up/walk down a grassy hill
3K run with increase in tempo every incline. the shorter and steeper climb the faster the pace.
3K cooldown slow jog.
After being sick for a week, I think it’s time to get back in the saddle (literally) and work on week 3 of my intermediate base plan at Trainer Road.
I’m still in recovery mode from a recent half marathon so an upcoming workout will include 3 miles run at training pace (slightly slower than my 10K pace) followed by a 60 minute strength training session which will focus on chest, shoulders, biceps and abs with 3 sets of each.
Very cool. My swim workout this week is quite simple. 50×50 hard w/ 10″ rest.
10 mile training run in outdoor snowy Michigan. Hoping to leave the yak trax behind this week. Only a few weeks until my first HALF!!
Would have been a back to back LSD this weekend, but alas, I failed to register for the Diez Vista before it sold out :(. So instead, I’ll be soaking up between 40-50 cm of fresh pow in the Whistler alpine!
simple, an easy hour cycle
2 HR Sufferfest on the Spinbike.
Really? Again?
I jut got home from a work out running 8km in 32min and continuing with 4km at an easier pace finishing off at the cross trainer for half an hour.
Tomorrow I’m meeting up with af friend and going to try out front squat for the first time, also doing deadlift adn a bit calves.
Mountain bike ride around the lake on Saturday. About 25mi or so.
While watching the Strade-Bianchi I plan to do as many 4min bicycle intervals as my legs can handle…
Running up North Table Mountain in Golden, CO with ~ 7 inches of snow and ~ 2000 m elevation gain at about 8:00 per mile pace at a total of 6-8 miles.
Saturday I go for a 20 km run at 3 hours. Nice bargaining until better temperatures ;-)
Dying to try my new pair of spikes.
So for me is 8x1000m at the track with 2 minutes of jogging in between!
12 x 400m @ 6:00 min pace with 2:00 RI
Indoor trainer workout for tomorrow:
WU: 10min 90rpm
5min alt. 30sec standing – 30 sec seated
MS: 10x6min z3 – 90rpm in aero 2mRI
CD: 10min
45 minute run off the bike after
I’m doing a ‘DC’!
Flew down to Southampton this morning after very busy week and lack of time to do any form of exercise aside from walking the dog. Got into hotel early and been able to finally get out for a run for first time in what seems like forever. I’m recovering from knee injury and due to step up distance this month so was supposed to limit to 10km but in event got lost and racked up a bit more. Pace looked incredibly good for me sub 8 min miles – I guess ’cause it’s so flat here beside the coast and I live in the Highlands, on a hill, so every run I do at home inevitably involves up and down hills.
Anyway all I need to do is knock 2 mins off my pace, develop an original and entertaining web blog site, fly like an extra 10,000 miles a week, and write spot on reviews of every interesting fitness product out there and I’ll like be the ‘new DC’!
The snow is finally gone and the weekend brings sun and above zero temperatures – plans for 2 hr MTB playtime in the forest after a long and cold winter!
Trainer Brick
8 min FTP test (60mins)
Followed by a moderate 5k (20-25mins)
Let blisters heal this weekend. Easy Monday, and Intervals again on Tuesday – 4 x 1.5 miles. 1/4 mile in between. Nice and short but hard work.
Planning to ride outdoors (finally) in power zone 2-3 on rolling hills for 2 hours. should be fun!
Revisiting a route from two years ago for a 10k of easy running tomorrow morning.
My plan for the next week is a 1hr long light run in the city, just to warm up a little before I start training more regularly.
Long bike ride of 3 hours, then long run of 2 hours the next day
On Saturday, as I really like, i’ll try to get early up for a 12km run, and add another 15km on Sunday. See you in the fields!
2,000 yd swim with 60 minute ride and be able to walk the next day.
I will ride my cyclo cross around the lake 4 time.
