With less than a week left in May, spring is flying by! I’ve been trying to plan out weekends for the next two months, coveting a way to spend each weekend day, usually in the great outdoors. And often based around training or racing schedules.
Tonight ended up being a perfect BBQ night after a nearly 2hr brick with hill repeats, and thus hopefully the start of many more warm spring hill & BBQ nights. So with no more complex reason than that, I’m giving away a Timex Marathon GPS unit.
The best thing though is you’ve got nothing more to do than leave a single comment below (multiple comments don’t count around these parts!). Simply answer the question below:
What are your training and/or racing plans for this weekend ahead (Apr 27-29th)?
For those curious, I’ll be doing a 10-mile trail run at Fountainhead on Saturday, and a 40ish mile bike ride on Skyline on Sunday. Definitely looking forward to both!
The entry period will run until Friday Apr 27th, 2012 at 11:59PM Eastern Time, at which point I’ll close the entry period and randomly select a winner. Like the all my giveaways there are no restrictions on where the goods go to – so no matter where in the world you are, I’ll send to you. The winner will get a brand new Timex Marathon GPS unit.
As I do from time to time (though, it’s been a while), this particular giveaway is sponsored by one of the site sponsors (BeMultisport.com), which is an online sports device retailer based just down the road from me. They paid for the unit, though I’ll pay for the shipping (which, come to think of it, if you’re in Uzbekistan may actually end costing more than the unit itself…). As always, supporting site sponsors helps support the site. Circle of life thing.
(Note: If you’re active duty US military and deployed, simply shoot me an e-mail and I’ll get ya entered in. For those curious on how the giveaways work, here’s the deets. Through careful planning I picked up a handful of them when they first came available…just so I could give them away to you. Thanks all!)
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Hi Ray,
Plan for a wednesday 10k easy run, thursday 10k pace run and a LSD 20k on Saturday. Prepare for my 10k run in 5th May.
Benjamin from Malaysia@KL
The wife has a family member getting married in Omaha this weekend. I’ve got a 20 miler on tap for Saturday, so I’ll be shuffling through the corn fields of NE somewhere…
Try to get in 3-4 mile run as I recover from a knee injury.
No specific training plan for the weekend but I am planning on getting back to running again in time for the December marathons.
Will be trying to replicate an SVT while wearing a Holter Monitor. Probably an easy Saturday run and a long run on Sunday.
“Raced” a half-marathon last weekend, so I will take it easy this weekend. Probably road ride & a shorter run.
A couple of nice runs lined up for the weekend, including a LT test on Sunday.
Get to mix in celebrating the wife’s Birthday on Saturday, which includes a massage for me as well!
Lilac Century Ride on Sunday
Love the reviews. Been trying to get a GPS watch used for a while now. Scored a Timex Global Trainer and has the confidence to purchase it based on your reviews. Keep up the good work!
half marathon in Cheshire, CT
Long pool swim on friday
Bike/Run Brick and long run
Hi Ray,
I’m recovering from ITBS, so 5 miles, every two days is my diet (till my physician says otherwise).
I will be doing a 80 mile bike ride on Saturday and recovering on Sunday! Thanks Ray!
Doing the Kapas Marang swim, which is a 6.5K open water swim where they drop us off on an island in north-eastern malaysia and we have to swim back to mainland. Fun!!
Beer Mile at the Spring Picnic for my Tri Club…Training started in college.
Also tapering for Rev3 Knoxville half…and studying your car crash post.
Planning to run the Thunder Over the Blueridge this weekend. Just a heads up, this is April… not May. “With less than a week left in May, spring is flying by!”
I’ve got a 2hr zone 2 run with 3 min surges on Saturday!
No racing for me this weekend, but I hope to get in my first proper long run for a while. 20+ miles on the trails should do it!
12+ miler in good old Tosa town
Friday: Swim & run
Saturday: bike and maybe run
Sunday: slack line and relax :)
Plan on 5k Race Followed by 100 miles in the mountains riding Saturday then a hilly long brick Sunday. Should be good for 200 miles.
I am flying to Phoenix to hike the grand canyon this weekend. I guess that counts as some training right?
