Timex Marathon GPS Giveaway!


With less than a week left in May, spring is flying by!  I’ve been trying to plan out weekends for the next two months, coveting a way to spend each weekend day, usually in the great outdoors.  And often based around training or racing schedules.

Tonight ended up being a perfect BBQ night after a nearly 2hr brick with hill repeats, and thus hopefully the start of many more warm spring hill & BBQ nights.  So with no more complex reason than that, I’m giving away a Timex Marathon GPS unit.


The best thing though is you’ve got nothing more to do than leave a single comment below (multiple comments don’t count around these parts!).  Simply answer the question below:

What are your training and/or racing plans for this weekend ahead (Apr 27-29th)?

For those curious, I’ll be doing a 10-mile trail run at Fountainhead on Saturday, and a 40ish mile bike ride on Skyline on Sunday.  Definitely looking forward to both!

The entry period will run until Friday Apr 27th, 2012 at 11:59PM Eastern Time, at which point I’ll close the entry period and randomly select a winner. Like the all my giveaways there are no restrictions on where the goods go to – so no matter where in the world you are, I’ll send to you. The winner will get a brand new Timex Marathon GPS unit.

As I do from time to time (though, it’s been a while), this particular giveaway is sponsored by one of the site sponsors (BeMultisport.com), which is an online sports device retailer based just down the road from me.  They paid for the unit, though I’ll pay for the shipping (which, come to think of it, if you’re in Uzbekistan may actually end costing more than the unit itself…).  As always, supporting site sponsors helps support the site.  Circle of life thing.


(Note: If you’re active duty US military and deployed, simply shoot me an e-mail and I’ll get ya entered in. For those curious on how the giveaways work, here’s the deets. Through careful planning I picked up a handful of them when they first came available…just so I could give them away to you. Thanks all!)


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  1. JAB

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No training this weekend… lactate test on monday!

  3. Looks like an awesome watch

  4. Looks like an awesome watch

  5. Looks like an awesome watch

  6. Tom

    Virtual ride spinning class on Saturday

  7. I am planning some indoor climbing.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Planned Half Marathon this weekend however I suffered an achilles injury on Tuesday so now I have full weekend of rest…. :(

  10. Kisstoney

    30km road bike race with the Fiji crew (there’s only about 10 of us on a good day)

  11. I’m going to run 16 miles!! (:

  12. DSK

    Saturday will involve some 12-oz curls inside in front of the TV, since it should be pissing rain. Sunday is bike day – maybe up through College Park and around the Beltway generally through Bethesda and up to Potomac? Who knows. I’m making it up as I go along.

  13. Saturday-long ride+coffee (the most important bit)
    Sunday-60min run

  14. No training this weekend because it is JAZZFEST!!!!

  15. Just finished a half last weekend, so this weekend is just for fun!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Long hard ride. 80+ miles!

  18. Friday: Game of handball
    Sunday: Swim and relax

  19. Anonymous

    10km run Friday once the sun drops a bit. Then a short 5km fun run race through Dumaguete, Philippines.

  20. I’ve got a short 6 mile trail race in the Appalachian Mountains. Loved my Timex Run Trainer GPS but gave it to a friend. This watch looks awesome.

  21. Absolutely none. I’m taking the weekend off. Hey, you never said that it had to be a workout!

  22. didnt put a name down on last comment…arghh
    10km today and the Dumaguete race on Sunday.

  23. On Sunday, I’ll be running in my 1st ever race, a 5k!

  24. Anonymous

    I’m doing the Lost Creek Trail Run 30K this Sat.

  25. Phil L

    Friday – Watching AFL afterwork.

    Saturday – A bike ride of undetermined length and later a 5km run.

    Sunday – A 12km run with my friends.

  26. team ride Saturday, celebrate my birthday with my brother (who’s in town from England, where he lives), then maybe a slow ride with friends on Sunday. Looking forward to this weekend!

  27. Sat: 4-hour ride as: 1hour warm-up, 1hour repeating 10min tempo and 10min easy, 1 hour repeating 5min hard and 5min easy, final hour easy, followed by half hour transition run
    Sun: 1:45 run as: 1hour warm up, 30min tempo, 15min cool down. Then into the garden to get planting.

