Tonight (well, last night by time you read this), I was running. It seems like I’m always running. It was cold. Now to think of it, it seems like I’m always running in the cold too.
Though not as cold as many of you have had over the past few days. I’m going to Stockholm on Sunday night for a few days, and I see it’s cold there too. I told my boss I wanted to go somewhere warm next. Instead, he signed me up for something in Ukraine. It says it’s –11*C there right now (12*F). Not warm.
The point being, I was cold on tonight’s run. And that’s all that matters. And because it was cold (for me, and thus probably you), I’m going to give you a reconciliation prize: A Garmin Forerunner 910XT
Well, not all of you. That would be a lot of FR910XT’s to give away. More than I have.
In case your wondering about my reconciliation prize, I ate cookies. Chocolate chip in case you were wondering.
This time to enter the giveaway:
Just drop me a quick line or two about your coldest run. Or, if you’re not a runner, then cycling. Or failing that, swimming. And failing that…well…work with me here, ok? It can even be a blurry cold memory – just like the self-portrait I took tonight…
Some of you said in the survey there wasn’t enough self-portraits these days on the blog. See, gotta be careful on what you ask for.
Entries will be accepted through Sunday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (January 27th, 2013). I’ll be giving away one FR910XT with heart rate strap. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday (unless I freeze to death in Sweden first).
This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I semi-recently announced a partnership with. As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site. And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above). And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!
Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail instead (CLOSED NOW). Note that this is ONLY for Active Duty military. No fashion models or horse whisperers allowed via this method. Mmmkay? Thanks all!
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Right before Christmas, I was running in cold, windy weather, about 20 deg F. For a new runner, that’s cold enough! Especially without good cold weather gear!
One morning swim team practice back in the 70s…outdoor pool, spring in New Jersey, but overcast and cool (50F) air. Water temp was 55F degrees. Our hour-long practice was shortened to 50 minutes. It was cold enough that my legs felt “pins-and-needles” the whole time–my dang body wouldn’t even go numb, just continuous pain. Spent 20 minutes in the “hot shower” trying to warm up. Although I have no desire to test it out, I laugh at myself because now I think I won’t survive without a wetsuit at 68-70 degrees.
2011 Manhattan Half Marathon (2 laps around Central Park.)
18 degrees! I ran with ski gloves for 8 miles. After an hour, they weighed a few pounds each and I dropped them off at a garbage can.
“Zero fun, sir!”
Running in Winnipeg when it was -25 with a crazy windchill. Hands and feet frozen.
I love to ride in the snow. I live in a very rural area and one of the joys is making the first set of tracks in the snow down the country roads. I have ridden in the single digits (F) but prefer to get up into the teens. Two winters ago I did a single digit ride (7F) in the snow. If I remember right, my pace was on par with my typical running pace.
Ooh! Ooh! I actually have one. A friend and I made plans to run a loop made up of the Appalachian Trail and the Benton MacKaye Trail near Springer Mountain in between Christmas and New Years. The day we chose was clear and cold, but the day before had been raining and cold. Turns out that the elevation difference between the northern Atlanta suburbs and the mountains made a lot of difference. The trails were covered in snowed, the trees were iced over, but luckily the conditions were safe. Never slipped. Never tripped. It was cold, though. Where I live, I usually run comfortably in short and a t-shirt all winter long, but I had long running pants on, a long-sleeve shirt and a quick dry hoodie and a National Park Service wool cap. When I ran, it was comfortable. I’d even work up a light sweat. When we stopped, it got cold. My lungs actually hurt from the cold, which I haven’t had an issue with in a long time. I think it stayed below freezing for almost the entire run.
Unfortunately, I think I developed ITBS at mile six and had to finish the 14-mile slog through rough terrain with it getting progressively worse the entire time despite giving up on the running by mile 7. I still can’t run a month later. The bike doesn’t bother it though.
The 23. December I was running a trip in snowweather and -5 C. It was first time in new warm running outfit. Thanks for that, it was a beatiful run in the cold.
My family is from Blue Hill Maine, which is 5 degrees F right now, but feels much colder being by the water. One year I forgot warm clothes to run in, but still went out, yikes!
It’s been a chilly week in the UK as well although the coldest run was around -2C. Not quite as cold for my 10k last Sunday but it was snowing!
Did some hill repeats yesterday at 0F. It wasn’t really too bad.
November last year in Paris, probably 10ish degree C. It’s not the temperature, but the fact that I lost myself in Bois Boulogne and soaked in rain, finding ways out of the forest / park was really a pain. At last, I took a Velib (which was a bad idea too, add-on the wind), and got back home (still in the rain), and shivering all the way. Very very bad experience.