Ciao Julian
Warm Up
Drills Main Set
6 x 50
Swim 200
RI: 10
Odds Kick w/board – Evens pull (with a buoy) 300
Warm Down
2×150 1×100
Odds: 50 fast/100ez Evens: 100 ez/50 fast RI: 15 300
Easy 100 Total Yds. 2900
Long & lean RI: 20 300 Hard effort – drop 2 seconds each 100 RI: 10 300
4 x 50
4 x 50 Fast RI: 15 200
200 RI: 10 200 300
Odds easy – Evens Fast
Long & lean RI: 20
Hard effort – drop 2 seconds each 100 RI: 10 300 Long&lean-RI:15 200
eight mile run faster than two weeks ago over the local half marathon course (April) with the hilly parts.
Still rehabing from knee surgery so whatever the therapist tells me to do.
7 mile fartlek run tomorrow morning
Progression run
15min zone 1-3
20min zone 2-3
10min zone 4
5min cool down
Recovering from my ACL surgery. First run since surgery. A 5K, I hope :)
3 hour very hilly run including time in all heartrate zones. Boston Marathon training in full effect!
Gonna swim. Back and forth, 25 yard laps, till I run out of time and have to leave for work. No idea how far I’ll go, because actually counting laps is too much like math. My arms will hurt enough without messing with my brain too.
Spinning for 1h.
Run :
15min warm up @ z2
10x (2′ tempo @ 10k pace +1’@ z1 )
Getting back into the swing of things. 2 mile run tomorrow no walking5
Like a muppet, I replied to the tweet, so here it is again.
Sunday workout:
Swim – 40 lengths
Treadmill run – 1 hour at 10-12 Kph
Spin cycle – 1 hour
On the Road Again. Not the Willie and Waylon kind, but back in the saddle again. Not the Gene Autry kind, but dusting off the road bike for a pleasant ride around the PV Hill (Palos Verdes, CA.). Hope I don’t bonk…
two repeat hill workouts! hill = 1.7m!!!….pray my quads dont turn into jelly!
Easy 45 min on ellipticall – recovering after knee injury
Begin my heart rate based-training aerobic training by running a 5 miler with my heart rate under 155bpm, and trying not to die of boredom/embarrassment at how slow I’m going.
My running workouts aren’t too fancy right now because of all the snow. I can run on road for the first 5 miles so I try to push quite hard after a short warmup.
After that I can choose from a few dirt paths with varying lengths – but right now all are covered in ice. I go rather slow there and throw in the occasional sprint when the surface allows it (forest or so).
I can’t wait for spring.
Simple workout. 30 minutes on the treadmill and pick up the pace but don’t fall on my face.
28km long run today in 2:07.
5km easy + 20km @ 4:18 min/km + 3km easy
Ride the trainer while I catch up on Breaking Bad.
Fly to Bangkok and run one more round in Benjakiti Park, not bothering the 30 C degrees.
Daily runs for 1 hour during averaging 8-10KM in the mornings before work
Long Slow Distance runs during weekends for 2 hours in the evening at night
800 warmup comprised of:
200 easy swim
200 kick with no fins
200 easy swim
200 pull
Swim ladder – 1 mile (yds followed by rest)
25 :05
50 :10
75 :10
100 :10
125 :15
150 :15
175 :20
200 :25
175 :20
150 :20
125 :20
100 :20
75 :25
50 :25
25 DONE!
Hill repeats on the steepest mountains that Bedfordshire (UK) can offer.
Just some endurance training on my bike.
Not my favorite, but spring is near and i want to be ready for all the mountains around here.
30km ride through on the South Western Sydney M7, if the rains hold off!
80km Cycle / 14km Run in the rain and wind
I only started running a little more than a year ago and have never had any nice devices, but I’d sure want one.
I plan to run my usual route that is ~5km ( I wish I knew exact distance! ) in nearby forest, simple warm up before and then run and see how I feel, maybe will make the distance longer, after running stretch and walk in past pace around the said forest.