  28. Highland Dance competition for my girls this weekend… not sure I’ll get any training done. If the weather holds, hopefully I can get out Friday.

  29. A cold weekend of training on the Mooseman 70.3 course!

  30. 3.5 hour bike on Saturday and a 2.5 hour/50 minute brick on Sunday.

  31. Friday 27th: attend yoga class in the morning (if I wake up in time ;) Then either threshold run ~10km, or rest. After that; massage.
    Saturday: Probably run a spinning class or two, or attend BodyPump (and perhaps CXWorx class)
    Sunday: possibly LSD run 16-28km, depending on status

  32. preview of my first olympic course and 6 mi run!

  33. Saturday AM 42 mile hammerfest with the local roadies; Sunday chasing my kids…

  34. msaravan188

    putting my fixie and road bike away, and doing my first ride of the year on my tri bike …

  35. Saturday will be Treadmill 5Mi Tempo.
    Weather looks good this Sunday, so it will be Road biking ~30Mi

  36. I’m traveling to Scottsdale and hope to get a short hike in.

  37. Here in Russia we’re going to have an extended weekend for 29-30-1 instead :)
    So, the plan is:
    Run twice (15+15 km)
    Bike once (3 hours at least)

  38. Traveling to Scottsdale but I hope to get in a short hike.

  39. Lots of family stuff, so will squeeze in what fits. Need speed work on the run, distance on the bike.

  40. neradms@gmail.com

    I’m starting to train for a half-marathon in September!

  41. Zombie Dash 5K for me on Saturday. Thanks!

  42. Elive

    I’ll be riding 30 miles Saturday morning then right to my son’s t-ball game. Sunday is a recovery day!!! (Which means yard work…) Thanks for the giveaway!!

  43. TrainerRoad ROCKS!

    link to trainerroad.com

    Just started cycling and 35 workouts in my power is climbing!!!

    My weekend Training Plan is to CONCUR the last ride in the Intermediate Base II plan called Powell. It’s a 1:30hr ride of 12 3min intervals above my functional threshold.

  44. Saturday: Hot yoga to start a busy day right.

    Sunday: A 5 mile run before lifting some weights in the gym.

  45. Jerod Tufte

    End of taper: 8 miles fairly easy on the trails nearby.

  46. I am off on an 8 miler this weekend. Will be my longest to date!

  47. Rich M

    I am off on an 8 miler this weekend. Will be my longest to date!

  48. Rich M

    Off on an 8 miler Sunday! woo!

  49. I have my first tri in 2 weeks and is an ocean swim… I will be out this weekend swimming at the beach practicing my spotting and open water swimming :) nervous but excited

  50. Joe

    Going for 100 mile ride. Looking for the hills!

  51. Joe

    going out for a 100 mile bike ride . followed by a 10 k

  52. CJM

    Hey There..

    I have a recovery day, a 25k trail run and a 64k cycling jaunt over the weekend. Great site, I love your articles. Very detailed, I am making some purchasing decisions now based on them in fact.



  53. DawnG

    Going for a run before a wedding. I’m hoping to squeeze in 11 miles on Saturday.

  54. Easy weekend, a light run on Saturday and a brick on sunday

  55. I’m planning to run 10km this weekend.. :)

  56. Tom H

    10 mile run/25 mile ride/2 mile swim. Building aerobic base.

  57. NVB

    Nick V B
    I will be looking to get in a 7 mile run on Saturday and a 20 mile bike ride in on Sunday. Medtronic 10 mile race coming up so getting ready for that.

  58. I’m getting ready for my second half marathon and hope to get a PR along with a brand new free Timex watch :-)

  59. Just riding with my friends for 100km.

  60. Watching friends doing St Anthony’s and a some long workouts for IMLOU

  61. Aurimas

    Had a problem with a knee for the last couple of weeks, so 5k run on Friday. If the knee is ok, 10k on Saturday or Sunday.

  62. Friday and Saturday are supposed to be 5 mile runs, though I might skip Friday’s because we’ll be driving up that day and then turning the heat and water on at our trailer, plus unpacking all the stuff we brought up and dealing with our two very excited children.