My best run outside in the winter was last December 2nd, not really cold but I did my personal on the 10 miles: 1h24. Ok I’m a slow runner..
Anyway it was fun!
Turin, Italy.
10k last year in an unusually cold snap in NYC. Temp -5 or -15 without windchill.
It’s been colder than minus 20C all this week. I’ve taking my running talents to the treadmill in the basement.
My coldest run was actually after the run. It was the “run” back to the car after the 2011 Oklahoma City marathon. It was raining the whole time and by the time it was over it was probably only 45 degrees and being soaking wet it made for a very cold walk back to the car. Never been so cold in my life…
70km under 0°C
I really deserve a 910 !
Last Sunday: -2°C. Cycled 120km on my road bike. Hands were freezing, feet as well. Red face.
I need definitely a thicker pair of gloves and a proper pair of winter boots.
My coldest run was last year. The temperature was in 20’s F. It was windy, and thus felt much colder. About half way into the run, it started snowing. By the time I got back and finished my 10mi run, everything was covered in snow.
On a separate note … thank you for your informative and inspirational blog. I am always looking forward to reading your next post.
I’ll admit that I’m wimp and when the thermometer dips into the 20s, I’m usually on a treadmill. But the coldest that I’ve ever been outside was snowboarding in Banff 2 years ago – it was 25 below! Brrr!!
So I’m from south Texas, we don’t exactly get a lot of cold weather around here. However I remember just before my 1st half marathon a cold don’t came though and it was below freezing (30 degrees F) for the start of the race. Being a first timer (and slow) standing around in the cold waiting to start because I was in a late corral was brutal. Especially since the day before the low had been in the 50’s and highs well into the 70’s.
Did Olympic triathlon at Dorney Lake, where they held the Olympic rowing last year, in sept 2012 although it was 14 degs my feet still felt like wooden blocks until 5k into the run. Made for a painfully experience.
I’m kind of a wimp, so it was only about 20F, but I was wearing two pairs of pants, two shirts, and two pairs of gloves. Then I got passed by someone wearing a tank top and very short, very tight shorts. I was in awe.
A regatta in Iowa City in the early spring. I was soaked through my uni from the spray on the boat and carrying it out of the water, and the temperatures were in the low 40s. It doesn’t matter how many layers of sweats you have (um, 1) when your base layer is wet and cold; your core just will not warm up. The crew piled under a tarp in our tent like puppies trying to stay warm!
My coldest run was in the night of 13 to 14 january 2013, when I ran a LongRun in preparation for marathon. Total time 2h10m ~23km temperature {-7; -10 C}. Water in my rehidratation bottles on the waist strap transformed itself in ice at aproximativele half distance :). Over all, it was a good training and also it was running into New Year (Old Stile) at 11km/h :)
My coldest run didn’t seem that cold once I warmed up, but I remember taking my fleece off and my sweat had frozen on the outside of it.
Almost the whole month of January. Every has started below 32 degrees. A few days had some wind to add to the fun factor!
It was 30 F when I ran the Philadelphia 5K. The course was run on the streets around the stadiums and parking lots so there was no where to hide from the wind.
I had a very cold bike ride the other night on my commute home from work. About 20 def F – not too bad, except that I had a flat. Changing a flat in the dark at 20 and having trouble getting my C02 to work…. that left me very cold for the rest of my ride home. A long, very long, hot shower cured it though!
Went swimming at the pool today and it was BALLS cold. Even after the warm up – it was still cold, and I can’t handle too much more shrinkage. #lovewarmshowers
Mistakenly not looking at the wind chill one run a few years ago. 30 degrees is my shorts cut off limit. It was 32…….Did not realize it was 20 with the wind chill…..not a fun run
My coldest run… I remember there was lots of snow. My jacket froze solid on the front and my ear warmers froze to my hair/head. I had to stand by the fire before I could undress. I remember ‘fun’ snow drifts covering the trail on the return route… bonus!
My first Half Marathon in Barcelona, snowing and very very cold !!!!!
The coldest runs have all been this week. The temperature has not risen above 10° and the wind and snow off of Lake Ontario has been brutal. So I tell myself “suck it up buttercup”, put on extra layers, and start running. Training is training, a little discomfort now will mean less discomfort when its time to race.