Pretty slushy in Eastern Ontario after 25cm of snow, so plan for Monday is indoors;
30 min random hills, 90+ cadence
35 min 0.5 incline
5 min slow increase to 4:40/km
30 min of 2min@ 4:00 then 4min@ 4:40
50min run session under the rain…
Bike an hour, run sprints to get rid of the jelly feeling after a long bike ride
Sat: test out my new 910xt w/ a little swim / bike / run ;)
Sun: 7 mile trail run Goal: Stay on feet, run all hills
Recovering from ACL reconstruction and a herniated disc (L5/S1), all within the last 6 months, my goal is to finally test my ability to ride again with a 20min easy workout on the trainer. If all goes well, this will be one of the best days this year.
To get through multiple Sufferfest videos (w/TR) without cheating.
40 minutes on the exercise bike, followed by PT for a hip injury.
3 hour ride with some climbing.
After a hip indure I am steeping up my distance and will do 1h 20 min tomorrow at 5.10 min / km.
Running 11 miles in preparation for the Arizona Distance Classic 1/2 marathon. Looking for a decent pace with no puking.
WU: 10′ easy
MS: 10x 2′ hill reps @ >70.3 pace
IR: Jog down hill
WD: 10′ easy
14 km at e2 in the park
Short travel Run.
Treadmill workout
Slowly to the top + intervals
Total time 50min
5min warm
20 min slowly to the top
Starting at 2% inclination and 6 m/h
Every min you increase up 0.5% until you complete 20min
2min recovery run
5 reps, one min at 6m/h + one min at 10m/h
*Recovery run = marathon pace(mp) – 3 m/h
Sprint = mp + 1 m/h
Cool down 3 min
17k easy hill run (5:15k pace), final 5k (4:30k pace)
Run 10 miles this weekend. Longest run to date has been 8 miles
i’m still working on base fitness, so my key workouts for the next 7 days are to run every day for the next 7 days, between 40 and 90 min.
tomorrow i have a HR zone 2, 90 min run – nice and easy, still avoiding the ice on the roads!
Six miles with 3:1 run:walk intervals.
An hour run followed by an hour intervals on spin bike.
Ill run 32 km next sunday at marathon pace
I worked 20 out of 24hrs yesterday. I had 4 hours between shifts to work in 2K of swimming followed by a moderately hard 5miles…..then dinner and back to work
6 hours on the trainer, averaging 180W minimum (according to Trainer Road), followed by 30 minutes running … long and boring, may have to spend the final 2 hours outdoors.
Run intervals:
2x (4x45s with 1m15s rest + 6min 80% VMZ +6 min 85% VMA) 4 min rest between these 2 sets
Get back outside on the bike with the weather getting warmer and tear it up on a new route.
Got an 8 miler in preparation for a 1/2 marathon on Saturday…going to be a great week.
13 mile run at 7-7:30 pace
swim 1500m
bike 1:30 @ 150 watts
DC – planning a brick session on Wednesday to help me with my first triathlon season.
15 mins warm up on the turbo and then a main set of 6 reps of 5 mins turbo (up to 80% max HR) and 5 mins run at 10k pace. 15 mins easy spin to cool down to finish.
That should either help my run of the bike or kill me – hope it helps the run!
120 mile Gran Fondo in Marble Falls
Swim 30 minutes hard while my 4 year old son attends his swimming lessons
WU: 15′
MS: 2×10′ @ threshold with 5′ easy in between
1×30′ @ SST with 5′ easy
10×30″ @ 400+W with 1′ rest in between
CD: 15′
6km easy
Mountain running about 25 miles + 50 miles MTB on weekend
Getting motivated enough to go out and run 1h to 1h15min would be great. The weather has been sadder than usual this past month and a half, so i sleacked off a bit
Going to hit the gym Monday for some cardio and to give yoga a try for the first time.
first workout after 2 weeks sick, so nice easy 1hour spin.