8 mile run Friday
Kayak Saturday
Hills from Hell Bike Ride Sunday
Looking forward to the weekend (DUH, I guess we all are…!)
Running, coaching, and running some more!
Friday—easy 6 mile run. Saturday easy 1:00 bike. Sunday—80m bike/8m run.
Saturday: Swim / Bike 45min / 2hrs
Sunday: Trail Run: 2hrs
I am doing the University City Duathlon over in Charlotte, my first Duathlon ever!
Probably very little in the way of training. I’m an accountant in Canada. Our income tax returns are due April 30 so I’m sure I’ll be at the office all weekend cleaning up returns for all of the last minute people!
I’ll be doing a nice 40 mile bike ride on Saturday then a sweet 14 miler run on Sunday. The weather will be beautiful in San Francisco!
Awesome! Thanks for the giveaways as always. My weekend training plan is a 12 mile run on Saturday and 45 mile bike ride on Sunday!
Awesome! Thanks for the giveaways as always. My weekend training plan is a 12 mile run on Saturday and 45 mile bike ride on Sunday!
on tap for the rest of this week is a couple more swims, a new more trinaer rides and a long run on Saturday.
Running the Thunder Over the Blueridge this weekend. Just a heads-up, it’s still April… not May. “With less than a week left in May, spring is flying by!” Must be all that traveling you’ve been doing.
Get in Gear 10k in MN!
I’m scheduled to run a 10 miler with a new running buddy – starting at the Columbia Marina in DC.
Saturday:20k following River Guaiba
Sunday: Rest
After a 70.3 last weekend, this is a recovery weekend: I will cut the grass, then fall asleep in front of the TV while watching a backlog of cycling coverage.
Getting a 20km long run in, and hoping to spend some time in the pool, to improve my stroke and kick efficiency! Cheers!
This week is quite exciting for me with my training volume peaking.
Friday: rest
Saturday: 12 miles – 1000ft
Sunday: 25 miles – 2500ft
That should make it a 65 miles week…enough to be ready for my first 50km in 3 weeks!
On a recovery week, so easy swim and run, with some chasing-the-kids-round-the-garden for cross training.
Kemah Olympic Triathlon in Kemah Texas. with a 1.5 hour run afterward to prep for IMTX.
One week from now I’ll be one of the 3:30 pacers in the Limerick marathon here in Ireland, so my training this weekend will be a medium run on Saturday (12 miles) and a reasonably long run on Sunday (17 miles) at about 8-minute pace, using it as a test for the marathon.
For a pace a GPS watch is absolutely vital. It would come in very, very handy. ;-)
I’m planning a 10K trail run on Saturday and a nice relaxing kayak on Sunday.
I could use one to help train for my first distance race!
50 Mile ride Sat in Reston for Pauls Ride for life and a 10 mile run on Sunday
Friday – 1,400 yard swim followed by a 1-1/2 hour ride on the trainer
Saturday – day off (camping so maybe a hike)
Sunday – 1 hour run
I plan on going for a short run and doing lots of biking.
Lots of icing and foam rolling my IT band :(.
My training plans are sticking with some fast paced runs and a strength training class.
I’ve got the first of 3 20-milers this weekend – getting ready fro Grandma’s marathon!
I plan to stay at home for another weekend nursing my two broken feet back to health. You did read that correctly, I broke a bone in each foot, separately 8 days apart….
swim, run. not necessarily in that order..
I’ll be riding my first 100 miler ever. Eeks! I just hope the weather holds up.
Have a great weekend and thanks for the giveaway!
Very excited to take a short vacation in NC this weekend
Friday: Long Trail Run
Saturday: Recovery run on the beach
Sunday: Speed work in the sand
Saturday – 50+ miles on the road Bike
Sunday – 20is trail miles on the trail *weather permitting*
Hong Kong Dragons Triathlon Club 48 km individual time trial on Saturday morning in Tung Chung. 2 km Hong Kong Amateur Swim Association Open Water Championship Race in Tai Mei Tuk Sunday morning. Thank you for offering this give away. I very much appreciate the efforts that you put into maintaining your web site.
The watch looks great! This weekend I’m going for my first long run since injuring my achilles last month. I’ll consider a racing again when I get back to at least 45mpw.