Last year a 6am morning run at -11C … yesterday -7C, was honestly not too bad. Well equiped thanks to your clothing guidelines ;-)
A 7 degree snowy run, I even screwed sheet metal screws into my older running shoes for traction, got home and looked in the mirror… I had an icicle beard. Hardcore baby!
Running through snowmageddon a couple years ago in Arlington with my dog. She saw another dog, took off through the snow and I spent half a mile trying to catch her!
Boston training in upstate NY two years ago – so cold on a weekend long run, my hat had icicles hanging down the sides, and the back was frozen to the collar of my jacket. Cold and windy. I have never come close to duplicating the icicles again!
This past Thursday. I am injured (left knee issues) so I am still not allowed to run; however, I did commute on my bike to a swim.
I was dressed in a pair of tights, pants, jacket, and then a wind jacket topped off with my warmest hat and gloves. Wind chill had brought the temperature down to -2*F (12*F before the wind). The final descent on my commute was into a 20 MPH headwind. Enough to seemingly halt my motion. However, I made it, swam, iced my knee (how ironic is that?!), and hopped back on my bike for a safe return journey.
Coldest run ever?
Nearly exactly 9 years ago in St-jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec. -35°C. I had just landed in Canada 6 days ago, and really needed to train. No pools or home trainer available quickly. So I went out of the home with 4 shirts. I only hung on for 2’30 outdoors…
It’s warm where I live! Coldest run was during a work trip to Ft Lewis College in Durango in the winter. Coldest swim was in the Pacific, no wetsuit, 55 degrees, ouch!
Running in Marquette MI during Christmas this past year….BURRRR
a paris il fait -5 c° et ce pas un temps a faire courir un homme noir et le problème ces que suis a moitié noir donc je v’ait attendre que le temps ce réchauffe
a paris it is -5 ° c and the time has not run a black man and that this problem has’m half black so I v’ait wait time that warms
My coldest run to date was a 18 mile run in 16 degrees with a wild chill of 20 which means it felt like it was -4. I still don’t know how I didn’t quit. I actually started crying during the last two miles and when I got home it looked like I had icy stalactites hanging from my chin because my tears had frozen.
I ran my first halfmarathon on the 31st of December 2011 (yes on New Years eve). It was pretty cold, about -5 degrees celsius. After 14 km. some guy ran in to me and I fell down an bent 2 ribs. It hurt sooo badly. (You try to breathe with 2 bent ribs and in the freezing cold – GOD DAMN IT) But i made it through and finished my run (and I didn’t even finish last). It was the most crazy, hurtful race I ever did. But I made it.
I did a training run a few weeks ago and it was around 28 F outside. It was also 6:30 in the morning, so it was not much warmer when the run ended.
Well, I live in Texas so I can’t even come close to complaining about truly cold temperatures. My coldest workout in memory was a local triathlon in Katy that had a vicious north wind. I only wore a tri suit underneath my wetsuit, which I sorely regretted on the bike and run.
I am moving to Seattle in a few weeks though, so I am sure some of my trail runs up there in the Issaquah alps and the Cascades will easily top this! Thanks for all the in depth reviews you’ve done, they are extremely helpful.
Not my coldest run ever, but I recall seeing a friend at the finish line of the Chilly Half (early March in Ontario, Canada) with “sweatsicles” hanging from his running cap!
My run air temperature yesterday was -15C…
My coldest run was last year: – 18 C degrees :)
Last year trail running on 6″ of snow and 10 degrees F. Trees down everywhere required stopping and working my way through or around them. Feet were Popsicles by the end of the run.
Being 30 minutes above the Florida line in Georgia, my coldest runs are around 35 degrees, and that may be stretching the truth. My coldest run was right after finishing the C25K late last year, and getting up to run on a “chilly” 34-5 degree morning. Needless to say, being a newbie runner, I had WAY too many layers on. Till this day, it was probably one of the worst runs in my life. I must have sweated 10 pounds off :D
A couple weeks ago at the Houston half marathon. The race started in absolute miserable conditions: cold and rainy. I had my arms inside my temporary poncho, my shoes were warer logged, and my visor was shedding water. Despite all that though it was a great experience in running in the elements. I’m just glad I came prepared unlike a lot of fellow runners.
Two runs in the Appalachians in western North Carolina in late November. Not cold for some, but for someone used to the temperatures in central Florida, 27 F is cold.