Running a 22k along the Moselle river, stating/ending in Remich, Luxembourg.
Run for 9k tomorrow morning at sunset after a long bike ride today. I hope I can make it to the office!
10min jogging warmup
15 x 30s hard 30s easy
10min cooldown
I missed my bike ride yesterday so I’m going to combine my 20-min warmup run *about 8 min pace), weightlifting, and 2 hour ride (warmpu, 2x pyramids and cooldown) into one workout session. I’m probably going to need a change of clothes…
Trainer Suffer Fest:
20 min WU
5 x 20 min @ 275 watts, 5 min recovery
10 min CD or fall off trainer
In preparation for tthe half in middle of the month:
40 min in my HR zone 2
40 min in Zone 4.
14 easy, strides, and Cannonball!
As soon as my new KICKR arrives (hopefully next week) I’m going to re-live my ride up Black Mountain Tower and Mount Stromlo Observatory (by creating a video course using the GPS route data and video footage I carefully recorded on my recent trip home to Canberra over the New Year) and drop myself on the climbs!!
Thanks for inspiring me to pre-order one Ray
2500 swim
200 free
100 kick
100 pull
500 time trial
100 EZ, focus on minimal strokes
100 time trial
100 EZ, focus on minimal strokes
10 100’s on 2:00, targeting paces at 10 to 15s slower than 100 TT pace
100 EZ
200 pull cool down
I am just coming back to training after a long trip,and as it is summer in Brazil, my next training will be a moderate run, 1h max at “USP” campus in Sao Paulo with a beautiful and warm weather.
Long run on the treadmill, with Netflix keeping me sane.
Starting training program for ironman 70.3 boulder with a 1hour/1hour bike run brick this weekend
Doing a 13 mile run training for my first Half
15 min warmup
1 min @ 10k pace, 4 min @ marathon pace
2 min @ 10k pace, 3 min @ marathon pace
Repeat to 4 min @ 10k pace, then come back down the pyramid
15 min warm down
60 min spin
30 min run
I live in a farmtown and biking is the way to go. My workout is going to involve interval training over a 10 mile straight county road. The farm houses are spaced about a quarter mile apart. Hard to the first chicken farm and then easy to Mr. Roses cow farm then hard to Toms cow farm etc. That should get some of the winter rust out of the pipes.
Recovering from a leg injury (piriformis and patellar tendon issues) so at this point a swim is the most interesting. On Tuesday swim 2000 meters of mostly freestyle: 200 warm up, 100 kick, 400, 100 kick, 400, 100 kick, 400, 200 cool down. Workout will be focused on form, specifically rolling well and having a high elbow throughout the catch and pull.
Training for my first tri – I am going for 60 mins 400m reps in the pool, followed by 12 mile bike commute to work.
Today’s workout….
Dumbbell Arnold Press
Bent Over Delt Raise
One Arm Dumbbell Press
Front Dumbbell Raise
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Reverse Flyes
30 mins of Cardio (Bike or Elliptical)
I’ve taken a couple day off due to a nagging Achilles, so hopefully, I’ll just get out for some slow easy miles to test it out. I’d love to start a March Challenge tomorrow, but who knows.
Run 10 miles.
Path: Hudson river between 72nd st and Battery park – 5 miles out, 5 back.
Goal: 8:30/Mile and focus on efficiency of movement.
4+ mile run tonight then yoga right after. it’s been a rough winter here in new Hampshire so early morning running hasn’t been all that “fun” this winter.
I’m meeting up with friends from my highschool Nordic ski team in the late 90s and we are going to go tool around at a very slow pace for an hour or so.
Planning for my 1st LSD for my 1st half marathon
For Sunday: Run 11 miles Z2
I’m training for a half-marathon in April, so it means a lot of mileage.
On Sunday I’m running a 20 k trip outside in the cold weather (roughly 30 degrees Fahrenheit). I suppose I’ll hit a pace around 5:30 min/km.