    Sunday will be a 20-mile run along Hwy 34/Trail Ridge Road into the west side of Rocky Mountain National Park and back. Good news: I live in Denver so I’m not a flatlander. Bad news: the first runs of the season at altitude still take some adjustment. I’m crossing my fingers about the 20-miler!

  63. Joe G

    18 miler long run and some light biking! also skydiving but that’s not training is it?

  64. I will be resting Friday. Saturday and Sunday I will be training. I will be in Port Gibson, Ms for a trail run/hike from Owens Creek through Rocky Springs eventually ending at NST trailhead! This is approx. 7 miles. I am looking forward to it. Sunday I have upper body at the gym.

  65. Part two of Boston 2 Big Sur is up this weekend; a 26.2 mile stroll on the beach…

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Saturday – 9 mile trail run. Sunday – 40ish bike ride. Enjoy!

  68. Saturday – 9 mile trail run. Sunday – 40ish bike ride. Enjoy!

  69. Planing to do some interval training D3 on Saturday and power on Sunday. Monday it’s Queens day over here.

  70. Anonymous

    Gabe Here! My first 1/2 marathon trail race Sunday! Thanks for the contest! ohanlen@mac.com

  71. Mountain biking with my daughter on a stretch of trail near Daniel’s Park open space here in sunny Colorado.

  72. Melanie

    I will train for an upcoming 5k and spend time with loved ones :-)

  73. could do with a new gadget – thanks for the giveaway.

  74. Weather has been terrible here in the UK, so with a break in the rain its time to pack some miles in, so:

    Friday: Solo 50M ride
    Saturday: Group (=Hammer Time!) 65M ride
    Sunday: 10M easy run with my boy on his Cross bike.

  75. Work Saturday

    10m TT and a run Sunday

  76. Dan

    Last big training run in preparation for a 50 mile trail run coming up in a few weeks.

    Morgan Hill, CA

  77. I am hoping to squeeze in mtb trails both days this weekend. After two weeks of rain here it is finally claering up so I’m hoping for a couple of sunny rides!

  78. I will start running again, after a long injury period (3 weeks). I can’t wait!

  79. Fri- 7 mile run
    Sat- Easy 3 mile trail run
    Sun- 5 mile town run

  80. andrea

    today: 10Km training (road)
    saturday: 12Km race (road)
    sunday: tannis (maybe…)

    ca.pattacini [at] gmail.com

  81. SandyP

    starting wk 2 of c25k…baby steps to ultimate dream of running a marathon.

  82. Short training run. Im still recovering from an injury.

  83. Saturday: Flying to Mallorca
    Sunday: training for OMM eXtreme marathon: Swim 2k in the ocean and run 2 hours in the mountain with my girlfriend.

  84. Saturday: Flying to Mallorca
    Sunday: training for OMM eXtreme marathon: Swim 2k in the ocean and run 2 hours in the mountain with my girlfriend.

  85. Hi,

    Great reviews and interesting posts.

    Just a run planned this weekend disguised as a hockey (on turf) game, followed by a trail run.


  86. Long ride on my bike (90 km) + looongg run (21 km). I’m in training for 70.3 Italy

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. This watch looks very promising!

  89. Ole

    This weekends training is a long bikeride (130 km) to prepare for Aarhus – Copenhagen 375 km the 1. September.
    Happy training to everybody :-)

  90. Doing a couple of rides on computrainer. Too cool in Australia.

  91. Doing a couple of rides on computrainer. Too cool in Australia.

  92. I’m gonna do a 1h15 run saturday, starting to prepare a 10k in june.

  93. Friday there’s a soccer game on the agenda. Then on Sunday I will take my new Eddy Merckx AMX-1 for å 50 km ride.

  94. Today: 40 minute easy run
    Saturday: 2 hr road ride
    Sunday: 15km long run

  95. Bethany

    I’m planning on running 16-18 miles, doing some strength training and getting in the pool for a long swim!

  96. 50 min crit on Saturday and 7 mil 2500ft uphill time trial on Sunday. Ouch

  97. I’ve just spent 4 days locked in a room working on a RFI… being in the business that you are in, you know exactly how I feel… run time tomorrow…

  98. 20k club event on sunday morning.

  99. Nasu

    Will go check out a training group for the Melbourne (half) marathon in the city :)