Swimming: Blaine Triathlon water temp in the low 60’s (no wetsuit)
Cycling: December work commute, 21 miles 19° f, 13 mph winds, flurries (Ride home that night was a balmy 25°)
Running: 5 mile training run -3° f last winter
Coldest run. A 10k where it started snowing as the gun went off. At the turnaround (out-and-back course), the wind changed and it started snowing harder directly into the runners. When I crossed the finish, the entire front of my black fleece pants were white, the back was still dry and black. I was thankful for the sunglasses that kept the snow and freezing wind out of my eyes.
Just experienced my coldest run Thursday morning (Jan 24th). Had 4 layers on my upper body and wore my regular tights. The temp was -14°C and -24°C with the wind chill. My upper body was perfect, no over heating & not cold, but my legs & feet? Oh boy, way too cold. Definitely could have used an extra layer.
Before the run my bf said “Runner’s high must be like on heroin”. Yeah, pretty much.
Trail run in over a foot of snow that I thought would be packed down alot more than it was. Took 30 mins to go 2 miles and heart rate constantly around 160-170…and my feet were brrrrrrrr…since I wasn’t getting moving alot to keep warm.
8 degrees F with wind. As anticipated, fule belt water bottles froze. It did catch me by surprise when my GU gel froze too. I put the second one in my glove to get it thawed and softened up.
This winter during the holiday break I went for a 10 mi. run with a friend where the temp was -2* F with out the wind chill. Few things got a bit frozen on that run some less pleasent than others.
Sunday predawn long runs in the winter training for Boston, all I really remember is the cold wind in my face on the last couple of miles before home.
This week has been the coldest of the year here in Detroit (0 F) but that hasn’t kept us off the bike. Planning a 3.5 hour ride this weekend.
My coldest cycle was about 3 weeks ago, it doesn’t get too cold here but it was -2C… I dressed for it but could still feel it everywhere, the coldest part of me were my feet. So cold that they malfunctioned at the crucial cleat unclipping time… you guessed it I ended up in a heap still attached to the bike, hands still gripping the handlebars right at a very busy pedestrian crossing. Needless to say most of them laughed. :(
My coldest run was -35C with windchill. It was 1.5hrs long and I ran along the river at night with not a soul in sight. It was awesome….and cold.
Hey – I live in sunny California – it doesn’t get cold here. :) It gets chilly….My favorite was a morning run, when an older gentleman out for a walk with his wife asked me where the rest of my pants were. I laughed and told him that the running was keeping my legs warm…”See how pink they are? They are nice and warm!” I told him. He and his wife just chuckled and kept walking the other way.
Riding in 17* F with a windchill of 5. That successfully put a stop to it :)
Coldest run was around 10ºF. Nothing special here, just crunching through the snow on neighborhood roads with my wife. Biking was around 15ºF, solo on country roads. By the time I was at the half way point my gloves had built up some frost.
Several years ago at the Philly Marathon. The temp dropped during the middle of the race and with the decrease in my speed towards the end I was freezing. My husband who was waiting for me at the finish line likes to joke that I shivered across the line that year! To make matters worse there was a huge back-up at the bag pick-up line and it took forever to get my warm gear.
During a run this week along Chicago’s Lake Michigan, the water in my water bottle froze. While it was certainly not the coldest or worst weather I’ve run in (that would probably be a fun run I did with hubby along the lakefront during a blizzard; even the run I did the day earlier was in colder weather), the fact is that this was a run in below freezing conditions that required me to bring a water bottle. It was a long(er) & fast(er) run. I was doing 8.5 miles of speed work, prepping for my *first* Boston Marathon. (Not bad for this FastTwitchGirl!) And that is why the frozen water in my water bottle made me feel especially hard core.
First time in NYC last December 2011 and I ran in central park early morning only for a few rounds and it was so freezing cold that I didn’t even sweat!
Running a winter coastal marathon in a cotton t-shirt. The throughly-soaked clothes combined with strong winds from the sea made for an unforgettable experience.
Coldest Run – 7* in Alabama. 10mi race. Finished with ice coating
Coldest Swim – 20* in Alabama. Stripped on the pool deck, jumped in, swam. minimized the rest intervals. clothes wer frozen upon finishing.
Coldest Bike – 50*. I’m a wus, and run to the trainer when it’s less than that.
Coldest run I can remember was yesterday (20 F) – I live in DC and (as you know) it hasn’t been this cold in 2 years!
The day I got my running mitts, always ran in gloves and froze my fingers, was bliss
Coldest run was 2 days ago, between my car and the office. It was -29C (-20F), -44C (-47F) with the windchill.