3.5 hour easy ride, zone 1-2, rolling hills. This will be a training ride with a big fundraising group. Always fun.
This weeks workout:
getting back into running after a long period. See if I can do a 7:30 for a medium run.
This is AWESOME!
Today I have an easy 2 miler planned with a co-worker and then I am heading out for 5x1200m speed intervals with 400m recovery jogs in between and a 1 mile cool down.
it’s finally getting warm, so running outside! distance dependent on frostbite potential.
Today’s workout: 30 minutes easy, then run 15 x 30 seconds moderate/hard (about 10k pace/effort) with 30 seconds recovery, then 30 minutes easy.
Training ride of the Raleigh half-ironman course this Sunday.
Dek Hockey playoff game…that counts as a workout, right?
Honestly, I just try to get 20-30 minutes of some type of exercise per day, eat right (or better than I used to). This has helped me go from 270 to 200 lbs
In preparation for my second half marathon: 3×5000. 1st warm-up. 2nd & 3rd race pace.
Easy 1.5 mile, mixed intervals at the track, and then another easy 1.5 mile
First group ride of the season on Sunday. Hoping to hold on and not get dropped
I am training for my first Marathon in June. I am shooting for a sub 4 hour time, so I will be doing a 10 mile run this Saturday at around a 9:20 to 9:40 per mile pace. I use to track all my running so I am doing the sub 4 hour marathon training plan by Jeff Gaudette. The weather for Saturday should be decent so at least I won’t be freezing like last weekend.
7.25mi run this Sunday, easy pace (or LSD, depending on your training persuasion).
With the Escape from Alcatraz tri on Sunday, I have a workout on Saturday of jumping into the water with my wetsuit on, experiencing appropriate level of shock, and then getting right back out.
I should run my last LongSlow before march 17th marathon: 33 km on Sunday morning.
I have a 2 hour 3/1 run planned. Run 3/4 of the run at a comfortable pace, and then run final 1/4 of the run at race pace.
Gonna do about 3 hours of trail running this Saturday.
Tomorrow’s bike workout is a short one, consisting of:
5min warmup
5min @83-99% FTP
5min @100-115% FTP
Repeated three times
Just starting to get into lifting, so 10 min on the rowing machine to warm up, followed by barbell squats, dumbell presses, and assisted pull-ups and dips.
Track work out
Warm up;
2 laps in under 5 mins including mobility and flexibility.
Main set;
6 x 400m sprint in under 1:30, with 400m recovery in between.
Cool down/ recovery;
2 lap cool down, then 30 mins stretching/ foam roller after.
Aim is to complete the main set sprints for a total of 9:00 (1.5 miles, part of the British Army fitness test)
10k on rowing ergometer & 6 minutes of abs….
Treadmill Interval Workout
10′ @ 7.0mph
Main Set 2 Times
1′ @ 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5 with 1′ @ 7.0mph rest between
5′ Cool Down @ 7.3mph
Training for a half in Syracuse in March. Want to build up speed so I have been doing H.I.I.T on my lunch hr. in cold upstate NY. Workout, warm-up, 1min High Intensity, 1min lower, repeat 10X. If you can still stand, cool down run. Love your blog. Thanks.
A two hour trail run, route TBD, somewhere around Seneca RidgeTrail, hoping for a sub ten minute/mile pace.
I’ve got a brick workout coming up on Saturday but because I’m busy all day then I’ll probably be doing it tomorrow. It’s
5 min Z1 @ 90 rpm
5 min Z1 @ 80 rpm
45 min Z1 @ 95 rpm
5 min very easy
Immediately into
30 min Z1
Next 7 days:
1 – 30km bike
2 – 10km running
3 – rest
4 – 30km bike
5 – 1 hour of football
6 – 15km running
7 – 30km bike
My next training is a hill training, part of the half marathon plan I use at Garmin Connect.
• Warm up, 10 minutes.