Camping in Oklahoma this weekend – for Saturday planning an interval session on the bike on (hopefully) quiet and clear Oklahoma country roads. Then on Sunday a 30-35 minute open water swim in the lake at the campsite.
Thanks Ray!
hello! training for 1/2IM, itis cold and wet here in Costa Rica, but still nice!
I am registed for a 75Km MTB race in Arraiolos.
study for my antitrust final without eating too many starbursts and maybe sneak in a run.
Long bike/ short run brick on Saturday, although I may run a 5k instead of the run portion of the day. Sunday I’m doing my long swim and a medium bike ride.
Still following your great blog. Still hoping to win one of theese.
Thanks for the give away.
Saturday 90 min trail run, Sunday 2 hr road bike
got a 30k slow run planned in the coast dunes near the hague.
I’ll be doing 20 Miles Cycling and 4 mile jog getting ready for my first Tri Sprint.
Bummer of a weekend. Just recovering from some surgery and will not be able to ride until next week. Thanks for the giveaways.
80 km bike ride!
I’m probably gonna lay in bed all weekend, both kids are sick at the moment so I’m next?
Finals are around the corner, so I’ll be venting my stress on the roads around the National Mall. A hard six miler should do the trick.
40 mile ride on Saturday (moderate)
EZ 6 miles on Sunday.
It’s a taper weekend before Wildflower, which I’m not doing, but all my training partners are. So I’m tapering for a race I’m not doing… hmmm…
Josh in Trabuco Canyon
This weekend is just trying to get through a long work weekend. Back to training next weekend!
A recovery run, a medium swim, and a long bike ride followed by watching the Athens Twilight Criterium.
Thanks Ray.
Just a small time 50+ 5k runner here. Having fun but slow. :)
Weekend will consist of some interval training for next weeks race. And training I need!
First weekend without racing for 2 months so I’ll just enjoying riding again. Big mtb ride Saturday, big road ride Sunday.
Recovering from an oly tri last weekend so easy run on Saturday, but 60+ ride on Sunday. Still waiting for friends to help decide the route.
I don’t know. Training schedule didn’t come out yet. Probably a long bike ride followed by a short run. Hopefully not swimming where they recently saw a tiger shark.
Running the OKC Memorial Marathon!
I plan to bike 10 miles Friday afternoon, run 10 miles on Saturday, and take a walk on Sunday.
Three hour ride in Central Park with some tempo efforts, with quick brick off the bike. 5K swim and EZ 8 mile run on Sunday. Woohoo for Weekend volume!
I have a 30k zone two run this saturday then a 2 hr zone 2 sunday, b2b getting the ultra training in
My plans for Saturday morning:
link to connect.garmin.com
Sadly, I will be on call the whole weekend, so no training or racing for me.
I am planning a 10m run on saturday
Friday – Going to music events in Toronto
Satuday – 5-10 km bike ride depending on the weather
Sunday – Strength training session at the gym
British Mountain Bike Orientearing Champs on Saturday. 3 Hour MTBO Score event on Sunday.
Looking forward to racing my first sprint tri of the season in Athens OH! Forecast is cold, though, so not excited about that.
Hi, this week my training will be focused on the last long run before the Copenhagen Training.
Ale – Italy
Planning an easy 10K run this Saturday. All the best to you!
hi ray 2 runs this weekend 6 miler on saturday and my long run 14 on sunday ! find your strong !! thanks montecristo65@live.com
Will I finally be lucky this time round?
18 km in slow tempo saturday plus 8 km “fartlek” sunday.
Half Marathon this weekend in Louisville,KY for Kentucky Derby festivities. Should be great fun.
I plan to be hiking in the Enchantment Lakes area of the Cascade Mountains of Washington State this weekend
10 miles on Saturday followed by 14 miles on Sunday. Gotta get those miles in!
Racing the Kemah Triathlon on Sunday. “A” Race!!
Hi Ray,
Long run (90min) for Saturday. Have a 5k on May 4.
I just finished my 2nd collegiate cycling season and am planning on just going on a somewhat relaxed 50+ mile ride with some of my teammates to just enjoy the awesome weather that MT is having right now.