My coldest run was actually my first 5K last February. The temperature was in the low 50s and I was bundled up with long pants and a long sleeved shirt. At the time I really wished I had a beanie since my ears got a little chilly on the run. C’est la vie. I’m just happy it doesn’t get as cold as some of your runs here in Florida!
i’m really like to run at cold. Cause i’m living in Russia )) No bears, no vodka, just clean air, white forest and you are alone..
My coldest this year was 10 degrees F…just a lovely morning run through the local trails. I was geared up for a night-time run in zero degrees F this week but hit the treadmill instead.
I only recently started running and live in Georgia so not a lot of cold weather running. We lived in Wisconsin for two winters. At that time my wife ran in zero and below conditions. Does that count? Maybe if I win she gets the watch…:-)
I live in the south so am used to warmer temps. Three years ago while training for a marathon, two of my long runs were done with snow on the ground. Snow is unheard where I live!!!
Lycra shorts and jersey while MTBing over Mt Snowdon in Winter. The wind picked up, the rain turned to snow and two of our group got hypothermia. Fun times.
It was January 2012 and I was training for my first marathon which was to be in May. It was 14 degrees, a cross wind and the paved Monon Trail was ice and snow covered…Every bead of sweat from my head was collecting in my eye brows and I had baby icicles hanging from them. It looked cool and they we slowly getting longer to interfere with my sight, I had to break them off. It was deathly cold.
While training for my first half marathon I did a late night run… -41 + wind chill …. Was so cold I felt naked…. I finished the 12K run and never looked back.
The last cold bike ride I did was 30 miles and I had to stop 10 miles in to break the ice in my water bottle.
training swim in Lake Ontario in June water temp about 58 degrees – decided to wear my sleevless wetsuit – body was warm but face and arms were frozen when I got out
Coldest run of the year thus far was a 2 degree run at 6 AM in Michigan. Ice everywhere. Didn’t care. Loved it
Coldest run was between the hot tub and the house this week. We’ve had one night where it was -45F with the windchill!
30 degrees fahrenheit (-1.11 C) run with a cold mist. It was windy as well, but the mist felt like it was hitting my bones. Once I got in 2-3 miles, I was sorta comfortable for the remainder of the run. The hands never got comfortable, even with gloves on. Still, I enjoy running in the cold over heat.
Coldest run was on Tuesday. 5F and -5F windchill with 2 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of gloves and 4 layers of shirts+jacket. The water bottles froze and the socks wicked (good) and then refroze and were crunchy (bad).
Not a runner, but living in Manitoba my notion of cold is a little different. Anyway, this october when it hit -10C and my powertap stopped working outside, i figured out it was time to move my training indoors (or start xc-skiing soon)
I’m a big weather wuss, so my coldest run was probably in the low 20’s. Colder than that, I run on a treadmill.
My coldest run was -5°C. I cannot say I liked it and decided to spent more time on the indoor bike.
Only started running last summer, so this is my first winter and it’s not that cold here in the UK, by world standards. My coldest was a 10k in Battersea Park (London) back in November last year – 8am start, in the rain. Probably not actually that cold compared to recent snowy weather, but wearing fewer layers it was the coldest I’ve been on the start line. Still, ran a PB!
I’m from Kansas, so not as cold as most of yours, but went out a couple weeks ago in 1 degree wind chill, I got a little warm going with the wind so pulled my hood down by the time we turned around and headed into the wind my hood had frozen.
My coldest run was around 10 F, felt like -10 or something like that… but it was more bearable than swimming in a freezing cold swimming pool!! (Yes, I think 75 F is cold for pool water.)
I’ve had some cold runs and bikes, but recently it’s the swim that’s leaving me frigid. Outdoor swim with the sun going down, and the heater not turned on in the pool made for a fun cold evening.
I was in Utah on business and went for a 30 F run. Not all that cold, but pretty dang cold for this Southern California native. I had all the right layers on except for gloves. My wind pants were fine. My thin fleece over tech shirt was warm and wind blocking. But my wimpy little tech-material San Diego gloves were no match for even the slightest of breezes in that temp, and then the wind picked up at the half-way point.
I’ve since gotten some fleece wind-blocking running gloves for the arsenal.
Coldest run — last winter temp of 2, wind chill -10. Running by the ocean so wind was constant. Did only 4 miles but the cold was so intense my watering eyes and nose all froze on my face.
Love it when my eyebrows and face form frozen sweat crystals during cold runs
4hrs -5C bike ride. i thought i lost my thumbs!
Weather here (Lisbon) doesn’t get very cold, but the lowest temperature I’ve ever run on was 1ºC. It was also one of my loneliest runs ever, since most people here are “allergic” to cold.