• Run in Z4, 6 minutes. Run in Z2, recovery, 2 minutes. Repeat 3 times.
• Run up hills if possible.
• Cool down, 5 to 10 minutes.
• Stretch.
20km skate ski likely ending in a t-shirt as it is so warm here today in Canmore
Pending snow, going for a 15 mile run outside this weekend or do some form of treadmill/crossfit to get those 15 miles in at the gym.
1 hour run today at lunch, two hours of karate tonight and then some dumbbell work before I go to bed.
Have a nice and easy 2.5 hour long run planned…
Saturday is brutal:
30 min on the swim bench
3 hours on the CompuTrainer with 20 min. TT effort in there to spice things up
30 min run, first 10 min. At 1/2 marathon pace.
Saturday long run 20 miles, don’t die. Training for Charlottesville Marathon in April.
Plan for tomorrow is a 1hr PROGRESSION INTERVAL RUN (on treadmill):
Warm-up for 10min at 8:00min/mi
20min interval starting at 7:30’s up to 6:15min/mi
5min recovery at 8:30min/mi
20min interval starting at 7:30’s up to 6:15min/mi
5min cool down at 8:30min/mi
It’s a hard one but for me it’s one that pays off BIG time!
I’m still getting back into the swing of things after an extended illness, so an easy three-miler is what I have coming up next.
Need to get in some more speedwork for the upcoming 5K season. Planning a 6 x 800m for this afternoon, running each interval in right around 3 minutes, with a 200m recovery in between. The last two are bound to hurt, bad. Ouch.
One hour Z2 bike ride tonight..then track night tomorrow with 4×1600.
Tomorrow is a Brick, 60 minute ride followed by a short 20 minute run.
I’ll keep hitting TrainerRoad, next up is the Goethe. I’m planning on working some more high intensity training to increase my sprint.
During my workday, I’m doing Top of the Hour Pushups and Bottom of the Hour Squats, making 100 pushups and squats through the day, then going to swim for 60 minutes, or around 3000m.
I have a two runs planned this weekend: 5 miles on Sat / 7 miles on Sun.
A four hour ride through the hills in the triangle Brussels, Leuven & Wavre. (region of the “Brabantse Pijl” race)
This Saturday I have a 16 mile run at 9:00 min/mile pace in my training for the Pittsburgh Marathon.
At the SIlverstone half marathon on Sunday I’m aiming for a PB, so: run at moderate pace to half way, take stock of the aches and pains, see how I feel, then run the 2nd half at hard pace for a strong finish. Total distance of workout; 13.1 miles, plus a bit for running round other people :-)
Marathon training long run. 15 miles at half marathon pace.
Today, 4 mile run, easy pace, in prep for a Marathon this Sunday.
I plan to lift weights most days and go for a single long run.
Sunday will be a long day, hitting all three sports.
Starting with a swim I’ll be doing a 1k warmup, with 10×100 IM on 2 min, and cooling down with 5×100 free on 2 min focusing on technique.
Then it’s off to a 35 mile ride with a buddy, doing his pace (he’s a new cyclist so I’m helping break him in.) This usually is a ride around 150 watts average for the ride with a total time of around 2 hours or so.
I’ll finish it off with a run off the bike of about 5k, hitting 8 min mile pace for the first 1.5 miles and the backing it off a bit for the last 1/2 of the run.
I’m training for a half marathon in late April. I have a 9-mile run planned this Saturday morning, starting at roughly the starting location of the race and will follow along 9 miles of the route. The plan is to maintain pace at or slightly below 9:00/mi. Simple, right?
My workout, scheduled for Sunday:
Swim 1000 yds (200; 5×100, 4×50, 4×25) from the “Zero to 1650 in six weeks” article (thanks!)
Bike for 60 minutes
Run for 10-12 miles
4 Sets of Arnold Shoulder Presses
4 Sets of Lateral Raises
4 Sets of Front Raises
4 Sets Upright Rows
This should take 3 hours. I’m training for my first tri this year; want to make sure I can finish no matter what. Besides, I could use a break from work & part-time school!!!
Long run around downtown Miami while on vacation this weekend.
Tomorrow’s hill workout:
3 mile warm up
5 x 3:00 min steep hill repeats at 5k-10k effort
2 mile cool down
Followed by circuit workout (1 min of each)
1) push ups
2) bicycle crunches
3) swiss ball glute drops
4) walking lunges with dumbells
5) skipping
6) back extensions
7) running arms with dumbells
8) high knee walks
9) dips
10) split squat jumps
400m jog, jumping jacks, high knees, butt kickers, arm circles (fwd, back, side, overhead), trunk twist, kicks
Squat: 5 @ 135 , 5 @ 155, 5 @ 175, 5, @ 195, 5 @ 205 lbs
Bench press: 5 @ 115 , 5 @ 125, 5 @ 135, 5, @ 145, 5 @ 155 lbs
Clean:5 @ 125 , 5 @ 135, 5 @ 145, 5, @ 155, 5 @ 165 lbs
Thursday: 5×1600 at 10k pace with 800m recovery at the track
Friday: 1 hour on the trainer using trainerroad Ericcson workout (4×8 minute Sweet Spot intervals)
Saturday: 45 minute pool swim, form workout.
Sunday: I have a New York Road Runners Team Race for my awesome team, Dashing Whippets. Team race is the Coogans 5K, but I’m training for a half marathon in mid-march so after the 5K (which will hopefully be at 6:10/mi pace) I plan on doing another 10 miles at my long run pace of 7:30/mile.
Hoping for the Wahoo KICKR splitsies deal!!!
Today I have planned a easy workout:
5 min warmup 6:30 min/km
30 min easy run 5:00 min/km
5 min cooldown 6:30 min/km
For me it’s a 6 mile trail run tomorrow…
1:10 Negative Split
Warm up and stay loose, gradually build into a steady zone two or conversational pace for 35 minutes. Then run the last 35 minutes pushing yourself to Zone 3 and 4. Its about the effort and learning to carry pace.
Sat: Run 10mi conversational pace
Post Run: Swim 4000yrds as follows:
– WU: 500easy, 3x100pull, 2x100kick
– MS: 2500 @5k race pace (1:35/100), descend last 500
– CD: 5×100 as (25easy, 50 @ 1:30/100, 25easy, 30″RI)
Should be a great Saturday of training… oh and that FR910xt would make counting laps a whole lot easier!
Saturday’s workout:
7AM Swim: 200m warmup. 600m drills. 1600m main set (16x100m). 200m cool down.
8:30 AM SPIN 90min with lots of cadence work.
10:00 AM (I think the weather is going to be nice) Go outside for an easy ride (30 miles?)
Inevitably, I’ll skip the brick run.
Friday on the spin bike for an hour…
5-10 min warm up
3-4 4 min segments with high resistance intervals
1-3 min segment with 3 10-15 sec sprint segments
5-10 min cool down
Simple intervals for me, 1200m fast, 600m recovery.
Plan is to run for one hour this weekend.
3-4 miles with my wife on the trail, then try to do 11-12 on the road without hating myself at the end.
For Saturday: Run ~15 miles at 8:00 min/mi pace
2 km backstroke swim
This Sunday, I am running 24 km as part of my training program for the Toronto Goodlife Marathon (May 5th).
I plan to run in the morning with no fuel…that’s no breakfast!
The idea is that I am making my body more efficient at using stored fats for fuel.
I think tonight I will ride for an hour or so while on the trainer.
Today, swim:
100 easy
2 x 50 side kicking drill,
4 x 25 balance drill
2 x 200 easy
1 x 150 steady
4 x 100 (25 fast / 75 easy)
200 easy
Track workout this weekend: 1000mx5 broken out as follows: 800m @ goal 5k pace followed by 200m sprint. Rest 2 minutes and repeat five times.
Run three loops (1.4 mi ea) of the trail on our property on Saturday. It’s a new trail and we’ve had a bunch of storm so it will also involve a lot of moving fallen trees and picking up sticks.
Swim 500m every 4 lane go faster. Than 4x (50m technic, 3x (50m slow, medium, fast)). No arms left :-)
400 metres floats. Runingn 5 miles at 10k base pace with 400m efforts thrown in, 2 minutes between each.
Tonight’s run workout:
Warmup: 30′ @Zone 1/2
Main set: 15′ @ Z3/10′ @Z1/2X5′(5′) @ Z4
Remainder/cool down: TO 1:30 @ Z1/2
Should be about 10+ miles altogether.
Just run for fun, with no gadget. The no gadget will be harder than the run.
My next session
2 mile jog
10 x 90 second hill repeats at 5k pace with 60 second cooldown
3 miles at target Marathon pace
4hr bike on the St George 70.3 course including hill repeats on the 5 tough climbs with a 7 mile transition run, 2 of the miles @ pace.
Saturday Run: 8 Miles around the neighborhood, in preparation for an upcoming half marathon.
Next 3 traning sets:
Friday’s strength training: squat, benchpress, rows.
Saturday: MTB intervals
Sunday: MTB touring
Friday Run
12-15 min warmup
2 x 10:00 at 90% effort. 2:00 recovery jog in between
5-10 min cool down running home
just came back from a workout, 60k on the bike in temperatures around freezing. Easy tempo ride, laying a foundation for the season!
Eccentric Heel Drops, 3×15 Straight Leg, 3×15 Bent Leg. Twice a day.
My Achilles problem is really starting to get on my nerves now. I want to run.
Training for my first half in 2 and a half weeks!
my long run this week will be an 18K run with 3-4 pretty steep uphills I aim for 1:15 and I should be able to break that time! wish me luck!
22 miles with 2000+ vertical gain in preparation for Squaw Peak 50.
Today’s workout is Swim 1000m (100,75,50,25 x 4) and hop on the bike trainer for an hour. Bike workout is 10x2min @ 250 watts with an easy 1 min recovery 2 150 watts.
Flying tomorrow from London to Kuala Lumpur. 10k run tomorrrow morning around the city upon landing.
10km run plus a P90x workout
After a half marathon this past weekend, I only have a couple short, easy runs planned for the next several days. To name one, five miles with the pace determined by “feel.”
100 Minutes of Sprintervalls on the Bike: 3 Sets of 3 Short Sprints+ 5 minutes Power Zone 5.
Getting ready for my first half Ironman … Here is this week’s treadmill workout:
Warm up 2 miles. Then repeat 3x:
60 seconds at 10k pace at 1% (2:00 RI at 0%)
45 seconds at 10k pace at 2% (2:15 RI at 0%)
30 seconds at 10k pace at 3% (2:30 RI at 0%)
Cool down 5 to 10 minutes
Total mileage 6mi.
This evening I’ll do a “nice” session on the turbo trainer.
First a 20 minute warm-up, the 3 blocks of 10 minutes at 95% FTP, low cadence (60), with 10 minutes of rest in between. Finally 20 minutes of well deserved cooling down in zone 1/2.
3 Sets of 10 pullups, 10 pushups, 20 situps, 20 body-weight squats
10 x 100m sprints (walking back to starting point to rest between)
1 mile run (easy pace – cooldown)
I am recovering from a cold. And I need to get back on track, as I am preparing for the Madrid Marathon in late April.
So I am praying that the ice on the streets of Oslo are gone, so I can do a 25km run. That, of course, if the temps are above +3C. If not, it will be in an indoors stadium. I feel like a hamster there – it’s a 545m track. For a non-skier runner, it’s a life saver on winters. But I need to get my 25km run done, otherwise this marathon is going to be fun…ny! :S